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((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) Lisa - thank you for the update. Your neurologist's approach makes good sense. I think there is a farily good chance Mary will have more episodes. All if this is quite overwhelming for her. I am delighted that Doug saw his mum as herself last night. Is Ray fil? Getting him the help he needs is great. Although it is a very difficult situation, it does sound like Mary is in good hands, which is all any of us can hope for in a situation like hers. I agree you have a long journey ahead. It is comforting to me to know that you all will pull together,
cat - I so much appreciate what you wrote about death and dying and facing it alone. I will get back to you on that. Keep us updated about your dad.
kimbee - life is not getting easier for you either, is it? Sounds like some changes in our mum, and you are not yet over this bug!!!!!
austin - love the phrase -sharing our unwanted experiences - one of my fave bible verses is Romans 8:28 - in all things God works together for good for those who love Him and are called to His purpose
judy- glad to hear things are better with David - hope your mum is still way down the priority list
Hi to new and old - I have been lying a bit low with an ovarian cyst which is settling down, but still bothering me a bit. Apparently fatigue can go along with it, and it did in my case. Peaceful weekend here, other than over 10 emails from mother, some crazier than others, I will travel down there when I feel better, had to cancel the trip
I planned - looking after self!

Lisa, cat, kimbee, austin, judy, everyone - look after you - no one else will, and you need you to get through this life.
(((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) love and prayers - Joan

Emjo that is one of my favorite verses also. Your Mom emails-wish mine did I love that delete button-now my mind has to delate things but I am getting better at it. I have been having too much fun visiting my friend Ursula -who was my best friend at our Senior Center- at her AL I am allowed to go to her activities and have been included in their activities -now we are doing brain teasers.

Hi girls. Hopefully we will start getting some real feedback from drs tomorrow.with the holiday it's gone slow. Her blood pressure is still up and down. I tried to prepare my fil, Doug, and sil's that she may go back to that darkness she was in. Well, she has. Not as bad as the second day, but the anger and resentment is there. She pulled off oxygen meter from finger and her heart monitor. Patrick explained to her if she didn't stop the arm restraints would have to be put back on along with the harness she's wearing. She called him some names. All I can think is lord please don't let her remember her behavior. She would be so embarrassed and ashamed. This is not the woman we love. They are hoping they will not have to sedate her. The neurologist is hoping to talk with her in the morning without drugs in her system. Emjo, hope you are feeling better. Cat, holding you close. Kimbee, ladee, Judy, Jeanne, bookworm, Kate, Austin, and everyone, love the kickass girls bunches, lisa

Lisa take care I am so sorry for the news of your MIL and you know we love you and are hoping for the best for you and your family. We will hold you close in our hearts tonight.

Survived 2 I have been encouraged by your courage both ways. You are doing the right thing that will save you and your household. Believe me a good family (husband and children) are to be cherished and nourished. You are really starting to live again. And, I am extremely proud of you. There is hope for all.

Hi everyone: Lisa, don't you just hate weekends and, even more 3 day weekends, when you have a loved one in the hospital. Good grief. I hope the next week, starting tomorrow, will be productive in assessing your MIL and getting info for the family. You know my heart is always with you and I think of you many times throughout the day and night.

My dad has perked up a bit. He is much better than he was a week to 10 days ago. He will eat more if I am there to feed him and the doc did discontinue the Lasix so his dehydration has improved. His chest xray did show pneumonia in both lungs, but he does not seem to be at deaths door right now like he did previously. Eh?

My brother, Robert arrived yesterday with his wife and they spent time with my dad yesterday evening and today. I didn't have to go today to feed him, etc. Brother did that. I wish they were closer and could do this more often. I'm so tired of being the only person to care for him. Plus, I know he loves to see his other kids.

Warren and I got so much done yesterday and today in our giant yard. It was so nice to just go and and turn into sweat balls and not think we had to be showered and someplace else in an hour or so. We just slaved away and got so much done. It was hard work, moving big rocks and bringing more in to place on a slope in our yard. Thank God for our tractor that can haul the rocks from where they lay to their new destination. If we can get all this rock placement accomplished and then bring in the 20 yards of mulch to keep down the weed seeds, we will be in hog heaven next Spring. The rocks keep the water from running down the slope. Keeps plants on top, middle and bottom equally watered.

