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Get out that cape, Lisa!

The biggest compliment that can be given to a bus driver is the faith by a supervisor that you can protect those who need protection. We all know how tough and loving you are. Go for it!

Lisa, terrible bus story, just awful. I know your bosses, kids, teachers and parents are grateful for your wonderful way of doing your job!

About mom- she has consumed your time, energy and family for so long, you are bound to have a bit of a void now. It may be time to get going on a rewarding project to focus away from mom. Can you paint that room with your cape on? I am sure she will get busy cooking up some new drama quickly. Rehab would provide a whole new audience, she may go for that aspect alone! Either way, she WILL try to re-engage you-be ready-and see it for what it is. As cat pointed
out, you are doing less, and that does help extinguish her reward for sick efforts.
You are amazing! Kim

Lisa you are very strong and she will provide drama but you will be fine because you know how she operates and she is no longer able to pull your strings-I am waiting to see what she pulls next.

Well Austin, you didn't have to wait long. Hedged. Phone ringing off the hook. One message after another. She's being released from hospital today. Need a ride home. Need to stop at pharmacy and grocery. Have no food in the house. I have no clean clothes. Ummm, wasn't this the woman that never wants to see my face again. Good luck mom. Not my problem.....

If you do talk to her whuch I do not reccomend tell her she does not want to see your face and to call someone who gives a damn-remember NOT MY PROBLEM-let the social worker earn her pay. Keep strong my friend.

Yeehaw, Baby! Keep singing, "Not My Problem!" You will start to notice how easy and joyful it gets!
Sending love to all of you! XOXOXOJB

Good for you Lisa!!!! I am in mother's city for an appointment with a specialist, and she is after me to do this and that for her - the main thing being something that she should have sorted out with my sister, but didn't, so now wants to me to look after it. I am not visiting her - I need to get home to look after some things for myself, and I am going to write, and tell her that problem is between her, and my sister to solve.Last time my sister visited she left a box of things that mother had given her for me to mail to her.I should have said no, but my no muscles were no as strong as they are now. She had adequate time to mail them to herself, or buy another suitcase and take them with her, as she had adequate time to sort out this recent thingwhile she was here. Guess what - I will tell her - It is between my sister and you and "Not my problem."

Yea emjo!!! Dosen't it feel great???? I really think we're getting good at this. What a great day. No authorities banging on my door because I said no, Jen and Chris finishing up the spaghetti dinner they made us, THEN! They are all going to set trout lines and I have the house to myself the rest of the evening. They are begging me to go, because they feel bad leaving me alone. I wish I could make them understand alone is GOOD. For two years that's never been an option for me. I've never felt the need for alone time like this. Even when the girls were small Doug and I never thought much about it. He'll, I've already got their cooler packed. Yeehaaaaa!!!!

You are all so right! It does feel good to know it's not my problem! Rockin it Lisa and Joan!!! Enjoy that time alone Lisa :))

Actually, it is not so much that it feels great, for me, as that it feels right and even more so - necessary. I am having some insights into the past where I was basically 'set up" to be the gopher, for my mother and my sister, and I can see that now my sister expects it as well as my mother. When my sister has visited my mother in the past 10 years, they had fights I was told by mother that if she and my sis didn't get along, my sister could always come and stay with me. My answer, after the first time, was no. Mother didn't ask me, nor did my sister ask if she could come and stay, but mother told me that if they had a fight, that I was the solution.. No one seemed to care what I thought or felt about it.. Being treated like that for a lifetime, leaves its scars, but we are never too old to learn, and change.for the better, and look after ourselves more and more.
On another note I had a decent visit with the specialist, who was a very nice young woman, and she is changing my meds to something less toxic to my liver - which still seems to be OK, as far as I am concerned, but she needs to check it. She heard me and believed me, and was honest - told me they didn't have all the answers, and there is no "magic bullet", but this was the next step. I would appreciate prayers that the new drug works, as I may have to be on it a long time (I hesistate to say a lifetime as I believe that I will be healed) and, of course, that, eventually, we get rid of this infection.Thanks in advance.

You gals all ROCK!!!

