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Survived2, I go through the same thing with my mom....I have NEVER done anything "good enough" for her and she voices that all the time. She gets so hateful, I just can't stand it anymore as she was hateful and abusive to me as a child, teen, adult and STILL to this day. She made it clear when we were kids that she LOVED our brothers but didnt' like us girls. We worked every day after school..starting from 2nd grade, did all laundry, cleaned all house, all rooms, cooked meals, did all dishes, tilled garden, planted, pulled weeds, harvested,...goes on and on. We were not allowed to have friends or go ANYWHERE, yet brothers had NO chores and had friends over to play with them, etc. I'm the only one who has ever taken care of mom and I've been doing it for over 25 years..when she still lived on her own but couldn't even decipher what a letter she got in the mail she'd always call me several times a day and read the entire letter to me...including the ADDRESS. I still care for her as nobody else cares but me. I get resentful a LOT because she complains and NEVER has ONE positive thing to say. When I bring her home with me or take her out someplace from the NH, I tell her.....NO COMPLAINING, NO BEING MEAN TO ME or we will go right back to NH. That works for about 30 min. then she is back to insulting and complaining about every little thing...the sun is too hurts by eyes, it's too cold in here, it's too hot in here, I don't like that skinny man, etc. etc. etc..but now it's more jubberish when she talks and makes no at least I can say, "I don't understand what you are saying" and she will be quiet. But not for long...I usually end up taking her back to the NH much earlier than I had intended because of her behavior. She's like Jekyl and Hyde...acts REAL nice to other people but treats me horribly. She's been like that all of my life tho..I know no other mom.

teacher I am so sorry for what you have to go through-she is very blessed to have you. I am lucky my sister lives near my mom-but mom has been so mean to my bil he does not go to see her or take on her numerous errands but she has other tennents to take her places-I will have to spend time with her-we are going to a family wedding but I have learned not to respond to her grips-I will not argue with her but have to harden my heart-and Matt do not even bother to scold me I go to church twice a week and spend time with good christian folks.

Cat, I'm so sorry about your sister. What an ass. Although the witch don't deserve it, would it help if dad talked to her on phone? Is he able to? I'm simply dumbfounded when anyone who has the love of a parent throws that love to the side. What I wouldn't give.....

Cat, Austin,Jeanne: thank you. Frustrating when someone try's to tell me how to pray to god. And how god will respond. As I've said before, I own my relationship with god. And that relationship is a loving and thankful relationship.

Went to PIL when I got done with morning run. Mary not so foggy this morning. She's so week. Pt and ot therapist will be coming 3 days a week for now. She needs it badly. All of us have discussed and a agreed there will be a padlock on basement door. She is so hung up on the laundry. It will be put on from the other side so she dosen't see it. They have a walk out basement so when needed we will go thru from outside. Sil and I took care of insurance forms for fil cancer policy and in the mail. Fil feeling weak and was going to bank. He sat down 4 times drained. I just gave him my aggravated look and said are you going to tell me? He said hon I'm feeling really tired this morning. He and I had a few words last week. Not Harsh, but stern. I told him I'm tired of playing the guessing game of how he's feeling and he needs to use the tongue god gave him to help me out. He told me I'm getting awfully bossy these days. So he asked me if I would take his deposit to the bank. So finally he's asking for help.

Have I mentioned lately I love you guys? Honestly don't know what I'd do without you!!! Lisa

Book: My sis knows our dad is in the dying phase and I have told her that if she wants to visit him she should come soon. I know that I have done my part and it is her decision, but I just feel badly for my dad.

Lisa, my sis talked to him on the phone a couple of weeks ago. It's better than nothing, but a physical hug would mean a lot to him. She hasn't seen him in over a year. She's not an evil person, it's just easier for her to live her life with her head stuck in the ground. I know I have to accept that. I just hope I can forgive it.

Thanks for letting rant.


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to be the person who gets to live with their head stuck in the ground? I'd like to be the one with my head in the ground with my fat ass stuck high in the air. I'd wear a bright red thong and put a sign on my ass that says "Kiss This." I'm grumpy again today.

