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Hi everyone!!! Been a busy week getting our fall cleaning done. AND....I have officially started my diet today! We have a woman at work who started the visalus diet 13 months ago and has lost 140 pounds. I ordered it and going to give it a whirl. I drink 2 shakes a day and a sensible dinner. I put 12 oz of milk, 2 scoops of powder, add fruit and mix in blender. It was delicious. And I was so surprised that I actually felt full. I just have to do something to get this weight off. I'm just miserable.

Emjo: I'm sorry about your daughter. I go thru the same thing with the nephew and seeing his daughter. Just let them know you love them like I do, and I know my great niece will be in my life as she gets older.

Cat: I hope your days are getting easier for you. Love everyone! Lisa

Lisa, the visalus diet looks very similar to the medifast diet. I did a British version of that when I lived there. Lost 38 pounds. Came back to the US, and the mess with my parents...and piled most of it back on again. :( .... But, the shake thing works, and I wish you all the luck in the world.

I leave for the family reunion tomorrow morning with Mom. I'll probably need a seatbelt extension on the way back with all of the stress eating I'll be doing! Ha! Better not. I'll fill you in on all the gory details when I get back late next week. I wish I didn't have to go. Its been hanging over my head like a big, fat, nasty, storm cloud full of turds. Cloudy with a chance of sh*tstorm is the forecast. How did I get myself into this? My palms are clammy just at the thought. Got a ton to do today, so I'll check back in next week. Got my oldest staying here with my youngest because my husband couldn't fly back. Like I need this, piled on of top of a trip with Mom. You sound good, Lisa. Upbeat. Good weekend and fall cleaning done - awesome. If you don't hear from me next week, start checking mental health facilities on the east coast. I'll be the one twitching in the straight jacket channeling the spirit of Lizzie Borden. xxoo

Joan - you're on my mind. Big, warm hugs to you.

Omg! Now I know what I'll be visualizing next week Judy. Snicker snicker snort snort!!!!! Can't wait to hear the details!!! Try to have fun!!!!

Hey Judy: I'll be thinking of you and hoping the best for your mental well being. Can't wait for you to have this over with. Love, Cat

Thanks gals, can sure use the prayers these days. I had an appointment with my counsellor yesterday down town and the power went out right in that section of the down town about the time Gordie was born. She and I sat in the dark and talked anyway. I thought it was appropriate. I like to think Gordie was sending me a sign. Electric things seem to happen once on a while related to our loved ones who have passed.
Punch, I think you are right that the g'kids are resilient - the recipe will follow
cat - I don't know if dd will let me have them over. There seems to be some jealousy there, especially with my time with Joel. She knows I love her, I think.. Lord knows how many times I have backed her up, and helped her out. There is a pattern of various things in her life which fit with a personality disorder. The grandkids know I love them. Having Em over is a great idea. It may work. I will let it all simmer down for a while. I ordered a new set of copper bottomed stainless steel pans which are due soon. You really need heavy bottomed pots for makng jam etc., so have held off on the chutney making until they arrive. Things started to go awry when dd asked to me look after the g'kids for a full weekend, and I said I thought it was too much for me. I can do a few hours, and Em overnight would be fine. They are extremely active - on the go all the time.
Lisa - WOW, well done. That diet sounds great. I sort of do an intermittent 2 days on milk (almond milk in my case) veggies and one fruit, and the rest of the week just a reasonable low carb diet. It keeps me from gaining. I find I am not hungry on the milk days which is amazing. Actually your hunger hormone levels drop, blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, blood fats etc. I would recommend it to anyone. - google "genesis 2 day intermittent diet". Whatever works. Fall cleaning!!!! What's that! On my goodness, I need a cleaning lady!.
oh judy - those family reunions and driving there with mum, Can you wear a head set or ear plugs??? Make sure you keep the blue tights under the white coat when you are in the rubber room. I think they will take the tuna cans away ;)
I will post the dumpling recipe separately . It is really easy and worked every time for me. I should make them for Gary. I have a great Yorkshire pudding (popover) recipe too.
Have a nice fall day everyone. It snowed here yesterday. Gordie would NOT have liked that, except fpr the skiiing aspect. Thankfully it has melted, but more forecast for tonight, then a few days pf higher temps - only 28 right now.
One day at a time!!!

