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It is supposed to be an improvement,

"The two most significant pending changes are a new navigation bar along the top of the site and an improved layout for our articles."

Maybe it is easier to read the larger font and format on a smart phone, I wouldn't know since I don't have one. And probably they are aiming the articles at people who are not necessarily forum habitues, but wouldn't it make more sense to keep the font size consistent across the site anyway?

I have found I also don't finish the articles, once I am able to find the articles, because of the the HUGE font.... i don't like reducing the font size myself as it messes up other programs I have.... so I just push my desk chair further back to read :P

For some reason, after reading the articles and going back to "Ask a Question" the front size on the Question seems a tad bit smaller. Maybe it is just my eyes not adjusting the print size change quick enough.

And I found it takes me so much longer to find an article... the SEARCH doesn't seem to catch what I am looking for.... it gives me way too many "hits"... and if I try to narrow down the search, then I get none :(

I posted a comment to an article and either they are being reviewed before they post, or mine just got lost in cyberspace.

When sending PM's or commenting on an article there are word suggestions that come up on my tablet as a type. Why would this not be available in the question and discussion areas of tgis website? It sure would help with typos and misspellings!

The ability to edit our comments would be the best improvement to this site!

I'd like the ability to report a post (not just one of the replies). These spammers get kind of tiring.

And, todays list of trolls is, delete, delete, delete.
So sad that some really kind and caring caregivers will be fooled by the spammers and trolls.

I liked the way it was before better.Now,just to get to the next page and scroll takes forever,every time.I don't like change of any kind so the least,the better.....

Hi all,

We released another updated portion of the site this morning. This release included redesigns of our four most important Caregiving section pages:

Health Conditions

Caregiver Support

Money & Legal

Daily Care

Please note that individual categories within these larger sections are next on our list. (For example, the Alzheimer's and Dementia category within Health Conditions:

I know that these changes are happening slowly, but we are working as quickly and accurately as we can. Consistency across the site has been an issue for many of you, but I want to reassure you that a uniform look IS a significant part of our end goal. As I have mentioned, this is a huge undertaking that must be done in pieces in order to give each part the careful thought and execution it deserves and avoid any widespread problems.

I also want to share that we are leaving the forum untouched for as long as possible while we work through these other areas of the site. We know how important questions, discussions and private messages are to you all. The forum and the members who participate in it truly are the heart of AgingCare. When it comes to devising new features and updates, we want to ensure that they can be applied swiftly and successfully in order to minimize any potential bugs or downtime. We have learned a lot so far through these other updates, and this information will inform our changes to the community.

Please bear with us! I will continue to keep you abreast of any other updates as they happen. Once again, if you notice anything buggy or unusual, you can report it here.

Thank you!


Some threads are soooo long (started 3+ years ago) and have more than 1000 answers. If you hit the "next" button, it only advances to the next page, skipping 10 responses. How do you get to the end of the thread, where the most recent answers are, without putting your finger into spasm? OK, I'll admit I'm technologically challenged. Very greatful for your wisdom. This old dog can still learn new things, however. :)

May I be politely blunt? The log out function is still problematic; it's been that way for weeks now. I used to just close out the page and log out would occur automatically. Now, once again, I have to decrease the page size to access the log out function, then increase it again. Two wasted steps.

We still need an edit function. I understand that the posts are subjects for the magazine and newsletters, but editing is a major function of forums to ensure that grammar, spelling, thoughts and context are correct. Given the small response box, it's difficult to read and keep longer posts in context.

Honestly, I really don't care how many articles there are if I still have to fool around with decreasing the font size to log out or read the articles or copy my texts into Word so I can proofread them properly. For now, I just ignore the articles.

Thanklessjob, you will First Prev Next Last when there is a full page of comments.

To get to the last answer, click on Last and you will get the most current batch of answers.