Matthew, you are right about nothing being beyond the power of God - but while the Lord is working, there should be mercy toward the others in question here, like Lisa and her family. It is wrong to take the attitude that God approves of any on His children being abused. Not so! Therefore, the Christian thing to do is to avoid abuse of anyone as much as humanly possible. No one is anyone else's lawful prey. For some reason, concern for elders often translates into sinful lack of concern for those the elder may be abusing. This is not cooperation with God's working in our lives.

Hi all, Lisa, glad to hear mil safely at home. Padlock good idea. If she stays focused on "laundry" try giving her the towels or washcloths to fold so she can help. I miss you all, So much to do for mom, can't wait to get her home services going. Cat, have you told sis dad needs tO see her? Very sad. Judy-what a
visual! Hope things going better at home. Miss n luv u all. Please keep us in ur prayers, we r struggling. Praying for all of you, hugs kimbee

I know that we're not suppose to discuss religion. But I really need to get this off my chest regarding Mathew the poster.

Matthew. Where in the Bible does it say that it is God trying to teach Lisa and her family through this test? Have you read the book of Job? Satan told God that people worshipped God for selfish reasons. Allow the devil to Test God’s loyal worshippers. Then Satan proceeded to cause boils on Job. He lost his wife and children and land, etc…All throughout the Book of Job, Job Thought it was God testing him. But if you read it carefully, God gently reprimanded Job for this belief but He also rewarded Job for being loyal despite all these problems. And this is in the Old Testament.

For those who are into the New Testament, when Jesus was on earth. In Revelation 12: 7, it shows that there was a war in heaven, and Michael (Jesus) and his angels threw down the dragon (Satan) and his angels out of heaven and were sent to the earth. The dragon called Devil and Satan, who is MISLEADING THE ENTIRE EARTH.

So, Matthew, please do NOT preach on this site unless you can back it up with the Bible Scriptures! Lisa, God is NOT testing you and your family. It is Satan and his devils. I mean, Gee Whiz! Satan even tried to tempt Jesus! (Matthew 4:1)

So Back off, Mattew! Shame on you for using the name Matthew and twisting the Bible to fit YOUR version or interpretation!

Rovana... what an awesome answer. I loved this part: "No one is anyone else's lawful prey..This is not cooperation with God's working in our lives." I never thought of it that way.

we need to get rid of matthew242424, he is the reincaration of that itch, what was her name? mental block. anyways, yes, HE NEEDS TO GO! how do we do this?

sorry people, i'm not going to be so nice, i am all gloves off! people who use the name of my God to abuse others tick me all to hell!

Kimbee: When my mom was dying, we did all we could to get my sis to come see her. We offered to pay her way, and Yes I did tell her how much it would mean to our mom to have her in her presence. Didn't work. Just pissed my sister off. It was December and she just wanted to hang her Christmas lights and have that Hallmark moment. Well, she stayed home, hung her Christmas lights and mom died on Dec.18th. I know my sis had a sh*tty Christmas, but she will never admit it.

I have not gone down that road again with her this time because it created hard feelings with us when my mom died. I already know she realizes my dad would want to see her. That is a no brainer. She knows this as well as I do.

It's a long story with my sis. She has always struggled financially and we have all done what we can to help her. A lot of her problems, however, are self imposed. She makes bad choices. Still she was a very hard worker and, for many years, raising 3 children. They are all grown now and no longer living with her.

My sis will take advantage of us financially. She vacillates between dreamer and survivor. Her dreams don't come true because she can't add and subtract. My parents, mostly my dad, always gave her money and so did her sibs. Over the past few years, she has put one of my brothers through serious hell. It cost him many thousands of dollars. I think this last go around was major and it broke their relationship. I feel most sorry for my brother because he did all he could and she treated him like sh*t. She would bad mouth him to all of us, but we knew the truth and she just used him to such a point of shame. For my bro, the loss is financial and it still continues. She left him with a huge mess. But more than that, she hurt him deeply from an emotional standpoint; more than I can begin to express here. Since early childhood, he was always there for her.

I have offered to pay her way up to see my dad. In spite of everything, my bother would too. But she says no. She did this in 2008 too when my mom was dying. She just wanted to spend Christmas at home, my parent's old home, which my bro had purchased and let her move into.

