Taji Mortazavi is the founder of We're Talking About Food. She is devoted to democratizing health, and believes anyone CAN live a healthy lifestyle regardless of age, medical illness, budget, etc. Many online journals have published Taji’s health and fitness articles. Find out more by visiting her site, and following her on Facebook or Twitter.


How do we ensure our elderly loved ones are getting the nutrition they need? Here are 7 simple ways to put fruits and veggies back into your senior's diet.

This senior-friendly grocery shopping list will help ensure your elderly loved one gets the nutrition they need in a tasty, healthy way.

Buying produce at a local farmer's market is a fun, affordable way for caregivers and seniors to get outside and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diets. Keep an eye out for these 10 healthy ingredients this spring and summer.

Working around age-related changes in appetite and food preferences can be tricky for family caregivers. Try these tasty tips to help your loved one maintain a healthy weight and get the vital nutrients they need.

Cooking well-balanced meals is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re juggling work, family and caregiving, but the truth is that good nutrition is closely tied to good health. Use these tips and shortcuts to improve your dietary habits.

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