Believe it or not, this is a walk in the park for us. We are just making adjustments and completing things that we have been working on for the past 8 years. It's so different than starting from scratch. It's not so overwhelming now, because we have accomplished so much over the years. Still, every year, we get older and getting this done makes our lives easier.

I'm so glad my brother is here and we can have these two days to move these flipping rocks, bring in more dirt, blah blah and at the same time know that my dad is happy and bro is spending time with him and feeding him. Warren has to work this coming week, Bro leaves Thursday morning. This was our moment, two whole days to concentrate on what needs to be done at home. Loved every sweaty hour of it.

Sending heartfelt love to each and everyone. Cat

still praying for all the lovely people in this thread. you have no idea how much you women inspire me. God Bless you and your families.

Hi everyone. We all just don't know what to think any more. Mary still isn't where she was before the attack Thursday night. What do we do? Plan for the worse or hope for the best? They moved her out of icu. She has a sitter in her room around the clock. Doug went for 2 hours after work and came home looking defeated. At least a dozen times she said she was going downstairs to start a load of laundry and check on ray. And each time Doug would remind her where she was and then she wouldn't talk at all. 10 minutes later the same thing. He tried to get her to eat and she would only take a couple bites and pushed it away. Sitting on the bus waiting for elementary kids to be released my mind was racing. Here lays my mil laying in that bed. A woman who loves life. Cherishes her family. Loves her friends. Loves her church. Then I think of the woman who gave birth to me. A woman who wasted the life god gave her to live. Hates her family. Dosent want a friend. Then I wonder why? Why Mary? I guess this is part of the bigger plan? We now have what they call a case manager. Asking us questions. Does she live alone? Is fil able to care for her when she goes home. Poor ray. This is tearing him up. Seeing him crying beside her bed, begging her to calm down. I called him tonight and ask him to be honest with me how he's feeling physically. He told me he's tired. I told him no one is going to think badly of you if you skip tomorrow. Ray, she's in no danger. All of us kids have got this. Now I'm so glad I got him through the chemo. He is open to telling me how he's feeling. So when Doug came in we all got on speaker phone and discussed this. The others are going to suggest he take tomorrow off without letting on we discussed it. I could go on and on about her dementia, but most everyone has been there, done this, and doing this. Thanks for listening.

Pamelasue, I know what you mean. For me it's hope. You all give me hope.
Love you my friends, Lisa

All prayers for you and your family! You are all inspiring to us!

Lisa, until things settle down in her body, until she has had time to get over the stress of what the heart attack did to her system, she may be in and out of this behavior... the fact she isn't staying there is telling you that maybe she has her lucid moments.... and yes, it's terrifying to see her like this... those of us that deal with Alz every day are not surprised by her behaviour... we see this sometimes when they are home and there is not illness going on....
M had to be put in the hospital today for her next set of transfusions, S will be out of control by tomorrow as she is a constant in his world....and we are not telling him she is in the hospital, just that she is at the Dr's.... no sense in adding to his anxiety.....

And she will be worried about him while she is gone... it's just the way it is when two people have been together as long as they have... but those vows mean something to them, thru sickness and health.... with or with out Alz, love is the same...
All we can do is love you and Doug and your extended family, and be grateful that things happened as they did with your mom, so you would have some of this behind you and be able to concentrate on you MIL....

And if this is to be the future norm for you MIL, then this is the place you start from... it's the disease , not her.... hard to keep that up front i know... because all of you are totally out of your comfort zone with this..... just know you are loved, Doug and his family are loved, you are never alone, no matter the time of day or night... just know one of us is awake and praying..... love and hugs across the miles...

Hugs to you, Lisa. I know that this is so hard on all of you, as well as on Mary.

Here is a small practical suggestion, that may keep things a little calmer. Try not to correct Mary's delusions. If she is going downstairs to do the laundry, tell her that you're sorry but you put a load of towels in a few minutes ago, so it isn't available right now, and Ray just laid down for a nap. Then change the subject. There is no need to convince her of where she is. That won't change anything and may just upset her more.

Last night my dear husband was heading through the kitchen with a full plastic bag in his hand. I asked where he was going and he said, kind of anxiously, that he was going to the bus. I looked at the clock and said, sorry, the last bus left at 6:25. I guess the trip will have to wait until tomorrow. How about if I help you to bed now? And that is what we did. His little bag, by the way, was full of other plastic bags, a map of Glacier Park, and a heavy sweatshirt. He had his wallet in one pocket and a salt shaker in another pocket. Sigh. Dementia is heart breaking.