Lisa, I`ll share about time alone later. I need it too - lots more than I used to.

Of course you'll be in my prayers emjo! And you'll be on the prayer list here in Louisville ky.

Thanks, Lisa, I really appreciate you.

Hey.... Lisa... what happened to Mom going to rehab? Did I miss something? Good job at ignoring the phone calls. Woooohoooo!

Joan, I will keep you in my prayers, and all the other ladies here too.

Thanks so much, Kim.

Lisa: Congrats on "not my problem". I was wondering how things went with your Aunt Rae on Friday? Also, I noticed in a post you sent to Jeannegibbs that your sweet MIL may be showing signs of ALZ. I was truly sorry to read that and hope you don't mind my asking about it. Take care, Lisa. Hugs, Cattails.

Judy: mom apparently opted out of rehab. Think she realized there wasn't anyone to bring her clothes, pick them up each week and wash, etc. I haven't gotten one call here at the house today. It's pure bliss. So I'm guessing the hospital arranged her transport home. And cat: yes we think mil has first stages of ALZ. Myself and both sil's have gotten her to her dr. Her dr seems to think she does not have it. Even my fil is convinced she has it. She is very angry at anyone that mentions going to a dr who specializes in ALZ. I know her anger is fear, because she loves her family. There's been a couple instances in the last 6 weeks that she's left the house to go to her hair appt and returned hours later and never made it there. We think she was confused and went shopping. Her appt has been the same day and time always. Longer than I've been married to Doug. I took her to lunch a few weeks ago and she told me the same storie 5 times. And each time she was telling me like it was the first time. We are so upset with her GP. We are reading everything we can get our hands on. I've been on the main ALZ website. I feel she's entering into stage 2 if not already there. She called crying one day. Her account was overdrawn 1000.00. She paid her homeowner ins twice. She knows something is happening. But her GP has screwed this up so badly we fear we will have to force her. Because she just will not cooperate. I've read there are drugs out now that can slow the process down. But each day that passes is a loss. Thanks for asking cat.

Oh, aunt rae! She's fine with everything. She told me don't you worry about me. I've been dealing with your moms crap longer than you've been alive. My friends at church are the same friends your uncle Joey and I have had since we joined. And that's been 50 years. When or if the time comes that daughter approaches her, shell give her whatfor. Then she reminded me of our conversation. She's a survivor too. Aunt rae has wanted a pool for over 40 years and uncle Joe always stopped her. Well she is 73 and guess what? She bought a pool!!! The largest above ground you can buy. It's 30 by 15. she said she plans on us spending time together the rest of the summer. We've planned her pool party 2 weeks from yesterday. I can't wait.

I'm sorry to hear about your MIL Lisa. She's lucky to have you. Now you have someone who deserves your caregiving.

Lisa: Ask your mom's doc for a referral to a geriatric specialist or just go without a referral. Talk to Jeannegibbs about the type of doctor(s) you should see and what tests should be given. I agree that your MIL is afraid. I would be too. Let her know that everyone is on her side and want to keep her safe and healthy. I'm so very sorry that this is happening to her.

I'm glad your mom has not called today. Maybe she is catching on.

Hugs, Cattails

Thanks cat. I'll ask Jeanne. But short of tricking her I just don't know how we'll get her to go. Her doctor has her convinced that she's fine. She just won't pay attention to the people who know her best. My mil is a very strong woman. And we know that there is a certain amount of memory loss that is normal with aging. But this is far beyond this. They had their roof put on the house this week from the storm damage and it has caused her so much anxiety. My father in law is the only one who she has opened up to about her fears. He's 84, in good health. So we are thinking this time he'll need to take the reins to get her there and we will be beside them the whole way. My sil from Alabama came in and took her last time. She wouldn't talk to her for a while. Her anger is the worse. It's so out of character for her. But one way or another we'll get it accomplished.

