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Thanks Judy: I went to her wall and all I could find was her second post. I was feeling kind of sorry for her because she seemed brand new to AC. Hated to see her get criticized on her first attempt to post. Since previous posts have been removed, I wasn't aware of her naming her company. So, now I am up to date. Cheese is good. Love you, Cat.

Horrible horrible morning. She's been trying to call 911 to go back to hospital. Been calling house all morning. I think she has literally lost her mind. Screaming at me to come get her out of there and she promises never to bother me again. Told me she hasn't been given her Meds or breathing treatments since she's been there. Hung up with her and spoke to nurse. She read me her list of Meds + times given her breathing treatments. I asked the nurse if they could not call her dr and have him order her a sedative. She informed me that is considered restraining and is illegal. Oh brother. We have a hospital here called our lady of peace where she could be committed. if the day continues as is I will call her dr to have him committ her. Her last call this morning and her words to me served as a reminder why I will never keep her in my life. I can only hope her behavior continues thru the weekend. If I can have her committed? Process can only work much faster I hope. While growing up she hid well her crazy. Her true personality is coming thru. She's losing control and can't stop it. There is absolutely no one in her path to harm or abuse. No kids. No grandchildren. No aunt Rae. She's a time bomb and it's ticking. I put her on speaker phone her last call. The five of us sat here stunned. Absolutely stunned. Jennifer teared, looked at me and said my god, she raised you. That woman hid that part while living here. And it wasn't this bad when she had me alone. Girls, it's just unexplainable. Keep ya posted. Just got home from orphanage picnic. Have had riveted marinating all night. Baked taters, cabbage on the grill. Fresh greens from the garden, and corn in the shuck on the grill. What I wouldn't give to have you all here to enjoy with us. Love you girls. Lisa

Had ribeyes marinating. :)))

Good grief, Lisa. She is really losing it. Can the nurse/doctor call your mom's doc and take the step to send her to Our Lady of Peace? Absolutely, do what you think is best and keep us posted.

Wish I could be there for those

As I was saying. Wish I could be there for those riviteds, haha, I mean ribeyes.


Lisa, any chance you recorded the call? Any chance you could set up to record future calls? Some phones have digital recorders in them, or answering machine message can be set to x-long time. Could be the nail in her coffin, so to speak? You are fine-tuned to her garbage-sure enough shit storm was eminent. In rehab, surely someone there heard it? Ask them to document asap. Rather than ask for relief, let it escalate-may get her a ticket to Lady of peace. Poor lady peace (twitches coming all round?). My guess: DQhaving some withdrawal. If rehab can't get order for sedatives, and she keeps it up, they will send her on somewhere. No doubt her BP's coming up, withdrawal or not. Lisa, hang tough, girl. Feel our arms around you and rest of family. Keep breathing and enjoy that dinner-yum! I am worried I may have made you feel bad earlier in one of my posts, I hope not, if I did, I'm sure sorry. I think all the kick ass women truly rock-you're all so special. And not only because of what you each have acomplished in life, but also because you are all special, kind and smart. Love you all, Kim

Kimbee is right about recording the phone call. If your home phone doesn't do this, can you take a video with sound, of the call, with the number showing on the caller ID with a cell phone? Can this then be downloaded to a computer so you can email it to someone? Just a thought. I'm not technologically savvy, so maybe I'm talking out of my rear again. Happens a lot. Cabbage on the grill? Sounds like something I'd love. Just spray it with olive oil and grill?

Her behavior this morning will be noted in her chart. I did ask her nurse if any of what she was screaming at me was heard by her. The worker serving breakfast went to the desk and asked them to come. They heard most of the vile coming out of her mouth. I asked her to please also include that in her report, and word for word what they remember. She promised she would, and also has noted she would like to speak with Peggy Monday morning. Then came those dam I'm so sorrys again. And I get it now folks. What I am use to horrifys others when they hear it. New mantra. "thank you, but I really am fine"

Well, Lisa, you will be saying that New Mantra a lot! So sorry about the stress this is causing you and the fam. At least everyone now knows how worse DQ is getting. I would never have asked the nurse if anyone had heard DQ's vile comments. You are so good at being pro-active with protecting yourself and the fam. Good for you!!! Take care and just do your best to enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Lisa, this is just a guess, but possibly they are saying 'sorry' simply because you had to endure any of it..... not that they feel sorry for you... as medical professionals they see many people who DIDN'T make it thru the abuse... if it were me, I would choose to believe it is God using these people to say 'sorry' and that He has created such an awesome woman, who came on here, shared her story, has made an undeniable impact on all of us..... nothing happens in Gods world by mistake.... you have no idea how many people you have helped, and the fact that this is ongoing, you are sharing your struggles and conquests, we are all learning and growing too.... so 'sorry' means just what it says.... let others contribute to your healing... every time you hear that word now, look at it as another touch from God..... no Bible thumping here... and I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just know for me.... that is what gets me thru some days.... deciding it was God who sent that message.... just brings me peace..... lots of hugs...