At this point, in my humble opinion, she has become so hard hearted that it is hard for me to recognize her. If I try to talk to her about anything other than her lalalalala life, she will become very angry. It's her defense, an even bigger effort on her part now, because she has so much more to deny. This has to be majorly hard work for her. In my opinion, she personal shame is off the scale and so she has to work so much harder to make it everyone elses fault. Still, that's the road she chooses.

My sis is not a drug user or a drinker. She is just a hater and I think she hates herself. I'd love to talk to her about that, but I am in the cross hairs here,, picking up all the pieces and I don't think I have ever been so disgusted with her.

My sis will talk about my dad like, "we wouldn't let out pet go through this." She constantly tells me about a young friend of her daughter's whose parents recently died just months apart. How awful it was for this young girl. The suffering was ridiculous, blah blah. Then the pet thing again.

Well, I have had to put some beloved dogs to sleep, but I have never done it without being by their side. My sister will not be here. That is her choice. She will not appreciate that she has let so many down and hurt them deeply. She will keep her wall up and she will make her self feel good by giving lame comparisons without realized that she is defining her own feelings when using them. She is talking about her resistance, her fears and her shame. Yes, I would like to shake her till her teeth fall out. She has let me down more than I could ever have imagined. She has hurt my brother more than I could ever have imagined. She has avoided giving our mom the comfort of her presence and she will not be by my dad's side either.

In my heart, I think she is a good person. I remember my sister from years ago and this is not her. But this is how she chooses to live her life and right now I could strangle her and feel the better for it.

She was the chosen child in our family. I think it cost her dearly, but she could show up, grow up. Do something to make a difference that only she can make.

Just pisses me off. I can't make this up to my dad. I can't be her for him. This is the last bag she is going to leave me holding. I love her and I have compassion for her struggles, but I can also hate her ass at this moment. I want to make it clear that I don't hate the sister I use to have, just the one I have now.


((((((((((((((((((lisa))))))))))))))))))) thank goodness Mary is home, and you are looking after things like a putting a lock on the door.You are also looking at a new "normal". It takes a while to digest. Mary now is not Mary as she was before, and family dynamics are changing. What huge transitions you have been, and still are, going through. Give yourself some breathing space to deal with them. These are the "biggies" in terms of life's milestones, and can set your head pinning sometimes. Don't forget to have the pizza and movie nights with your fam and inject a little of the old normal, and do what you need to look after you. You are a major "beam" on the support sysem in Doug's family's support system. You are also Lisa, who has been going through a lot of her own "stuff".Breathe deep
Big hugs - wish I could give them in person. Life flows on, whether we are ready for it or not,
cat - what can I say. I know the coldheartedness of a sibling, and have simply come to accept it, and work on forgiving. I love how you are championing for your dad, but don't get too hurt in the process ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((((kim))))))))))))) sounds like you are getting busier and busier. - the job is increasing. Hope you get those home helps in SOON, and hope your health is improving. You need you too.
judy -awesome image - and definitely a red thong!!!!!! :-D
austin, book, rovana and all who commented on Matthew's post - well done- Lisa does not need the added aggravation
teachergear -have you thought of starting your own thread?- you have quite a story, and many can identify with what you write. I am so glad you are setting some limits. Definitely back to the NH if there are bad behaviors!
to all - I haven't gone back a page but you know you all are on my heart - Much love, many hugs and prayers Joan♥♥♥