Back in the beginning I might have tried to convince Hubby where he really was, that the kitchen is not a bus station, that travelling with a salt shaker didn't make any sense, etc. But I know through experience and lots of reading that all that is pointless. Better to just get him unstuck from the delusion and help him with what needs to be done.

I hope this isn't coming across as a criticism, but it would be easier on everyone to not try to argue Mary out of her strange beliefs. Just give her a reason why she doesn't need to do the laundry or catch the bus or check on Ray or whatever delusion she is experiencing, and comfort her in the moment.

Plan for the worst, but hope for the best and let each day unfold. This disease is not predictable. Hospital stays are very, very hard on people with dementia. Just be there for her, and know that your are not necessarily looking at a permanent state of affairs.

Hugs to all of you!

Lisa: Keeping Mary and all of you in my prayers. Don't lose hope.

Jeanne: Thanks for your good suggestions. My heart goes out to you and your dear husband.

Spent some nice time with my brother today. He's been such a great help with my dad. He leaves Thursday, but my other brother, David, arrives Thursday and will be here until Saturday.

Sending love and white light to everyone. Cat

Jeanne, I really am trying to get the others to just agree with her. Doug FINALLY agreed to sit down and read the websites I've been studying up on about ALZ. First, I had him read your post. We will never take your post as criticism. We are so grateful for any suggestions. One sil thinks agreeing with Mary will only harm her. We are going to work with her today on this. Love you girls. And thank you for loving us back! Lisa

(((((((((((Lisa))))))))))) My goodness, you are a wonderful woman! Now as well as educating yourself, you have become the family educator as regards Mary's condition. I am sure it is hard for Doug and sil to accept that their mum, as they knew her, is going, and that parts of her are likely gone. It is natural for them to want to "fix it", and it is part of their grieving process to be in a degree of denial. Usually, a person cannot accept such a big thing quickly. My heart goes out to all of you. Stay strong - I know you will, but allow yourself moments of weakness too. We all have them and need them. Come here and get whatever support you need, and let us know how you and everyone else are,. If you need to have a meltdown, you know that you can do it safely here.
Love hugs and prayers for all of you

I know how your SIL feels. When Mom is so wrong, how can agreeing with her be right? And won't it just add to her confusion? I get that.

But it is not lack of information that causes the delusions. It is tangles or plaques or clumps or some other condition in the brain. My husband has aggregates of alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin protein ("Lewy bodies") in his brain. No amount of telling him the room he is in is our kitchen and not a bus station is going to change that. I cannot "teach" him what is reality. I can try to protect him from the consequences of his delusions (diverting him from going out to the curb to wait for the bus), but I can't fix the fundamental cause of his confusion.

People have to accept the organic nature of dementia, I think, before all the expert advice about not arguing wih delusions makes sense. I'm sure you'll be gentle with your SIL. Emjo is right -- we all want to fix what is wrong, and it is so very, very difficult to accept the limits of our power to do so.

We have another kind of power, though. We can make our loved ones' lives calmer, less fearful, more serene. We can envelop them in love. We can assure them we'll be there for them, and take care of them, even when they think they are in a bus station or the laundry is downstairs.

Hugs to you all.

Lisa~This is my second go around with a parent with Alzheimer's. My father was so easy because he was docile. Because my mother has a PD on top of Alz, I was reacting to her as though it was the PD talking. I have now changed my approach to her and am treating her as though everything is a result of Alz. I am finding by doing this, we don't have the battles. Walking into her world is much easier than trying to bring her back into ours. You are doing an outstanding job in educating your family and the fact that they are respective you to is so awesome. Maybe taking your sil to an Alz support group meeting or two will also help her. It's not easy to watch a parent decline into a world we can't relate to with the delusions, and going back and forth from reality to no reality. You are juggling this wonderfully and I am sure in time your sil will see that giving in to mom's delusions is best. (((((Hugs)))) to you and your family!!!

