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❤️ see what happens if you don't give up on your dreams/goals.

:) don’t take this seriously: it’s just a funny anti-positive quote for us, who are going through really rough times:

😉 “Congratulations on getting through the easiest part of life.”

🙂 "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people."

This too shall pass!

dear seekingtruth,

hug!! :)
i know many people use that expression "This too shall pass",
but i really don't understand it.

it's probably not meant in this way, but the reality is, that in the context of many of our elderly caring troubles, it WILL NOT pass, until they die.

so by saying "this too shall pass", it means, "it will pass when they die." (and some people, who are so very burned out, feel of course a bit guilty to want the whole thing to be over soon).

anyway, of course, that expression isn't meant to mean that...
but that's the reality.

as for "this too shall pass" for any other problem/tragedy one is going through...
well, yes, eventually bad things pass/go away...

but in the context of helping our elderly parents, elderly LOs, we'll continue having problems.

i personally don't like the expression. but it's just me.
i understand that of course, it's just meant in the sense of "this specific problem/bad situation, will pass and i don't mean as soon as your LO dies."


I woke up breathing!

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