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WOW! I found this site this site this past Sunday while looking for advice. When I started reading this thread; I was hooked! It took several days to read the whole thread but it was well worth it. You guys (or I should say KAW) really do rock! You have all been and are going through so much and are handling your situations with such strenght and grace. You are all my heros! Prayers and hugs to you all.

Good Lord; this site this site? I don't usually stutter.......... : )

Cat~I am so sorry about your nephew, what a shock it must be as well as the tragic loss to your family. My heart is with you and your family as well as in my thoughts, hugs to you dear friend!!

Judy, Lisa, Sharyn: Thanks for understanding. Talked to Rick and Cyn this morning. They are headed to the mortuary to make arrangements. They will be taking the grand kids trick or treating tonight. A little diversion there and it will be good for them. We will talk to them again tomorrow and see what the schedule is. My heart just breaks for them.

Beanie: Glad you are here. Tell us about your situation. Welcome aboard.

Love to all, Cat.

Hi Beanie, Welcome!

Cat, I'm so sorry about your nephew. Rick and Cyn... I really hope they're not wondering if they could have done more for him. (This has always been the one thing that held me back. I knew that fave sis would have blamed herself. As for all the other siblings, I didn't give a d*** about their feelings.) HUGS!!!

((((((cat)))))) I am so so sorry. I know this touches you to the core, and I know you need to be with Rick and Cyn. My heart goes out to all of you.What a dreadful experience those boys had, and obviously still were/are experiencing much pain. Taking the grandkids trick or treating sounds like a good diversion, especially after a trip to the mortuary. I know the pain they are experiencing through losing a child. If I can be of any help, let me know.((((((hugs))))))

I have had a nasty computer virus, but think I am rid of it now. All the scans are clear. It took me a while to deal with it. Be darned if I am going to pay $100 for someone else to do it, and it keeps my mind active.

Clay is still progressing, There was a setback with more surgery for incision problems, and a staple they left in. Aaargh - like he needed more.

More snow, more and more. Much more than usual. Going to take out my crockpot and use it today - cold weather food calls. May make dumplings too. And I have found where I can buy boxes to ship jars of chutney!!!!

Lisa -can you convince that wonderful man of yours that :"No" is the right answer to anything to do with DQ? Anything else leads to a major soap opera. Oh well, it gives us a chance to put on our blue tights, shine up the tuna cans, and practice the - what was it, judy? - falcon jumps? Hope thngs settle down for Ray and Mary soon.

Beanie Hi, and yes we are nuts - the kind that keeps you from going crazy.

Book - I am so glad you are still with us - you are another feisty lady!

Lordy, I am turning into a girly, girl in my old age. Had problems with one of my gel nails the other night, and needed nail glue, The car was covered in about 4" of snow, but I put on my tights and tuna cans, went out brushed it off, and drove to the drug store in a snow storm for nail glue!!! I wouldn't have gone out for food, I would have made do if I had to, but I went for out nail glue! Don't tell me that old dogs can't learn new tricks! This old dog is still learning.

Hope everyone is having a decent day. Love and hugs Joan

Morning Emjo! Thanks for the laugh about your insistance to go get the nail glue. Yep! Sounds like you have just become girly, girl. That's what happens when you become more aware of your looks. When I was overcoming my lack of self-esteem after my teen years, I read up a lot of stuff on improving it. You see, growing up with 7 siblings, and mom a housewife and dad the only breadwinner - we did NOT have goav't help. We survived on what dad made. However, when time got bad, they would get food stamps, then, when money was good again, we got off it. So, I grew up as a tomboy and dressed like one. I would go to church in a dress, but underneath it - was shorts.
Anyway, my research for self-esteem included dressing up to look good. So, even housewives should dress up - even if they're just going to be home all day. The thing is, every time you see yourself in the mirror (restroom, bedroom, etc..), you will see how pretty or nice you look. This will validate your self-worth. So, I would dress up even in the weekends, etc...Always....I've had friends who would drop by without calling - and compliment on my looks. Finally, several of them would tell me that no matter what time they drop by, I'm always dressed up. I explained why....Emjo, it doesn't have to be work clothes. I just make sure that my clothes are in good condition. If it's faded or tearing, I throw it. I wear nice clothes to go shopping or to the post office. BUT, I would not go out at night (night-blind) to go buy a nail glue! ;)