I just went to the discussion "Did Hospice rush your loved ones death?" on my own. I did not "link" to it from an e-mail alert. There are 901 texts and I was put on page 1, started in 2013. Each page has 10 posts. The ONLY option is "Next". There is no "Last". You can move to page 2 from either the top or bottom but it will only advance you 1 page ahead. I would have to click 90 times to get to the last page! I have seen the "Last" button on certain threads. I'm assuming "Last" is only available when I use the e-mail click to the link. I don't know why this would be. I'm restricted from reading the latest posts on the older threads (that have hundreds of entries) unless I link to it from the e-mail. Am I making myself clear?
Please try to go on a topic on your own, without an e-mail link and see what I mean.

To the Editor, please put an "edit" button so we can correct our errors (or the darn "autocorrect" mistakes from our computers). Thanks.

Ok, here they come. Selling acne treatments and muscle builing compounds. It is going to be a long weekend.

AC, WHY is it so difficult to add a report this post? Add the ability to quarantine it if it meets a certain set of rules. It so so irritating!

Or "report this thread" or "report this discussion"!!!!

On threads that are popular, continuing on for years, can AC "Archive" the prior years, making them accessible, but not so bulky to open or peruse in the current year?
Then, add an "Archive" button at the end of the threads: such as,
My whine moment
What's for Dinner?

I do not like the idea of archiving. But, I would love the ability to retreive my own posts! It would be very interesting reading my diary.

How to get rid of ads at bottom of each question?? Asked question earlier and my post disappeared. I don't mind occasional separate email or placement at beginning of all ??s, but with each question very irritating. Does this bother anyone else?? Admin please do survey!!

The ads pay for the site. There are very few places you can go online today that don't include some type of advertising, you can learn to ignore them just like most of us do with pesky TV commercials. Or as I advised in your post, install an ad blocker. (shhh, admins of sites don't like those)

Thanklessjob, yes your explaining made sense but it is strange that you don't see "Last" when there are a lot of postings. I do not use email link at all. I was getting way too many email notifications so I opt out of the option.

If there is a thread with 10,000 posts, I can easily go to the "Last", then I will go backwards if I hadn't been on the thread in awhile.

I am using an old desk top computer, and am using Firefox as my browser, so I don't know if that makes any difference.

mauiskye1, I have yet to see any advertisements at the end of new question. I see ads on the right side of the screen and ads under the last answer of each page. And a banner ad at the very top of the screen.

Now I do see ads on the Aging Care articles that are banner ads under every second or third paragraph. I use to think the article ended when I saw the ads. Wow, I was surprised to find out that the article kept on going, I had to scroll over those ads to get to another part of the article, and keep scrolling over the ads. I was wondering why the articles were so very short :P

ff: I use an eight-year-old laptop (Mac) and the latest version of Firefox. I always go to AC from my emails so haven't seen the problem of First - no Last, but for heaven's sake, mods, that ought to be an easy change to make. And we still need an edit button and I saw no mention of that in your post. I don't mind the layout, it's better than most, so why make that your first priority when everyone and his/her dog/cat has asked for an edit button? Really????

ff: I see the same configuration of ads.

Why can't we even get an answer regarding the EDIT function?

I've seen a couple of article titles that look interesting, but I'm not even going there. That entire section is a mess. I don't need more messes in my life!!

Editor: I would like to pass a suggestion on for a 'Memorandum' section for those we have lost (like Captain who just lost his 26 yr old son)...

In memoriam, is what I think is meant. (Altho the red underline is meant to indicate something that's spelled wrong, as memoriam is underlined in this post, it is spelled correctly.) And yes, what abt that EDIT button, guys??

Glad: I have heard nothing from the powers that be on AC abt an edit button, yet we have all kinds of other changes that are, IMO, useless.

What gives, AC???

It would be great to have some new pictures to put with our "hugs".I'd like to see a smiling Chihuahua and a crying monkey added....

Crying monkeys?! How about a bit of storage space so we can upload more than one picture of our own?

Aging Care, any time I use the "Contact Us" form, where it says "First & Last" for name, when I type my name I can't read it because "First & Last" is still in that space underneath my name. I can't tell if I have a typo.

Same thing happens on the line that ask "Select One", when I click on what I want, the "Select One" is still there underneath the line items I had selected.

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