cat--I went through the same thing when my dad way dying. He was in the NH for only three weeks and during those three weeks, I drove straight there to see him ..40 miles from my work. I'd get him his cigarettes, put the vest on him so he wouldn't burn himself when he dropped it, wheeled him out to the patio to talk about the tomato plants (he was an avid gardener). He looked forward to me coming every day. I'd try to help him eat by feeding him but he had no appetite. One day he said, "Why doesn't anyone come to see me?". I told him, "I do"..he said, "You're the only one". I have two other siblings. Brother was never close to dad as mom raised him when they got divorced and he never got to spend time with dad. My SISTER however was dad's FAVE and she NEVER, ONCE went to visit him in the NH during those three weeks. The day he was dying, I was there and SO MAD at my sister because I knew dad was "hanging on" until she came to say goodbye. Brother and I were both there with him. I finally couldn't take it anymore and called sister and told need to get over here and see dad..he's waiting on YOU so that he can pass. She gave me the "SIGH" that she always does if ANYone needs something or asks her for help. She has always just thought of herself and bullied me for years. She said, "Are you SURE he's dying?"......UGH!!!! I told her,,,YES....he is waiting for YOU. I had to talk her INTO driving 30 miles just so that my dad could finally pass. It was like pulling eye teeth and dad did SO MUCH for her for SO many years!!! She finally came and he was barely able to mumble..not words..just mumble. He died a few hours after she left. WHY it is that kids who parents favor the MOST during their lifetime care SO LITTLE about the parent??? I'll NEVER understand that..never.

Matthew - you've disgusted pretty much everyone on this thread. Take your twisted view of religion and GTFO. NO ONE IS TAKING YOUR COMMENTS SERIOUSLY. I've reported your comments as in appropriate and will write an email of complaint as well as soon as I finish commenting. This site isn't for preaching. I hope you get deleted, and I'll work toward that every day until you are gone. God bless you.
Pam - I think you mean Caring-something or other. What a pain she was - preaching like she was on some higher ground looking down at the rest of us. UGH. Did I tell you how nice it is to see you on this thread, btw?!

*inappropriate*. Still working on my morning coffee.

OH, and Matthew, you're violating Caregiver Ethics. Here's a quote:
"Keep your comments and posts to matters that concern caregiving. Don't discuss controversial topics – such as religion or politics – that might anger other caregivers." This is in the "about the forum" section, under the "caregiver forum" tab.
Please keep your religion to yourself. Its a rule. Thanks.

Judy: I think Matthew missed the scripture about red thongs, blue tights and tuna cans.

Cat, I think you're mistaken. That's not in the scriptures. Its in the Manual of the KAW. Did we have capes too? I want a short one so that the thong shows (it complements the cellulite). And I think weaves were optional for everyone except Lily. I do have a rasta beanie with dreads attached that I was going to wear in the old truck to pick up everyone on the way to Funnierthanme's patio for coffee a few ago though. Maybe we should be keeping notes on all of this.

*a few WEEKS ago* .... losing it. Sorry. Been an emotional morning. I hate typo's!

Don't worry about the typos, Judy. I do them all the time and figure that people can figure them out e.g. pinning instead of spinning. I guess I have lost IT already, am not looking for IT, and don't care where IT is - whatever IT is! ;)

Well, whatever IT is, emjo, I'm glad you've lost IT too. If I have to be It-less, I feel better with your company. xx

emjo, Judy, bookworm, and everyone who liked my comment, THANK YOU! 26 likes! i feel very validated today, lolz.

this is for matthew242424, who seems to have chosen book and chapter; i give him his verses! 50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

i always come in to check how everyone is doing and lift them in prayer. i know i don't speak much in here, i just don't have a lot to offer.

i had to stop caring for my mother. in march she closed her bank accounts so that i could not take care of things for her, and she could spend money as she pleased without me seeing how she wasted it. soon she will be broke. then last month she wrote a four page letter to me last month that was so despicable that it left me shaking and in tears. i read parts to my sister, and my daughter read the whole thing herself.

they have known for a while that mother abused me, but never to what extent, (my sister is ten years younger so she missed most of my abuse, as a teen i made myself scarce). to say they were shocked would be an understatement. we all agreed that i need no longer have anything to do with her and she would not be invited to my granddaughter's baptism that weekend. my mother had screamed at me during my daughter's baby shower in front of two dozen guests, most of whom did not even know her; my daughter was afraid of this happening again.

i am still my sister's back up and sounding board for dealing with mother. any medical questions and issues come up, she knows i will take care of them.

Lisa, i am so glad that your DMiL is now able to be at home. i pray that the sense of normality all of you are attempting to provide will bring her some peace and happiness. i truly believe God is blessing you and your family greatly for all the love you shower on her. a legacy of love is one of His greatest blessings as it flows through out your family and shines for the whole world to see. while you didn't receive it from your mother, you found the love in your heart and you nourished it and gave it away freely; this shows your great strength and courage.