Well emjo, I really didn't understand why he insisted we go there at the beginning. His reasoning was knowledge is power. After the hospital incident last week he feels she's up to something. And with her trying to make us believe she couldn't get herself out of bed? Yep. Think he hit the nail on the head. But it didn't work. I called her bluff. And emjo, you keep on being girly girl. Cause you look fantastic. I swear you are so much like my mil. Her appearance is important to her. She said even on her lousy days, just dressing and makeup make her look and feel like a million bucks. cat: thinking of your family today. Stay strong and spread some of your healing white light! Kimbee?? Kim Deere? U ok? Ok Judy, getting ready too send out a search party. Hi book! You sound cheerful! Love ya! Jeanne: sending prayers and love to you and coy. Love alllllll you KAW!!!!!!

No search party required. I've been lurking. And, Emjo... its a falcon punch, not jump - how could yo forget? (Better get away from those glue fumes.) Have been in a rut again. Its just a roller coaster. Feel good, feel bad, life is good, life sucks ass. I need some serious brother time. He always makes me feel better. He's not well again though. He has bad weeks and worse weeks, never a week where he's not in pain. Just weeks where he can tolerate it better than others. Yesterday, he looked rough. He's like the cat with 9 lives, only he's on like, maybe 39.

I need to take a lesson from Book and Emjo and start fixing myself up. Been walking around with chipped nail polish and a broken nail since I got back from my trip.

Glad Clay is progressing. Wish there was some way for him to get back to pre-head injury health.

What's the lastest on DQ, Lisa? Is she still at rehab (that is where she was going, right? I can't scroll back to earlier posts without losing this). With the holidays coming up, is she going to be brewing up another storm?

Cat, are you gone yet? Aren't you going to see Rick and Cyn? Sending you love and a big squishy hug.

Jeanne, your on my mind.

Where's Kimbee? Send a search party out for her, Lisa. I'm accounted for! Is there another Kim too?

I'm still here, Judy. Talking to Rick and Cyn every day. They called today and the memorial service is set for a week from this Saturday. Giving time for out of state relatives, us included, to make arrangements to be there. The four of us are looking forward to putting arms around each other and having some private time. As a couple, they need a little time to process this loss together. Cynthia has a big family and is bombarded right now. Plus they have their 5 other children to deal with. As couples, I think we are a solid anchor for each other. We know that our time together will be meaningful. We'll talk to them again tomorrow.

Love, Cat

Hi KAW, been missin my sistas! We r ok here. Will try to grt on here
Saturday or Sunday. Hope u KAW r staying strong n TOUGH! luve u all, kimbee
And, thx for missing me ;)) !!

Hey, where is everybody?
Kimbee, its good to see you back!
Emjo - the latest on Clay? U got any news?

Hi all - book - shopping with you would be fun! I agree about self esteem and looking good. Now looking good can be different things to different people - the point in how you feel about yourself. It gives me a boost. Even my nighties are coordinated witrh dressing gowns and were long before G came along.;p
Lisa - it is hilarious that DQ jumped out of bed. I think I understand Doug's concerns about power, but I honestly don't think you need it any more. Distance and detachment are power too - of a different kind. Thank you for the compliments. Got a new haircut and G calls it my young girl haircut -mind you - he was trying to get on the right side of me.;) Like Mary I find dressing up makes me feel better on a bad day.
Judy - falcon punch -OK call it a senior moment -i am entitled - sorry ur brother isn't well, he sounds like such a great guy, I wish there was some way to get Clay's health back too. Haven't heard anything new about him. How are you doing with the nail polish and nighties?
cat - wondering how you are and the grieving parents. Such a sad situation., ((((((hugs)))))
kimbee -so good to hear from you - busy busy I guess. we do miss you when you can't get here -take care of you!
punch, austin, Pam, everyone thinking of you
all's quiet on the western front re mother - doubt it will last, but am making the best of it. had my nails done again - pumpkin with gold flecks - should go well with the blue tights - and going for more stuff next week - I have some free coupons to use up in the next month. Hope I get more for Christmas!
Love and hugs Joan

