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Kimbee--sorry I never got to your post and didn't offer you any comfort--was too busy reading recipes--sorry!!

I hope you had a good night, good dinner and an enjoyable movie. I loved the "Marigold Hotel" movie, it was refreshing and entertaining. Please don't feel bad for being out of sorts. We are here for you to vent all you want. I am praying for you tonight--and hoping for a much better day/week for you. Wish we could help you even more!! Hugs, blessings--PJ xo

Me too, Punch - got all excited about pumpkin soup and forgot Kimbee. Kimbee! Hang in there. I can't imagine how hard it must be. My heart goes out to you. Sending you some hugs and love. xx, J.

Thx to both of u! I like the recipes too. Going to make some of that pumpkin soup. We got mom in bed, n survived the day, so good enough. Early day tomorrow, hope it will be a better one...CG coming for a few early hours so we can get out together, yipee! Thx again :)) kimbee

Judy-I was wondering the same thing about getting a 'good counselor' advice then I thought maybe she was talking to me, meaning my crazy husband comment and that I needed a shrink! LOL My husband is a nut and hilarious.

Now you guys have me wanting to pump out some pumpkin bread. I have a terrific recipe. And managed to find some nuts for baking in the supermarket this week that didn't require me to take out a loan. Have you priced them lately? Husband loves pecan cheese pie (another great recipe) but I told him with a relatively small bag of pecans going for $15 he will have to come up with a new favorite.

Punch, I was just thinking about making pumpkin bread too, but I like it more than anyone else, so you know who'll end up eating most of it. Might as well just duct tape it to my ass and save the energy of chewing. I made a chess pie a few weeks ago. That's a first for me. It came out pretty well. Have you checked out the price of pecans in Costco? I won't buy them in the grocery store anymore.

Judy – regarding the copy of the old photo of your brother. Was it like a photocopy photo? Because, I have an old photo (in the 80’s) where it’s nana’s bday with all her kids in the photo with the big cake in front of her. Nana was about 90-something. Anyway, aunty came to visit and saw the enlarged photo of it, framed and hanging. She wanted to borrow the original to make a copy and then to return it. Needless to say, I never got it back. (Moral of the story – never ever give any photos to relatives no matter how much they PROMISE to return it. FYI, I did that also with several nieces/nephews who wanted their baby photos since their parents didn’t have any. I was the family photographer. I take mostly spontaneous shots. They never returned it. And then, now they have the nerve to ask me if I any baby photos of them. Seems they lost the ones they ‘borrowed.’ I said yes I do have photos but they’re not getting it cuz they borrowed and never returned. Sorry, you just have to find another source. Impossible quest.)

But, Judy, even with the enlarged photo of the original, it still looks like an original. What I did was took the old photo and went to the photo shop that still accepts the old fashion films to be developed. I asked them if they can replicate the old photo and enlarge it. They did. It’s not one of those generic looking photo. It looks like the real deal, original.

Book, my cousin made me two copies on photo paper on her scanner. They look good. I just wondered why she kept the orignal photo of my brother, my sister and two cousins of mine from my dad's side of the family. She hasn't seen my sister in 45 years or so. She's not related at all to two of the people in the photo like I am, and I know she loves my brother, but that's MY brother! So, I really think she should've given me the original. But, I'm so happy to have the copies, and I'll frame one for me. I think I'll mat and frame it and hang it in my kitchen. It makes me smile and cry every time I see it. My brother is maybe about 5 years old in the picture. The other kids are a few years older, and all 4 kids are making silly faces at the camera. Its soooo cute. I think it was taken about 1957 or 58. Thanks for thinking about me. xxo, J.

I don't know how much the nuts are in the states, but it sure is expensive here. I've been craving pistachios...but I'm not willing to spend so much for it. Those dinky bags are just...whetting your taste...not satisfying the craving. I miss nuts in cakes and brownies and pies. Family - as in 100% of them - don't like nuts in anything. So, family bakers always bake without nuts. I don't even know why they call it brownies if it doesn't have nuts! And the banana nut bread? Where's the nuts???? That is my pet peeve for the brownies and banana nut bread sold here - No Nuts....

Judy, if it was photoscanned - then best to make sure one copy is laminated. I'm not sure the longevity of the ink from those scanners. Although I understand your point of view about the photo of your brother, I hate parting with any of MY photos.

Can you contact your cousin and ask her if she can take it to the photo shop and make a copy? It will look just like the original - but not as good, though - but you won't be able to tell if it's not sitting side-by-side together. It doesn't hurt to ask! Just say that a friend did this with an old photo and you were wondering if she can see if the photoshop can do it. I will admit I was SCARED of giving the original to them.

