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Hannah, the little blurb they post on your profile comes from the boxes you check on your profile when you set up your account. I'm not sure if they just use a default answer if you don't select anything, but I do know some posters have no info at all so I don't think so. You can always edit your account to add or delete and change your settings.

Thanks, I don't remember ever filling anything out? I fixed it, though.

Since many of us can't seem find the log out or it won't fit on the page unless we shrink it (mine only appears at 90% zoom) it might be better to just include it somewhere within out profile or news feed... just sayin :(

Here's the easy way to log out since our concerns haven't been addressed.

Just close out your browser. It's easier and quicker than decreasing the font size, then increasing it back again for any other program open.

I just tried it and it worked easily. No fiddling around with font size.

That's what I do too GA, but you have to have your security settings delete your cookies/history on closing for it to work.

CWillie, I do have cookies and history set for deletion on exit. Still, when I do a full scan, I see that the Rubicon cookies manage to avoid being deleted. That's happened for years despite the deletion settings. Somehow, they override the settings.

One thing I noticed when I wrote a comment on an "Article" that my paragraphs all ran together. I am using a desk top computer so that shouldn't happen. I will need to try double spacing between paragraphs the next time, as I find it is much easier to read then one long paragraph, if I can remember to do that :P

Hi again!

We have just released a new version of the "Caregiving" page, which is accessible in the top right of the navigation bar. This is meant to be the go-to section for members and newcomers who are looking for information on all aspects of the caregiving process.

In this section you will be able to quickly access specific channels of the site, including Caregiver Support, Money & Legal, Health Conditions, etc. This is yet another step toward making all of the fonts and formatting consistent throughout the site.

Thank you again for being so patient. We appreciate your comments and truly hope that you will be pleased with the final product when it is done!


To the editor... I hope they don't mess with the 'account' menu top right (likes, helpful, hugs...) it's fine the way it is... I have 't been on here very often as it has been too time consuming (stressful)... Beta testing...

I do like the newer "Caregiving" page, except for the HUGE FONT. It takes a lot of scrolling to get to the end of the article.... I learned that when I see an advertisement at what I think is the end of the article, to continue scrolling as there is more to the article.

I'm not exactly sure what the 'new' pages look like because it seems to appear different from time to time when I open an AC email notification... It confuses me... Not sure if it's because I'm using an iPad or not...

It seems the huge font is everywhere except on the forum... so can we expect the forum font to grow, or the rest to shrink?

The different font sizes are a major concern. Frankly, the larger font size ensures that I won't even bother to read any of those pages, nor will I even check them out any more. I'm not going to bother to reduce the font size for one section - font sizes should be consistent across the forum.

This improvement is awful! Went to an article from my Newsfeed, an article I did not want to read, but I cannot go back unless I click my avatar?! Long, very inconvenient way around!

Glad, just click on Ask a Question, it will take you to the forum page.

I notice that the time/date stamp has been eliminated on some of the threads, I hope this is just a glitch and not a new "improvement". It makes it kind of hard to check new activity, especially if a poster has resurrected an old thread.

I can't even 'like' when I respond/click on the discussion link from my email... So frustration... Also, I would do a screen shot and add it here, so you could see what I'm talking about... But, can't attach a picture to a comment... Not happy with any of the 'improvements' and it's dicouraging me from engaging on AC, because it's become too much work and it's time-consuming to find things...

cwillie, I also noticed any new threads written today didn't have that time/date stamp. I find the time/date stamp very important.

But they're still showing up on this thread!

Heart, a lot of the changes seem to be negatively affecting tablet and phone users, are you one of those? I am a dinosaur and still prefer my PC.

Hi all,

The time stamp bug only seems to be affecting answers to questions. Discussions (like this one) and comments on articles appear to be unaffected. I have notified our tech team of the issue. Thank you for your attention to detail and for letting us know!


cwillie, I was just on a thread from 2015 and found no time/dates except on the original post. Another poster made a good observation, if there are no time/date stamps we could be giving advice for a parent/spouse who had already passed a year ago.

I know for myself, I usually don't look at the date of the original post, but will always take notice of the time/date of the answers.

Plus the time/date will let us know when the original poster last checked in. If they hadn't checked back in months, chances are they are no longer on-line.

08/18/2016. 4:39 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

Dear Aging Care Editor,

Thank you for helping with the day/date time stamp bug. It is so good to know that it was not intentional, and will be de-bugged.

There remains an issue with the size of the box to post our comments. When typing in the tiny space provided, it is difficult to see 1) What we are typing, 2) What we have typed before. I can see about two spaces before me right now, and that is enough. I can also see what I posted-so far, all of the above. Nearing the bottom of the box now, There is no space before me beyond the line I am typing on. So it is now feeling cramped, and I can only see 4 lines above this line.
Typing on a kindle here.

Attempting to expand the box by using the squigie in the far right bottom corner is almost impossible because it is so close to the orange 'post comment box' that I cannot do it. I will keep trying. You try to fix it?

I still have problems on an iPad I'm using (anyone else?)

Regarding the post comment box size, sounds like a device issue. So far I can still expand the box to any size i want as long as I am using my desk top computer and using Firefox as my browser. This doesn't work if I am using IE for my browser.

"Announcing exciting site updates"
I am excited all right.
It is just that I cannot take that much excitement,
for that long a period of time.
Still, I am being patient.

Now this I really hate! I cannot see how long ago a comment was added on a thread! I enjoy this feature because I can see how long ago the thread was posted to, and when friends last posted. No I am not a stalker! LOL!

Now I see how long ago on this thread, but not on the dysfunctional thread.

What's probably going to happen is that threads that aren't familiar b/c we've seen them in the last few days are going to languish and not get responses. That's what I'm doing. If it's a long thread and there's no indication when the last post was, I just skip by.

Result: page hits will decline, and so, I suspect, will advertising revenue.

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