Joan, you rock. My dear friend up the road from me gave me a gift certificate for a manicure for my birthday (Feb. 10th, please write it down) and I finally used it in August before Amanda's wedding. WELL, let me tell you I learned a lot. Had a pedicure to go with the manicure, but we used shilac (sp) on my nails. That nail polish stayed on for 3 weeks. My nails were so strong. Love this stuff. Been going back regularly, meaning every three weeks. In the meantime, I am now wearing those gloves when I do housework. Not the puny butt wiping gloves, but the big hasmat gloves that are for real house work. It has been YEARS since my hands looked decent. Got a little arthritis and some knobby joints, but my nails rock, thank you very much. Maybe in time I can do more for my overall condition, but it's a beginning.

Here's the sad news. My dear neighbor, the one who gave me the gift certificate for my birthday, just sold her house. Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!! I am so happy for her, but so sad for me. She is my morning walking partner and has been by my side through all of the stuff with my dad. I love her so much. She has a very spiritual side to her and her words are always a comfort to me. She is so honest with me and I so appreciate that about her.

Judy, you would love her. No way would she want to be a caretaker to parents. Nevertheless, she was to her husband who passed 9 years ago to prostrate cancer. She is such an amazing person and she is moving back to Alaska to be close to her daughter and grandchildren. So she will be far from me, but I know she will come to visit and I guess I just have to be grateful that she was here when I really needed her. She has brought many blessings into my life as have all of you.

The memorial service for Dameron will be next Saturday. As you know, we talk to Rick and Cyn daily. I called yesterday, but it was a bad time. Rick answered the phone and I could tell he was choked up. They were going through family pictures, looking at all the trips and special times they shared together. They were picking photos out for a slide show at the memorial. I can't imagine a harder thing to do. My heart just broke for them.

We talked about when they wanted us to come down. Did they want us to come now or a couple of days before the memorial. They want us to come just before the memorial so we can stay longer afterward. We just need that time together after all their responsibilities have been met. I'd love to be with them now, but I think they are in need of some private time to get things done and share their loss together. The more they process now, in the privacy of their lives, the more they can share when we get there. I'm good with that and remind them daily how much we love them. They know it and feel it. I am so looking forward to putting my arms around them. My husband is with his bother in spirit always. They talked this evening. I think we are joined in a very special way. I'm grateful for that.

Love to everyone, Cat

Cat, I think it's great you'll be with them after the service too. They will need you and Warren so much then. You never cease to amaze me lady. Always thinking ahead, always looking for ways to be better able to help the ones u love. We KAW have been thru 3 major events in your life with you in such a short time. Amanda wedding, (which I'm patiently waiting for those pics of u on face book;), your dads passing, and now your nephew. I know you and Warren will be such a comfort to your family. And u know we KAW are with you in spirit. Love you my friend! Lisa

Joan - no new nighties or nail polish for me this week. Maintaining an apartment in PA, and paying my daughter's rent too has me squeezed a little too tightly this week for extra's. Nails are a wreck, which is sort of indicative of how I've been feeling - just chipped and a bit broken. John just left for another 2 weeks this morning. But, I've taken a deep breath, and am resolved to get my shit together and power up. I may hang some empty tuna cans in the kitchen to remind myself that I am a power woman.

Cat - I agree with Lisa - its great that you'll be with Rick and Cyn after the service. They're keeping busy now with plans and preparations, but after the service, things will be quiet and without you and Warren there, they'll be alone with the emptiness. Maybe your presence there will ease them into it.

Pam! Where's Pam?

Hi, Beanie!

Hi, Book :)

Kimbee... you said you'd be here this weekend. Well?

I'm missing people here. Just can't go back and read to see just who while I comment.

Had sushi with my husband and two of the boys last night. The salt has me blown up like a parade float this morning. Joan, if I got that leopard nighty now, I'd look like I'd belong on that people of Walmart website.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday. I'm going to light some incense and power up. No more candy, no more moping. The AZ branch of the KAW is going to stand tall (and a little wider, but what the heck).

I can now say I am a KAW when the preacher did not want to do the funeral due to no power I said to my family-he lives next to the church about 100 feet away he can just suck it up and do the --- funeral it only will take 30 min or less -he can dress warmly-the funeral started on time.