Also, you can do what my nieces do. If your photo is a good copy (or you can ask your cousin), take your cell phone, and photocopy it close. Then, you now have your brother's picture on your cellphone! and you can transfer a copy into your laptop!

cattails, an old farmer (retired) suggests baking the squash in the oven and then cutting it and removing the seeds. Makes it really easy to fix/eat.

Starshine14: Thanks for the tip. I'll try that.

Kimbee: I can't imagine you not being exhausted after taking your mom on vacation. I think that was an incredible effort on it's own. Sorry you have had such a hard week after coming home. You and your DH need a couple of days to your selves. By the way, bad Kimbee is always welcome here. Vent away any time you need too. Hope things improve this week.

Judy: Glad you have a precious picture of your brother. Sorry I didn't acknowledge that before. Also, I know how you feel about being able to walk on the beach. Being close to the ocean is a comfort to me. Glad you are home.

Well, today is Garage Sale day for me. Meaning we are having one. Wish us luck.

Hope everyone has a good day. Love, Cat

Omg Judy!!! Slap the pumpkin bread on your ass ???? Hilarious!! Ok, drumroll please..... 6lbs!!!! Isn't much but I'm excited. Looking forward to not hearing the cellulite screaming move over, I'm suffocating. I weighed in and then the phone call came. Yep. She's back in the hospital. So I bit the bullitt and called her room and she hung up on me. Really??? Hahaha. Life is good. Then a nurse named Nancy, who I silently prayed will make it thru the day with DQ, called and said the were moving her to another floor to be monitored because of chest pain. They ran an EKG and found no reason for the pain, (imagine that) but have to move her anyway because she insist the pain is there. So I ask her if mom knows she is calling me, because I called her room minutes earlier and she hung up on me, and she needs to speak with her and get another emergency contact. Swear I could HEAR the twitch from the other end.

Kimbee: sorry you are having a rough time. Sending you a big hug.
Cat: good luck with garage sale!!!
Emjo: hope your sorrow is easing up some.
Everyone: love you all to pieces!!!!!!

Book, thanks for the photo advice. When you mentioned that the ink fades, I had one of those "omg" moments. If I had just put the photo in a frame and it faded over time, I'd be distraught. No kidding. Thank you so much.

Cat, make some money at the yard sale! I love yard sales. My friend and I have had a few together over the years and it can be so much fun. I wish I was there with you.
Kimbee - I hope today is a good day. You need it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you do.
Emjo - you're on my mind.

Lisa - I hope this little shitstorm doesn't develop into a full on shit avalanche with the DQ.
6 lbs!! Woooohoooo! That's awesome! Well done. It hasn't even been that long, has it? Seems fast. Is the diet manageable? Well, it must be, because you're doing so well. I guess what I meant is, are you hungry all of the time? My friend up the street just gave me some green coffee extract the other day and it helped a lot with hunger. Maybe I should join you in your shake diet! Have a good rest of the weekend, and run from avalanches. xx, J.

You gals are the best!
No way am I going to catch up now,so I will just jump in again with what i remember.
cat - lovely to spread your dad's ashes with your mum's under a tree. Even then I know it isn't easy. ((((hugs)))) sounds like you are spending some time on "you" things. The pumpkin soup is great. For Gary, I added cajun seasoning and cayenne to give it some heat. I had some for breakfast! We used some of the roasted pumpkin for a veg that night with meat loaf and it was good!
judy -glad the trip went OK and you had time to reconnect with cousins, and get that pic of your bro even if a copy -so special to have it.
pamela -you are on the road and having fun I am sure - check back in when you can
austin - hope you don't have to look after your mum, after the way she treated you. - you need a break
punch - did you try the dumplings yet - I like your hubby's sense of humour - reminds me of my ex. It was one of the few things about him I missed.
kimbee - as was said above - you are welcome in any frame of mind. Hope you and hubby get away and have a good break. You have been in the trenches for a while, and it sounds like the battle was escalated (((((hugs)))))
Lisa - congrats on losing 6 lbs - WAY TO GO!!! DQ back in hosp - and they are finding nothiing wrong - know that one! Another emergency contact sounds good. Love the pic in camo on fb! You are right about Christmas - being with your loved ones. I expect I will be alone again. The way it is these days. Your inlaws are fortunate to have you, and vice versa
book and eveyone else - hi and hope you are having a good weekend
Here mother now is emailing and asking why she hasn't heard from me - I am about ready to tell her that 2 weeks ago she said she didn't want to have any more to do with me - and now she is wondering why I am not in contact - think about it!
Still sad about dd, but I will get through it. On the outs with mother, and dd. Sis, I have written off, that ship sank long ago. Surrounded by narcissism -aaaargh!!!!
Thinking of jeannegibbs and Coy being on hospice now. Jeanne does such an excellent job of caring for him.
love and (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) to all

