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i began at 1:30am by reading every single post, then it became late and i began reading every other one. finally i had to skip to reading only Lisa's. it's 7:18am and i am finished. Lisa, you are an amazing woman! your mother far eclipses mine and you beat her at her own game. God Bless all the strong woman who lifted her through the process! God Bless Doug, Wow, what a man and husband! God Bless the good and wonderful members of your family who supported you.

and to all the people who would consider making comments without reading at least EVERY SINGLE ONE of Lisa's posts so that you have a freaking clue what is going on, PLEASE DON'T! you honestly don't have any business making a comment about something when you don't know what is going on.

i leave impressed.

Girl or rather ladies you do know tuna comes in industrial size can don't you -just saying

Lisa of course she developed breathing problems you would not get sucked back in so she has to have a medicial emergancy it's her role in life getting attention-keep us posted.

Hey everyone, go to thread " my narcissistic mother was killed because I got mad and left for five days" poor woman can use some love....

Lisa~I read this post all the way thru (took a few days) then I went back and re-read just some of your posts. An amazing story of courage my friend!! Quite inspiring move and necessary move to get your life back, congrats to you!!

This morning I did not even need coffee to wake up cuz after reading about crowbars, blue tights and TUNA cans, I am laughing so hard I had to run to the bathroom before I peed my jammies!!! OMG...I visualize you Kick Ass ladies wearing steel funnels (instead of the tuna cans) with crowbars in hand and pink fluffy slippers posing like the Charlies Angels, LOL!!! Great work ladies and may the world be a little safer knowing you are all patrolling the neighborhoods!!

Hi shar! Welcome to our world! Thank you for the kind words! Lisa

Lisa - they do have a 6th sense - I know mother does. I don't know what it, is but it is there, and they are poised for action, once you have a little peace. Breathing problems? That's OK. IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!
((((((hugs))))) have a great day anywaay - tuna for supper bwahahahaha!

Sharynmarie... funnels are an awesome idea, no sharp edges (I don't need my cha chas pierced at 50). PamelaSue! My buddy from another thread! I smiled when I saw your name. So... Lisa... are you just going to let this hospital visit ride or are you planning on going? I know you needed to last time, but this time? Don't let your smile fade today. Its not your problem. xx

Nope Judy. Sitting here with Jen and Beth. Sat up late with Jen while she cried about her dr appt today. She was pretty scared. She has pcos and they sent her home from work yesterday she was hurting so bad. Her gyno fit her in this morning. When she decides to have children she'll need help to do it. Fertility drugs. She's ok. Her estrogen is way to high from the birth control they put her on. They've lowered it. She's gained weight and is so bloated. Going to hospital? He'll no. Girls day bout to start here. Pizza tonight and movies. We came out of elevator after seeing dr, and guess who was standing there waiting to load. Yep dad. This scared us. Our girl just don't cry bout things like that. I was so surprised he hadn't shown up. I was so convinced he would. And tadaaaa! So alls good in my neck of the woods. Not my problem....

Do Large Tuna cans hold jello????

Your Mom needs to be moved into a facility, and fast.
THE LAW says no O2 where there is a source of spark or fire--like cigarettes--that is not your house rule, it is the LAW.
So if your Mom does not want to give up her Cigs, then the O2 tank must go.
Not a good trade-off.
She is manipulating you, byu throwing temper tantrums as if she were a 3-y.o. child.
Might be a thought: consider her as such, and treat her accordingly.
One counselor recently stated:
"she is behaving like a 3 year old, so,
think: what do you do as a parent, to provide proper boundaries for a child to learn?
You can tell her:
"I understand you want to smoke,
but the LAW says that cannot be done where there is an oxygen tank.
Mom, you have two choices:
you can smoke in your room,
OR you can have oxygen there, but not both.
I know you feel the need for both of those, but only one is allowed.
Let me know if you want the O2 tank or the cigs, and I will try to support you in that choice"
As for the blackmail about the meds:
"Mom, I hear you threatening to stop taking your meds because you want control of your pain meds. I am sorry you feel that way. Do you understand the pain meds are not in your room to keep you safe from overdosing?
If you really want them back in your room, I will be glad to talk with the Doc about it, and see if there is a different arrangement"
Then call the Doc, and report that she threatened to stop taking her other meds if she didn't get to have her pain meds in her room to take at any time and however much she wants.
The Doc might take it that she made a suicide threat.
The Doc might have other suggestions of alternate meds.
The Doc will document that in her chart.
That is a paper trail to help get her moved to a facility.