Fool Proof and Fluffy Dumplings

1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking podwer
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp melted fat or oil

Mix all together in a bowl. Drop large spoonfuls into boilng broth or water, (or even stew as long as there is enough liquid) and cover the pot. Steam/simmer for about 12-15 minutes. Enjoy!

Catching up and loving the escape stories. I will add mine but it is not a complete escape story. My hubby Mike and I went Christmas shopping when our daughter was 2 weeks old...two week before Christmas. Our son stayed with the pil's. We bought our son some clothes and toys and left them in the trunk of the car. The next day it was raining. Our daughter had colic and I was up all night with her for 3 months. I over slept this particular morning waking up around 8am. Our son was in the kitchen dressed in a new outfit, LOL!! He ran to his bedroom and I followed. He had brought in all the things we bought him and hid them under his bed. I went out to the car and my keys were hanging from the keyhole in the trunk, the trunk was wide open since he couldn't shut it and it was pouring down rain. He was only 4 yr.old and we still laugh about his little adventure today!!! I love dumplings and will certainly try this recipe.

Punch~ I am sorry to learn about your cousin passing. It certainly is difficult especially when you have the family issues, but I am glad you decided to go to the funeral. You were able to honor your cousin and get some closure for yourself and that is part of what the funeral is about. I am happy you had no incidents with family that would have made it more difficult for you.

Wow, I don't even know where to start! First off, I want to say thanks to you, EMJO, for that recipe. I made a kind of chicken 'stew' in the crockpot and will look forward to whipping up a batch of those to cook on top.

Sharyn, thanks for the kind words--I am happy that part is over, but I still cannot grasp the way this woman just died. I didn't mention it, but I saved an email she sent me, the day before her surgery, and in it she said she hoped it wasn't her time yet, as she had 'so much more to do.' I told her not to worry, it's a pretty common surgery, my mother in law had it, blah blah blah...and believed what I told her. To think her prophetic words came true is still mind blowing to me...what a great gal she was, it's so crazy. I JUST LOVE the story of your 4 yr. old--what a great visual I got of that scene!! Adorable. I still have one to share about my little Houdini, another time.

Judy: ARGGHH I will be keeping you in prayer, girl!! LOL

Re: Diet. I tried alot of them, but I am a lifetime Weight Watchers member and think it's the only way to go, sustain weight. I've been on since 5/21 and am not a fast loser. I've lost 22 lbs. since I started and am vowing to give it a full year knowing I will reach goal before that (geez, I better, I only have about another 20 lbs to go!). It was getting ridiculous, knew I needed to do something and want to be on maintenance forever. I even tried Nutrisystem once but it was kind of expensive and the food is all so processed, can't be good for you. I want to be healthy and not just thin. Either way, no matter what you try, good luck with it and I hope you have great luck!! But please, do eat fruits and veggies!! Want all of us around a very long time. xoxox PJ

Lisa: There are several of us on a thread that Cricket on the GO thread set up. Cricket has lost 42 pounds and reversed her diabetes. If you are interested in joining our group, let me know and I will add you. Every single diet out there will work if you adhere to it. I've done them all, including weight watchers, which is probably the best. Nevertheless, the goal is to be healthy. Much more involved in that. So if you want to be connected, Lisa, or anybody else, let me know and I will add you to the group. No miracles here, just good information. Love, Cat

Drive by flash update from Kimbee...Love and prayers for you all. Vaca going well and beautiful beach weather (no snow here Joan). Glad to see dieting mentioned; decided today, whole fam damily going on a diet, probably weight watchers. Feeling way too fat. But first I'm going to try me some foolproof, fluffy dumplings, heehee! Love you all, miss you and time here. Thanks for all the nice vacation wishes :) Kimbee

i use to think that diets were a matter of calories in/calories out. i have refused to do diets because i watched my mother do them her whole life. she went from 130 to over 300lbs. she would lose weight, and then gain it all back plus another ten pounds every single time. by watching David i have learned a whole new way of thinking. first of all, it's all about carbohydrates as well as sugar, but not like you think. carbs are your worst enemy. the food pyramid is built upside down, except take away that top piece where the sugar is! for a diet, stay away from breads, pasta, and starches, eat less veggies & fruits. fat is not your enemy, most of it passes right through you. eat lots of proteins. meats, eggs, and dairy products, some nuts and legumes. be careful with the last two because of their carb content.

