
After 2 & 1/2 years of severe depression and anxiety FINALLY they changed Mom's meds and she is “Mom” again! She was taken off of Prozac and now takes Zoloft. She is happy, engages in conversation and enjoys the small joys of life again. Every time we talk I thank God for giving me my mother back. I was so sad because it felt like she had died but was still here. I am thankful for each conversation and to hear her laugh and crack a joke!!!

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I am so, so glad for you both!

Realize that the current med might need some adjustment in the future. Just be watchful and open to change if necessary.

My husband recovered well from a head injury (falling off a ladder onto a concrete floor) EXCEPT he just wasn't himself. After a year his psychiatrist convinced him to take an antidepressant, pointing out on a model brain where the injury happened and why he will need a drug for the rest of his life. True, he didn't have symptoms of being "sad" but his brain chemicals were "off." That little pill gave me my husband back!

I have major depressive disorder and have had flare-ups at various times. I do not consider my medications "happy pills" as some call them, but rather "me pills." Without them I definitely am not myself during a flareup.

I am so glad your mother is now on a "me" pill! I hope this gives encouragement to those who are wondering if trying drugs for depression and/or anxiety is worthwhile, and if making adjustments is a good practice.

Thanks for sharing your good news.

Enjoy your time together!


CeCe, I am so glad for you and your mother! I have also witnessed many times how the right medication could bring my mother back from the dark place she slipped into. Your post will give hope to others that it can happen, and they should be persistent in their efforts to find the right medication for depression.

Wow - that is so great!

Oh that is fantastic news.

Congratulations to you both.

I’m so happy for you both!

What a relief for you! (And Mom!!) Enjoy the new vibe.

CECE, thanks for the sharing the good news. I'm happy for you and your mother!

CECE,,, that is such great news!

So many posters here either won't agree to antidepressants or don't see the value in going back to the doctor and saying " this isn't working".

I'm so glad she's doing better on a new med!


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