K. Gabriel Heiser, J.D., is an attorney with over 25 years of experience in elder law and estate planning. He is the author of "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets," an annually updated practical guide for the layperson.



Does Medicaid take your income too?

In Florida, although no liens may be placed on the property during the lifetime of the Medicaid recipient, they can still force sale of the... see more


Is the original POA still valid?

Folowing up on NancyH's comment, there are more than type of power of attorney. The "general" power of attorney covers... see more


Is the original POA still valid?

It is certainly possible to revoke a POA, but it would be safer to have your mother sign a new one, to make it totally clear what her... see more


Can a trust be established that would protect dependent child & longtime caregiver sibling from dad giving awa...

It's not that easy to "break" a trust. If your father is competent to understand the nature of what he is doing--and the... see more


Mom and I jointly own a condo. It has secured her Medicaid eligibility. What is best way to legally save this...

Because of the intricacies of the state laws involved--both that of Oregon as well as California--you will need to find a Medicaid planning... see more


What's the purpose of putting two properties into a trust for a married couple if one needs to go into a nursi...

To Sonia: The POA terminates upon the death of the person who signed it. If you are named as executor under a person's will, you are... see more


What's the purpose of putting two properties into a trust for a married couple if one needs to go into a nursi...

The only real estate that is exempt for Medicaid purposes is (i) the personal residence, and (ii) income-producing property (but only in... see more


Mom made me POA of financial and health decisions in 2011. She has dementia now and my sister went to attorney...

Unfortunately, it looks like you will need to hire an attorney and possibly seek legal guardianship and/or conservatorship of your mother.... see more


We used moms funds to put an addition on our home for mom. She went down faster than expected. Will they lien...

That is correct that a relative may not be forced to accept personal liability for the nursing home bill at time of admission. This is a... see more


I need help fast! Where can I print forms for POA, Guardianship & Executive of Estate?

The website LegalZoom.com has forms of POA (both financial and medical) that may help. A guardianship is a court procedure, and there is no... see more


We used moms funds to put an addition on our home for mom. She went down faster than expected. Will they lien...

The best way to handle something like this would be for the parent to pay for the addition out of their own funds, in exchange for a legal... see more


My mother doesn't qualify for Medicaid. How can we get help for her care?

A person with their own home and minimal assets (under $2,000 in cash plus personal property, a car, etc.) will very likely qualify for... see more


Does Medicaid take your income too?

The Medicaid income rule for married couples where one is in a nursing facility and the other is at home is as follows: The... see more


Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?

If your mother gives you money, it is a gift that results in a penalty period (i.e., period disqualification from Medicaid). One possible... see more


My Father was a veteran. He has passed away. My Mother is showing signs of dementia, is there financial assist...

Yes, under the Veterans Administration "pension" program, the surviving spouse of a veteran can receive the type of assistance to... see more


I have a Durable Power of Attorney signed by Mom and notarized. Now what do I do to make it official?

On the attorney listservs (email notices) to which I subscribe, I frequently hear complaints about banks not accepting valid POAs. Indeed... see more


I have a Durable Power of Attorney signed by Mom and notarized. Now what do I do to make it official?

There are two kinds of durable power of attorney forms: (i) effective immediately (no doctor's note needed), and (ii)... see more


I have a Durable Power of Attorney signed by Mom and notarized. Now what do I do to make it official?

Unless you are using the POA to transfer real estate (which requires you to record the POA at the local register of deeds office), you... see more


Will Medicaid take my Mom's house to pay for permanent nursing home?

It is always best to take the house out of the name of the individual in the nursing home, if they will be receiving Medicaid benefits.... see more


Will Medicaid take my Mom's house to pay for permanent nursing home?

As others have said, there is an exception to the gift rules if a parent transfers the home to the child who has cared for the parent (and... see more

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