Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



How is the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid checked?

Understand that the “look back” period only pertains to transfers that are made without fair market value compensation (gifts). A... see more


If I have a joint bank account with my mother can I move her funds to a new account in my name in case she mov...

If mom is on Medicaid she will need her own account. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.


Will medicaid cover what Mom's long term care insurance will not since that can't be spent down? Her nursing h...

Thanks for the updated info. The suggestions I am making are based on your mother and step-father living in the State of North Carolina. ... see more


Will medicaid cover what Mom's long term care insurance will not since that can't be spent down? Her nursing h...

The short answer is that, from an income standpoint, mom will qualify for Medicaid if her income and long-term care policy benefit are not... see more


Can the IRS take the settlement I received on mom's behalf due to my back taxes?

I just realized after I posted that I was presuming that mom was still living. If she is not then yes, any balance after her estate has... see more


Can the IRS take the settlement I received on mom's behalf due to my back taxes?

You state that you received the settlement on your mom's behalf which means that it is not your money and therefore not subject to... see more


My mother gave my family & I a gift of $24,000. My sister's are saying I have to return it. Am I required by l...

SuziQ - Before you start going to lawyers and paying all kinds of money consider this: It is perfectly reasonable for your mother to pay a... see more


If a married couple owns a home together can they put the home in a living trust ?

There are three issues that usually come up with respect to the home and long-term care: 1. Will the home be "countable asset"... see more


What government programs are avilable to help pay for dad's nursing home care?

Woodbury is in Gloucester County. This is your contact: you can apply on-line here: https://oneapp.dhs.state.nj.us/ Here is a description... see more


If a married couple owns a home together can they put the home in a living trust ?

There is no reason why a home jointly titled cannot be retitled in the name of a living trust unless: a) it is not permitted by state law... see more


When is the best time to apply for Medicaid?

I would suggest applying immediately. Any funds currently remaining over the $2,000 limit should be preserved for mom’s benefit while she... see more


How can my parents pay for their medications?

You say they do not qualify for Medicaid yet their only source of income is Social Security. I am certain there is a program they will... see more


What government programs are avilable to help pay for dad's nursing home care?

I would like to help but your question is not clear. I understand your father is currently in a nursing home but what I am not clear on... see more


The monthly cost for a Memory Care home is $4200. We would like to charge dad $3000 a month for care in our ho...

It looks like the link to the IRS website I had in number 1 above did not post. To find the information try a Google search for "IRS... see more


The monthly cost for a Memory Care home is $4200. We would like to charge dad $3000 a month for care in our ho...

The staff here at AgingCare.com asked me to comment as they felt that your question has not been properly addressed. To think that staff... see more


What is the difference between Medi-Gap and Medicare advantage insurance?

The best way to understand this is as follows: Medicare beneficiaries have two options to obtain Medicare benefits 1. "Original... see more


Is there VA financial assistance for a non-family caregiver?

The answer to both questions above is potentially yes. It depends on if the Veteran's eligibility status. The Aid and Attendance... see more


Is a World War II veteran's wife eligible for VA Benefits?

If she is receiving hospice care she will not require VA benefits as it will be covered by Medicare. If she is removed from hospice care... see more


My parents currently have Power of Attorney over one another. Is there a way to arrange in advance for a third...

As your father's agent you should have no problem authorizing the disclosure of information to third parties, including your mother. ... see more


If I enroll my mother in Long-term Care Medicaid insurance to pay for adult day care, in-home care visits etc,...

The problem is this: Medicare only pays for SKILLED nursing services in the home or any other venue for that matter. SKILLED care is care... see more

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