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Well, I'm hoping this shit storm you have on the horizon is just a little turd flurry, just a mere fecal dusting, and not the full on shit hurricane your mom can blow up. I'm glad your mil ate, and I'm, as always, amazed at what a sweetheart Doug is. You sound good, Lisa. You sound upbeat. Makes me smile.You've got a great family. Sil from Alabama - can she stay for a while?

Oh my, Lisa - crimes against seniors - how about crimes against middle agers?
DQ can scream whatever her crazy mind makes up, but it won't go very far. As for the nephew - I suppose the stories are growing. You have better things to do.
So glad Mary is improved. I think you are right that there will be a next time, unfortunately.That sil is doing well. I am sure Doug and the other sil will come around. It is a hard adjustment. What a caring man Doug is! Again - all of you are awesome. How are Beth and Jen doing in all of this? And how is Jen and her meds and how is the house hunting?
Hope the little monsters on the bus are reasonable - you don't need a lot more drama at this point. ((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))) and love Joan

Darn it, lost my post. Guess I am supposed to be quiet? Impossible. You all just make my day: love all the comments, every one of them. Lisa, glad things are going better with Mary. And glad you are handling things so well. The Kick Ass Force is clearly in you, with you, and behind you! luv, hugs and more prayers to you all. Kimbee

Judy, sil had just pulled in the drive from Alabama as the emt's were working on Mary in the ambulance. They didn't know she was coming. It was a surprise. What a shock for her. She went home just this morning. She stayed this whole week to help with everything. Her husband died last may from a heart attack. He was only 56. He was a baptist minister. Had diabetes and was on list for kidney transplant. She brought him home to bury him. Then she had to rush back to Alabama, because their first grandchild was born two days after we buried him. I visit his grave once a month and take flowers from my own flower beds and send her a picture each time. I never really understood why she wanted me to send pics, but she told me she dosen't feel so much like she's abandoned him. But if it comforts her I'm there. It started because she hadn't been able to get back home to see the stone she ordered for his grave and I went there with flowers and sent her a picture of it. She's been thru so much. She took care of so many things before she left.

Emjo, Beth hasn't been to see gma yet. These situations scare her so badly. She called me one evening while in icu. Told her we were cutting gams toenails and having a hard time. Next morning I woke up and a pair of new toe nail clippers were on the table with my keys on top. Next evening a new house coat. she heard Doug and I talking that sil's and I were going to penny's to get her a new house coat. Beth loves her dearly, this is just her way of coping. She has tomorrow off, so she is going with Doug and bandit to take her the Sunday paper. And Jen? She has cried so much. She was at the hospital minutes before we got there that night. My sil's daughter too. Both girls very close to gma. Both girls couldn't handle the scenes, so they didn't return for a few days. When Mary asked Jen how the kids were doing, and she hoped she would bring them to see her soon, Jen just broke. But girls, she went right along with it and told her they were fine and she would bring them to see her soon. Then she looks at other granddaughter and tells her she needs to settle down and start a family. She is actually the one who has children. So we got to watch them LAUGH thru their tears in the waiting room. Then my niece asked Jen if that means she's has custody for the weekend.

Sorry girls. Couple questions and there I go rambling on and on. It just feels good to talk. So now I'm just so relaxed tonite and hitting all your threads to catch up on YOUR days this last week. Love you all sooo much, KAW member!!

Omg Judy!! Turd flurry? Fecal dusting? Hahaha, thank you girl! It feels so dam good to laugh this hard. I read it to Doug and Jen. Same with them.

Oh Dear!
You are doing an epic job of care-giving!

HOW do caregivers protect themselves from accusations of elder abuse, by the elders, or from distant relatives who have not been present to see for themselves?!
When it is 1:1, it seems to become a "he said, she said" argument.

Don't they need proof?
Or is it like CPS--they move the kids/elder out to protect them, THEN ask questions?
IF they do that, doesn't someone file a complaint and it becomes a formal file against the caregiver?
[[dang! If I had known that, I would have let them do that--it would have gotten Mom outta here sooner! ]]

Lisa, there may indeed be a next time, when Mary will need to be hospitalized and in restraints, etc. But also it may never happen again, or not again for many years. If there is a next time, you'll all be better able to cope and to know a little better what to expect. But, at least in my experience with dementia, the present demands so much attention that it just doesn't pay to look ahead too far or to try to predict what might or might not happen again. One day at a time. One crisis at a time. And cherish every momemt that has anything at all cherishable in it.

