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Doug and I are working on the "room" today. We haven't been able to pinpoint the stench in there. We thought with the floor so stained now she must have been laying her wet depends around. Well, we made it to the vanity cabinet, and oh my lord girls. I hear Doug gagging and trying to yell for me. The woman had the audacity to stuff shitty depends in the back of the cabinet. We had really been stumped how we were going to get the lingering smell outta that room before redecorating. Soooo, home depot for us today. New vanity. I refuse to even attempt to sterilize the inside. But ya know what? This ain't nothing but a thing. Vanitys can be replaced. "SHE'S GONE!!!!"

It ain't nothing but a thing! You have such an inspiring attitude.

Home Depot and Lowes are my favorite toy stores! Tell us how your playtime goes. I love it. And I love the new screen name too. It's such a statement of taking charge of your life!

Hi Lisa: Oh Lordie!! Well, as you said, "it's just a thing." Plus it will be so cool to get something completely new. A fresh start vanity. YEAH!!! I'm excited. Have fun shopping for YOUR home. Hug and Hugs, Cattails

Cat, I luv it-the fresh start vanity!! Lisa, the woman IS evil! That's so gross. That ought to make it easy to maintain new boundaries: next time you feel weak or sorry for her or about to give in...just think of the shitty vanity trick. That ought to snap you back to reality! It is just a thing AND it can be so much more!! Hope you found a vanity that you really like! Glad to hear the room is in progress. Oh BTW, I read recently that much like sage, Rosemary has long been used to ward off evil spirits and placing it on the door (swag or wreath) will protect a home. Girl, get you a big bunch! And don't forget to document that depended vanity, yet another example how unable she is to make decisions in her own best interest. I sat in on a few guardianship cases, they r def influenced by things like that.

New day new life!
Oh happy day...when Jesus washed her poop away.

Thank God she's gone!

Yes, reading all the posts did take a while :) I had to take But to see how everyone rallied around just gave me inspiration. Maybe if I hadn't have saw this post, I might have just gone one to another place...never know :)

Thanks everyone for welcoming me. The name of the post is "New to this, New to that, what should be done, what's the next step?"

Sorry for what your mom did, but now you can completely rid the room of her. Getting new furniture in addition to redoing the paint and everything will be YOURS :) nothing of her :)

That's hilarious Kim !!! Not long after I joined ac my niece snuck in and posted a comment. She teased me how bad my computer skills are. She is so right. I've been surfing thru the sight today and I hit the public profile and to my surprise, hugs sent to me appeared on the screen. All of your messages of love and encouragement were there. But I had to Read and read and read. There were so many hugs sent to me from people that has never posted on my thread. So many. I never realized how many wonderful people were following my story. I am in awe. How many there were that are going thru similar situations and told me how encouraging it was to change their own abusive situations. I'm humbled. To everyone who sent me hugs, prayers, and just simply rooting for me. I am so sorry I've just now found them. I would have thanked each and everyone of you. my heart is so full. The kick ass girls told me telling my story would help others. I just didn't realize. My love and gratitude is endless. Many people are too embarrassed to bring out in the open all that goes on with the crazy lady who lives down the hall. how blessed to find a second home where we aren't judged by the hate and meaness of others. To be listened to. To be helped to take those steps. I have to stop before I have to start using caps again. Really pisses off some lady on here. Snicker snicker snort snort. Love, lisa

Kimbee: I love the sage/rosemary thing. Now, here's what you do Lisa. Dry that sage and rosemary (maybe lavender too) and borrow an incense burner from Father Mike. Burn those wonderful herbs and chant away: "We reclaim our home and commit it to love." Step two would be to burn the old vanity. You can still chant if you want to: "Evil Spirits Be Gone."

LGM: Saw your thread and posted a comment. You hang it there.

Hugs to everyone, Cattails

WELL THE CAPS CERTAINLY GOT OUR ATTENTION... SO WHAT EVER WORKS....... how's the room coming along, which color did you pick??? hugs to you this morning...

My outdoor thermometer is reading 104. Now we are under a severe thunderstorm warning till 11 p.m. We just picked out the shingles for our roof and work starts next week. SIGH!!! Same storm system that ripped thru Ohio.

Bandit and I took the Sunday paper to in-laws this morning and had a nice visit. And then I opened my mouth. Reminded her the 3 month check up is nearing with her pulmonary(lung?) specialist. My fil (the terd) grabbed his coffee cup and headed to the garage. Next time I'll wait for sil. Just so much nicer to dig the foot outta your ass with a partner. At least she's still gonna make Doug his pig eatin' cake for his birthday Tuesday.

