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I used to give the generic card, after the last round of abuse I realized that she did not feel bad about anything she did to me since she felt I deserved the abuse she heaped on me because she felt I was a 'bad child', but that I no longer felt guilty for not responding to her in any way. I realized that she deserved NOTHING from me, let alone the lie of a mothers day card. Sooo, she gets no card from me. No phone calls. NOTHING. She tried calling me a number of times and I told her that if she continued to attempt to make contact that I would consider it harassment and I would get a restraining order against her. I told her that after 52 years of abuse she and I were DONE. She has not tried since and the peace is blessed.

I pray for all the children like me. I pray that they can find the strength and the way to do the same. Abusive mothers deserve absolutely nothing from us. Not one damn thing. If they gave birth to us, it's only because they lacked either the money or the nerve to abort us and then punished us for the courage to stay alive.

Austin- How funny. I had a hard time finding one that would say as least as possible. Isn't this sad.

I was almost not going to to do nothing, but then I had a change of heart and ran out and bought actually a funny card with some nonsense of "Relaxing" but nothing mushy or what a wonderful mother's love she exults. Nothing, just a few words and that's it. I feel good about it, even though she doesn't even deserve a card.

I know what you mean Austin and Midwest and Pamelasue~I bought generic cards for my mother who has a personality disorder. I couldn't get funny cards because she has no sense of humor and the warm fuzzy cards just didn't work. Mom didn't care as long as long as she was acknowledged. She would make issues if we didn't take her out to lunch on her actual birthday or mother's day but...she had our birthday acknowledgements/parties on the nearest saturday when she was off she taught us...whats the problem, we work too. Anyway....things have changed because mom has Alzheimer's and is mentally incapacitated. Her combativeness, and personality disorder characteristics are getting less as she progresses. It is sad..but dealing with her natural personality limited our contact with her. I would go with a thinking of you card and write on the inside Happy Birthday, thinking of you and sign it. Hugs to you all!!

Every year I had a hard time picking a warm and fuzzy card. Sometimes I would spend to much time at the card center. Back and forth, no not this one, nope not that one, nahh to mushy and so on.
It is simply sad that we go thru this.
Sharynmarie- Alzheimer now, well if that isn't something. Either way she was none incommunicado. The personality disorder that seems to be prevalent is called "Narcissistic behavior" I read so much on it that I definitely understand what my mother is all about. The eye opener was that it starts at 18 months of age. Now that was new to me. Anyone else read up on NB?

The card you buy for an abusive parent is for you. If sending a generic card help minimize your unearned guilt, go for it. If it makes you feel justified and sincere to skip a card, by all means to that.

You deserve whatever it takes to feel even a tiny bit better. Do whatever works for you.

Where is Lisa?

I did not know what narcissic behaivor was all about-I could now know what my mother was all about from reading about NB on this site-I could not have good feelings about my mother but I understood what she was all about and was able to detatch from her and her verbal abuse. I learned that how she acted was not ok and it had not been me being bad that sparked her anger it was her that was bad not me.

It's heart breaking for me to read so many comments about the abuse so many people suffered from their mothers. My mother died when I was very young, and gratefully, I have only loving, and warm memories of her.......her beauty...and her kindness. I have three grown sons of my own, and it really makes me want to re-think my behavior toward them while they were growing up. Did I do all I could do to be a good mom? Are they hurt by anything I did or said that I directed at them? Do they feel like they could tell me if I hurt them in ways that still effect them now? Could they forgive me? Happy (early) Mother's Day to everyone!

Oh, how many hours have I spent standing in front of the MD cards, tears welling up because I wish I felt that way about my Mother. I have not given her a card for years since she cannot see. I wonder what people are still sending her cards for? For ME to read? Ridiculous. How about putting a little effort behind their feelings and come spend an hour with her? Right.
Austin, wouldn't it be great if Hallmark or American Greetings did a line of cards for Narcissists? The cover would have little mirrors on them. It would read " Hey, it's ALL ABOUT YOU Today, as always"! Yesterday, today and Tomorrow, it's all about YOU, oh great one! lol Signed, Your Little Nobody, kiss kiss.
I don't buy cards for anyone if the sentiment is phony. Most of them make me sick.