Hugs to you.

Jeanne, you are so smart, glad you are here! Thank you, kimbee

Judy: I loved your recollections, but you left out Sylvester18 who posted a middle finger bird on both of our walls. Bwahahahaha. The time it must have taken him to do all those characters to form a hand with middle finger riding high. I still bet he was short.

So many good and loving posts here. I can't comment on all of them. Just good to soak them in and laugh.

Lisa: Keeping Mary in my prayers, but I know they have already been answered. She is so blessed to have you in her life. She has such a wonderful family. I know there will be sadness and ups and downs; but I'm glad she is home and surrounded by the love of her family.

Judy: Thanks for your wall post. I need to let this sh*t with my sister go and I will. I think it will be easier now that my second brother is gone. So glad both brothers could spend time with dad. Now it's back to me and I will manage. I think my sister's behavior just brought up a lot of the sadness I felt when my mom passed; and having siblings here, minus her, hit a nerve, kind of brought it all up again. It will get better.

My dad looks really thin. When my brother told him he had to leave today, my dad asked him why. I could see my dad didn't want him to leave. He says that to me too and I always tell him not to worry I will be back in the morning, afternoon, whatever. My brother called me when he got to Seattle (airport) the "why" was weighing on his heart. We shall carry on.

Sending love and white light to everyone. Love, Cat

Girls, I think we all have a beautiful set of wings waiting for us when we cross over. When that day comes, I would like to think we will all meet up in our tights and tuna cans. Our own private cloud with a sign that says "Members only"

Oh my, I have met so many wonderful women through the internet who I will probably not see until I meet them in heaven. Hey gals, I am older than all of you so I may get there first. I will have to stake a claim. On the other hand, mother is 100 and going strong, so maybe not... Tights and tuna cans eh? I want a cape too to cover up. Don't want to embarrass my boy up there. LOL Wouldn't be the first time!

As far as Matthew goes -he will probably go away as the other's who anoyed us to death -like Amber Jane OBMAJ and I plan to just not read his dribble and report this post as often but if we just do not respond he will not enjoy being ignored and will just blow away like a bad storm.

Aahh...Austin. That makes sense. If your child is throwing a temper tantrum, if you ignore them, they stop screaming their heads off because no one is paying attention. (I have noticed that when niece/nephews do this, they look to see who is watching.) Makes sense. Don't read, bypass and ignore anything he/she says.....

Ok friends. I need some opinions. Myself and AL sil are throwing out some suggestions to the others. There are 3 of us that are handling everything for ray and Mary and we are glad to do it. PIL house is paid off. Both get ssi and both retired from amazing jobs of better than 35 years. So both receive excellent retirement checks. Our suggestions are to hire a lawn service from here on out. The 3 of us are taking care of housekeeping. Our suggestion is to hire someone to come in a few times a month to do some heavy duty cleaning. Bottom line. We all work 40+ hours a week. Other sil says this is silly, there are plenty of grandchildren that can pitch in. 2 of us don't agree with this, and Doug says he's good with what is decided. I love my sil so much who lives here. But Doug has yet to receive help with the yard work. I think they sometimes forget that Doug is diabetic and I can't stand the thought of him becoming insulin dependent again if he gets run down. He worked so hard to get off insulin. I am so happy to make extra at dinner to take them meals. Jen helps me with this. Waiting for offer for them to pick up a couple days, but if they don't that's ok with us. We make dinner anyway. They can well afford to hire in just a little extra help and when we approach them with the idea, I think they will agree. Al sil has financial poa, and it is ultimately her and pil's decision. I personally think when they are stronger health wise that it would be a good idea to continue extra help. I want all the grandchildren to do what their doing. Doing for them out of their love for them. Not out of obligation or be set to a time table. It just isn't nessasary. They do so much already because it's what they want to do. So I would appreciate some thoughts on this. I really do believe we have made a good decision?


I agree with hiring dependable people. You PIL can afford it and it takes the burden off family. Everything you said above makes complete sense to me. Give the family a break and let them fill in where needed. There is no reason to stress out grandchildren and children with unnecessary work duties. Give yourselves the space to interact in the most meaningful ways.

You are a smart cookie. Hope you can convince your sil of the wisdom of your plan. You will all have enough to handle as time goes on. Let the mundane and continuous house work and yard care go to someone else. Money is not an issue here. It should be a comfort to everyone in the family to know that cleaning and yard care are handled and you can all focus on what's most important.