When it comes to her accusations of theft, make sure you document daily outbursts, writing on a calendar or a diary what she is saying, and how you responded.
While she might SOUND like she means to be deliberately trying to hurt you, that is NOT what she is coming from:
she has lost everything, including control of her life.
She is scared--and from your description, it sounds like that is how she has lived her life, scared, with a thin veneer of bravery.
She is coming from a position of fear of life in general, but her own approaching death, dominantly. She also shows classic, addictive behaviors.
When someone has been on narcotic pain meds for a long time, it not only dulls the response to those meds, causing need to use more to get same effect, but it destroys their minds.
TALK with her Docs, about her behaviors, and let them know she cannot stay in your house anymore.
You have struggled with a very difficult situation a long not wait until it breaks your family apart to get help making better changes, and getting support from at least some in-home caregivers who can give you a break...SOMETHING!
Your hubby and you have managed to make it this long.
While he might have been accepting of the arrangement, because he loves you, having someone like that in the house, absolutely wrecks relationships--because another feature of your Mom's behaviors, is manipulating others based on her own "unique perspectives"
[she isolate in her room, and has nothing to compare her thoughts with to measure if they are true or not--no reality checks--the imagination runs wild!]

But I can tell ya, even someone who has stuck with a partner for over 40 years, will get broken from this kind of invasive, dysfunctional person in the house--get help before your relationship breaks!

Call your local Area Agency on Aging, Cal a social worker for in home health care, or a social worker from the Welfare office--someone official who can come to the house to evaluate the situation.
In-home evals take about 2 hours.

Suggestion: do not warn your elder that it is going to take place, just have them show up and do it.
That way, they will sooner see how the elder is, not a false front.
Make sure they get a look at her room, too
...the Workers who came here, never went down the hall to our elder's room
--if they had, they'd have seen the piles of hoarding, the unhealthy choices she was making, and gotten her moved to a facility.
Instead, our elder was able to buffalo that she was doing fine, for 2 hours
--once they left, she started acting out again.

Please get some folks to help you get her out of your home,
while you still have one, and still have a family!
You deserve that. No one, not from any illness,m for no excuse, is allowed to get away with terrible behaviors.
IT is a sign of Loving people, to set reasonable, rational limits on bad behaviors--same as for children, it is needed for adults who are acting badly.

We feel the most frazzled when enduring bad situations we feel there is no remedy for.
There are remedies.
Sometimes we just have to seek them outside the family, outside the home, and into a facility.
Facilities do not tolerate smoking near O2 tanks.
They do not tolerate Accusations, though they take them seriously if there might be something actually missing.
[[you might consider handling her meds the same way as a facility does:
lock them in a case, and have a record book that every dose, amount, time and date are recorded in.]]
[[same with finances:
if you provide 1/2 or more of her upkeep, you can list her as a dependent on taxes.
If you handle her finances, keep meticulous records!]]
Cover your behind with a paper trail to show you did right!
Keep reporting her behaviors to her Docs, the police, to Social Workers, even to the Crisis Line listed in the local phone book.
Paper trails.
The longer she keeps believing she has you buffalo'd into believing she is in control, the longer you suffer.
From your descriptions, she has been abusive to you forever.
Time to put the stops to that...she is a sick-headed person.
She needs a handler experienced in taking care of those who have personality disorders.

Please keep us posted of your progress!


Geez, once again, I get a little sleep and miss so much! Now Lisa, don't you dare visualize all that funny stuff when on phone w the next detective. Or better yet, you could set him up to interview at the hospital, leave him outside the door and then you pop in to say hi to mom. snickersnort, twitchtwitch. Glad it's not your problem an' all, but it might be worth it to have a speedy conslusion on that case hahahaha. Just kidding-don't you dare! I'm finally feeling better, thanks everybody for all the well wishing. You are all so funny. Joan, I can see you in pink poly pants! I just knew you were always up to the minute in all the latest fashions. Tuna cans and blue tights. WhoHoo, I want a pic of that to hang in my house....Thanks for making me laught till i cried! Kimbee

Chimonger, please read the whole thread before you post. the OPs mother IS not in her home any longer. *sigh*

KIMBEEEEEE- u r back - glad to see you!!!
Lisa have a good evening - when is this phone call happening? and dad showed up, as in YOUR dad - oh my!!!
so sorry that jen has pcos - I have had ovarian cysts, but got preggie at the drop of a hat - the meds may make her more emotional too. Hope you have a great pizza night with ur fam.

Hi Joan, just for a minute tho. Thought I was better, throat better, but now turned into bronchitis, so I got a dr appt tomorrow; hope I can drag my mom out of the door. Hubby offered to come home from work, tho, to stay here with her. Joan, I'm w/ Judy: hope to never make you mad! Everybody have a good night, specially you pizza eaters! Luv you all, Kimbee

Cat, sorry we skipped over your BBC soap: YES, she'd be perfect there. I hate brit food, what is in the ol' bubble and squeak? We love you too!

Lisa, thought for you: when you need to feel mad during interview just think back to discovering the poopy vanity-that should do it!

Chimonger, all this is "Not My Problem" for Lisa. She got some folks to help her get her Drama Queen mother out of her house. It wasn't easy, but Lisa somehow drew the strength she needed and persisted. Now DQ continues to drag her into the As the World Turns Around Mother plot, but Lisa is strong and smart and has an immediate family to support her.