Maybe you could get a sledgehammer and whenever you or doug are upset, go take a few swings at it til it's matchsticks.

I agree you should document the event...with photos too...but you know what. I would never never never ever bring it up to your mother. It's not clear to me if she did this on purpose or if she did it and forgot, but I'd be boiled in oil before I'd let her know that it caused you an instant of problems.

I also agree that this is a good go to memory for when you are tempted to give in, or when you are being prodded by others to loosen your stance. Bull!

Hi everybody,
Lisa mayo clinic dot com has a nice article about alz myths. There r some points nicely spelled out that may help you organize some "talking" points for Doug's mom (or Doug too) or w mil, maybe thinking points! Go to the main address, then to "health information". Next: "expert blogs" and "alz". Look at the June 26 '12 entry Myths N misconceptions...

Sorry bout your Sunday visit. Might help to back off n just be loving. The right moment will present itself sooner if she feels supported in her fear. Which of course we can empathize with. Start with where she is right now ( rather than where u wish she would be) to get her reengaged, and more trusting of you traitors! Denial exists to protect our psyche fom that which is more than we can handle without our minds coming unhinged. Fear and anxiety are related to perceived loss of control. We are all rooting for you about Doug's mom too. Hugs and prayers. R u staying cool? I have family in dc area- they lost power in 5 state region- not expected to be fully repaired for an entire week, meanwhile still in the 100s w high humidity through the week. OMG! I'd just die! We offered our home, they r waiting to see if fed jobs will require them to be at work first. Fed is really strict w their policies for employees, contrary to popular belief!

Lisa: I'm thinking that you should back off a bit with your MIL too. I'm afraid that your good intentions will create a rift that will be very painful to both of you. Your FIL is in a good position to give her reminders on medical appointments and you can work through him. He knows what's going on and I think he is in a better position to ease her fears and to talk with her about problems as they arise. She may wear the pants in the family, but I'm sure she trusts him and knows she can count on his compassion.

At some point, she will hopefully be more open to talking directly to you about the problems, but let her get comfortable talking to FIL first. In the meantime, be there for her and share the good times that are currently happening. Celebrate life with those you love best.

Eventually, your FIL may have to speak with Doug and ask for his help in reaching your MIL. That may require a longer time of waiting, but it my be what works in the end.

Sending you love and comfort, Cattails

Girls I understand what your saying. All of us, including Doug, need to make her see reason about her lung specialist. We know with the ALZ issue it will take some tender coaxing. She has one lung in terrible shape. Not being treated w/ her medication isn't optional. The lung is so weak, if she gets an infection one more time it could be devastating. That's why we've backed off with the ALZ issues. Her physical health is more pressing. Somehow we have to make her see reason. I'm waiting for the appt to take fil to have more skin cancer removed from his face. The last time 5 months ago was so bad for him. He had to sleep in recliner because he wasn't allowed to lay flat. We got a phone call at 3 a.m. Last time. My mil woke and went in the room and was trying to pull his bandages off to change the dressing. The dressings couldn't be removed for 72 hours. She went back to bed and he called us. That's when it actually hit him. The kids are right. Doug went straight over and slept the rest of the night on the couch. So somehow one of us will stay with him after the surgery this time to see how all goes. We have a lot to learn. It's just puzzling. Because after that incident she cried the next day. Told us she didn't know why she thought she needed to change those bandages, or why she was so angry when he wouldn't let her. But we are going to figure this out. As you said, keep loving them and spend all the time we can.

Kimbee, thanks for the info. I will definitely look that up. Doug has said absolutely no party for his birthday. Imagine his surprise when we go meet his parents and sil at her house to go to dinner when everyone screams surprise. he said honey, our life has been all about drama. So let's just be bored for once. NOT!! This is the best! Kind of drama. He'll be in a tiny snit when we get there, but he will so be over it real quick. Happy times!

Hi Lisa: I was thinking that your MIL was angry about you "reminding" her of the lung doc appointment, as in she forgets and she doesn't want to be reminded that she forgets. I think what you are saying is that she doesn't want to go to the lung appointment. It is puzzling isn't it and maybe all connected. Good idea to have someone stay with FIL after surgery.

Have a happy SURPRISE birthday. And tell Doug the kick ass girls were in on it too and are sending him the warmest Happy Birthday wishes.

Love and Hugs, Cattails

I looked back cat, your right. I did say reminded. I guess in a way it was. But I said it in a way that I needed to be reminded because I take care of their dr appts during the summer. I was telling her I needed to know the date and time so I wouldn't commit to doing any summer field trips. That's when she let me have it that she WAS NOT going back to that dr. And it's ironic. Just let my fil say he wasn't keeping a dr appt. She would not put up with that for a minute. She really is a wonderful, loving, woman. So I hope none of you think differently. All of these things I mention are so out of character for her. And cat, I will definitely tell Doug. love, lisa

Hey, what's a pig eatin cake?