Love and hugs,


Lisa, i am with you and AL SiL. Hire the help and let the kids volunteer out of love. After all, one day all of them will being doing this for you, and the other parents, no need for them to begin any earlier than that. If your PiL were without the funds, it would be a different story. Is the other SiL trying to hold onto money for some reason that we are unaware of?

What you presented makes GOOD sense!
We too often forget that there needs to be QUALITY of life, not just quantity.
Your plan allows for QUALITY of life to happen, as well as just getting the mundane tasks taken care of by hiring them done.
Such a blessing to have resources to fund hiring help!
I pray the plan works well for those with the decision making powers!

Bookworm, if i look at my newsfeed it tells me exactly how many likes i have on any post. i'm not sure why it only shows three here. this has puzzled me for a few months now. i wonder if guests are allowed to like things? do you think we have many readers who never post anything at all? Everyone should go and look at your newsfeeds, i think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Pam, money is not an issue at all. My sil and her husband hold positions that are high paying in credit unions. This sil is having a very hard time with all of this. It's been heart breaking for her. She sat in icu waiting room and looked at us with such fear. She's just feeling lost, and giving in to the idea that these things need to be addressed, I think, makes her feel they won't get better. So no Pam, it's pure love. None of us care if there isn't 2 cents to rub together when their gone. If we do it all ourselves she feels more in control. Does that make sense? We are helping her work thru the dementia issues. She's read what we gave her and then felt bad that she's corrected every single sentence Mary was confused with. I tried to tell her this is a learning process, and we are all making mistakes. We'll get better at it. When we screw up, brush it off, and we move forward.

Great idea Lisa, and if the one sil doesn't agree, then direct her to some of the threads here where grandchildren are caring for a grandparent, or the young ones taking care of two parents.... she has no frame of refernce... you could always find them yourself and print them out for her, as I do understand you want your privacy here... this is your sight, your thread.... young people have a life they are investing in, they do not need to be tied down to these responsibilties... and how beautiful they are volunteering for things... as was said, let them do it out of love, not a sense of 'duty'.... it will mean more to them and the PIL if they do if from their hearts...

Let us know what happens.... love and hugs...

Lisa - Your decisions are great, and make complete sense. The one sil is still in denial when I read your earlier post I thought exactly what you wrote above -she is hoping that it all will go away, and if people are hired it means it is real, and may not go away. As I understand it, the AL sil has POA which is good -she is the strong one. Pils have the resources and they have the need. Perhaps you can reassure the reluctant sil ( to help her accept help is needed now) that if the help is not needed later it can be stopped. but for now it is a good idea for these duties to be done by someone else, and family to be available for more personal things, and also you all have been through a difficult time - you and Doug in particular with the DQ prior to this, and you need some breathing space. You have Beth and Jen who still need some care - so cute gma mixing up Jen and her cousin and the kids. They handled it well. So sweet of Beth to try to help. I understand that it is her way of coping. Absolutely Doug must not go back to being insulin dependent, especially as he has worked so hard to come off it - that is awesome. It is ideal if everyone is on the same page, but if not - as you say - ultimately it is pils' and Al sil's decision. I agree that the grandkids should do what they do out of love, not obligation, especially since the resources are there. Hello - the rainy day they were set up for is here! Have a great weekend everyone! ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))

Lisa, if there is money, hire the work done! (If there isn't money, apply for assistance, and hire the work done!) That is firmly my philosophy. What is all this great pension income supposed to be used for? Saved for the family to inherit? Not in my world view. Almost anybody can mow the lawn. And those who do it for a living do it well, efficiently, and with appropriate equipment. Ditto toilet-cleaning and bed-making. And they cash their checks and smile. Resentment is seldom just below the surface waiting to burst forth.

Family can provide irreplacable services that can't be hired out. You can't look in the yellow pages and find someone to sit and reminise with Gramma about the holiday cookie-making sessions from years ago. You might be able to hire someone to play cribbage or scrabble, but it won't be as meaningful as a family member doing it.

Maybe I see things this way because in my professional life I'm exposed to analysis of the most effective use of business resources There is nothing unworthy or demeaning about running the photocopy machine. But for a senior vice president to run off and collate her own meeting handouts is a very expensive way to get that task done! It is not a good use of her time.

Family members should do what only they can do, and what they can do far more meaningfully than a hired stranger. The rest? Hire it done by someone who can do it efficiently and will be happy to earn the paycheck.

