Guided by the goal of ensuring that family caregivers have the knowledge they need to care for their loved ones, her work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, and she was recently named one of Media Industry News’ "RisingStars in Media."


Doctors are already aware of the genetic components that can increase a person's risk for developing early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Scientists from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine believe they have found a link between genes and dementia resistance.

More than one million seniors are infected with the Hep C virus, but many don't even know they have the disease. Early diagnosis of HCV leads to better treatment outcomes. Add the test to your routine medical screening.

Whether you’ve been named as someone else’s power of attorney (POA) or you’re looking to appoint one for yourself, know what rights, responsibilities and limitations come with this legal designation.

A federal report investigates dozens of factors that impact the health and overall well-being of today's seniors. These factors include things like: life expectancy, housing problems, chronic health conditions, and level of physical activity.

A recent analysis of the medications commonly prescribed to older adults reveals that a significant percentage of meds are unnecessarily prescribed and can be harmful to seniors.

We describe ourselves by pointing to the most prominent role we play at any given point in time. For people taking care of an elderly loved one, this role is often caregiver. Here are 5 ways to define yourself by more than a caregiver.

Many states have adopted laws requiring voters to present identification before they cast a ballot. Seniors who don't have a valid ID may not be allowed to vote. Make sure your loved one is prepared before they go to the polls.

Countless political ads have flooded the media over the past few months, leaving confusion and chaos in their wake. Separating fact from embellished fiction is nearly impossible for the average voter.

You may not have the time or finances to hire a massage therapist, but you can still reap the benefits of a relaxing massage. Here are some self-massage techniques that you can do with everyday household items: a pencil, a sock, and two tennis balls.

Despite the benefits of palliative medicine, many terminally ill seniors only receive hospice care for a few days or weeks before passing away. Why is it so difficult for families to seek comfort care for dying loved ones?

The top senior-friendly vehicles according to Consumer Reports. Companies are beginning to include extra features in vehicles that assist older adults who are still safely behind the wheel.

Women with multiple children may have a preference for which of their offspring will act as their caregiver when they get older. A study finds that older women experience heightened levels of stress when cared for by a child who isn't their first choice.

Election season con artists turn election issues and anxiety into opportunities to steal the money and identities of unsuspecting Americans.

Older adults are uniquely susceptible to developing the most serious form of the disease, which sometimes results in paralysis and death.

It is important to learn how to be your own best friend and love yourself in order to be there and care for others. Here are some tips to learn to be your own best friend when caring for your elderly loved one.

Alzheimer's sufferers have access to an additional treatment option, due to the recent FDA approval of a higher dosage of Exelon patch—a commonly prescribed drug for people with mild to moderate forms of the disease.

As an alternative to a nursing home, this VA program matches ex-military personnel with people in their community who have decided to open their personal homes and act as caregivers.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease than their male counterparts. A new study indicates that women with Alzheimer's may also experience a more rapid decline in their mental abilities.

If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, stop counting sheep and turn your attention to your diet. What you eat and drink before bed can have a huge impact on sleep quality.

The average senior pays nearly $39,000 in out-of-pocket medical costs during their final five years of life, even when most of their expenses are covered by Medicare, according to a recent analysis. Out-of-pocket costs soar for many on medicare.

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