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Happy Sunday everyone! The new tv at PIL is up and running in their basement. Mil is a bear with it. They had an old tv in their basement. Upstairs in tv room they have a flatscreen led tv. Mil always went to base ment to watch her favorite shows because the channels were familiar. Now with the led tv she's beside herself. Dougs there now with bandit. Soooo, I'm going to sit in my bedroom today, (because bedrooms have different channels like hers) and write down every channel with all her favorite at the top. Hope that calms her down some. Can't blame her. Drove me nuts when we got ours learning all the new channels. Emjo: love the quotes!!!

Thanks Lisa, I like poetry, and the shorter the poem, the better. I am with you on the TV thing. We changed providers a month or so ago, and it nearly drove me nuts, too. For mil, with her condition it must be awfully confusing. Hope fil came in out of the sun and is doing reasonably well re chemo
kim - we just had intermittent heavy rain, nothing worse. More thundershowers predicted today. Glad you made it through the waters.
mommag and bw - found deleesher but not the funny stuff you talked about - maybe my sense of humour is different???
have a good day everyone

Good morning! What a peaceful weekend! Last day of chemo tomorrow until they do his blood test next month on the 21st. Not quite sure why it's nessasary to wait so long. But they are the drs. Kinda nervous mil going this week after the disaster last week. I can tell she's having no problem remembering I called my sil in Alabama last week to get the confusion under control. Shes been commenting on the bag that I bought that I carry my things in on the bus, so I went out and bought her a different colored one and going to give it to her in the morning. Hope it brightens her day a little bit. And maybe take the bite outta her resentment. Have a great morning!

Emjo, I am not so sure we (you, bookworm and I) are reading the same things, I still get confused on how to navigate on this site. The thing I read was funny to me because of the crazy, frantic way she explained her story....not the story itself. I hope everyone is feeling well and ready for the day, whatever it brings! Smiles :)))

I was reading the Gross and Venting thread. Deesher commented about her bf and his mother whom he's caregiving. Like I commented after Deesher's story, that I was torn between finding it gross and funny. But it's both. It's the way she tells how his mother talks with food in her mouth & the food flies out. Her bf tries to stop/avoid it but his mom just goes on and on and the food keeps flying out to him. Deesher tells stories the way Lisa does too. There's humor in it.

It's on comment # 23850, dated 19July2012.

Tlhanger also recently commented on something on 12July that I liked (funny but not as funny as Deesher & Lisa's own). That too is going in my Funny File.

Hey, Lisa, how's Fil doing with his chemo? No side effects at all? Another poster on this site said they are upping his mom's chemo. So far, no major side effect on her.

Among all the support here we do get to laugh often and cry at times but at least we can give hugs.

Sure hope "Deesher' doesn't read this thread... I doubt she would feel comfortable knowing others thought her post was funny, especially if it is simply her writing style,,, always keep in mind this is a PUBLIC forum.....

Deesher posted on the Grossed Out thread. She intended it to be funny and it was. She picked GO for a reason, because it's gross sometimes. She'll be ok Ladee. Bless you, Cat.

I read it, wasn't funny to me. Sorry Deesher, I didn't 'get it'. .

And thank you Cat, I'm well aware of what the GO thread is about.

Well now I hope Deesher doesn't read this thread. Poor girl only made one post. Ladee, I know you realize what the GO thread is, just mentioned it because that was where she posted. Old to you, new to her.

Good morning girls!!! Fil finished his chemo yesterday. Now it's a waiting game till sept 4th to find out if he needs another round. Just wish they would let him proceed now with having the 3 spots of skin cancer removed. Mil went with us again. Much better day than the last 3. Really hit home these last 4 weeks being with her 1 day a week for more than 8 hours at a time just how advanced her memory loss is. How frail she is. Fil told me she is constantly trying to feed him. It's obvious at the treatments too. Every week after I took her to breakfast, no longer than an hour and she was ready to go to lunch. Yesterday, (uh oh, hope this don't offend, but I think it's hilarious) I get off the elevator and go left and I'm just talking away and walking real slow so she can keep up. A young lady walks towards me and ask, "honey are you lost" ummm no, we are just going back to my fil room down the hall where he's receiving chemo. Make a long story short, there was no we. MIL NEVER GOT OFF THE ELEVATOR!!!! how in the hell did I miss that??? I told girl what she was wearing and she took off up the steps. She told me to wait at elevator in case she stayed on. Yep, she stayed on. When she saw me she stepped off and told me I figured you got off at the wrong floor and had to take the steps. Yep, that's exactly what happened.

That was funny almost as funny as me walking into the Port Authority a few months ago and forgetting my luggage was still on the bus-you want to see someone hurry back to that praying all way-I did retrive it.

I'm still in CA...but I just got this joke emailed to me and had to share it. Was going to put it on the G.O. thread but Tim's gf is dying and it just didn't seem right to post a joke between condolences, you know?

Fred was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.

When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen Her natural beauty took his breath away. 'I may look like just an ordinary man,' he said to her, but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit $20 million.'

Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she became his stepmother.

Women are so much better at financial planning than men...

It sounds like I'm making light of Tim's situation - I'm not. My heart breaks for him and the kids. So sad.

I think we should have a joke thread. What do you say. And it should be no holds barred. Any joke is okay but if it's racy there should be a warning at the beginning. We need to be able to make jokes. It's healthy.