at the beginning of this year David began dieting and exercising, he wanted to lose the sixty he had gained since he came to san diego. totally believing in calories in/calories out he counted everything and walked 10 to 12 miles at least six days a week. the weight was coming off incredibly slowly, after four months he had lost only twenty pounds. he began researching diets, reading everything online he could find. one thing he found was that the food pyramid was a lie, it was made by the department of agriculture not the public health department, and it was about selling the products of United States Farmers to us and to the rest of the world. it had nothing at all to do with promoting health. in fact since the food pyramid came into being, Americans have become obese and suffered many more heart attacks. go ahead and do a search on the food pyramid lie. learn about the atkins diet, i guess that doctor did know a thing or two.

David's weight came off a lot quicker for a while, but then he hit another plateau. i think it has to do with the stress of first trying to find a place to live here, then not finding it, and now moving back to Texas. he hasn't had time to exercise for the last three or four weeks. btw, i still do not diet, once in a while i make a change in my eating habits, a permanent change, if i need to. at 35 i decided for smaller portions when i realized i couldn't continue eating as if i were a kid anymore. recently i decided to eat more proteins, not because i need to lose weight, i don't; but because it's just a healthier way to live.

ok, just a heads up, i'm going out of town for a couple weeks. ROAD TRIP! David and I are doing a road trip to Texas, leaving tomorrow morning very very early. He is going to be staying there with his parents for a while (6m? a year?), but not to worry, he will be visiting me and the family here often. David is going to show me all the sites, cool hiking and fishing spots, and I get to meet his family! (Yes, I AM very excited!!!) David was going to fly me home via Colorado so I could visit my son, DiL, and grandchildren, but my son can't get any time off. so I told Chris that there would be other Texas trips and we would works things out next time.

i will only be offline for the weekend, David has to get into the office on monday morning, so i will be on the computer to fill my time.

Hey, Pamela, enjoy your trip! I went on my first long road ride from colorado springs to Las vegas. Hated it. I felt like i was on the plane again - not much leg room, and limited leg stretches and worrying when's the next bathroom break. I swore to myself if I ever went back to CO, and they decide to Drive to another state, I will buy my own ticket and meet them there! Enjoy and don't forget to pop in when you can and update us on any FUNNIES that you witness on-the-road! We would all enjoy it....

Pamela, what part of Texas will you be going? If I were to leave Ca I would most definitly look at Central Texas. If is beautiful there. I have my only daughter and 3 granddaughters there. I have made many friends over the years and I am always excited to visit. But I'm still a california girl at heart. Give me my coast line anyday:)
Have fun on your trip and please enjoy Texas cookingBoy they can BBQ.

Hi guys I got home today -got brave enough to fly back from PA in my bil's puddlejumper and actually it turned out to to be it took 1 hr and 5 min from Slatrnton PA to Danbury CT airport -it would have been a four hr. drive by car. The weather was good and it did not bounce around as much as the reg.plane to LA and the take off and landing were great. What a trip first out to PA my son drove me halfway and we met my bil had lunch and continuesd on to their home on Tue -on Thur we drove to West Vir. for a craft show then on Sun drove back to PA-on Mon flew to LA then on Thur drove up in the mountains to Julien-stay til Sun -the wedding was on Sat-Sun drove back to LA and on Tue flew back to Newark NJ -my luggade was lost for a time one bag went on one flight and the other on another flight-got picked up by our friend who was house/animal sitting got home 1 am-and today came home-got to see a lot of Calif-got to eat out a lot-and speaking of diets actually lost another lb. The bride was beautiful and the whole wedding was great. I am so glad to be home and my poor cat has been telling me how upset he was all day even though my son or granddaughter visited him every day. It will take me awhile to get caught up with the threads so please excuse me when making mistakes.

You are not broken, you are hurting. You will heal and your hubby will give you the hug of your life.

Mom must go....easy said, as I am dealing with a nice mom with many problems. My marriage is so important to me! I moved my mother in 2 1/2 years ago, and for some reason she seems entitled. I am chief cook, merry maid and many other duties.

Take your mom on a tour of a assisted living facility, she will get a quick tutorial of her options. It's an eye opener.