And enjoy the 'riveteds'..... lord this thread has given me a whole new vocabulary..

Thanks bw. I promise, I REALLY am ok. I feel very fortunate that she's doing all the work for me. This morning was a good thing. My regret is that I put her on speaker phone. I soooo did not expect jennifers reaction. And now my girl is just plain pissed. So she's ok too. So our rib eyes came off the grill juicy and tender and Judy later I will post how I make cabbage on the grill. Sooo good. And bw, we are popping popcorn and getting in our jammies to watch boogie man on scyfy channel. Boo!!!! I'll tell ya alllllll about it. Love ya sweetie! Lisa

Ladee, thank you for expressing my feelings about the "sorry" responses. That is what I meant, but couldn't get it out right! Loved the riveteds too, hope you all enjoyed them. Luv and hugs to all of you, kimbee

Geesh, wish I could express myself like that girls. That really is how I'm going to try to start seeing things. It does have to be pretty shocking to them to hear.

Lisa, I know how you feel about Jen's reaction. But, this would be a good time to talk with your girls and help them to see something positive out of it. It's so strange. I guess because I'm not a mother, I don't have the mother's instinct to protect our kids. When I babysat all my nieces and nephews, it never occurred to me to protect them. When mom had grabbed my 6yr old niece's wrist and was squeezing it really hard, my niece had the look of about to cry. I grabbed mom's hand and slowly pried her hands from the wrist. At the same time, I calmly explained to niece that mom likes to grab people and squeeze real tight. Maybe next time, niece watch grandma's hand when passing by. When you see her hand coming at you, run away from it - like we do with the game Tag. Grandma doesn't know she's hurting you. After that, niece would always walk a little distance from my mom. When mom tries to grab her, she just dodges without any squealing, etc... I have done this will all those I babysat. So, all the nieces/nephews grew up accepting grandma "as is.".

Just a thought....

Lisa the sisterhood of KAL are holding you up-sounds like Mom is cooking her own goose this time maybe a little too much drama-I will never forget the time when I worked at a hospital in Syracuse where maybe 3 nurses were holding on to a man trying to climb out of a 3 or 4 story building until the day staff came on duty also had a pt. under police guard handcuffed to the long side rails walking through the ward with the side rails and cuffs-had to wake the sleeping police officer say oh Sir your man is walking away with our bed rails-what fun those days were.

Lisa, my 20 yr old niece just left from visiting me. The whole time they were here, I had it on the Olympic games. Just before she left, she asked me if I ever watch the SciFi channel. I said No, it's too scary. I tell you, you and her share the same types of movie. Scifi! Enjoy your scary show...

((((((((hugs)))))) - been out on an miniadventure - oh my, what a difference a day makes!
Looks like it is coming to a head, though I know I have thought that mother was going over the edge, but she has alays pulled herself back just in time. Lisa,
Jen's admiration, and respect for you has grown - that is a good thing. She is a big girl now, and she is your daughter, and she is fine, So are you. A family evening is great -rivets/rib eyes and all - and corn in the shuck - Yummy!!! Cabbage on the grill. I love cabbage!. Recipe please! We had cold chicken and wilted salad. The motorhome broke done on the way out of town, but thankfully G was able to pull it onto a side road where it can sit for a while - carburetor troubles.Always something, but these are minor. I sat on a grassy slope in the sun, and read a book while G tinkered - making lemonade from a lemon. Something you are very good at Lisa!!! Have a good nite everyone!

Lisa: I did like what Ladee said and you are also right, that others haven't lived it and so it is a shock to them. I know you haven't told us half, maybe not even a quarter, of what you went through growing up.

One day when I was working in my pre-retirement life, I went to the home of a little girl who just hours before had arrived home from the hospital. She had osteosarcoma and her leg had been amputated just above the knee. She was lying on the living room couch and her leg was starting to hurt.

Her dad was an abusive drunk, although he was sober that day. This kid had a little cat that meant the world to her. While she was in the hospital, her dad got drunk and through the kitten at the wall. As a result, the kitten's hip was broken.