My FIL was obviously showing signs of dementia but Fam was in massive denial when he had a bad car accident, hospitalized in level 1 trauma center. I ask step mil if docs had asked about alz symptoms, she said no, why would they? He's here for broken hip...privately I pulled the charge nurse aside and shared my concerns about dementia signs symptoms observedN family denial. Asked her to note in chart my confers and alert attending md of note. Her reply?: I sure will, thank you so much- we too felt something wasn't right but hard to know his baseline and can get nothing from his wife. She has been asked all different ways, but keeps saying she has not seen any changes, no one in Fam has concerns etc. I asked if he could be evaluated there before D/C? She said she was pretty sure that could be arranged n shed stay on it. He was transferred to their aging services unit w/o a discharge. He eas evil's and treatment started there. Step mil accepted alz diagnosis as "caused by accident". Put concerns on index card or one page letter n ask for any help they can give u at pulmonoligists. Let them know primary seemed to accept mil self assessment of no problems w memory. Pulmonary docs work w many elderly n may be a little more tuned in to Geriatric issues overall VS family doc who worries about not upsetting regular patient' s trust more than the specialist. Plus they can take more time, n hey, they'd want to solve problem of refusing o2 when RX indicated...

Don't know where his "eas and evil" came from- I typed "his evaluation and alzheimers diagnosis" the evil in that family was definitely the step mother! FIL was sweet and kind.

I want to know what a "pig eatin cake" is too!!!

You, my Dear, are an absolutely amazing woman with an equally amazing husband! You have poured out attention to a woman who wasn't deserving of it and didn't appreciate it. You have done much more than most people would have under the circumstances. Contact Social Services in your area and do exactly what jeannegibbs told you to do. They will even have a psychologist explain to your mother why she needs to go and Social Services will help to find her Senior Housing that she can afford. You have done exactly what the Good Lord tells us to do - you honored your Mother. But, she didn't honor you or your husband so time to go! Take your lives back. You deserve it and time passes much too quickly to let her take one more day away from you! Much love coming your way!

I am so very happy for you! You go girl!!!!!!!

lolasamber: This is a long thread and you didn't read it throughout. FYI, Lisa has taken all the steps and her mom is now living elsewhere. It's been an amazing ride and if you have the time, you might want to read this thread beginning to end. It's quite an education and you will see the Lisa and her family have traveled a lot of ground.

I appreciate your comments, but encourage you to read the thread in its entirety. It really gives you good info for others you may encounter.


Pig eatin cake! Dougs Great great grandmother made this cake. His great grandmother made it. His grandmother made it. Now his mom makes it. None of the kids have the recipe yet. It has been perfected thru the years. All I can tell you is it's one of the ugliest, messiest cakes you will ever eat. I do know the batter has to sit overnight. I'm not looking forward to ever having to make it. I do not bake. I'm an amazing cook. I even cater weddings on the side. But when it comes to baking I can screw up a box cake. So many times I get asked for recipes to my my broccoli casserole for instance. I don't have one. I simply make them. Jen makes outstanding desserts. Her orange chocolate brownies? Oh wow. So that's the extent of what I know about pig eaten cake. Every birthday in this family? Pig eaten cake.

Hymmm, that pretty well clears it up! Thanks Lisa.have fun tue.

Just found this website, and this thread...please tellme, did things work out for you??

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOUG, you have inspired many women on this sight to understand there truly are some awesome men in this world.... I appreciate the love and support you give Lisa and your family..... have a wonder filled birthday, will be thinking of you today.....God bless

Terry55---welcome to our site...I couldn't tell by your post how much of the thread you have read, but since you are asking how things turned out---you haven't read the thread to completion or you would know the answer. Like life...this thing is still unfolding, but Lisa's mother is out of the house and Lisa has reclaimed sanity for herself and her family. The thread still reads like a soap opera, but all in all, this thread and the encouragement and support of the "kiss ass girls" have helped bring about some big changes.

When you have a couple of hours to catch up ....or by reading a few pages each day, take the time to follow the story as it unfolds if you want to know how things worked out. I don't think you will be sorry ....and you will definitely be entertained...Cheers, Eldest Daughter --of the KissAssGirl clan :)

Eldest Daughter: I am sitting hear at the computer LMAO. No offense, but it's the Kick Ass Girls....not the Kiss Ass Girls. Thank you so much for getting my dad off to a good start. Hugs, Cattails

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