Austin: Glad you set the preacher straight and got the funeral done.

Judy: I can feel a power surge coming from Arizona. Sending white light to our AZ chapter to go along with the incense.

Lisa: We have been through a lot together on this thread. I appreciate all of you, the support you have given me and the fun things that we have shared.

Love to all, Cat

Working backwards here -
((((((((austin)))))))) YAY for you - way to go!!!! Well done!!!! Boy, a guy like that gives pastors a bad name. Hope you are doing OK now! There is bound to be some let down. Keep in touch - you have much of value to offer.
(((((((((Judy))))))) I buy nail olish for $1.99 from the drug store and do touch ups - but - I hear you!!! Hey, hang the tuna cans and decorate them first! Walmart website - LOL now that got me laughing. Oh my judy, that is quite a picture. Glad you had a nice evening with hubby and the boys. Drink lots of water to flush the salt out, keep taking the deep breaths, don't take sh*t from your mother, light some incense, puty on some uplifting music -you ARE a mighty woman of power, ,jude! The external appearance makes a difference. When Gordie was dying - his last day on earth, I dressed up in a nice outfit, did my hair etc and went to the hospital "armed" as a KAW. I was not having my son go through that major and final transition with me looking a wreck, and falling apart beside him. This was about him not me, and he needed my support. There was lots of time for my tears later. Lots. So I am visualizing you breathing deep, getting yourself together, and powering up -and remembering that no one needs to take abuse! The KAW is behind you! Falcon punches and all ;p
Lisa - Well done - I never thought of the three major transitions that cat has been through - . I did seen some wedding pics on facebook. Amanda is a real beauty and her dress was gorgeous! You have received much support but you have given much too (((((((((((((hugs))))))))) hope things settle down for a while at your end.
cat - thanks - I have some of those gloves too, the latex ones are useless for me. Never mind the arthritis ( I have a little too)- I am sure your nails look fab, and that enhances the whole hand. Yes, start looking after yourself where you are at, and let it grow. The best exercise advice I ever read was "Do more than you are doing now". Everyone can do that, while 30-40 mins 5 times a week may not be do-able.Every little bit counts, and the same with the eating habits. Do what you can today to make your diet healthier. We can only live now. I am so sorry your good neighbour is moving, but glad you have had her, and that she will come back and visit. Rick and Cyn are still in shock and will be for a while. They have much to do now, and time after with you and Warren will be invaluable. After is when it starts getting harder and - around three months usually the shock/numbness has worn off, and the BIG pain sets in. Then 6 months, 9 month (particularly bad), 1 year, and of course all the holidays - Thanksgiving,Christmas , birthdays. They are on an emotional rollercoaster ride, which will last several years, and they will never be the same, I know your heart is hurting for them, as well as your own loss of their child. Be sure to look after you. (((((((hugs)))))
thinking of everyone and hoping for a good day for all. Love hugs, and prayers - Joan

Thanks, Joan. Love, Cat

Hi all--was super busy over the last 10 days getting ready to go on vaca (and writing to you while on vaca. and on this silly little netbook) and suddenly realized that I stopped getting my follow up emails (which I used to get daily!) - something happened and I'm not rec'd them partic. for this discussion. ARGHH. Even more weird is I just finished polishing my ugly nails and am intrigued with this shellac treatment and having my nails 'done' for weeks. Def. looking into it. Hope all are OK. I'll read up on the thread and see what's new but wanted to let you know I didn't drop out of society here. :) hugs, love, wellness...punch

Shellac is definitely the way to go with manicures.... except, that its hard to get the shellac nail polish off yourself. But, the paint lasts for weeks once its on. No chipping. I get it done whenever I have a manicure, which is only a few times a year. My thing is pedicures. I wear flip flops for most of the year, really. From probably March to, well, now. I'm still wearing flops because its still hot. Its going to be 90 again tomorrow. So, I have pedicures pretty frequently. I don't want to be that woman who has the Barney Rubble feet.
Do the shellac, Punch. Just once, and you'll be hooked. My neighbor bought a UV thing so that she can do her own. I'm not sure I'm that ambitious.

