K. Gabriel Heiser, J.D., is an attorney with over 25 years of experience in elder law and estate planning. He is the author of "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets," an annually updated practical guide for the layperson.



Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?

A regular loan will be treated as an asset unless it is structured so that it is non-transferable, non-cancelable, with adequate security,... see more


My husband's in a NH on Medicaid. Is it possible to get that Medicaid approval for home care, and for how lon...

As mentioned, HCBS would be the Medicaid program to check into. While generally available in all states, it is not necessarily available in... see more


Can we legally use estate money to travel to see aging/failing parent?

On a more technical/legal side, how are you going to get access to her money? Are you on her bank accounts? Or would you utilized a durable... see more


Can you legally give away half of property you own to charity?

Your mother could certainly deed her 50% interest in the property to a charity and get a charitable income tax deduction. However, it would... see more


My father needs to go on Medicaid but is incapacitated and can't get rid of his life insurance. What are my op...

How much is the policy worth upon your father's death? It may be worth keeping it in force. I would first talk to the insurance company... see more


Hourly rate for elder law attorney?

As an elder law attorney for 25 years, I have seen charges vary quite a bit. Most elder law attorneys who charge by the hour will charge... see more


My father in-law is in need of long term care in a nursing home. How will this effect his wife who still live...

The $109,000 figure is now actually $115,920 (the federal government updates it each year to keep up with inflation). Furthermore, that is... see more


If dad goes on Medicaid, will they collect the payout of his life insurance upon death? Who is responsible fo...

If the policies have no cash value, they do not have to be cashed in and Medicaid will not count them as assets for Medicaid eligibility... see more


Medicaid and my mother.

If your mother takes her name off the house, it would treated by Medicaid as a gift. If she then needs to apply for Medicaid within the... see more


Medicaid and life insurance payout. Is there a way to avoid making the claim so my aunt doesn't lose Medicaid...

You are correct that if the boyfriend dies and your aunt receives the money it will cause her to be disqualified from Medicaid until that... see more


To spend down assets, can I count the rent for two months to vacate, moving expenses, etc?

The parent's own money can safely be used on anything for their own benefit without it causing any Medicaid problems. In other words,... see more


If my dad sells his insurance policies, can he use it to pay bills and then get Medicaid?

There are two options: (i) he can borrow against the policy, thereby reducing the cash value of the policy. Since Medicaid only counts the... see more


Are there provisions through Medicaid made for caregivers in regards to funds used in taking care of a parent?

To Wyndle: If your parent has dementia and cannot sign the caregiving contract, you should be able to do so as "agent" under the... see more


Mom is in home. Greedy sister want to rent house and sell after mom dies. I want to sell it for mom's care,...

First of all, your mom can qualify for Medicaid even if she continues to own the house, since it would be an exempt asset--at least... see more


Is there a cap for bills paid out of pocket?

If she paid the money to get out of the lease, that would be for her own benefit. If the moving is for her benefit and it's her POA,... see more


Is there a cap for bills paid out of pocket?

Any expenditures that are for the benefit of the Medicaid applicant are permitted. When you run into trouble is if a parent gives money to... see more


"Spending down" to Medicaid good or bad?

Hi: The entire point of my book "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets"... see more


Attorney said nothing can be done to change POA. Is that true?

The POA cannot be changed once the signer (grandmother, in this case) is no longer legally competent. However, your mom or other interested... see more


Will my mother still be eligible for Medicaid if I claim her on my taxes?

To Jelaine: The state of Texas will file a claim against the house in the amount of the money it spent under the Medicaid program for your... see more


What monies can be spent of the elderly family member in a spend down period?

Any amounts can be spent on home improvements or repair. Paying travel expenses of family members, however, would most likely be viewed as... see more

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