The little girl, Carolina, was starting to cry as her next pain med was administered. That little kitten, hobbled and drug itself over to her and pulled itself up the side of the sofa and laid next to her. She put her arm around it and stopped crying. The kitten purred so loud and snuggled into her.

I just looked at these two injured souls who found love and comfort in each others touch and was at least be grateful for that moment they shared and the depth of their tenderness for each other. They were such a comfort for each other.

Don't be too concerned about Jen hearing your mom rave on the phone. You can't always protect her. So she gets an opportunity to hear some of what you lived as a child. The thing is she get's to hear it at a safe distance, a million miles away from your childhood, and with you standing strong by her side. Remember that she teared up and said, "I can't believe she raised you." That's because you are so amazing.

My mom went through a lot of health problems and a few major surgeries. She was somewhat frail and with so many health issues that her life was literally at risk each time. I was by her side through it all. She was tough and she was a trooper.

Now I would describe my relationship with my mom as a case of, "the irresistible force meets the immovable object." Nevertheless, I had to have surgery sometime after my mom passed away. I was a scared, but then I thought of my mom and it really had an impact on me. I thought, if my mom could get through all the shit she went through, I can sure as hell get through this. It was a huge comfort to me and it totally changed the way I felt. My anxiety melted away and I was grateful for her example and every moment I spent with her during those difficult times.

Nobody gets the charmed life so remember that you are giving Jen a well of strength to pull from. When she has difficulties in her life, she will see you as a source of strength to pull from. What more could any child ask for but a loving mom who gives you strength. Understand, Lisa, that pool of strength you leave with your children will continue after you are gone.

In my heart, I think many people who truly get what you are saying, respond with I'm sorry, because they are sorry. They're sorry they could not have prevented it and they think of their children and are grateful they are safe and sorry you were not protected. I also think it's kind of you to tell them that you are ok. Maybe expand it a bit and say, "For some reason I was able to survive. I've been extremely fortunate and have managed to have a great husband, a solid marriage and wonderful children." Should you feel like saying that, you will lift the spirits of many and give them hope too.

Regarding Carolina, let me just say that I had a craving for cheese, just like my buddy Judy. It took time, but dad was removed from the home. Some friends of mine helped and we got the kitten medical attention. Carolina passed away two years later with her kitten by her side.

I don't like to tell these stories because they may make you sad, but sometimes they may give you a reason to be grateful and to realize how much your life with worth to yourself and those that love you.

If I've bummed you out too much, go back and read Ladee's post. It was the most uplifting and I don't know why I went in another direction.

Love you all, Cattails

Great post Emjo. Love, Cat

Cat, thank you. Stories like carolinas and my own childhood is why I love my job. What I do does not require a college education, but as bus drivers we are able to see children in a abusive and dangerous situation and make that phone call to get them to safety. I have literally sent help for some children that I see absolute despair in their eyes. When I see that child 2 weeks later at the same school and see a smile on that face, the feeling is just indescribable. I go back to work tomorrow for 4 days and school starts a week from Tuesday. Kentucky is one of the states that passed the bullying law and tomorrow we will be in class for bully training. Our county has set up their own unit for drivers and teachers. 4 retired policemen are heading this. We all are very excited. So many parents have no ideal their child is being bullied because children are embarrassed and ashamed. The very best part I am excited about? This unit will bring out in the open to unsuspecting parents with resources for their children to be counseled. And most importantly to put a stop to it. middle schoolers, HERE WE COME! :))))

Find a good therapist to help you get back on track. My mother was abusive my whole life. I now have her in a personal care home. She also has financial issues. Because of her debt I now control her money. She would also spend all her money on QVC if I let her have access. I am still trying to figure out what to do with her debt as right now I am being harassed by her creditors and there is no money to pay them. Therapy is helping me deal with doing what is necessary and learning what is not my responsibility as well as getting past the guilt and anger.

((((((((((((((Lisa))))))))))))))))) I hear you!!!! That is awesome! Bullying laws and resources for dealing with it should be everywhere. I know the despair in their eyes must haunt you, and the joy of seeing their souls restored is a great blessing, You are where you are for a reason - and no small part of that is because you have overcome despite the abuse in your own childhood.
cat - you went in another direction because that is life and sometimes life is not easy, and sometimes we don't forget or get over the bad stuff, but we carry on, and we grow, and we reach out and use our bad experiences to help others. I believe that is God's plan as we can only do it with His help, but it does't mean that life is painless, or that the scars have disappeard - in my experience anyway.
love, ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) and prayers!♥♥♥

Luv you all. All great thoughts. I agree, if I was a bullied kid, no better than YOU Lisa to be in my corner! I am still so sick, feel just awful. Hubby is making me hot teas w lemon & honey, and taking sweet care of my mom! Luv that man... Can u all send some more kick ass power? I gotta get well...invisible non-germy hugs to all of you! Kimbee

BIG (((((((HUGS))))) and germ busting power going ur way. Your hubby is a gem! Sorry you are still not feeling well. I had hoped the new meds had kicked in - prayers....