Christina, you sound bitter....😟 I hope that you can forgive the people that made you feel so bad someday. Life is so unfair sometimes. Sucks. You must be such a caring and giving person to take care of your mom. Don't let her poison get inside you. It's like a cancer, it will eat you alive.

Ohh so true ChritinaW....I hate those mushy cards. I actually go to the Dollar store and buy all the Birthday cards, cheaper and less wordier.
Calicaregiver- I had a wonderful Mother In-law, she was kind and sweet to me. She lived with me when she became a Widow for 17 years, until she died of Alzheimer's. The hate my own Mother had for my Mother-In law was unreal. My Mother was jealous of anyone who loved me and was good to me. My Mother ripped in to my Mother In law constantly. We never stood for it, but in the moments she got out what she needed and it was to late, the words were out. My Father loved me til the end. He died too. My parents were divorced so there was this animosity against my Father as well. She hated him and I was his daughter. The funny part is that I look like my Mother and have a lot of my Fathers personality.
The people who loved me the most have died, but the one who hates me is still alive. Now isn't that the pip?!

Lol, no I'm serious about the greeting card thing. Yes, I have forgiven my poor mother, and no I'm not bitter! I made a decision to continue to be responsible for her care, but put my life first for a change. Thanks for asking:)

i haven't been on here for a long time...i had a father like above...i went to see him in october, and he sat with his back to me. i sat with a sweet old man from the assisted living. my mom insisted i speak to him in january; it was the same; complaints....i told him i have nothing to do with his care as i don't have power of attorney; i don't even know his money situation....mind you..up to this time, i was doing most of the work...i stayed at home until...both..:( marriages...and went back there to help my "mother" with him...that got me nowhere but more pain..anyway..i haven't spoken to him since january..sometime you need to get away; i am finally able to pray for him..and that took alot...big hugs to all of you...the pain, the emotional abuse..and physical..never leaves a hole in your sole...i stopped the cycle of abuse when i had best and love to all of've had brain my writing is a mess...after surviving that..the best my father could say look finally lost weight..mind you...half of my head was shaved and i had 2 black you go...

Mothers Day came and I did not call my Mother. I sent her the generic card and on Sat. she called 2 times, whimpering, how she is glad I sent her a card and she would like to talk to me. I'm so cauterized I simply can not call her and have a conversation. The hurt is so deep, that as soon as I see she is calling I get upset. To some it may sound cold and callous but let me say this: This woman is not mentally challenged makes it even harder for me, because if she had dementia, then at least I could give her the excuse, but she has all her marbles, she is just realizing she messed up with me and wants to get back in to my good graces, so once I'm comfortable "Wham!" She will sucker punch me. No thank you. Hearing her say to me a few months ago that she wished I was never born, did it for me. What a shame!

Ooh - I like it 5150 --"danger to ones self or others". She DOES have mental problems -- she's an addict. I doubt that she believes you.....boy will SHE be surprised.
BTW, DPOA wouldn't have obligated you to pay her bills for you, only authorized you to use her money to pay her bills (and if she were declared incompetant you could keep it from her so she couldn't spend at QVC). So let me guess...she's been living rent- free at your house while spending at QVC, smokes, etc.?
Since you are pretty much washing your hands of responsiblity of your Mom's self-created train wreck it's probably just as well you don't have it though. Let the Public guardian take care of her, or maybe a payee (someone NOT related who won't care how mean she is).

Midwest: I have been reading the posts and I started to comment about your dilemma on the mother's day card, but then decided against. What you are describing now is exactly what I anticipated; you sent your mom a card, so she sees that as an opening and calls wanting to talk to you. Does that surprise you?

I'm sorry that I didn't comment initially, so please don't take this comment as criticism in anyway. I am one of the KAW girls and you asked for their comments, so for what it is worth, here's mine. If you are not willing to see or speak to your mom then it makes no sense to send a card. In fact, in some way it's unkind.

You have every right to chose to not speak to your mom. If the pain of her words is something you can not tolerate, then don't. There is no reason for anyone to open themselves up to a hateful and vindictive verbal tirade. It doesn't matter that she is your mom. If she only brings you pain then cut your losses and don't let anyone guilt trip you into thinking that you must endure her abuse. That's BS. You get to choose what is right for you and what is good for your mental health.

