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Smeshque: You are so welcome. I am ever so glad that things went well today. Hugs to you and your mom. Love is evermore!

LL- You are so right about love. In 1 Corinthians 13, we are shown how if we do not have love, nothing else matters. And so many people throw the word love around, but do not know the true definitions as you have listed and mimic the passage in Corinthians. Thank you for that. For God is love.

Things went well today, Mom seemed to have a good time, although she has such a joy in her that she has a good time doing anything really. I have always wished I had that joy. The second fruit of the spirit. :) I assume she gets her joy in the Lord.
We went on a day trip, had lunch and dinner out and then came home. She was tuckered, as I am also. Thank you for thinking of us, and Praise the Lord all went well, even the sunshine came out today after such bad storms.
I want to see the article Power of Love.

God be with you LL

Dearest Smeshque: Oh, thank you very much. Actually at least 8-12 of the party attendees drove 2 + hours.
I wish you well with what you are planning for your mom's celebration on her wedding anniversary. I am sure even the little things and the big things that you do are so appreciated by your dear mom. I'll be thinking of you both.
I just love the Fruits of the Spirit and I chose to focus on LOVE here below especially with you in mind and doing what you do for your mom.

Love – Fruit of the Spirit Bible Verse

If I had to rank all of the above fruit of the Spirit in their order of possible importance, the quality of love would have to be #1. And this is why it may have been listed as the first fruit in the above Scripture verse.

Due to the extreme importance of just this one quality, I am going to do another article on this quality and title it “The Power of Love.”

This article will also be listed in the Sanctification Section of our site.

There are some very powerful and profound verses from the Bible on just this one quality alone, and it needs to have its own article to do it proper justice.

Here are some of the different definitions on what love is from the different Bible Dictionaries and Commentaries:

Unselfish, benevolent concern for another; brotherly concern; the object of brotherly concern or affection
The self-denying, self-sacrificing, Christ-like love which is the foundation of all other graces
Unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the well being of another
The high esteem which God has for His human children and the high regard which they, in turn, should have for Him and other people
To love, to have affection for someone; to like; to be a friend; the love of brothers for each other

LL- Well then Happy Belated Birthday. Sounds like you had a lovely party. See how much you are loved that people drove in to be with you, when the weather wasn't so pleasant.

I am preparing for tomorrow. I am not sure if the things I do, I should be doing. But I always make my Mom a card and put a little decorations around, and then dinner and day road trip, for her anniversary, which my Dad isn't here to celebrate.
But I just do it because I want her to know, I know how special the day is, even if he is not here. So anyway, i don't know, I just try to make a sad day for her, into a joyful day as much as possible.
We had such bad tornadic weather today, and Thank the Lord it went on either side of us. And tomorrow will be more, so planning the road trip we aren't going to be able to go where planned but going to drive away from the storms to unfamiliar territory, may be nice to see new things.
Much love and prayers LL

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22

Dearest Smeshque: Oh, thank you so much, but Nicolette was late in giving me the gift and I said "You're a busy lady, to say the least. Plus I don't expect a woman with her plate overflowing to provide me with a gift." I'm a Capricorn and I actually turned 70 years of age last January 13, 2017. My daughter had an over-the-top 70th birthday party for me with lots of wonderful family and friends who came....many driving in just above freezing roads!

Happy Birthday! I am not sure if it passed or is still to come, but I hope you had or had a good and joyous day. And are blessed with so much love as you give others. Thank you for the prayers they are much appreciated and needed. And thank you for the verse.

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Colossians 1:10

Dearest smeshque: Oh, I will definitely keep your sweet mom in my prayers. That is so hard going through what used to be happier times! 63 years of marriage, in and of itself, is an anomaly. I do know what you mean about putting on the brave face.
Thank you for your prayers for baby Faith. I was gleeful when I brought over the 2 bakers' dozen of bagels. I was rewarded by Nicolette by a birthday gift of a lovely, Shakesperean-looking journal, writing pen, Panera gift card and birthday card.

Ephesians 5:1-2

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

LL- you have a good purpose and you do a great job at it. So I am glad that you were blessed with a gift also, you do so much for others. That poor child. She is in my prayers. Keep me posted.

So Thursday is what would have been my parents 63rd wedding anniversary. The second without my Dad. So last year on that day we just took my Mom sightseeing and to lunch and just tried to give her a good day. It seemed to keep her spirits up. But, always the week of she begins talking so much about my Dad. It makes me so sad that she must be feeling huge loss. I cannot imagine. So this Thursday we will again do the same. She seems pleased with the plans. She wants Chinese for lunch and to drive to a place we have grown fond of going, that she loves.
I just worry about her, and their anniversary, and his birthday, always stresses me out, because I just don't want her to feel sad. And I always have to fight feeling sad myself, and hold up for her sake. Anyway, please keep my Mom in your prayers, that she will be comforted on her saddest days.