Survived2----your mom sounds SO MUCH like MY mom. She's lived with me off and on for the past 6 years when she had another "nervous breakdown" and her doc called me and said she can no longer live at home by herself. She has always been a narcissist and only worked 14 years in her entire life. She's almost 76 now. I've been "taking care" of her while she lived alone...30 miles from me for over 25 years. She'd call me at work in the middle of the day and say, "I"m dying, get over here NOW...I need HELP NOW" and I'd lock up the office and drive over there to find her in bed. She couldn't move. I call the ambulance again and she'd had another nervous breakdown..this has been happened for YEARS. Finally, 6 years ago doc said no more of her living alone. He suggested a psych ward for 30 days or so to get her "straightened out". I was the ONLY one of us 3 children to go visit her...another 50 mile trip. I've helped and helped and helped her for SO many years and all she did was complain about it, be hateful to me, argue with me, put me down and STARE at HERSELF in the mirror CONSTANTLY....I resent her for the way she tortured me and my sis while growing up and telling us NOT to come home from school if her boyfriend's car was at the house. It was always there so we were left to "walk" around town. That's when I got 'hurt' and just the beginning of the men that would break into or TRY to break into wherever I was living. Mom told sis and I so many times that she wished she'd never had us but she LOVED our two brothers to death. Still does and one has been dead for 28 years, the other one NEVER visits her even on her birthday, Mother's Day or Christmas. My sis is a big bully who has bullied me for wayyyy toooo long and an alcoholic. I have nothing to do with her. I am broken too but I just KNOW God will come to my rescue. I once was a highly respected teacher and loved my dream job..would have retired there until a new BULLY teacher came in and turned all of the other teachers against me. I put up with it for 3 years but finally just left...Admin did nothing at all. I've not been the same since. Too much abuse, bullying and hateful people in my life. I've never had a "good" relationship...friend, boyfriend,, girlfriend OR husband. My animals save me. God bless you and I'm SO happy that you made that call and are going to get your hateful mom out of YOUR house. KUDOS to you!!!!!

Hi all, Just a quick check in. U R ALL soo amazing! I agree w Jeanne n Ladee, distraction is better. NH's R starting to add "fake bus stops" to help distract from delusions n prevent wandering dangers. Patients "leave" n happily sit at the bus stop; staff waits a bit, n let's them kno the next bus comes later, it's hot, or cold, would they like to wait in the warm, or have a cool drink while they wait. Has proven to be quite effective. Hard to get used to the notion of going along w delusions, u only do it enough to be able to distract- u don't have to "FEED" the delusion. It certainly is a process to adapt to this devastating illness. It take time, n continual learning. No one is auto-equipped for this. Joan is so right, melt any time u need to n as Ladee said, 24/7 someone is praying n caring. N as everyone has said, we all love u, hearts broken for you n family.

I have been busy trying to get mom to all her appt's, w PT, it's a big strain. Therapist can see we can barely do it, n thinks she needs home PT N OT, which he is setting up for me w someone he notes is in the same league as Tia Snow ( is that the right name Ladee?). She will also be able to do some free consults w us via a hospice and give referrals to more local sources for us to get more help. I'm excited n grateful. I can't keep up this pace. It's hard, but also worth the effort. I am grateful to have my mom w us, I see many heartbreakers, but just as much counter-balancing treasured moments of joy. We r having trouble keeping up w our outdoors, so Cat, I'm glad u got some time in the yard. I tried replacing some landscape fabric this year w cardboard-I am astonished at how much better it is working. Easy, cheap n more effective. Plan to add it to some trouble spots this fall. Luv, hugs, prayers and joy to all of the kick ass women and their families.

teachergear - lisa's mum is out of her house and has been for a while. If you have time, read the whole thread from the beginning. It is quite interesting, I hope you develop at least one good relationship with a human being. It is possible despite all the abuse you have been through.
Kim, I do hope you get home PT and OT set up. It would be so much easier for all of you. Cardboard instead of landscape fabric - that is a great idea!!!!
Lisa - hope Mary is settling in a little, and that Doug, sil and Ray are catching on. So much has happened so quickly. It wil take a while for them to "digest it" all. (((((((Hugs)))))) and prayers for all.

I have been thinking about dealing with delusions, and, of course, with dementia and other diseases the underlying condition cannot be corrected.The brain is not working properly. I don't have experience with dealing with people with dementias but I did have similar experience when working with children and teens who were then called "disturbed and retarded" - nowadays I suppose called emotionally and mentally challenged. One girl, in particular, was diagnosed schizophrenic, and had some pretty bizarre behaviours and ideas. We were instructed by the resident psychiatrist to correct her with comments like. "Denise, that is not so", It made her behaviours worse. So I decided I had to join her world, while maintaining contact with mine, and gently lead her out. It worked. What was important, I think, was that I related to her in a way she could appreciate - that we connected - which meant me going to her reality, not requiring that she come to mine. This is not, of course completely analagous to the situation with Mary, and others with dementia, but there are similarities. When I corrected her she became more agitated, when we connected, any way I could figure out, she relaxed.