Cat you are also the face of Christ in the tender love you show as you care for your father. i know that your sister's attitude and lack of action is very frustrating and hurtful. it's often true that the child who is most favored and spoiled is the one who is never able to give in return. pity her, there is a hole in her soul. you cannot change her, but perhaps you can help your father accept that she is not coming. we are often told not to accept things that are bad, but when they are unchangeable and the lack of acceptance only eats away at us, accepting that bad things are just there, a part of life, is a way of letting it go and letting God deal with it. i am obviously still working on my own acceptance. i'm imperfect and will likely be a work in process for sometime. it's ok, i know God understands and still loves me just as i love my beautiful and imperfect children, much more so.

God Bless ALL of you this morning, may He gently carry you and provide what you need today.

Hahahahaha!!! I love you kick ass women!!!!! Snicker snicker snort snort:)))))) it's unanimous!! GO AWAY MATTHEW!!!!!

Matthew has no idea of how much we care for each other. And, apparently hasn't read about our KAW, tree ninja, falcon punching ways. We will always back each other up when needed - fly out of trees, congregate outside of Walmart demanding vacuum cleaner justice, fantasize about boat trips together, send hugs, encouragement and love (and Cattails' white light) along with heartfelt advice and invisible friendship. A fly-by of wrathful religious rantings here and there - eh - speedbumps along the journey of the Clann of the KAW. And my thong is beginning to bunch, so WATCHOUT! I'm feeling a little irritation..I mean irritated. Nothing like a thong wedgie to put one on the warpath.

PamelaSue, I'm glad you got 26 Likes. I think my AC or my laptop is off because I only see 3 Likes! Thanks for explaining why Matthew went and lectured you. I kept reading your 2 posts trying to see why. I even backtracked on this thread trying to see if you had posted earlier and I missed it. Come to think of it, I read his/her posts on other threads but automatically skipped it. I'm not an atheist but if I wanted to read/hear about religion, I know where to go for that. Anyway, I noticed that a lot of the ones who come here and goes on about religion - they tend to twist the scriptures and claim it's from God. Except on Lisa's thread, I wondered what he wanted to tell her. I really, really hate it when people say that God did this or that to you. How do they know? That's just it- they don't. Even though Lisa is going through a lot of stress lately, I know that she wouldn't take this person's comment to heart. But, I couldn't just leave such a comment alone. It's just plain wrong to say those things to Lisa.

I almost lost it when he/she said that "it is ugly for a woman to take the gloves and want to fight." ....Hello? So Lisa and all of us are to sit still and read his BS? If he's a man, does he abuse females? If she's a female, is she being abused and thinks it's our duties as female to take the abuse? I will rather be an UGLY woman (which by the way, I'm not) and take the glove and fight BACK...Thanks Judy for reporting him/her. I wanted to but...still don't have the gumption to do so!

You're welcome, Book! Always a pleasure to be the thread nark. :)

The Clan of the KAW... omg... excuse the, poor person..... but I like how you explained him/her as a speedbump.... good way to look at it and it takes away the anger we feel as being attacked by an 'interpetation'..... if we stop and think about it, how silly is the whole thing... now Pam is someone I read, and get strength from . I hear love, I hear compassion, I hear strength, I hear thank you Pam and never think you have nothing to contribute, there are many faces on this sight, we are all important, people like Matthew teaches us how NOT to be, and Pam you lift us up.... so, yes, you do have alot to say... and thank you for sharing about your mom... we love you... we don't get to pick our family, but thank God we get to pick our friends..... that's why I call many on here... sister friend.... I have blood sisters, that I call the Ugly Sisters, but ya'll, well, ya'll are what I always thought sisters should be... I wasn't wrong, and I have a huge loving family.... so guess if we want to make someone feel bad or get them angry we can sign our post Matthew.... love ya'll