Aside from no contact, here are a couple of options. You can write your mom a letter and tell her that you are willing to have contact with her, but it will have to be occasional for now and always civil. You can mention the "sorry you were ever born" comment and tell her that if she ever says that or other hateful words to you again, you will have absolutely no further contact with her. The first time she starts to get hostile that will be the end and the decision will be yours, based on your definition of hostile. My guess is that in time she will cross the line and you can bring a clear end to contact.

Another option is to call her, have a conversation and keep it short and sweet. Tell her that you are not up to insults or nasty comments. If she can go with that, then you will keep in touch on your terms. Don't return all her calls. Send the generic card and speak to her when you feel strong enough to cope with her verbal surprises.

You need to weigh what is in YOUR best interest. If my suggestions don't feel comfortable to you, then kick them to the curb. No problem.

Best regards, Cattails.

Horserider: Lisa has moved on and is now enjoying a life with her family and those who love her. Your comments were pretty right on, but a little late. If you get a chance, read the thread. It's a good read for anyone dealing with this problem.

Horserider: Lisa's life does not include her mom living in her home. She cleaned house, so to speak and we congratulate her on the decisions she made. So many people stay stuck in the manipulative game, but Lisa took the information many gave her, plus her own good sense (no substitute for that) and changed the world her family lived in. It's all good.

Sorry--what is KAW?

Kick Ass Women. Sorry you could not have been involved in this thread, Christina. You would have enjoyed it. I'm sure you could have put some designer touches on our blue tights and tuna cans. Flash back to Wonder Woman. If you have time and are interested, read the thread. One of the best on AC.

Hugs to you my friend, Cattails.

I apologize if this sounds un sympathetic, you need to put her somewhere else in a faciltiy, before she tears your family apart, Mine did or help contributed too it major. I love my mom also Ironically she never raised me MY dad did. Now she is so hateful, third stage dementia, Im spending what I have to pick up difference, now Im divorce, spend more than if I lived alone with my daughter, but tells me Im unappreciative, Uhm up 5:00am meds, breakfast, empty potty chairs, wash face, etc, make easy lunch for her to get on own, wheelchair, but bust her all the time if your not in room, waiting on her self. (she s only by her self 6 hrs) then Im late for work, numerous caretakers later on- day time for 6 hrs , during day stealing, Her own Drs quit!! Tried of her calling them all day, then tell me Good Luck with that, what the hell is that!! Im currently moving out of her house, back in my own. Im leaving it with God. One day at a time. Im tired of the emotional roller coaster, I still have a daughter to raise, a grand baby I never get to see (son;s) stuck here all the time. Or don't leave for more than an hour. In and out of emergency rooms. Her panic attacks, insurance refuses to pay anymore.

Thank you Cattails. I always look at suggestion as a way of different points of view and I never get insulted. I came on this site to learn and bounce off my own situation.
The guilt that this woman instilled in me is unbelievable and yet I'm considered a very strong and a common sense kind a of a gal. But the scars are deep and no matter how old one get's the verbal and physical abuse one receives as a child and it continues in to adulthood is unbelievable.
I enjoyed your comments all the way thru. This was a very good forum for Lisa to survive the antics of her mother.

By the way, my mother called few weeks before Mothers Day and I talked with her very briefly. And when Mothers Day was upon me, I struggled with the should I or shouldn't I. So I sent her one. Yes, I anticipated a phone call, but what I'm trying to achieve is that, no, I will not talk to you mother dearest when you call, I will call when I'm good and ready. So far it's Tuesday and I have not returned her calls. There was a time in my life, not to long ago, my mother would get mad and punish me by not talking to me for weeks, months and sometimes up to a year or so. Then when she was done punishing me she would find a way to get in contact with me and I would forgive her and all was good for a while. But during that "good time" she would call and demand that I call her daily. I in return would say what for, and her reply was what if something happen to me. I responded, mother you can not talk to me for weeks, months, or a year and you would be fine and now you want daily calls? Not doing it.
So this is what I'm trying to avoid. All my young adulthood, I was an obedient daughter and always forgave her and allowed her to manipulate me. Not anymore. I'm just sorry that I did not nip this selfish woman a long time ago. She had such an impact on my life and she was so detrimental to some of my decisions, that I sometimes just have to shake my head. But it is what it is and all I'm trying to do now is cut loose. Working on it. You will hear from me here and there because my mother needs to control me and she can't, but she is gonna try. Let's see what this month brings.
Again, thank you for your input.

