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Hi everyone: Just reading all the posts. Lisa, my heart goes out to you. I won't repeat all the great advise, except to say it would be good to talk privately with Ray if he is up to the discussion. He knows his wife better than anyone. Aside from being her husband, he is her contemporary and also faces an illness that has given him reason to consider his own mortality. I know Mary's dementia blurs the boundaries, but maybe Ray knows what they both want.

I feel for all of you, you know that. There is no perfect answer.

Sending you love and peace.


Well, girls, we discussed with AL sil the very things you told me here. Doug and fil discussed those very things also while at dr appt. He told Doug he will call 911 if she is in distress, but it will be her decision to accept help. He will also honor their living will. he did tell me he would have called emt's as I did. And he's told her she can not expect any of us to just sit there and watch her in distress especially if it could be something as simple as maybe a reaction to Meds. I value every bit of advice you've given me. I don't see it as harsh or criticizing. But dam, this is hard.

Lisa, it is hard... the hardest thing you've ever done... to see someone you love and cherish to be in distress and then her to refuse help....I'm going thru this with my son... and I've had a pretty tough life, but this by far, is the hardest thing I've ever done, to back up and let things unfold as they will... and yes, I would have done the same thing as you did.... and FIL is right, she may not understand the actions to take, but you doing what you are doing out of love... what a rough road you are on right now..
All we can do is love you and your family and extended family, support you, listen, jump on the band wagon when your plate is already full, but we are calling 911 for YOU when we all grab our 'keys' on the computer and do what you did, we are trying to help someone we have come to love and cherish.... so the love ran full circle with this one.... sending you angels......

Hi all, had ambulance take mom (w me) to ER Mon pm. She had some symptoms of possible stroke or heart attack at hs (bedtime). Got home at 4:30 am, but she checked out ok. Tiring for me, so confusing for her. Where r we, why r we here, what happened for us to come here, look, so n so MD: is that my dr-he has same name as me, I'm ok, i want to go home n go to bed, can we go home now, I'm tired, where r we..... Same set of questions over n over continuously. So sad n hard. I did what I could to change the environment-lights out, shoes off, Xtra sheets as "covers" etc. Very hard night. Thanks everybody for helping w lift cushions, haven't had time to look at all of them yet, so far not the one I saw, but would get any of them, if can't find the one I saw first (only $3 or $400 vs $2600-ouch). Ladee-it was TEEPA Snow, not Tia Snow as I incorrectly referenced before. Lisa, did look up her stuff prior to meeting on thur, as I found only limited stuff available from the person I am to see. You HAVE to look her up! I'm going to buy EVERY training DVD she has. I found lots of snip-ets on you tube, most helpful training I've EVER seen. Jost google her name, think the site was her name plus dot com. In short, people w dementia can't reason, n do display some poor judgements. I think that is one of the things that makes it all so hard. Also, anger gets ALL the brain cells firing, so they do remember the angry stuff better. We all love you and know it's beyond hard-I find it helpful to keep reassuring of my love and desire for the best for her and to honor what she wants, n now to keep her safe (as she trusted me to do when I agreed to b her durable n medical
POA). So, let me offer u my assurance and love to you n family, we KAW will help you get through this long hard transition, the best we can. Cause yes' it is hard-damn hard, but we can DO it, one baby step at a time, together. Luv u ALL, his n prayers, moments of joy too, Kim

HUG n prayers, not his n prayers!

WHEW! I finally finished reading all of the posts. I had no idea when I found AC on Sunday evening and posted that I would have found such a wealth of information and support. If you are interested, my post is called "Looking for Support and Guidance in Dealing with my Mother." I was guided to your story by Jeanne. Lisa, all I can say is you are my hero. I am so proud of you and what you accomplished in such a short time with the DQ. I, like you, came from a very dysfunctional family and married into an amazing loving family. I know that my husband Ed was made just for me; as your Doug was for you. While reading the soap that is "As the World Turns Around Mother," I have laughed and cried with you and the rest of the KAG. A few of my favorite one liners are 1) "Don't feel sorry for me. She's the one that can't s---!" 2) the cab driver with the wicked twitch and 3) "What the f--- are you doing here?" When they called you to the hospital to deal with DQ. I feel in some small way that I know you and the rest of the gang. It has helped me so much to know that there are other folks out there that have had to put up with the same BS that I have; that these emotions I have are not unjustified. It really puts my situation into perspective. This has been such a difficult time for you and your family. I will pray for you as you and your family struggle with your in-laws' illnesses. Thanks to all of you that offer such kind words and support even though you are going through such difficult times. Lisa, Joan, Kim, Cat, ladee, Jeanne, Judy , Bookworm, Austin, Sharyn, Rebecca, momskeeper, Pamela and anyone else I left out, you are all an inspiration to me. Wishing all of you happiness and hugs, Andrea