Psalms 94:19
In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

Smeshque: Thank you. We did love it because we rarely do anything for ourselves. My sole purpose in life is to help others.
I was wrong --- baby Faith's fever is 105.7.

LL- I am so glad you got to see the celtic band. i bet that was delightful. And I enjoy IHOP as well. Your children must love you, so much. That was nice gifts.

Smeshque: Thank you as always for your kind ways and prayers. I will tell you a bit of what I helped Nicolette with today when I catch up.

Smeshque: Those are lovely bible verses. Thank you for sending!

Thank you send. I wanted to tell you that.

Smeshque: I got literally behind the eight ball. Yesterday my husband and I got to see a Celtic band that was a gift from our kids. It was called "The American Rogues," which was a lovely 3 hour concert. Then a very late dinner out at IHOP.

Send: I know how to do that, but there exists a time limit when you can no longer edit or delete. I guess my error was that I deleted the entire post but never put one word in its place.

I hope all of you enjoyed many blessings this Lord's day.
Just remember, if this life was perfect, we would not look forward to heaven.
Many prayers are going out for all you caregivers.
I hope you all press on through any challenges this week.
Much love.

Proverbs 15:13
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

When you want to delete what you posted, or correct it, click the edit button once posted in error.
Backspace everything, or just about everything. The challenge is to replace what you have said, because one cannot just delete the whole thing and then not post something when you are in the delete mode. Then, be sure to post edits.

Nothing you have posted is worrisome, and you never know who is praying, reading, but not posting.

Maybe there are other easier ways, but that is what I do when "editing" needs to be done.
I have to wait and review what I have written, often the auto-correct says things that I would never say.  I think you get 20-30 minutes to edit....

LL- it's ok, not many people come to this thread. It is mostly you and I. What a beutiful name for a beautiful baby. Prayers are being sent up, for her and the family and you my dear.

Romans 8:18
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

Oh, dear. I had deleted my post about Nicolette's little girl as it shouldn't have been on the public feed. Wonder why it still posted? Thank you anyway. I appreciate your wonderful, Godly ways! Sorry to say that baby Faith has a whole host of physical ailments and THEY ARE HUGE. WE MUST PRAY FOR HER TO LIVE.
Many blessings are caring wishes I send your way.

How exciting about Nicolette's, little girl. That is great news and I hope a sign of good things to come. Unfortunate about the later fever, I do hope the sweet child is ok. Nicolette, sounds a lot like a very strong lady, that is how my Mom always handled emergencies, very calmly and expertly. I will be praying for the little one. Keep me posted.

I wanted to tell you about a wonderful event that happened yesterday with my friend, Nicolette's now almost 3 year-old child. She has never been able to swallow, but yesterday her ENT saw her swallow a little FOR THE FIRST EVER TIME! These ups and downs occur rapidly with this child and sadly, 12 hours later she developed a 104 fever. Nicolette does not panic, but handles it in a calm method.

You are so right dear LL. That is all I want to hear well done, and enter into the joy of thy Lord.
My only goals are to Love the Lord God with all my being, my neighbor as myself, and to hear those words.
Thank Jesus that we do not have to be perfect because that is impossible. But we strive to be like him, and do our best. And our best should always get better, as we grow and learn.

My Mom appreciates the hugs :)
May God bless you in whatever is going on in your life.

Dearest smeshque: I'm beyond happy that your day was better today. I consider myself just an ordinary person, but one of God's children always trying to live a spiritual life because after all, don't we want God to say "well done, my faithful servant?" I am a mere mortal and I will err. Thank you for such wonderful words and caring compliments. I hug you and your dear mother from afar.
No, that was a different office complex~~~no putting out of fires required.

LL-Thank you so much for the prayer. Today was better and I do believe in part from your prayere for me. Thank you so very much.
you are such a sweet friend. I am blessed that our paths have crossed. You are ever so thoughtful and I wish I could give you a big hug. Your words have brought me much joy and put a smile on my face, for such love and kindness.
I do hope to bestow edification to you as well, as you are always edifying to me. Much love and prayers for you my dear friend. I hope your dental visit went well and you did not have to put any fires out. (HUG)

smeshque: As I thought about your day and writings a little more today, I thought that perfectionism is not something we admire to be because one would never be happy. We must learn to accept the blessings and the processes that God bestows upon us. So "you did get it right" every single time because God is with you ALWAYS. Btw, I told the dental hygienist what a wonderful person you are!

Dearest Smeshque: As I sit in the dental lobby, I am praying that your day gets better today. Dear Heavenly Father, please lift smeshque and her mom up in love, prayer, faith and blessings. You can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you. Turn a trial into a testimony!

Send: Thank you ever so much for posting that wonderful scripture verse just when my dear friend smeshque required it the most.

Send- Thank you for the food for the soul. Comforting verse. (HUG)

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 NIV

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