Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



Are aid and attendance benefits exempt from income tax?

krnhersh: Expenses were paid for services received by your father. If you are seeking to deduct these expenses for income tax purposes... see more


Are aid and attendance benefits exempt from income tax?

CORRECTION! I left out the word "not" above. So to be clear.. All VA non-service connected pensions (Basic, Homebound, and Aid... see more


Can the ex-wife of a Veteran receive help with long term care?

If they were divorced, no (unless it can be proved that the divorce was a result of some form of abuse). If the she was married to the... see more


Are aid and attendance benefits exempt from income tax?

All VA non-service connected pensions (Basic, Homebound, and Aid and Attendance) are deemed as income for federal and state income tax... see more


I need to spend down money for my mother. Should I spend all her money on a house?

If I'm reading your question correctly you are not asking if mom can buy not "A" house with her $35k but, rather, can she buy... see more


Do a husband and wife both receiving Medicare pay separate premiums?

Carol is correct. Medicare is an individual benefit. Each will pay $99 per month for Part B in 2012.


I am confused about being penalized after Medicaid pick ups. I has no choice but to put my mom in a home, will...

Hi.. You are doing an amazing job taking care of your mom! I have nothing but admiration for those attempting to manage these intense... see more


If my mom has to live in a nursing home will they just take all her money?

KerryM... The problem is that personal resources are exhaustible and it is unknown for how long mom will require care. There are some... see more


My parents currently have Power of Attorney over one another. Is there a way to arrange in advance for a third...

As Carol mentioned above, most Power of Attorney documents (POA) provide for a successor agent in the event the primary agent is... see more


Can a creditor make a claim against parent's house if it has been signed over to adult child?

Only if they file for a judgment and they will then have to prove that a "fraudulent conveyance" took place. It will never... see more


My brother-in-law has Alzheimer's. Does my sister's Power of Attorney let her change it if her was her POA?

Your sister can change her own POA at anytime as long as she has cognitive capacity. And, as Carol suggested above, she absolutely should... see more


My mother's husband is using her social security check for his advantage. What can I do?

Is this your perspective or does your mother share the same view? Does your mother have cognitive capacity (can she make decisions for... see more


My mother gave my family & I a gift of $24,000. My sister's are saying I have to return it. Am I required by l...

Regarding ItalianBabs comment on Gifting: "Gifting" for Medicaid eligibility purposes is ANY transfer of assets made for less... see more


What will happen financially when my mom goes on Medicaid after we cashed in one of her CD's she gave us?

You have two separate issues here: The house and cash assets. In both cases, it looks to me as though you have made or are about to make... see more


My mother gave my family & I a gift of $24,000. My sister's are saying I have to return it. Am I required by l...

Hi Jill... You do not need a lawyer until someone takes some action against you. There is absolutely no reason to panic! My experience... see more


Does Medicare or Medicaid pay for a nursing home?

This is a very tough situation and one for which there is not a succinct answer. It is not as easy to gain the required 3 day hospital... see more


How can Medicaid take into consideration what has been done with money the last few years if you did not know...

The answer above is great...but it is more with respect to the "why" Medicaid has a financial "look back" as opposed to... see more


I'm afraid my sister is trying to steal all of my mom’s money by being on joint accounts with her. What can I...

PegDBeeLady... Do raise bees? If so, that is so cool! I'm intrigued by bees... To answer your question the simple rule is this: A... see more


As my mother’s Power of Attorney, is there anything I can do to avoid family disagreements if my mom should re...

Much will depend on the jurisdiction in which mom would apply for Medicaid. Some require the applicant to actually produce five years worth... see more


If elderly parent has joint account only with one child, will other children be disinherited from those accoun...

Wow. This is certainly a hot topic. And one that I encounter in my work with families all the time. The question I always come up with... see more

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