Hi everyone. Mary was released from hospital today. When heart specialist and neurologist told us she was coming home our jaws dropped. We are so happy that physically she is doing great! The dementia? First appt is the 14th. On top of the heart attack Mary had a stroke. We had suspected this because of the slurred speech. She's home because of the dam Medicare guidelines. But it's ok. It is what it is. The case mgr had appointments set up with every dr we need. Seeing her at home tonight is the calmest she's been in a week. She still believes she's been cured of cancer. But that's ok too because it gives her comfort. Doug and I talked with both sil's today. It's just not important she know she had a heart attack and stroke. they are listening to me and I am so grateful for that. I went thru ALZ website and bookmarked what I wanted printed for them, and Doug brought that home at lunch. I know it's a quick fix for them and in no way will we all learn what we need to know overnite. They apologized for not listening to me especially these last six months about reading up on helpful info. He'll, no apology needed. I've been reading up on ALZ for a while, and I still wasn't prepared. Alabama sil leaves for home sat morn. That leaves me Doug and other sil. Doug has a brother but there will be no help there. Not wasting our time being angry or bitter. Again it is what it is. We got this. And home health agency for ot and pt. It's a start girls. Where there wasn't hope to get her help, now we have much hope. Love you guys, Lisa

Kimbee, Tia Snow??? Sorry, I'm not sure what you are refering to, but then sometimes I also have to be led back into reality... lol, no ugliness intended there... but as others are saying, it is just easier to redirect than to upset them... we have no idea what they see or how they interpert things... just like S seeing the birds in the trees... it can be somthing as simple as his glasses need to be changed, which is impossible, or do any of you know of a way he can get his eyes tested??? suggestions welcome... or if he is REALLY seeing birds... but he loves the birds, they make him happy, and so, if he sees birds, then so do I...
This stage of his Alz is progressing rapidly... it makes me so sad, to think this time last year he and i was in the yard picking up sticks.... and now he can not be left alone for any time at all, is walking in a shuffle, this has gotten worse just in the last month.....

Lisa, happy to hear MIL is home... that will make a difference for her... and the stroke explains some of the behaviours too... bless her heart.... prayers for all of you.... the one thing you will hear from those of us dealing with the many kinds of Alz/dementia, is that no two people are the same... Read as much as you can, and keep an open mind and realize none of it really follows a pattern... or what works for some will not work for others...thank God for this sight, so we can get so many different ideas and suggestions.... Everyone of dealing with this hates this disease... and Sharyn doing it again.... amazing.... no one can ever accuse of being sissys ..... love and hugs..tired, need to get some sleep...

Oh Lisa, glad you will have home help for her. Two things to keep in mind: 1) Medicare will not pay if she is not Homebound, people don't always understand this and do something like ride along to the store n stay in car while driver shops. Then the therapist comes n says, "how r u, are u feeling better? ( or what have u been doing?) and the senior innocently n proudly shares they got out for a ride, or went to the store, neighbors or church. When that happens, the therapist is supposed to note in documentation, and then TERMINATE home services. Since Mary has trouble remembering, it would be better for everyone to understand not to take her out for any reason but required dr f/u appts. or emergency medical
care only. A few yrs ago, they seemed to overlook a little outing to combat boredom; I suspect that would no longer be the case.

The other thing that sometimes happens with Sr's n home services, they r mad about decreased independence n deny needed services, or try to fire the provider. While patients need the services a dr rx'ed, they don't always think they need them, or don't understand why they need services that bring a stranger in their home. So beware of this-some patients will assert the services aren't needed and promptly fire the provider. Once this is done, Medicare does not view starting a service that was not direct from hosp discharge, as a medically necessary service n will disallow payment. If there is a legitimate issue w provider, it has to be handled properly in order to change providers w/o losing billable status (i. e. No gap in care). Might be good for someone in family to be around for the appointments, to prevent any service "disruptions" that could be potentially avoided. Also, 2 or more will be helpful in learning what is taught / suggested. It is a lot to keep up w. I hope Mary is more comfortable at home, hospitals are not too restful places. I was sad to hear shed had a stroke too. Is she steady on her feet? I hope you, Doug, Mary, Ray and rest of family are holding on, you've had a rough few months. We are still praying for you all to have some peace, healing and more strength to keep trudging along this difficult path you face. Lisa we love you and are so impressed with how you have been through so much, and can be so wonderful and present in such a meaningful way for Doug's family. Proud of you, luv & hugs to each of you, Kim