Hey, I'm that woman with Barney Rubble feet. :) A friend once told me I had the ugliest feet. "They're square." I told her they were great for working in swamps and I probably could walk on snow. Proud of my ugly feet. :-D

Haha! Jessie! - I've got wide feet. My mother says that they're grape stompers. My brother says they're duck feet. I'm proud of my ugly feet too. They look just like my Nona's, and I loved her insanely. She was the nice grandmother. I had a vile one and a nice one! I just don't want dry feet and gnarly nails in flip flops . Maybe I should've said "cave man feet" and not Barney Rubble! We like our ugly dogs.

Oh I am so annoyed: I have lost my post four times. I miss you all. Cat so sorry to hear about your family tragedy. Glad you and DH are there for them, I know they are glad too. Joan you made me laugh about the nail glue in the snow, and love those color descriptions. Hold on to that nail glue til winter is over! How is Clay doing? Better I hope. Judy and Punch, I too am a fan of the shellac polish. Tip for you Judy: saturate cotton ball in polish remover, place on nail bed and wrap band-aid around fingertip to hold in place for 5-10 minutes. Comes right off. My mom seems to be unable to keep from destroying her pedicures in an instant, so I have scheduled her a shellac pedi to hopefully get her through a month or more. I wish all winter, but her toe nails grow like crazy! Austin, glad you are back. I have been worrying about you-forgot about the wedding, sorry to hear of the difficulty with mom passing. Proud of the KAW ninja chop on that pastor-good for you! That new man you have mentioned better watch himself!! I am glad you were the one with your mom, a point surely not lost on her. Judy, you are sounding fierce. I may join you in hanging some tuna cans around! Jeanne, you and Coy stay on my mind, hope things are ok. Lisa, your mom is one piece of work and you have made so much progress! And did you notice your thread hit the 2000 mark tonight! Awesome!! Book and Riz, Sharynmarie and everybody else, hope you are doing well. Beanie, welcome, impressed you read the whole thread, we can understand why you might stutter afterwards-it's the twitch effect! I made Halloween into an event w/ mom. She loves little kids (and they her). One day we made lists of words related to Halloween, another added words that rhyme. Next day we made up a funny spooky poem from all those words, inviting our neighbors to trick or treat us, or just stop by for a cup of coffee or visit if no kids. We printed it up and drove around the neighborhood to deliver. Then, I worked on my house, spiffing up and decorating. I had been letting some stuff go that needed to be done (getting over my clutter max) and I found simple chores that mom could do to help. DH got interested, trimmed the shrubs next to the sidewalk, brought colored paper for the invitations, picked out candy, oohed and ahhed about the house! All turned out great! Lots of trick or treaters, (all adorable) and lots of visitors, lots of fun. Did my soul good. After company left, my mom said: "who were those people, and how did they all know my name?" She couldn't remember we sent invitations and signed our names! So cute and sad at the same time. I have been working hard to keep her on a regular routine since I had the meltdown. It is helping but is hard work. She needs continual attention to do well. We have had a visiting kitty. Good for all of us, except we can't have him in the house, DH is allergic. I hate to have an outside pet-so unfair to them. We bought a little house for him and he used it pretty well until it got cold, then no interest. Next we made him a little bed in a clothes basket in the garage, and we leave the door up just a bit, he loves that bed! Comes in every night and purrs and purrs! Today was warm and he got in the bed on the deck today. I sit my mom on a chair near the door, have her hold him on her lap and pet him. Then I use that to get her in the shower or dressed and rid of the kitty-fied bathrobe right away-she doesnt want to make her sil sick! Works pretty well :)) DH had a terrible few weeks and especially bad day on Fri., someone hit a deer that then flew up in the air into his car on his way to work at 5:30 am. Did about $8,000 damage. Same day, I took mom to early vote, went to check on our old house and get mail and discovered it had been broken into, and his garage too. The stole his big tool boxes and lots of tools, cut the batteries out of his collector cars, and completely trashed the old house (his first home, had it since he was about 25). It was heartbreaking to see. Every single thing in house and garage had been ransacked and trashed. He told me they caught the criminals that had been breaking into the business, caught red-handed selling 150k worth of specific metals stolen from another local business. When he saw all the tools missing, he immediately felt like they may have used his tools to break into the business and get out the materials that resulted in their arrest. Today, DH's cousin came by to tell us his home (a few blocks away) had been broken into Fri night, and again Saturday night). He went to stay with his elderly mom overnight both nights because she is sick and widowed. He had lights on and car in driveway, family next door. No one in neighborhood heard or saw anything. Our area has very high unemployment, and crime is up-to say the least. Whew-that's what's up around here. If I missed you individually, I apologize, and love you all, bunches! Have a good week, if you can. I am celebrating that the political ads will finally be over! Hugs and moments of joy! Kimbee