Thank you for sharing about her knowledge base!

SO FAR....not too much trouble figuring out all the acronyms for things--but some just fail to clarify themselves.
....what is a DQ? [[hullo...Dairy Queen??]]
IS there a section of this site dedicated to translating all the acronyms used??

DQ=Drama Queen! I'm not sure about a section to translate, but I'm sure if you throw a few out to us, we'll do our best.

Drama Queen, Lol...

Don't worry I think I went along blind for awhile just trying to figure out the acronyms myself. DQ was one but then they threw out PIL & FIL and then things
clicked. Sometime it's worst than texting. Ever try to figure out a teenagers way of
texting. I have a 15 yr old GRDTR. Then it gets interesting. I think she thought I new evrything until she got a phone and started texting. Surprise I don't !! hehe

I stopped reading it when I thought it was alot of "insider info" in it. Sometimes I get confused as to why some of the answers do not seem directed at the person who asked the original discussion and asking for help and support, but maybe I need to read it more thoroughly as maybe in a roundabout way, they are. I think I may stop following some of the discussions, or get some lessons on acronyms.

I know what you mean!! FIL is father in law, PIL is parent in laws but I still do not not know what DH means so I just go along with it. As long as I get jest of what is being talked about that is all that matters, Lol!!

DH is dear husband -used on many sites - dd dear daughter etc, Al sil is sister in law in Alabama
Don't forget KAG - Kick A$$ Girls aka KAW - Kick A$$ Women

and we wear blue tights and tuna cans -where they count - someone has mentoined funnels as well, and we jump down on people from trees and spring up and give them falcon punches. -and we will have a cloud in heaven where we will meet when this is all over and it will be for members only. Have I forgotten anything important?

Lisa it is hard - (((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) So glad you have talked with Ray (fil) he sounds pretty clear, and good that comfort measures will be put in place as needed.. I think any of us would have called the emts. Glad he will call 911. I hope you all are not reeling from this quite as much, though it is a lot to deal with in a short period of time.Much love Joan

Kimbee (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) look after you. What a session going to er!

cat - wondering how you and dad are doing ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))

I thought it was dear husband, and of course the blue tights and tuna cans, Lol!! I suggested the funnels but tuna cans is much better!!

Is this the inflatable lift cushion you were looking for?

OH!! LOL! Duh--shoulda figured that one for sure---Mom was that! Thanks!

Actually, People really becomes friends and it just keep leading into support for another reason but alot of it is friendship to one another. Other problems pop up and here we go again such as here with Lisa, Although the original post was about how to deal with her mother and she told us about the support of her inlaws and how much they love her and how much she loves them and now they are now having health issues. Then just when it seems DQ is quite, Here she goes again, so see it is still dealing with the same person and her quest to deal with what has been thrown her way and the love and support this site can give. Hang in there as these Kick Ass Women as they have named themselves are really quite amazing all of the support that they give each other and the fact that we all live all over the place. I live in California and alot live on the east coast. I have been following since Lisa first posted. I look forward to catching up when I miss a few day. Again just hang for a while an you too will catch on.

Ok, got another snicker snicker snort snort!!

Sil called me today. In somewhat of a panic. My fil asked if one of us would come over this evening and help mil pay the utilities. So sil said she could do it. Mil was in a fantastic mood. She has done so well with the money last month that she's managed to save $228,000 in her checking account. THEN: "you kids have been so good to us, I told ray we should send u all on vacation." sil was in a state. I was laughing so hard, I dam near peed myself. (seriously, really really need to have this bladder of mine done) ;) yep, take 2 zeros off that total. Thank goodness we took fil to bank to arrange for the money to go straight to savings when their checks come in. We also removed their overdraft protection. All utilities will be on automatic widrawel starting in oct. bless her heart for trying to take care of us. Kim, sorry bout mom. Hospitals are so draining. Hope she feels better. And you get some rest too. Cat, hope dad had a good day today and you are getting plenty of rest.