Best of luck!!!

pardebl, you will be very glad to know that Survived2's mother has been more-of-less forcibly removed from the home. Survived2 (Lisa) is one of those rare individuals who asked for advice, thought it over, and then followed the advice! It wasn't a miracle and it didn't happen without some bumps in the road, but she accomplished what she wanted. Now she is facing a different kind of problem with her beloved in-laws, who have health issues.

If you would like to read a very inspiring story as these events unfolded, I recommend reading the whole long thread. Better than a novel!

Hi girls!!! Feel like I haven't stopped all weekend. One thing after another. One of the aunts died this weekend. she had been battling brain cancer. She's been very private in her brave struggle. When she didn't make it last weekend with the other sisters, we had a feeling things weren't good. Fil just couldn't understand why her husband didn't let anyone know her time was near. I just reminded him to tread gently, because he and Mary are the same private people with their health issues. She lives in Indiana, so fil brother and his wife went together for the trip today. Uncles wife is 20 years younger so we feel comfortable with her being at the wheel. Then they will have a private burial down home tomorrow, and we will all respect their wishes. They have a limited viewing for the brothers and sisters only. Those were her wishes.

Happier note: I have been on my diet for 4 days and haven't cheated once. I swore I wasn't going to weigh until every 7th day and I just couldn't stand it anymore. Drumrollllllllllll. IVE LOST 4 POUNDS!!!! I'm glad I weighed. I have validation it's working. And girls, that future son in law of mine made me a stir fry dinner last night with fresh veggies that was outstanding. Some days I feel weepy. My life is truly turning back into what I left behind for those 2 years. Even with pil's health concerns, I'm so thankful. I feel that much stronger to deal with things as they pop up. Love you all!!!! Lisa

Lisa: Great news on your weight loss journey. The veggie stir fry sounds delicious. I can understand how you feel when you get those glimmers of your old life coming back. I'm sure they are much more than glimmers for you, but you know what I mean. You feel stronger and happier and so grateful to be able to enjoy the good things in your life. Congrats my friend. You earned every bit of it.

Love, Cat

Lisa - sorry to hear about the sister, and good for you for reminding fil that they are treating Mary's illness with the same privacy.. It does seem like one thing after another for you. However, YAY - the diet is working. 4 lbs lost is GREAT! Stir fries are so easy, and tasty and good when you are trying to shed lbs. I am so glad your life is turning back to what is was. Making me think. For me it is creating a life that never was without the strife, and I am about ready to. I have put up with the garbage for 75 years and I think it is time... ((((((((((hugs))))))))))
austin - so glad the wedding went well - I had forgotten and was wondering where you were - I bet your kitty missed you! And you lost a lb!!!! Well done!
Pam have a great trip - I have read that about the food pyramid and I believe it. Calories in -calories out never worked for me either, but I do think people are different, and there is no cookie cutter recipe for all. I try to make sure I get enough protein too. Apparently as you get older you need more protein not less. Heathier is my goal too. Carbs other than in small quantities are my enemy too.
Kimbee- glad you are enjoying the beach. Hope your time there remains trouble free. I gotta try those dumplings again -for Gary. The snow had melted thankfully!
cat - wonderful that cricket has lost weight and reversed her diabetes. Agreed every diet will work if you can stick with it. The hardest part is maintenance. You need to change your lifestyle - for life. I find lowering carbs works best for me, otherwise I get hungry. I comfort myself that al least that I tend to eat healthy even if I over eat - other than that drug unduced cookie fest the other day. lol
punch - let me know how the dumplings work. I would like to lose 20 lbs too though 10 would get me back to what I was 30 yrs ago.(and here is me talking about dumplings...)
Judy - thinking of you and hoping life is bearable and maybe some enjoyment in there too
sharyn - LOL those little guys are so resourceful - and in the rain!!!
well, I have done this backwards - seems to suit my life right now.
Gary and I had out thanksgiving turkey on Thursday - only a few days late. It was good -scented candles. fire in the fireplace and all that. I will do a pumpkin pie this week and spread the calories out over the week.
I have accepted that dd is as she is. I did some reflecting and remembered that she is a recovering alcoholic, who hasn't been to a meeting in over 15 years, nor to counselling. not does she have a support system. That may well account for her problems, and nothing I can do about it. She took a drink in the spring, and I said to her that I thought the risk was pretty high for the rewards she might get. As far as I know she hadn't had any more, but the stinking thinking/dry drunk is all there. Kinda all came together where I thought about that. All I can do is pray and keep contact with the grandkids.
The snow has melted, and a few more days of warmer (50s) weather forecast. All three highways out of town were closed due to accidents a few days ago after the first snowfall . Every year there are accidents at this time. It seems that people forget how to drive in winter conditions. I stay off the road if I can for a few days till people adjust. Feeling peaceful - love, hugs, and prayers Joan

