John L. Roberts, J.D., is an Elder Law Attorney serving clients in Hampden County, MA. After practicing for 15 years, he confronted the challenges of family caregiving when his own father developed dementia. The experience transformed his practice, enabling him to help clients who are family caregivers from a place of true understanding.



As POA, do I have the authority to take out my mom's money in her nursing home trust account and put it in a s...

Is Medicaid paying for your Mom's care? If "yes," it's your duty under the Power of Attorney document to manage her... see more


I am concerned that because I have a pension of $1650.00 and SS of $1400.00. Will I never qualify?

You are wise to begin planning now. You're managing for three generations, and an elder law attorney can help you keep apples with... see more


Who do I appoint as my financial POA when I do not have family?

You are very wise to ask this question now, at a time when you are still able to express your wishes and intentions. People who outlive... see more


Can a durable POA relocate his Mother with Alzheimer's?

Does Power of Attorney address the issue of health care and treatment? Does the patient have a health care proxy and POA for health care?... see more


My mother recently passed, and the nursing home refuses to return the balance in her trust to her family. What...

Did your family pay for funeral or burial, or any other expenses of administering your mother's estate? You may have priority under... see more


What can I do about my sister not taking care of our mom?

No one can put a price on the pain and suffering that can result from sores and neglect. To protect your Mother's health, you could... see more


What are pros and cons of setting up a real estate trust for the home my parent owns and lives in?

The first thing we need to know is whether your parent is competent to establish a trust, and sign a deed transferring the real estate into... see more


Where to find help with adult diapers?

Contact the ASAP (Aging Services Access Point) in your area for eligibility, screening and information on homecare programs available to... see more


Do nursing homes run credit check before accepting patients?

The nursing home will want to know how the care will be paid for. Talk with an elder law attorney in your state to determine the options... see more


Does Medicaid honor back-pay for personal care agreements?

Now is the time for you to talk with an elder law attorney in your state. Think for a moment about how the Medicaid system in your state... see more


Would short term nursing care and medical services be subject to repayment by Medicaid?

How old is the patient? Federal Medicaid law requires recovery for Medicaid paid medical bills from a person's estate IF the recipient... see more


Mom recently passed, do we continue to pay the credit cards or do we let them lapse until executor is set up?

Now is the time to visit with a Probate Attorney in your state. State law sets the rules for enforcement of debts against a decedent. ... see more


What is the best thing to do with nursing home and Medicaid?

Your understanding about your Mom's income is correct. When Medicaid starts paying for her nursing home care, her patient paid amount... see more


Is Medicaid based on both our incomes? members have posted some great answers to this question. The best advice to start with is from OldBob1936, who recommends... see more


Is it worth it to pay a lawyer to help file for Medicaid?

This is a great question, and there are several good comments posted by members of our community. One of the members... see more


What to do about a sibling who is not on board about selling Mom's home?

The decision to sell a home can bring out many emotions, some of them very painful. If your Mom has an elder law attorney, consider talking... see more


How do I go about having the house signed over to me?

Now is the time to talk to an elder law attorney who practices in your area. If your mother's physician is able to certify that you... see more


I need Medicaid spend down ideas for Mom. Anybody have suggestions?

You didn't mention where you and your Mom are on the elder care timeline. Is your Mom still at home, and you're seeking to qualify... see more


I'm not in hubbys will but we have joint checking and savings. Does the house we live in and bank accounts bec...

Yes, now is the time to talk with an estate planning attorney who understands the elder law issues in your state. Each state has unique... see more


Is probate still necessary?

Your question indicates that your parents owned everything jointly, and there is no need for Probate authority to transfer title, or obtain... see more

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