Thank you for the kind words belle and welcome. You mentioned the one liner don't feel sorry for luck would have it, the cardiac specialist that I said that to is the same man my mil will be seeing on the 21st. And I am the one taking that appt. Not! Told Doug he or sil gonna have to switch off. I'll do lung dr. Whoa thunk there would be an occasion for me to meet up with him. Chances are he may not remember, but a statement like that may stick with a person. Geeeze, story of my life. Just blurt something out. Heeheehee

Kimbee! Did you get any rest? Your hospital visit with Mom sounds like it was just awful. Long night. Hope you got some rest today... but you probably didn't.

Lisa - LOL! The same Dr? That's the kind of crap that happens to me all of the time. You know, like you're driving to a school play and some guy on the road is being a total jerk and cuts you off, so you flip him off because you'r having that kind of day, and you don't usually do that kind of thing, but it felt good...and then you pull into the same parking lot as the lunatic driver and have to sit with each other at the play. Akward.

Oh Lord Judy, had to laugh out loud at that.... I do such stupid stuff all the time I don't even pay any attention any more.... I live in a very small town, so people remember you just from saying "hi" much less the stupid stuff I do.... by the way, 'cowboy" at Walmart won't look at me when I go in... hurts my feelings..... pbfttt....
It amazes me that so many of the new folks take the time to read the whole thread... that is just awesome to me.... and punchnjudy, these threads are 'friendship links', I do not know if I could put one foot in front of the other without my cyber friends.... so many I look forward to reading about.... catching up.... it's like a 'cyber coffee shop' and we all meet up to drink what ever we drink, and talk about our day.... or night, or time in the ER or hospital room, or NH, and we always look forward to seeing who Lisa has made 'twitch' that day.... as long as we can maintain our sense of humor, we will survive...maybe limping and one eye closed, but we'll survive... appreciate all of you.... love and hugs.... and by the way... THANG had to sweep, mop AND dust this evening..... there is a loving caring GOD...... love ya'll

Love u guys! Lisa: darn girl, hold ur head up high n go on proudly into the cardiologists office-you have not one thing to be ashamed about-he probably got a kick out of it!! And u get to show him how totally cool u r . Thanks for the support everybody, it helps. Andrea-loved u read all the posts, that's amazing too. Lisa really is amazing. Sounds like you've been through the ringer ur self. Chi, thanks for ur link-cheapest price so far. The acronyms r hard for all but the text generation, not to mention adding in typos, and auto spell correctos that change our words. Many things on here go way back, and punch n Judy, please don't be upset with us, we welcome you! We've been at this for several months now, n instead of wall posts or hugs, we share many things on the main thread so we can all keep up w ea other, as we have become pals through lisa's hard times w her mom, and her impressive progress. I think of it as weaving the threads of our lives together, like people who grow up together, or have been friends at work for MANY yrs, or at church. We are inclusive for the most part..a
few nasty folks along the way were not embraced. Lisa is "in charge" of her thread n she is kind, funny n SMART! Jeanne, Ladee, cat n Joan keep us on track, Judy makes us laugh til we cry. Bookworm helps us remember that Superhuman power IS possible, n now lucky we r in the states. BW-dizzy? Dr's. Don't know what's causing it?? Can you spell stress??? Joan n all the rest of you concerned about my health-thank you! Got a new plan in place for me today. Judy, rest?? Hahaha. Double doc app't for both mom n me , then my dr, then her dr for ER F/U, then some groceries, dinner, organize days for mom, helper, n me.- nice to see you back here! know I forgot some names, sorry. Sleep is calling. Good Night! H, P n moments of joy, kim

Ladee, poor thang probably won't be able to work or manage a thing after her big chore list! Hahaha!

Lisa: I think Ray's thoughts make sense. He would call 911, but would support her decision to refuse to be taken to hospital. There you have it. I think he may also be speaking for himself. So you have the beginning premise and this is what you work from. It's the bottom line, so to speak. No doubt there will be complications and uncertainties as things progress, but remember that Ray says he will honor her wishes. He is her husband and what he says should be respected and honored.