It's Bond, James Bond to the rescue! My finger nails are sporting invincible gel polish - like shellac - doesn't chip or flake off . It is from the recent James Bond polish collection and is called Goldeneye! Woohoo! Goes well with the blue tights, tuna cans, and leopard print nightie! Gotta a phone call the other night from my son who needed booster cables and a boost, so this 75 year old KAW, got a few warmer things on, brushed off the car again, and went into the snowy night to rescue him - and show my nails off to this wife lol. Gary was at his course, or he would have done it. What I want to know is when is someone going to rescue me??? Oh well, it is good for the circulation!
Punch good to hear from you - gel polish is great too and doesn't chip, and the James Bond collection has some great colours!
Jude and jessie - I think we could have a sub section of the KAW - for square footed women. - good for take off for the falcon punches. My feet are narrow heeled and square across the toes. There was a good looking guy on one of the online dating sites I frequented, and he wanted to meet stubby toed women! There is someone for everyone! I like my square feet too!
Kimbee -good to hear from you, and that you are surviving. Clay is home now with probably a long recovery ahead. Apparently he is still on oral meds as well as morphine - so his stomach will suffer and I expect this could happen again. Sounds like you had great fun at Halloween, and great that mum likes the kitty! Ah, a deer on dh's car - lots of damage I know. Hope your place is secure with all thse break ins going on.
Lisa - gather things are quiet right now. I know American thanksgivng is coming up. Hope you are going to hav a good time with Ray and Mary and that they both are doing reasonably well
Jeanne, thinking of you and Coy ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))) and prayers
cat -hope you are doing OK . I know it is a difficult time for you and the inlaws ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) and prayers for you all too
austin - even with a difficult relationship, a death takes a toll more (((((((((((((((((((hugs )))))))))))))) and prayers
sharyn - and everyone else - how's it going?
had a little fibro flareup again - definitely related to weather and also diet. I really need to follow a hypoglycemic diet quite carefully.I think. Looking into volunteer work, as the hospital needs people. The down side is I don't want to catch every bug around. The upside is I would be in emerg escorting people around as the hospital is under renovations, so I would get to move around and deal with lots of different people. It is like United Nations here with people from around the world. I probably would recognise some ex students!
Thinking of all of you. Much love Joan

Joan it seems people like us do not get rescued but girlfriend I think us KAW could show the young em's a thing or two my granddaughter had to borrow gloves and boots to go to work today and went in her pj's-a girlfriend from back in grade school talked for an hour today we are going to get together and get wild and crazyJoan if you lived close you could come with us.

I think you are right, austin. I swear I will be rescuing till I am 100 - and happy to be able to.
Your story of your granddaughter made me laugh. Yes, we could teach 'em, Years ago dd and I went on a shopping trip (good memories) and she commented that she could travel light. Well, guess who borrowed my hair stuff, a blouse. a belt..l. I could travel light too, if some one else would bring what I need,
Wild and crazy - right on!!! I would join you in a minute!!! Wouldn't it be fun!!!! For now, a morning nap - 4 hrs sleep again last night aaaargh!

That is funny about traveling light. My nephews were upset our internet or wi-fi as they call it was out when we came to my house the night before the funeral but when they saw they could get a shower and a hot meal after 3 days with no power the shower and hot meal sounded good-they have no idea about real life-I wanted to sit them down and talk about rationing in WW2 but did not.

Joan good for you to volunteer at the hospital you will be good for those who are sick and worried -just wash your hands a lot I was one of the healthist nurse even with fibro and all because I washed my hand so much-you will be a light in people's world.

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