well, I finally did it, I have had enough abuse and have walked totally away... my mother is now going to have to hire a grocery shopper, a medical driver, a garbage person and a laundry person....if my sister comes back around she can take her and shove her somewhere , because I will not jump in to protect our mother from my sister's is one thing to make derogatory comments about how I look and think, however, she crossed the line when she told me my daughter looks like a slut and is asking to be raped because my daughter's shorts are above her knee and her tshirt has a mid grade vneck...good luck to her she is going to need it however I feel great, I just unloaded a whole pile of abuse and bullshit from my shoulders :)

matthew24242424, Lisa's issue with her mother has been resolved. Whether God lead her to the solution or she came to it by some other means I'll leave you to decide. And, by the way, Lisa will never ever be in the situation her mother was in. Lisa has a caring, loving heart.

Ugh. That's all I have to say. Ugh. Amen.

My dear mathew, I've already told my family if I ever start acting like the woman who gave birth to me, they have my permission to take me to the woods and shoot my ass. And that's all I got to say about that!


Where were you when Hitler came into power. Who knew that you could have cured him in just 30 days. Think of the millions of lives that could have been saved.

Ok, maybe that's over the top. How about gays. Can you cure them in 30 days?

Too hard. Ok, how about the person confined to a wheel chair. Will 30 days do or do you need 45.

Ok, let's forget that. Your specialty is mental illness. Does the 30 days only apply to blood relatives?

Lisa: Glad Mary is home. For some reason that's a comfort to me. I can't help but feel that she will get better, to a point, in those familiar surroundings. That's my prayer for her.

Aside from my hopes and my prayers, the reality is you all have a lot to contend with. Mary has dementia, she has suffered a heart attack and a stroke.

I know you realize that and I know that you have an amazing family who will be there to do whatever is necessary. I'm just so sorry this has happened. You are a blessing to her and Ray; to your husband and us. Praying for you all.

Caregiver: It's always easier to get mad and throw in the towel when your dysfunctional parent attacks your child. Why is it that it's ok for her to beat you up with her demands and unkind comments on a continual basis? Can you see yourself as the daughter you love? Can you love yourself the way you love your child. I hope so. You deserve it.

Well, as you can all tell, I've been feeling a little pissy myself lately. Second brother arrived today and spent time with my dad. My dad is not doing very good today. My sister will not be coming. She didn't when my mom died. Current visiting bro will be leaving on Saturday. Then it's back to just me to see this to the end.

Went to dinner tonight with hubby and bro and found myself getting emotional about my sister. I'm angry with her for not coming to see dad. I know he would love to see her. He has done so much for her over the years. He just adores her. I am just so pissed that she leaves me to fill the void. I can't fill it and it's painful to me that I can't give my dad something that I know he would love to have. I think I feel worse right now than I ever have in the past.


Lisa you are a blessing to your family and us and I am glad mil is home with her loving extended family. Caregiver -your Mom does not deserve your help-my mother is the same she notices everything and feels she is entilted to make comments even when they are mean and nasty-I am practicing her facial expressions so when with her I can give a nasty look back-I refuse to argue with her and I am detatching a lot from her-she is acting against all the things she taught us over the year. Matthew Lisa does not need preaching to I am a commited christian and my God is a loving God-platuides she does not need at this time-we her friends know what has happened to her from the beginning and she has no need for your judgement-my God forgives. Lisa has a loving family and loving friends and we will take care of her and so will my God.

Lisa, it's best that Mil is home. Mom was in the hospital for 1 month - in bed. When she was released, she had one very gross bedsore. I've never seen one before, and I sure hope to never see one again. It will be more stressful to the family to care for her. And you fil. I wish you all to have the strength and stamina and brains (think outside the box) on careing for them.

Cat, with regards to sis, do what I did one time when mom was close to death's door. I emailed to all my siblings off-island. Stated the situation, and said that I think it would be best if they came home before she died for closure. IOnly 1 came home, 3 stayed back. But, at least I said what needed to be said. If mom had died, I know that I did my best to bring everyone here. It's now up to the individual. Any any future incidents, I email but no long letter of plea. They're adults, they're decision.

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