Having said that, I couldn't agree more that this is the hardest thing. These are the hardest times.

My dad is the same. Doesn't want to eat much, etc. I was with him at lunch today and he eats in the small dining room that is for people who need assistance. It was a zoo there today. I was trying feed my dad his lunch and another man at a table next to us was doing these awful, very loud, cries and moans. Then another man at a table across from us would start his moaning. No offense meant to those two people who were haunting the small dining room, but it was distressing. You felt like you were in an asylum.

I'm there all the time with my dad and this doesn't happen that often, but today it was just too much. I mentioned to the speech and swallow therapist that we were just done. I'm taking my dad to another room to eat his lunch. This is like a scene out of One Flew Over the Cuko's Nest. (sp)

So I rolled my dad down to the family room which was empty and peaceful. He ate a few more bites, but then no more. I turned on the tv and put on a cooking show. It's a big screen TV, like he had at our place. He became so peaceful and we watched tv together for a couple of hours. I had taken some cushions off of a chair and propped them under his feet and reclined his wheel chair back. I also got him a blanket from his room. He looked so comfortable. He looked at me and said "Home."

I know he so misses being home with me. As I said, these are the hard times.

Sending love to all of you. Cat.

Lisa, so sorry about MIL and her desire not to have treatment. That’s such a difficult situation to be in. I can honestly say that I would have panicked and called Doug and everybody else. That’s why I find being the main caregiver so stressful. I have a father who doesn’t take advice from females because we don’t know anything. And mom has a DNR but father would blame me of killing her if I don’t call 911. So, I just Hope really had that nothing happens to either one! Which we know is NOT a very good hope to begin with…As I read your comment on it, I knew that I would have done the same as you. Right or Wrong, my conscience requires that I call 911. Then it’s up to her (or him my father) to agree to go on the ambulance.

As I was reading your MIL’s bank balance, my eyes widened. I stopped and tried to imagine me having that much money. Then when she offered to pay for your vacations, my mouth dropped open – thinking “No, No! You or your husband will need that money for your medical expenses (cancer)”….When you said to take out 2 “00”, I started laughing so hard! That was sooo funny!

Book: Bless you and all you must cope with. Sending you lots of love and support. Cattails.

Kimbee, I just checked out Teepa Snow Youtube. She’s very good! She made learning to handle dementia parent as interesting and funny. I will see if I can order her DVD on Amazon, etc…I don’t have a DVD player but I’m sure I can play it on my laptop. Thanks for the tip! Sorry about your mom going to the ER. I always hate going to the ER. I make sure to eat something before going cuz once you get there, no food place around. End up starving for Hours. Hope both your doctor’s visits came out fine (as fine as can be with our situations.)

SouthernBelle, I’m glad you got to read from the beginning of this thread. When I first started reading it, I had Dial Up. Darn thing kept disconnecting. In frustration, I went and applied for wireless connection – additional $55.00/month – but soooo worth it. When newbies (myself included) comes on AC, and I see their situation is similar to Lisa’s I recommend them to read this. I tell them that it may be long but it’s so worth it! …
The first time I read it, it was like an internet soap opera. I didn’t stop and take notes. Now, I’m back to reading from the beginning so that I can take notes and see if I can apply some of the advice given to Lisa.

Chi, PunchNJudy, when I first started reading the thread, I did get thrown off with MIL. then, somewhere midthread, someone described Lisa’s biological mother as a Drama Queen – hence DQ. Then, I didn’t want to keep typing the word “parents-in-law”, so I abbreviated it to PIL. Although I keep having problem remembering DH. I remember it today, then a few days from now, I run into it and can’t figure it out.

we really should have a page dedicated to acronyms, lolz. i've been on the 'net' for years now, so i can generally figure them out, but once in a while something will throw me and it'll be pages later before the light will go on.

Lisa, will you please ask your DMiL if she will be my accountant? i had $400 extra this month, but i really would have liked $40,000 so much better!!!!

maybe with that extra whopping $2,280 all you kids can have a catered campout in the back yard! bonfire. s'mores. good bottle of wine. or ten. no scary stories though, i think ya'll have had enough.

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