Thanks for the germ busting hug! Feeling a little better. Hope everyone is having a good day. Lisa hope you enjoyed your training today. Kimbee

Ho everyone! Been Mia. What a week. Another long day today. Young couple next door having their new roof put on and Doug and I furious. They stripped it yesterday. Now it's starting to rain. Fraid they found incompetent asses. it's 4 a.m. And I woke Doug. He's over there with neighbor trying to get hold of that company to get tarps over here now. When we saw the people who was giving him estimate, we begged him to use our guys. Our house and garage was done in 9 hours. Every one have a terrific day!!!!

Kimbee, I hope your feeling much better!!!!

Thanks Lisa, still pretty sick, but better. Thanks for letting us know you are ok. Have a good day at work! When you have time, send us a DQ update.
Cat: if you check in we hope you are getting in relax mode.
Anybody hear anything from Rebecca (RLP). We haven't heard from her in a long time. If anyone has her email, or phone, can you check on her?
Joan sending you extra hugs. Bookworm, you have enough on you, please don't let others torture you with scary movies and dolls! Judy, hope your son feels a little better (and mom too). Jeanne, hope things are calm and safe at your house. Missing all the rest of you too. Also missing our laughs and funny stories, so read on...
Can you help me with something? I'm in terrible need of birthday present ideas for my hubby, he never "wants" anything, and I am the WORST at man-gifts. I ordered him a new small 14mpx camera (that he was truly excited about) ahead of time, but the mailman handed him the package directly, so I ended up having to give it to him then. He liked it so much he got out the big camera to show me all the great things IT could do. Thought of a new tire for the lawnmower (he LOVES to mow), but not sure if it would make it successfully onto the wheel and be in still new condition, if you know what I mean! The old one is losing air, and as a result I keep seeing some very unusual patterns and gouges in the lawn (which I'm supposed to be ok with, cause they are caused by the low-air tire, hmm). I checked to see which one it is, don't think it's losing air: it's flat as a pancake. There seems to be some appeal to needing to keep filling up the tire, or worse yet, making those awful scalped patterns all over the yard. One year he was just drooling over every ad for Dremyl (sp?) Tools. After it had not been used even once in two or three years, I got it out and made it my home pedicure tool. So it was only used once! The only thing I really know he would love to have is a big outbuilding, but not the kind you can buy at Lowes, the kind with a poured concrete floor that costs $10,000+, you know, the ones that are bigger than the home, exactly what he had when we met! The ones I see and think look good are the "matches the house kind" that probably cost more than a house! So send me any ideas you have, except any that involve WalMart (no, I can't go there-I would end up in jail, and not enough time to get Ladee to shop and ship). If you missed Ladees wally adventures on the CG thread, go look back for the story of her attempt to by an on-sale vacuum and then read forward through yesterday. Luv you all, Kimbee

Kimbee, is he an outdoors kinda guy? hiker/camper/fisherman/backpacker/rockclimber/mtn biker etc? i would/might be the person to ask if he is.

Kimbee, I've been doing some out of the ordinary things for gifts for my husband lately. I got him a flight in a helicopter for one birthday. He had a powered parachute ride for another - its like an air go-cart with a prop and a parachute. My sons went to a car race with him this year for his birthday. Does your husband have something that he'd love to do, but hasn't? The helicopter thing was a Living Social deal, so it wasn't outrageous. If he likes the camera thing, and likes taking pictures, is there some kind of accessory that will allow him to take pictures at night or have some different kind of focus (I know nothing about photography)? Oh! I got my husband set up to brew beer one year for his birthday. He loves beer, so I went to a brew supply place and had them put together everything he needed, and a book with recipes. He's loved that thing for years - had some good brews and some nasty ones. Just some thoughts. What's hubby in to? And, thanks for the well wishes. My son is feeling better. He's still got pain and bloat and has a CT scan Tues, but the nausea isn't as bad and he seems like he's got more energy. Whew, huh?

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