This thread is so very long because it is highly unusual. Someone needed advice. She was given advice. She thought, "Oh, that advice makes sense. I'll do that." And she did!!! And it worked!! She's kept us informed every step of the way. It hasn't always been pretty. She's our hero.

No emjo, Doug showed up. My dad died 27 years ago before I was able to meet him. ;)

My husband asked me what was for dinner tonight. Had other issues going on today. So I said, "I could make Tuna Melt." And I lost it. I was laughing so hard with tears. My husband and son looked at me like I done lost my mind. When I could finally relay what was behind the tuna that made me laugh and he said, "babe, I was getting worried about u there." He just smiled.

Tell Jen she is in our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for that Jeanne. But all of you women are the heroes. Each and every day you give to women like myself who have sunk in the black hole. Every time I feel myself sinking I go back and read all of your comments and it gives me strength. I wind my way thru this sight and read about some of the abusive situations caregivers are in. And it's so obvious they are holding back on information. What I sincerely hope for anyone who sits down and reads 1100+ post, is that they see IT'S OK to tell about it. Like you said it was ugly at times. But when you speak of it, it is so freeing!!! And once I opened my mouth to you gals? MY angels, MY heroes helped me to turn my home back to being filled with nothing but love like it always has been before DQ. I just don't think any of you could possibly imagine the respect and admiration I have for you. Ok, that's all I got to say about that!
P.s.- I will not put these thighs and zip code behind in tights or polyester. Snicker snicker snort snort.

lisa - thx for straightening out the dad thing for me - hey I'm nearly 75, I'm claiming senior moments
And, come on, you gals, there is not much that makes me mad, and I would never get mad at you, but when kids are threatened, or kids endanger themselves, something rises up in me and I am like a freight train on a track, and nothing is going to stop me. I was the kid who took the picked-on kid under my wing, and walked her through the bunch of bullies that were snowballing her, looked them straight in the eye, and they dropped their balls - so to speak. ;)
Hasn't happened that often in my life - just a few other times, but they all make a good stories.
Kimbee and Lisa, you will be glad to hear I left the pink polyester pant brigade behind, and got me some jeans. :) have a good night everyone! ♥

Awww emjo! We know u have a heart of gold. Still wouldn't want to meet you pissed off on the playground! ;))))) I know how you feel about bullying. Seems everyday on the bus I'm protecting at least 2 children.

I bet you have to deal with bullying! and you do it well.

Kimbee - sending good vibes for tomorrow's trip to the doc (thought it was today - another seniors moment). Hope it goes well - my trip out of town has been postponed - sometime later. -in the next week or two - exes work hours have been changed again.
nite all

Chimonger, your ideas are good - fortunately the ongoing story of the Drama Queen has greatly improved from first posting. Make yourself a pot of coffee and sit down to read the whole thing - awe-inspiring/hilarious!

OK, when I suggested blue tights plus tuna cans over the boobs, I was going for a cheap fix on Wonder Woman. Remember her? We should all be beyond those perfectionist hangups. It's not about possessions, it's not about body perfection. It's about ass kicking and getting the job done.

On the on the other hand, funnels would work. More pointy and good diversion. A few bits of cheap metallic Christmas garland as funnel tassels would be good too. We're are making a statement here; they'll know us when they see us coming.

The plus for tuna cans is that is serves a dual purpose. I'm all for recycling. I kid you not, and this is the God's truth. We had tuna casserole tonight. Haven't had it in a few years. So I've got cans!!!!! I can tape them to my titties. They might bruise my knees while we are running. Also, I wouldn't want to hit any of you from behind if we came to a sudden stop. This could happen jumping out of a tree single file, or possibly in the Falcon Punch. Come to think of it, I could possibly hit myself in the face with my cans.

So if we go this route, the kick ass girls will all have to sign a can liability release form. A funnel, however, could put your eye out. Bwhahahahaha.

Love you crazy sisters. Cattails PS: Kim thanks for a thumbs up on the Pub scene.

Judy~Piercings!!! LOL...I was thinking the pointed tips could be used as weapons!You could take an eye out with those things. Beware the bullies dad's who stick up for jr. or sis because the Kick Ass ladies will make a point!! I love the tuna melts...will never think of tuna in the same way again!

Sharynmarie: Buy your tights. We'll take a vote on funnel vs tuna cans. Maybe half and half. Blinding an opponent has it value. Must weigh in potential injury to self.


Boy, I relaxed for a few days, and it takes me a while to read all the posts. And it would have been faster but I was trying to keep quiet being that everyone is asleep at my house and I couldn't stop laughing. You guys would make quite the R rated standup comedy night! And Cat, with the dangers of your tuna cans!!!! I relate!!! I vote for coffee cans!

Cat~Too funny but I think the original Kick Ass Ladies stand strong!!!

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