K. Gabriel Heiser, J.D., is an attorney with over 25 years of experience in elder law and estate planning. He is the author of "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets," an annually updated practical guide for the layperson.



For Medicaid purposes how does one establish that they are the caregiver?

Yes, the Caregiver may have to prove he or she actually lived in the parent's house for that two-year period. The state will look at... see more


My uncle is in a nursing home under Medicaid. He just got awarded a monthly VA disability check. Must this b...

If a VA Pension recipient, with no spouse or child, is a patient in a nursing home and has qualified for Medicaid coverage, then the... see more


For Medicaid purposes how does one establish that they are the caregiver?

Regarding the two-year requirement: It is not that the house may be transferred to the caregiver after two years, but that you must be the... see more


Does a Deed of Trust protect me from Medicaid seizing my Mom's house once she passes?

Trust law and how each state interprets estate recovery of Medicaid payments varies from state to state. However, in order for a transfer... see more


Anyone have knowledge how Medicaid views joint checking accounts?

Medicaid views 100% of the money in a joint checking account where one of the owners is the Medicaid applicant, as owned by the Medicaid... see more


Who is it that requires an in-home caregiver agreement, is it Medicaid, the State or who?

Clearly it is always better to obtain reimbursement checks close to the time of your outlay on behalf of the future Medicaid applicant. As... see more


Who is it that requires an in-home caregiver agreement, is it Medicaid, the State or who?

You certainly don't "need" a Caregiver Agreement, but without one in place PRIOR TO any payments to a family member... see more


Mom has no assets. Her monthly SS and pension over-qualify her for Medicaid. Any advice?

In some states, so long as you first spend down her income for medical (and nursing home) bills each month, Medicaid will pick up the... see more


Can you or do you apply for Medicaid before you actually need it?

If a facility accepts Medicaid patients, then such facility cannot evict a private-pay patient who later switches to Medicaid. However,... see more


What happens if I cannot account for parent's expenses when applying for Medicaid?

The state is fishing around for evidence of gifts (typically to family members). If his money was spent on HIM, then the state will not... see more


Can you or do you apply for Medicaid before you actually need it?

As the other posters here have commented, it is important to make sure you understand the rules and get your paperwork in order before you... see more


When person dies, does Medicaid expect to be paid for the home health care out of the proceeds of the house wh...

Indeed, under federal law the state can only make a claim against property in which the deceased Medicaid recipient had a legal interest at... see more


When person dies, does Medicaid expect to be paid for the home health care out of the proceeds of the house wh...

Reimbursement via "estate recovery" for payments the state made under Medicaid for a person's care are only sought for the... see more


If my son's on a deed for a mobile home with an elder friend will Medicaid take it if she goes into NH?

The Caretaker Child exception you reference will not cover your son, since the elder friend is not his mother. The transfer of an interest... see more


Can Medicaid make an estate recovery claim against a checking or savings account of deceased spouse?

A state cannot and will not go after the recipient of a gift. The most the state can do is to penalize the gift-giver if he or she applies... see more


Can Medicaid make an estate recovery claim against a checking or savings account of deceased spouse?

I guess the best the state can do is place a lien on the real estate, but many states do not permit even that. If the estate of the... see more


Can Medicaid make an estate recovery claim against a checking or savings account of deceased spouse?

The state cannot make a claim against assets of the deceased spouse that never belonged to the Medicaid-recipient spouse. In a very few... see more


What's the most a person can put into a funeral account to qualify for Medicaid?

Since the amount varies by state, you can find the list of maximum expenditures on this handy all-state table:... see more


Mom on Medicaid soon. Will making a donation to the church penalize her?

Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to the transfer rules, so that even a gift to a charity or religious organization can result in a... see more


What legal rights do my brother and I have as joint owners of my Dad's building and his accounts?

As for the bank accounts, merely adding a joint owner does not change the characterization of the entire account as belonging 100% to your... see more

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