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And I no longer can just close out all the open windows and effect logging out. So it's back to reducing the text size just to log out, then raising it for other forums. Impractical and a real nuisance. Features were better the way they were.

BTW, I read a few articles and quit after not even finishing them. That formatting is something Microsoft might have developed.

Wow. I HATE the new format for the articles. In fact, I will simply no longer read them. Really, really bad change.

Thank you so much! I held out hoping for so loooong!

Whew, the date/time stamp is coming back.... I was trying to add it to my postings in the "Question" section, but I would occasionally put the wrong date :P

Hooray !!!

Hi all,

We just released some more updates to the site. Most of these are behind-the-scenes changes that will not affect things on your end. The one exception is that the date and time stamps on questions have been restored! If you encounter any errors or bugs, as usual, you can let us know here.

Thank you for your patience!


Oh thats okay Send, Igloo probably still appreciates a hug.

Just realized, I may have just given Igloo a hug for a good answer from 2015, or earlier years. Try explaining that, old, stale cookie hugs.
All because there is no date/time stamp on our posts.
Dear Admin, are you trying to have this fixed?

Date stamp!

The missing date stamp on questions is driving me nutty! Can't that at least be fixed?!

Jeanne, I just did a couple of test searches. I was able to get some articles when I added "articles" after the search parameters. Otherwise, the search brings up posts.

6:26 pm EST, 24 Aug.

Does anybody know how to search for articles? They don't seem to be included in the search feature. Articles really seem to have become far less useful with this batch of software changes.

Please return to putting date on every post.

Editor: would also be a Godsend to have an 'edit' button

1RareFind... My iPad never crashes... I wonder why yours is? (Has my curiosity). Maybe if you do a word search on the Internet 'iPad crashes', it'll bring up a solution (sometimes, they might have also show you a fix on YouTube)...

I'm also on an iPad, and sometimes my browser crashes. It doesn't matter which site I'm on when it crashes. I think with iPads though they use memory and when it gets full things just crash from what I've been noticing.

Exactly book live, using an iPad to navigate around CG now is awful and frustrating to the point of giving up (which defeats the whole purpose)... I won't drag out another devise at this point... Editor: Are you working on fixing the bugs the. IPad?

The other day, when I came on using the iPad, everyone's comments were squashed together with a solid line between it - with no comment box to respond. This only happens once in a while. Those other times, I tried to 'undo' this format and go back to the normal one - where I can comment. Couldn't find it. So, when this happened again, I didn't care to fiddle with it. Instead, I went to check out the online comics.

It's already discouraged me from readership... Defeats the purpose of the caregiver who wants to reach out (sometimes in desperation) to other caregivers on the blog (we already have too much frustration in our lives to be a beta tester).

I agree with Sendme2help ... the new formatting of the articles makes them much less appealing to read. I understand the need for advertising revenue, but it is counter-productive if those sections get fewer readers.

For me personally, I no longer enjoy reading the articles because of the font size and the huge spaces taken up in the article by advertisements.

Think-simplicity, continuity, who is your target audience?

My husband explained this forum is bare bones technolgy-, so can you keep it simple?

He also says to "Step trace the access of the data base" looking for bugs? But I don't know what he means.


8/23/2016. 8:39 a.m. PDT
Time stamp on so many threads is not available.
When caregivers discuss a current use of a medication that has worked, or why it has not worked for their case, that information can change or become outdated so quickly. People know not to rely on medication advice, because every case is different and to check with the doctor. However, having a heads up through the experience from others is valuable, but it must be timely. Reading from years ago and not knowing that is just wrong.

AC could prioritize the date/time stamp issue to the top priority.
imo. Maybe if tech would date/time stamp the advertisements, this would assist in allowing the code generation. The date/time stamp is in the database, afterall.

If I can suggest anything besides an edit button, it would definitely be an audio feature where people can also listen to what's being asked. Sometimes hearing something play back via audio helps a lot

Crap! I thought you had fixed this issue! I am once again stuck on desktop on my mobil device. Where is the option to return to mobile from desktop???!!! Grrrr!

Oh my goodness! PLEASE fix the time stamp in the Questions section so that it stays fixed. Can't do without that.

8/19/2016. 5:55 p.m.

2:46 p.m. EST and the hourly stamp is off again in the Questions section.

8/19/2016 / 9:00 a.m. PDT. It's Friday already!

Here is what they said, 19 hours ago:

Give a Hug
19 hrs ago
Hi all,
The time stamp bug only seems to be affecting answers to questions. Discussions (like this one) and comments on articles appear to be unaffected. I have notified our tech team of the issue. Thank you for your attention to detail and for letting us know!

Dear Editor, You are so very welcome!

Hmmm.... I was still not seeing any time stamps at all until just now. But I'm glad it's fixed!

AC has responded to this problem... 19 hours ago according to the time stamp LOL

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