Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



I'm afraid my sister is trying to steal all of my mom’s money by being on joint accounts with her. What can I...

Hi NoVoice... I hope you don't mind that I answer the question you posited on my wall here so that it may be of benefit of others. I... see more


How do we tell my 85-year-old mother that her kids are taking over her finances?

I suspect that since it has got to this point that you have already had a conversation with her regarding her spending and it has not... see more


Who should I go to for an Irrevocable Funeral Trust?

That should be fine. Technically there is no limit although some states do set arbitrary limits of around $12,500 and some may combine all... see more


Who should I go to for an Irrevocable Funeral Trust?

There are two primary ways to "pre-fund" funeral costs prior to public benefit application: Pay cash in advance or purchase life... see more


How can I find the appropriate and affordable living facility for my mother?

Westchester County is going to be expensive! Apples to Apples (for instance Sunrise Senior Living Emeritus, Vi, Five Star, etc.). much... see more


How does Medicaid Estate Recovery work when the surviving spouse owned the home jointly?

You are welcome. Yes...that's basically it. Note, too, they are only speaking of "probate assets". What if assets are held... see more


How does Medicaid Estate Recovery work when the surviving spouse owned the home jointly?

It literally took me less than a minute to find this. http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/groups/publications/documents/pub/dhs16_151505.pdf... see more


If mom lives with us, can part of her Social Security check be used to pay some bills?

No problemo with respect to her Social Security income. Nobody cares. No need to document anything unless you have an unruly relative that... see more


Are we at risk of losing Medicare if my dad was released from rehab and we do not provide him with the full-ti...

N1k2R3: I'm so glad you didn't get taken in by that annuity nonsense. Unfortunately the CFP Board allows CFP's to sell... see more


Are we at risk of losing Medicare if my dad was released from rehab and we do not provide him with the full-ti...

The Medicare/Medicaid/private insurer situation depends to some degree on whether the applicant is under or over age 65 and what services... see more


Are we at risk of losing Medicare if my dad was released from rehab and we do not provide him with the full-ti...

In fact it is safe to say that virtually everyone over the age of 65 who is receiving Medicaid is also receiving Medicare. They are known... see more


If I have a joint bank account with my mother can I move her funds to a new account in my name in case she mov...

Well you already made one mistake so let's see if we can assist you in avoiding another. The simple rule when it comes to planning for... see more


Mom passed and I'm now my father with Alzheimer's POA. How can I protect his estate and house?

Let's take it easy here for moment. I appreciate the advice to seek an attorney's input put let's face it, lawyers are... see more


Are we at risk of losing Medicare if my dad was released from rehab and we do not provide him with the full-ti...

Evelyn is right that one must be careful if seeking assistance to apply for VA Pension programs. However, I would take exception to the... see more


Are we at risk of losing Medicare if my dad was released from rehab and we do not provide him with the full-ti...

No, Medicare coverage will not be "lost". Hospitals and Skilled Nursing Facilities are under new Medicare guidelines with respect... see more


My father-in-law has Alzheimer’s and dementia has not decided on a guardian. How do we get him to set up guard...

It is correct that a mere diagnosis of Alzheimer's/Dementia is not an automatic determinant as to "cognitive capacity". It... see more


Does paying $400 a week count toward "spending down" for Medicaid qualifications for an Alzheimer's patient wi...

If dad died in Vietnam you must first distinguish as to whether mom is receiving "Compensation" or "Pension" You... see more


Short-term care covered by Medicare has ended and Medicaid hasn't been approved, but my father still needs Ski...

If does not receive a VA Aid and Attendance Improved Pension Award with 90 business days from the date of application there is something... see more

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