Book, I scan family photos onto the computer at a high resolution and the can send attachments to family members. It's their responsibility to print them or take a cd to the photoshop to have printed. I've printed some of them and I've scanned them in with a high resolution, they come out pretty good! :-)

Riz, I know that it comes out pretty good. The question is - depending on the INK used, how long before the color starts changing. My sister had printed like a collage of photos and laminated it. Then she gave it to me. I framed it "as is" and have it hung up in the livingroom. It still looks great - years later!.... on the other hand, I used ink that is Not for photos, and printed it on photo paper. THOSE photos are now turning a different color! Hence, the reason I recommended for Judy to Laminate ONE photo, and to also try to keep a copy on her computer (or CD like you recommended).

I have stored several of my favorite photos actual photos, in CD, in my external drive AND I emailed it to me and stored in my email!!!

Emjo - HUGS to you with your ups and downs with your family. I would have just responded ONE time to your mom with her exact words and then leave it at that.

Lisa, I guess you're now resigned to the hospital always calling you about DQ, huh? Although 6 lbs may seem small to lose, Congrats!! All I can say is in my case, to even TRY to gain 6 lbs. is Difficult! So, I don't even think that losing 6 lbs is a little thing. Good for you!

Jeanne - I rarely comment to you. I'm in such Awe with you! Out of everyone here in AC - I think of you as one of the most experienced person with such.. Great Common Sense!! I don't put you in a pedestal but I just think of all the good advices you have been giving to people on the different threads and it's like a light bulb lights up in my head. I just don't see things like you do and it's so refreshing to see things in a different and much practical way... I'm a bit sad to hear that your husband is now in hospice service. HUGS to you!!

Hi everyone:

Well, garage sale is over and it went well. Sold a ton of stuff. The weather changed back and forth, some sun, some rain, some wind, but we got through it.

Jeanne: Thinking of you and Coy. I'm grateful for the help you are both getting. Stay well. Sending you love and white light.

Emjo: Glad you liked the pumpkin soup. You hang in there.

Lisa: Six pounds is great. Got to get to 6 before you can get to 10. As long as the twitches are happening on the other end of the phone, things are good.

Punch: I wondered about the toilet paper, but, as Judy would say, there were no shit-storms at all.

Judy: I had left over pumpkin and the first thought was, "Oh, I'll make some pumpkin bread." Not gonna go there because I know where it will end up.

Book: I hope you have many more light hearted days ahead and that you really enjoy your vacation time.

Sending love to all of you very special women. Love, Cat

Cat... I think the bathroom thing is a shit balloon! DQ is the reigning queen of shitstorms and all other fecal related weather phenomena, but thanks for the nod. :)
I just love you!

OMG I love this thread. I sit here and roar laughing and my husband must think I'm losing my mind over here when I suddenly burst out with "hahahaha just tape the pumpkin bread to my ass and save myself the effort of chewing!!" Hilarious!! Congrats Lisa--that a great start, girl-you're on your way!! Good grief, we were invited out to dinner tonight and I made the dessert -- it turned out much too good--I ate a small amount of it but I swear I could have eaten half the damn cake--it was a chocolate cake filled with choc. mousse and it turned out better than any other choc. cake I've ever made. I allowed ONE piece to come home with us for my husband to eat--no way I'll do it again, but just had to try it.

Lisa--that's amazing they were still calling you from the hospital. It's a shame she is experiencing chest pain, but maybe her health is starting to be affected when she realizes the bridges she has burned and the people she's burned out. Sounds very familiar, I can surely relate.

Cat--we had a garage sale last year and it was fun the day of, but alot of work going in--but isn't it a terrific feeling purging all that stuff you don't want or use and having a little extra $ for the holidays.

Em--haven't tried the dumplings yet--I will next time I make that crock pot chicken stew, though. I did buy the chicken so maybe after we return from vacation.