Wow Joan! I would be jumping up and down if it was snowing here! I love snow! Nothing better than building a fire in the fireplace, jambes on, and drinking hot hoc late or hot tea. (sugar free this year) mil has decided she will not have a Xmas tree this year. Every year for the last 22 years pil's have came to our home for Xmas eve. She informed us last week they will be staying home???? That threw us. Don't understand why. I really think she is falling into a depression. Doug, I, and sil's have discussed it. She has an appt with her primary dr first week of nov. And we will address it with him. so here's what we've come up with for the holidays. There is nothing more Mary and ray love than having all of us and the grandkids over on Christmas day. So we are all showing up bright and early on Xmas morn, still in our jammies, with enough breakfast food prepared to feed an army. We have confirmation from the 3 grandkids and their spouses that they will be here this year that live out of town. They will do Xmas early with their spouses family. This will mean the world to them for everyone to be under their roof at the same time. I am so excited! Every year I buy the girls and Doug,(Chris now too) new jammies. Before opening gifts everyone has to put on their new ones and their Santa hats. Silly tradition I guess, but I so love it. I can't remember 1 memorable Christmas growing up. But dang! My girls have so many memories from, baking, cooking, Xmas caroling. Hopefully Jen and Beth will continue what I started with their own and add so many more. It feels so much more important to me this year to leave my big wonderful family in no doubt how much they all mean to me. Guess I'm sounding a little sappy here. Lots more plans, but I'll take it easy on you and fill you in in small doses. Love ya, lisa

Purdebl my Mom feels entitled also went postal on me at the airport in NJ after our flight from LA and I finally snapped back at her after she tried to hit me and now she is in the hosptial and needs someone to help her after she is discharged so my bil called one of our brothers between the two of them they will have to step up to the plate Mom thinks both of them walk on water and neither have done anything for her in over 20 years-so we shall see what hapens neither of them work and could drive out and help her-I do not plan to - I spent a long week with her plus she hates me. Emjo snow-wow-we did have some cold nights here in NY-I have a good friend with a drinking problem-I tried to help her but to no avail-she has to want to help herself. I am trying to catch up but being away for two weeks makes it hard but am so glad to be back with all my friends here-missed you all but that trafict in LA oh my gosh but what a beautiful state especially up in the mountains.

Austin, I am so sorry that happened to you. As much as we expect the hate, it is still such a shock. If yur anything like me, I get so discusted with myself for letting myself being put in the line a fire. Good for you!!! Let someone else step up to the plate. And girl, we all know there is an out to let let someone else deal with her mean hateful ass. KAW are all here for you. Love you girl,,,

Hi ladies and gents (if there are any following us right now!!) husband and I just returned from weekend with brother/wife in the mountains of PA and it was so nice to get away. When we speak of weight, it is disturbing being with them as they are both very, very obese and it is so worrisome. I want them to get into some kind of regimen, any kind of regimen, because my brother partic. seems to just not care at all. Both of them are in horrible physical condition, walking, breathing, even a short walk or bending over to pick up something is a major problem. They had a cord of firewood delivered and hubby and I stacked it for them, because they would have had to pay someone to do it for them and it was a good physical activity partic. for me. The good news was throughout the weekend occas. SIL was asking me questions about Weight Watchers which was encouraging. I adore them both so much I hope there will be some motivation. While I might not subscribe to the US Gov. food pyramid, I think WW works slowly and in a healthy, well rounded way and teaches more movement, smaller portions. That's the gist of it. As my skinny husband says, it's not magic, it's a simple formula--but that's easy for a skinny guy to say, isn't it, when there are so many reasons to eat that really have little to nothing to do with how hungry you are. I've only lost about 22 lbs since 5/21 but I'm taking my time, and being careful to never allow myself to feel starved or deprived. If I feel deprived, I will lost interest in this and that will undo all the success. It's not a race, it's a goal toward health. Both bro and SIL can stand to lose 100 lbs and my bro has diabetes, which is what really scares me. It doesn't matter if you lose 4 lbs. a month! It didn't come on overnight and it won't come off overnight either. I plan on patience and sticking to it and I figure the longer I stay on program, the more likely it will become a lifelong habit. That's my goal, anyway. I will def. try the dumplings and let you know, but of course, I won't be able to eat much of that! LOL
Hugs to all! PJ

Austin: Glad you are back. Sorry about your mom, but you are a brave soul to be with her and not it is somebody else's turn. You stay here with us. We missed you.