Lisa, I agree, hire lawn care-reasonably priced is readly available. Bringing in cleaning helper is how I got my mom accepting in home help in The beginning. By all means, you n doug protect your wellbeing, they need your full power to keep things managed more n more over time. Maybe consider having heavy cleaning hired in w u all doing light stuff just until u get a good read of the new normal. This gives u excuse to be there more frequently initially for good observation. Then, get someone to do the light cleaning too! Lisa, it's a long road ahead. Pace yourself for a marathon, rather than a sprint. I have a free app't w geriatric care manager through hospice on thur-eager to get some outside help from them. If not a SW, would have wanted this sooner. You are amazing Lisa n Doug n girls. Love n more prayers to whole family and all the KAW, kimbee

Keep in mind that the POA has to make decisions about how to spend money, but has no power over other family members. If POA decides not to hire housecleaning done, she cannot then say "housecleaning will be done by the grandchildren." Doug is free to say at any time, "For health reasons I need to pull back a little, and I am going to limit my lawn services to once a month." Don't make the mistake of thinking POA has greater powers than it actually has.

Lisa, I had to help with my grandmother when I was a kid. It was burdensome and I loathed her for it. No matter how old the grandchild is, and no matter how light the obligation is, any obligation has the power to fracture the relationship that the grandkids have with the pils now. I think my two cents would be to try to preserve the kids' relationship with their grandparents. Like Jeanne says, a game of scrabble or cards, or whatever, is something a relative can do. And, it'd be a better memory for the grandkid than scrubbing g-ma's commode or having to rinse out horrible laundry, or vacuuming the place.

Lisa, i never meant for you to think i was casting aspersions on your SiL, i only thought she was trying to hold onto the money to make it last longer, or make sure it was there as an inheritance for everyone, and that's not a completely evil thing either btw, as long as parents are cared for. i do understand fear and lack of control. total control freak here. *raises hand* one of those things i am working on.

It's a good morning... you know why? Because that turd, matthew24242424... is GONE!!! Yay!

Judy: You make me laugh. It's like first thing in the morning you check the obituaries. Guess Matthew242424 showed up in the column. hahahahaha

Pam, I promise I didn't think that. I just wanted to explain where sil's emotions are now. This scared all of us badly, but she is having the most difficulty, and we will be right by her side helping her deal with it. She's limited to what she can help with because she's had surgery on her arm. Elbow and wrist.

PIL update: lawn service and heavy house keeping will be hired in. We met at pil's house when we took their evening meal. The agreement for now is until they get their strength back. Lawn service will stay in place for good. We and the grandkids will continue to help with mil flower beds. They are beautiful and her passion. Great together time. Doug and bil will help maintain rays vegetable garden. His passion. 2 of the grandsons are all for helping because they wish to learn for their own homes. Once sil realized what our plans entail and there will still be interaction from the whole family, she much better with this. Threw in some fantastic ideas of her own.

DQ update: remember I told you t called from cas and I was stumped. Not anymore. Seems moms cousin called them because we have appliances from her apt. Told them we kept her clothes. Remember she is the one who gave mom the number and refused to let her move in with her. I had such a hard time holding my anger in check. So I have a folder I keep with detectives names, police report numbers, etc. We discussed appliances. DQ has nowhere to put them. T dosen't understand the issue with that. She has nowhere to put them. Told her she can relay to mom she can take me to small claims court. And to think I was ready to move those out of our garage and start giving to grandkids. Guess I'll hold off on that. All the pictures I kept of sisters for their kids and their grandchildren. That got the heart to pounding. Geeze. I only commented that they must be there. And if she finds them I'm sure her plans are to destroy them so the kids can't have them. She said that's so sad, and let's hope she dosen't find them. I think she knows I have them. And girls, I will never give them up. So that's how my Monday morning has gone. I'm still in a good mood enjoying this beautiful day! How far Doug, the girls and I have come. We used to get so upset and stressed out over her crap. Now it's feels like a little knat that's bothersome.

Everyone one enjoy your day. I think of you all thru the day and send out prayers. Good luck at your meeting kimbee. And cat, how's dad?

Oh Lisa, I love that you all will help personally w PIL's passions-PERFECT! You guys r an AMAZING family! I hope M is feeling a little stronger every day. Ok girl did you keep the poopy vanity? Maybe they'd like THAT back too! I'm glad it's just a knat, you've come miles, and we are SO PROUD, and glad you can focus on those who deserve your love. I'm feeling so tired. Just when I think I'm well..WHAM, the ugly bug packs a new punch, sigh. I see my dr again wed

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