OMG, I can't keep up! Cat, I'm sorry about your sister and for your dad. I'm glad you could rant with us. Here's mine: Lisa, I'm sorry about Matthew not having time (busy, I can tell) or ability (can you say truly limited?) to read your entire thread and that he put you down. The NERVE. He or she obviously did not realize you are God's love and grace in it's purest form and that you have done EVERY loving thing possible to help mom, and that God sent you many angels to help him get her where she may be able to HEAR Him, and to have a chance to face her self in reality and in God's love. I recall something about God's omniscience and omnipotence here. Anyone who has followed your powerful story knows that God is busy working on DQ Mom and has it all under control. I saw a typo that I loved, "Mattew" because it reminded me of a great true story someone once relayed to me. Please indulge me here, it's long but it went something like this: My friend grew up in a very rough inner-city getto housing project, obtained advanced education, a successful professional career, and spouse with same. When children were about pre-teen to young teenagers, family took a trip that included showing where my friend grew up in the "projects" (totally foreign to them) with a pep talk about the power of education and helping others up and out of difficulties, etc. As leaving the "old neighborhood" area in the bitter cold of winter, they stopped at fast food place. One parent and child went inside, the other parent and child stayed in the car. At next parking space over were two young boys (about 2 and 3 yrs old) in car alone, no parent or older sibling present, car running to keep children warm. Mr. 2yr old began to play "driving" the car with great vigor. Doing so he worked up a sweat, took his big snow-suit like coat off, then resumed his "driving," turning the steering wheel, changing radio stations, and eventually rolling down the windows in the 8 or 10 degree weather. My friend became concerned for the child, rolled down their window a bit, and said "hey, you better roll that window up, before your MOMMA comes back, it's COLD outside." The 2 year old's response? "FUT EW" Shocked and mortified, my friend rolled up the window as their 14 year old laughed in shock at what the little boy said to her parent. So, I'm sorry but FUT EW, came to mind when "Matt ew" appeared. I thought you all might enjoy that story. Love you my kick ass friends. Back later, kim

Soooo, I get on the phone to get my messages and log on to tell you about the latest shit storm coming and I can't stop laughing. You guys are so dam funny at times.
Message left at 4:30 yesterday. " hello, this message is for Lisa. This is t from crimes against seniors. If you could please return my call." next message 30 minutes later, " hello, this is detective $&@$&@$&@ from fraud unit trying to reach Lisa ford. I'm trying to figure out the situation with the nephew who stole your mothers debit card. If you could please return my call at......
Can you believe this crap??? What now? I expected to most likely hear from detectives, but case worker from cas. That one stumps me. I haven't seen DQ, so she surely can't scream abuse. I'm sure her cable and Internet are working just fine. :)))). Guess Monday will tell. No worry or stress about it. It's just a pain in the ass.
Mary update: better every day. Visiting nurse came today. Blood pressure is fine. I was given a chance to see just how bruised she is from the heart cath, and where they had to restrain her. If I hadn't been there to see how gentle she was handled during the restraints I would have been horrified and ready to scream abuse I think. All of us know this was all Mary fighting it every chance she got. It was so horrible to see her like that. I shouldn't think like this, but I'm certain there will be a next time. And it will be just as hard to watch. She is so weak and it's heartbreaking to see her tear up in frustration. She's always been so strong and taking care of everyone around her, and now she's the one who needs our care. I'm so proud of my sil. Mary told her friend of 40 years when she came to visit last night she is completely cancer free now. Sil never corrected her one time. She just looked at me and smiled sadly. My sil from Alabama is the strong one. Doug and other sis are having such a hard time accepting this. Doug and I made a grocery list for them when we went over for nurses visit. She made sure he knew to bring her pizza. So instead of the frozen, he called in for her fav pizza and we picked it up on way from grocery. Swear youda thought it was Christmas. She had two slices. More than she's eat in one sitting in weeks. We put groceries away and I noticed he only got them a half gallon of milk. I asked why he didn't get the gallon cause they would run out. He just grinned and said that was his excuse for dropping by Wednesday and her not accuse him of treating her like a child who couldn't take care of herself. Hahaha. God, I love this man!!! Hell yeah Doug!!! said he's already thought of more excuses to pop in. Sending all of you our love!!!

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