The weight thing is interesting. I've packed on the pounds too. I've been to WW and it works. I may go back, but right now I am just trying to eat better. Good food that is healthy. Where I live there are lots of organic farms and so I can get fresh, locally grown produce. Just eliminating pesticides is a good thing. Won't necessarily make me skinny, but it's good food. Plus next year I hope my garden will be back in production. Tonight I did something different. Took a few tomatoes that I had grown, put them in boiling water for 30 sec. , then into an ice bath to cool. The skins come right off. Then I seasoned them with thyme, a little sea salt, ground black pepper and put them in a 200 degree oven for 90 minutes. Had a big salad for dinner and put the tomatoes in the middle. Very pretty. These tomatoes would be awesome just sliced on a plate with a little olive oil and some roasted pine nuts over the top. A simple thing, but new to me and very good.

I bought a juicer the other day and am going to do a basic green drink and see how it tastes. Have an apple tree and a pear tree and you can use both for adding sweetness to the green drink. Lots of nutrients and healthy. Just making little changes. Well see.

Punch, glad you had a good time and congrats on your weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race. Good for you.

Love, Cat

to all who like snow - I do too but it stays from November to March/April and that is too much of a good thing! And when accompanied by temps in the minus 20s, 30s and 40's it is too much. I want to move south -even a little south would help. Try grovery shopping at 30 below with a wind chill that would freeze your cheeks off in a minute! I feel too old for this.
Lisa - sounds like you have a great Christmas coming up. I hope Mary and Ray enjoy it thoroughly. They are lucky to have you. Traditions change as people do, and not always as we would like them too, (talking about me here) but, my old phrase - life goes on.
austin - I am so sorry that your mother was mean, You are doing the right thing. Let someone else step up to the plate. Hmmmm - I need to take my own advice. Thankfully dd is not drinking at present, as far as I know, but the same thing applies. She has to want help.
Punch - sounds like you had a great time, though sorry to hear about the obesity in your bro and sil.Would be a very serious problem. Talking about stacking wood, I did my own till I was over 70. Just took it easy, small loads, and used a sled to take some around the side of the house. I kinda enjoyed it. I think taking time to lose weight is great and I have the same philosophy about making it a way of life that I can tolerate.
Well, the time for another one to "check out" in her own words came today. An aunt fell and broke her leg badly 9 days ago. She was 98, had lived a good life and had no regrets. Her daughter emailed tonight and said that her mum said warm goodbyes to all, and knew it was her time. She had been living in a small senior care home arrangement, and was well looked after. Her mind remained good till the end. I have very fond memories of her and my uncles - a nice lady. Yes uncleS. She married one uncle who died young, and she was a widow for years. Some time later, my other uncle became a widower, and the two of them got together a few years after that, and had a great time together in their senior years. He died about 7 years ago aged 96. I am more nostalgic tonight, than sad, though that may come.
The old motorhome in the driveway moved on to a better place (anywhere was better in my mind) and the Lexus that G never uses is, if all goes as planned, leaving tomorrow or Tuesday! Yay!!! I will be able to see my driveway again, Love progress. Hope everyone has a good week. hugs Joan

cat missed your post - my aunt taught me that way to skin tomatoes. I love them grilled - cut in half, sprinkle with a few bread orcracker crumbs, some herbs, maybe parmesan -and put under the grill or just roast them. How long? Till they are done! I think good quality food is great. The less processing the better. Sometimes I am thankful for my allergies as I have to cook most of my food from scratch. Oh you lucky thing - an apple tree and a pear tree. I would be making chutney from them. I use stevia to sweeten, and a little goes a long way of both stevia and chutney. I find sometimes I really want flavour more than a lot of food, so have been experimenting with ways to satisfy that. Enjoy your juicer!

Lisa, I love your sappy holiday traditions! Sometimes traditions change and evolve, but that is just part of life. Make up new ones if you need to!