What do you do with a mom who calls an ambulance everytime she has an anxiety attack? The insurance refuses to pay for this last trip. Shes had numerous Dr.s quit on her for the numerous calls to there offices! The house insurance got cancelled because of her numerous calls for claims. She not only has dementia, she has had schizo her whole life. OMG Shrinks have quit her. Her Geractics (sp?) Drs quit her. And tell me and siblings good luck?!!!


Midwest: Do you know that there is a Narcissistic Mom site on AC. Maybe you need to go there and read up on their struggles. Hope that will help.

Midwest~the best way to deal with a narcissistic parent is to detach emotionally from them with love. Google detaching with love, then set boundaries in your life regarding what you will and will not accept regarding verbal, emotional and physical abuse. It is all up to you to set those boundaries and stand strong no matter what. Do not back down because mom calls begging to be let in, I am sorry, I won't do it again....because she will do it again and you probably know that already. Then distance chose when to have contact and like Cattails said...keep it short and sweet. Google dealing with narcissistic personalities to get more info, learn what FOG means...fear, obligation and it affects you, learn what gaslighting is and how it messes up your emotional well being. Read and read more to arm yourself against it. Hugs to you!!

Ok I saw this thread and read the header..and a few pages but I am too tired and (temporarily) on all this new info I cant do anymore..Would it be rude of me to say it is fascinating "stranger than fiction" stuff love it, and just ask "What happened to mom" How did it go, did she get her out "relatively, lol" smoothly, which I cant imagine, and timely"??? I really am soooo blessed my mom is a doll now disease stole her emotional pain, that is really helping a lot, it could be worse kinda thing!!! But she was a viscious but angry/unhappy with a raging bipolar alcoholic husband (and she stood by him to the end 58 ys of marriage) to deal with as well as try raising 3 kids. She worked hard to provide and I know she loved us but It was dysfunctional home, she would have such anger outbursts and being the youngest by 8ys I was the one at home to take it all! As a child I had no clue but as an adult I understand she was under immeasurable stress. I revel in the peaceful life i have given her the last 8 ys we have now just me n the new her, no more family drama!!!! But also sometimes I see her in me, it is scary, now that I am under same type of stress, fight for life. I'm sure I am handling it better but coupled with genetics and caregiver burnout depression is a constant battle tho. My brothers both followed in Dads footsteps unfortunately and refuse to seek help...least dad saw a dr and tried! oh ho hum...I ramble on again sorry ..neway k thanks everyone this is a great place so glad I found it !

Oops about mom should have said *she wasn't viscious type but angry/unhappy definitely.

To Cattaols and Sharonmarie- Yes I'm aware of the Narcissistic sites and I even have a blog running regarding that very same subject: "Adult daughters of Narcissistic Mothers"
When my mother came to visit me in California from Chicago I needed to find out what I had on my hands, when my mother began to act out. I haven't lived with her since I was 23 years old and now I was 63 years and had all these problems with her. I thought it would have given my mother and I a chance to spend time together and being that she was 85 and I lived far away (moved to California recently) we could perhaps form a bond which was fragile as it was. Instead it was a visit from Hell. During her visit I was so perplexed as to what to do and being that I'm computer literate, I went on lone and started to research. I came across the word "Narcissistic" because I found my mother constantly wanting things of me. I realized it was always about her and her attitude was very mean spirited and unhealthy, especially for me. While she was here I wanted to see how I could handle the situation, because it was getting so out of hand that I was ready to put her on the plane, but as soon as I said: "Mom, would you like to go home" after she said she wants to go home as soon as possible, she responded with: " Don't threaten me, I will run into the hallway and yell elderly abuse and see how you will like it" Well, that shut me up and at that point I knew I had a problem. Big problem. You see I'm an Apartment Manager at a Luxury Community and she was literally threatening me, so she had control. Internally I was very upset, but kept my cool. These 2 months were a learning experience and not only that, I realized that it was not my fault, it's who she is. I'm an only child and to be so hated by your own mother, while you are trying to hold her hand, give her a hug and hope that she has an ounce of love, is very difficult to realize, but I do. I do not need counseling at this stage of the game. I did that years ago. I consider myself very stable, even though I have a mother who is totally absorbed about herself. And her calls will be handled at my pace. The only thing is and I have to admit, I miss being loved.

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