Lisa, Did MiL doc do a formal eval such as a MiniMentalStatusExam?I did my moms when I felt her doc was not recognizing symptoms, and sent him a note with scores, and my concerns. He may have asked your mom if she;s had any trouble w. memory, and she probably said "oh no" (hehe, guess she forgot she got lost and missed her appointment! Docs that can help: Psychiatric Nurse Practioners w Geriatric Certification and Psychiatrists w/interest in Geriatrics, Gerontologists, Nuerologists. Sorry the appointment did not go as you had hoped it would. Keep trying. My mom was extremely resistant and really more in denial than fearful. Often people really have no awareness of the symptoms. My mom eventually did recognize problems and we talk about it, fear, disapointment, all of it. Will Doug's mom exercise and take omega 3's; maybe you all could ask her to help you do the same, together, to help reduce your risk. If not med's. right now, heathy diet and regular exercise for body and brain are the best prevention, and helpful to slow progression, redupreventive. Don't give up. And your mom, she;s probably mad she couldn't pull your chain, so now she can pout and stew a while and come up with a big ol mess of a problem: be ready, see it as her way to hook you back in! Your doin great!

Thanks Kim. We really do understand her fear. Granny (fil mother) passed 10 years ago. She had ALZ for years. There were 11 kids and when it progressed each child took her for 1 month. Then she started escaping in the middle of the night determined she was going home to the farm. Luckily everyone knows everyone and they would see her out walking most times in her gown and would call one of the sisters. It was so bad they made the decision for the nursing home. We watched her just wither away to nothing for years. It was brutal. I don't think any of us anticipated she would hang on for so many years. I think granny is my mil first and only experience with ALZ. She told us for years that if that ever happened to her we better never put a feeding tube in her, to let her go. So yes we understand her fear. He'll, we are scared just thinking she may have it. And Doug? In complete denial. He's just shut his mind to the possibility. So myself and my 2 sil's are the ones going pro active. If this is in fact ALZ I will be with the family every step of the way. We will do everything possible to care for her until the time comes, like granny, that it's just not possible. She has mothered me and just loved me for the past 30 years. How could I do any less? It will be an honor to care for her.

Hi Lisa, I'm sorry about your mil. I too understand hers and doug's fears which leads to their denial. Like you, I went online and researched as much as I could on Alz. You can always start a new thread on asking how other caregivers were able to get around and taking the parent to the doctor. I can't give you much advice on that. Even with mom having Alz, she still listened to dad. She forgot us kids but she always called him. He was able to control her. One word of caution, though. My mom was a tomboy, a fighter. She got angry so fast. But, this is something she did that I have not seen on this website. Twice, she had tried to kill herself. So, please, advice all to be attentive to mil. If she saw what happened with granny, and when she finally admits she has Alz, she may decide to end her life so that she would not be a burden to you all - for the years to come. Please tell her repeatedly how much you love her. You know those 4 sentences you wrote? When you think she needs to hear those words, I would tell it to her. She needs to know this or she will do the "noble" thing.

Oops...those last 4 sentences that you wrote. I think she would love to hear that. On your next visit, get her a very pretty card, and write those words to her.

Thanks bw, but I don't think she would appreciate those words yet. Last month my sil and I met at the house ready to do battle about going to another dr. Girl, we left there with our tail between our legs. As for letting fil tell her what to do? That man better have his running shoes on. They will be married 56 years this next feb 14th. she has ALWAYS wore the pants in the family. That man has never paid a bill in his life. She handled everything. We were so proud of him when he calmed her fears when she was making double pymts on her bills. That's the first time I can remember where he was scared that maybe we girls knew what we were talking about. I know he every now and then gently approaches the subject. And so far he heads to the green house or the garage. When we had a complete physical done for her she was referred to a lung specialist. Well they ordered oxygen and had a unit sent to her home. Wow, what a day. She made fil load that in the truck and send take it straight back. She's been a smoker her whole life. We were hoping this would show if her confusion was due to lack of oxygen. Bless his heart. I guess we are bad. But the humor in his telling the story had us cracking up. what a journey this is already turning into.

Lisa I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this after what you have been through the past two years-that is such a cruel disease it is too bad when Pres. Ragean had it his wife did not get more involved in the cause-instead of shielding him from everyone that would have been a teachable occassion.

Lisa, when you feel like caring for someone is an honor, it becomes much less difficult. We are with you all the way! Rebecca

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