Yes, husband has a great sense of humor. We took a weekend and went to a little B and B a few wks. ago and we were talking about all these different new 'designer dog' breeds, and how they cross and poodle and a golden ret. and combine the names to golden doodle, or a cavalier king charles and call it a cavachon terrier. Well, he says to me did you know they crossed a shih-tzu and a shnauzer and they are calling it a "shit-houser." I nearly spit out the coffee I was drinking. As I said, he's a nut. On that note, turning in. Have a beautiful day tomorrow! xox Punch

Judy: I stand corrected. Shit balloon is the proper term. Punch, please inform your husband and bring him up to speed. Any further bathroom fecal incidents of a personal nature and unrelated to DQ are hereby referred to as shit balloons. The correct comment by your husband with regard to my green drink should have been, "Wow, that's gonna cause one major shit balloon. It will probably require 2 rolls of toilet paper."

Judy, not sure you told your shit balloon story on this thread. The one involving your grandmother who use to live with you. Please share. I'll will have my boots, fecal mask and slicker close to my computer for the reading.

Everyone have a good day tomorrow. Love, Cat.

Yyyyyuck! Must I, Cat? I think I wrote about the shit balloons on the GO thread.
Punch - my grandmother lived with us when I was a kid, from the time I was 6 yrs old. Vile, vile woman - and she hated me! I could tell you stories about her spewing phlegm and snot, licking food out of her false teeth - all the loveliness of growing up with Nana in the house, but the shit balloon is Cat's favorite! My mother worked full time. We had one bathroom in the house. My grandmother was obsessed with her bowels. She drank full bottles of citrate of magnesia. I still shudder when I remember the green glass bottles in the fridge. She'd use the bathroom and it was like someone burst balloons full of shit all over the room. And, she'd leave it like that. I remember crying and gagging as a kid, trying to clean the mess up because I needed to use the bathroom. So, that's where shit balloon comes from. GROSS!

OH WOW Judy Now I totally do understand that expression! You POOR THING--the only thing good about living with someone with those grotesque habits would be you'd never gain weight because you'd be too nauseated to eat anything. LOL what a horrible thing to endure--hard enough having an old person sharing a bathroom but she sounds extremely bizarre! Those green bottles were what they used to give you for your colonoscopy. They definitely did the trick, alright. I gag just envisioning what you had to go through, poor BABY!!

Cat--I am hereby on notice--husband will now revise his toilet paper statement accordingly! I can't believe how much I am laughing over this thread. Can you say "off topic" much? LOL LOL LOVE IT.

OH ONE more thing. Please clarify the diff. between shit balloon and shit storm. Thank you very much. Punch.

Punch, a shit balloon is the bathroom horror show with semi liquid poo dripping down walls and all over the toilet. A shit storm is what Lisa's mom causes. She stirs up scenarios that can only be compared with a whirling, angry, flurry of turds.
Cat, where are you? You started this!

Either way, both really crappy experiences. (Did I just say that?)

Punch...this thread is just going down the toilet!

Punch, thanks for asking that question on the diff betw shit balloon and storm. I laughed when Judy was asking for Cat for starting it, then laughed with “crappy” experiences, then “down the toilet”. You guys make a great team. Like Abbott & Costello or the 3 Stooges!

Call Adult Protective Services and the Police. Tell them what she has been doing and insist that she cannot stay with you any longer because you are afraid for your very safety and hers.Tell them about the verbal abuse, the pain pill problems and oxygen and smoking. Ask them to take her to the hospital for a full medical and psychiastric evaluation. Cut off the cable TV and her Internet connection.Throw away her cigarettes and refuse to allow her to smoke in your home. Tape record the tirade and play it for the police and her doctor. Do not allow her to continue to argue with you. Call a legal aid attorney for elders and tell him the situation. Perhaps they can conserve her as a danger to herself and others. You should be able to get the police or Adult Protective Services to take her to the hospital for a mental health hold and evaluation. Tape everything she says.You could have one of those "nanny cams" installed. I have seen them at Fry's here in Calif for about $100. Use your cell phone to tape her if necessary. Just set it up on a shelf and turn it on when she comes in to start an argument. She is also being verbally abusive to YOU and your family. Go to your own doctor and tell him or her the situation and as for a referral for therapy. Talk about depression, etc. But get her out of the house and don't let her back in.

judyjudy, Lisa's mother has been out of her house for months now, if you check the date of the original post you will see that it was quite a while ago. she is a very smart woman, listened to the advice given, and got rid of the wicked btch. (oh, did i say that out loud?). if you would like to learn all about Lisa, her mom, and the ladies here, start from the beginning and read ALL OF OUR POSTS. Thank you.

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