Oh Lisa, that is too funny, and the whole time you are talking.... thank goodness the girl was sweet and thought you had lost YOUR caregiver...... hugs..

Judy: You just couldn't stay away, even when you are in Ca. I loved your joke and can understand your not wanting to post it just yet on GO. See your heart is not really 3 sizes too small. Ha Ha. You are not making light of Tim's situation. Good God, just think of all the people that are dying from starvation, ethnic cleansing, brutality, Aids, Cancer, and God knows what else. The list is endless. We need to laugh sometimes too. You just made me laugh as you so often do. That's one of the reasons I love you so much. Cat

JudymW, I just started the joke thread. I used your joke to begin. I invite all to join.

Hi my friends, having a very hard day. Can you read my post on the caregiver thread? I need some kick ass power sent my way. Luv you all. Struggling Kimbee.

Okay, Lisa... where ya been? Its been 3 days since you last updated. I miss you when you're not around!

Me also.

My fault: been keeping her busy reading my long posts ;) I'm better now! Lisa what IS going on around there??

Hi girls. I'm here. Head started feeling stopped up Friday night and woke yesterday with a slamming headache. Guess I've done gone and caught me a summer cold. Been taking dayquil/nyquil and feeling some better this morning. Phones had to be turned down yesterday. No messages. Had detectives call me Friday. Elder abuse and fraud unit. Guess they made it to moms file. Of course I declined to be present. Wanted to know if they would be dealing with any type of dementia. Girls, I really need to work on my timing going into my fits of laughter. "mam, I must admit, this is the first time I've ran into someone who thinks elder abuse is funny" so I get stuck on the phone with the man for 35 minutes trying to explain. By the end of the conversation I was a little snarky with the man. Apparently there are 2 more detectives that will be contacting me. They are filing so many charges against those boys, 3 detectives from different units will be investigating. I asked if he could not pass along our little over the phone interview. "no, and it would be helpful if you would cooperate" crap. But ya know what? Not my problem!!! My home is finally peaceful again and she's not dragging me down with this. I'm sure that's why the phone was ringing off the hook yesterday. I will never promote the lies I'm sure she will tell to help her case. Shed end up grabbing one of their guns and shooting my ass ;) NOT MY PROBLEM!!!

NOT YOUR PROBLEM... and happy to hear you did not let him intimidate you...they can save their bullying tactics for those that do no have 'laughter' issues... you have REAL issues with your FIL, so all that mess in history... and yes you can cooperate, doesn't mean you can't laugh at how absurd the whole mess is..... hope your cold is better... I hate having a summer cold, they are the worst.... hang tight to your butt and if you have too, let him know you have a group of Kick Ass Women who have your back..... hugs to you today, take care of that cold....

Lisa laugh as much as you want-I should have laughed at the case worker from APS came to my house-they did not even send a social worker,actually I did laugh when I said I had to turn off the hose because I had been watering my flowers in the back and front of my house and I also said I have to unlock the door she saidYOU LOCKED HIM IN THE HOUSE I laughted and said no I was out back and we have had breakins in our neighborhood-The case worker even said she was going to push me out of the picture of caring for my husband and give him 24/7 care. Yea right who was going to pay for this care. I am so proud of you not getting sucked back into the quicksand-you go girl.

Dang Austin, that's funny! Made me laugh imaging the look on her face when she assumed you were running outta yur house and locking him in. Heeheehee. Doug just asked if the secret to getting me outta my nasty mood was having me sign on here. Poor guy, I admit I am rather cranky when I don't feel well. Our grill finally fell apart yesterday so I agreed to go out to home depot to look at grills. Mind you just look. Hmmmm....great sale on grills. 400.00 poorer now. But I'm good with that. I cook darn near everything on the grill. Even my beef and pork roast. I've been ordered back to bed. Jen has her homemade spaghetti sauce on simmering,(which I'll pretend I can taste) because Its my favorite. I'm sure pasta accounts for the left cheek of cellulite. Chocolate the rite cheek. Hahahahaha! I love my family so much. Gonna close my eyes for a few. Over the counter crap makes me feel loopy. ILL BE BACK!!! love ya, Lisa

Lisa, Have you tried spaghetti squash instead of pasta? I just got aquainted with this and love it. It has a sweet taste so you have to figure out what you like with it but it gives me a full plate of spaghetti and healthy (no left cheek cellulite, hehehe).

I love spaghetti squash! I put spaghetti sauce on mine when the family is having real spaghetti. I've even dumped salsa on it when there's no pasta sauce. Dream Fields makes a low carb pasta that is awesome too - not cheap, but not ridiculously high either. There's a rubbery noodle, sort of like cellophane noodles - kind of translucent, called Miracle Noodles, made from a plant called konnyaku. They have no calories, but have no real taste either. They come in a water filled plastic bag and you've got to rinse them before you use them because they smell like new tires when you open the package. Heard about them when I did an HCG program last year. Starting HCG again this week. I've got that sat-on-an-airhose look again. Ugh. I told my husband that my legs are starting to look like an old pair of panty hose that someone filled with cottage cheese. I'm sure that was a turn on! Ha!

Hi you all- I'm sick too, baad sore throat. Chills last night, slept all day today while sweet hubby took care of mom. On the topic of all that fat stuff and noodles that smell like rubber (ick), I've always thought how unfair it is that men just look better and better as they age. Oh well at least they love us just as much as when we were even more lovely! Lisa, I guess I missed stuff but good for u for standing ur ground, keep up the good work.

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