Joan: Always good to hear from you and thanks for sharing your life with us. I also love to half tomatoes, sprinkle them with olive oil, chopped garlic and parsey and bake them in the oven until they are done. Usually 30 to 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Smash them up and put over pasta. Yummers. Trying to stay away from pasta now. It was always my go to stress food. Same tomatoes great over a green salad. You can also chop us some fresh green beans at the end and through them in the the tomatoes. Dressing of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Maybe some dried cranberries too. A little thin sliced red onion and whatever. It's a good meal.

Speaking of holiday traditions. I have enough Christmas ornaments for 3 trees. I always loved Christmas, but now I decorate outside trees more than inside trees. My mom's ashes are under a beautiful coastal redwood tree. My mom always loved Christmas and she was so happy each year when we put lights up on her house. Since she has passed, we always put lights on the tree her ashes are under.

By the way, picked my dad's ashes up Friday. Have to talk to siblings about getting up here and putting dad's ashes with mom's. It's hard for everyone to get away at the same time. We were all together for mom's ashes being spread. I'd like to have them both together, under the tree for Christmas. I know that's where dad would like to be. We'll see what works for everyone.

Anyway, I don't have the big Christmas anymore. I love all the memories, but we are all so separated by space and obligations. I'd love to disburse all my Christmas ornaments to my granddaughter and let her fashion her own holiday memories with something that reminds her of us. Right now, she is so busy getting her education and space is tight. Maybe later when she has more room for Christmas storage.

Right now, for us, we like to keep it simple inside, but decorate with lights some outside trees. I love that and it's our new tradition.

Love, Cat

Cat, that must have been emotional, picking up dad's ashes. I don't know if you watch the show "Long Island Medium" but last night's show there was a mother who was hoping the medium could 'channel' a message from her daughter who had committed suicide. The mother had this little cross on her neck chain that looked like mother of pearl to me--but it actually contained a portion of her daughter's ashes, sealed within that little cross. I thought that was a really neat idea. Maybe not for everyone, but wow, what a memento to wear close to your heart and never take off. You will have to let us know what you and your siblings decide will be a fitting tribute, when you know. I hear you about the smaller Christmas. Isn't it amazing how every year, those decorations and shopping chores seem to get a little smaller? I still do it, but not to the degree of years ago.
Also, smart of you to just be concentrating on eating more healthy - doing that, the weight will come off slowly without your even changing much else.

Joan: Sorry to hear about your aunt. It doesn't matter that they lived a very long, full life much--you still miss them-and partic. when they've been in your life a very long time it's as though you never expect it to end--still hurts, you still grieve. Certainly can understand the feeling of nostalgia you are feeling. Blessings to you and your family and all those who will miss her.
I did enjoy working outside in that crisp mountain air stacking the wood. I couldn't believe how I endured it as well as I did and felt so good about it--I am so energized anyway by the cool weather, but was happy I had no aches or pains the next day, which I expected. Amazing that the only 'ache' I have is in my right thumb. Yes, the weight issue is worrisome as I want the one brother with whom I am close to be around for a long time. I hope something clicks with them soon, with the health issues they are already enduring, and hearing my sister in law say "well, I really have to do SOMEthing" was encouraging. As far as veggies go, we have a place that sells produce much cheaper and I get cauliflower and broccoli and roast it in the oven on high heat with drizzle of olive oil, a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder--you can steam them a little bit first so that the oven doesn't have to be on so long to get them al dente (I learned that the 2nd time around) and saves you some electricity. We keep them in the fridge and eat them all week heated in the microwave and roasted veggies really are delicious-you can do peppers, onions, brussel sprouts, whatever. Of course, cut up potatoes too, but I don't do much in the starch family. As you said, slow and steady-with an eye toward just cutting out the sugar and processed stuff that is so toxic to us. I don't have a juicer but I have one helluva blender that makes the best smoothies ever--tip is to buy bananas, get them quite ripe, peel them and put them in a plastic bag in the freezer and you won't believe how great a smoothie can turn out with that and fat free plain yogurt, a small amount of skim milk to get the blender going, and I even toss in a handful of other fruit (frozen mango is great) and a 1/4 cup lowfat granola. Breakfast in a glass that will blow your mind-and fill your tummy too! Hey! We need to start a recipe board here. Think of how we can challenge each other toward getting healthy! Love to all, xoxox PJ

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