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Lisa, I am up late, enjoying some quiet time to myself. Before I turned in, I thought I'd check to see what happened today. Guess what? It's TUESDAY! I hope today is the day and you will soon be on your way to much better times ahead. Praying for your safety and sanity. Like the room ideas. You're all amazing. Kimbee.

OK, Lisa, I understand. Aside from a police escort, you have to wait for your nephew. Where are you at on the 30 day eviction notice? Don't want to make it any harder than it has to be.

I didn't realize that Jan still lived with you. For some reason I thought she had left. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a quick end to this.

Love, Cattails

Sooooo close! I love the advice about re-doing the room as soon as possible. Open all the windows, scrub it out. If you can afford to bring someone in to clean and paint it, pronto, do it -- so you can see it with new eyes after the transformation. Garbage bags transport things as well as boxes do.

You'll probably be tired for a while. Let that be okay. Eventually, you will reclain your personal, soul space, too. It's coming, I promise.

Holding our collective breath with you...XOXOXOJB

Cattails, you are right. First order of business is the bedroom. So much to do in there. Jen moved hers downstairs when mom moved in, so I offered her the room back, and she said no. They have been pre approved for their home loan. No big rush, but they are looking. She had a great ideal. Make it my reading room. I have 4 beautiful bookshelves downstairs that I are full of books. I just may do that. I had no idea, but Jen came upstairs last night and told her to get away from our bedroom door. I'm so tired today. What will it feel like to lay my head down at night and know all I have to do is sleep. And I know there's absolutely no way she'll get in the car with us. She has not packed one thing. She's arranged for no boxes to pack her things. So, I will throw everything she has in that room in garbage bags and it will be carried out in those. I just don't care. Everyone sleep well, and god bless all of you.

Lisa: I wrote a long post and then lost it. Hate that!!! Good for Doug and your beautiful Beth. I bet that took your mom by surprise.

So I'm wondering; If Christian Care can take her tomorrow, is it possible that you and Doug can drive her over with the things you have packed? I know it won't be a pleasant drive over, but it will be a pleasant drive home.

You could pack the rest of her things and your nephew could take them the following night when he doesn't have a sports obligation.

I agree with Rebecca and wish we were all close enough to be with you, help pack her up and handle the transport.

Lisa, I think when this is over you are going to need time to decompress. I have found when I experience bad situations it is helpful for me to just clean. It's like reclaiming my space and it's a positive way to get rid of bad energy.

When you know the move date, call a carpet cleaner and make arrangements for them to come in. Maybe repaint the room she was in. Just reclaim what was chaos and turn it into a new look. A look that you mom never witnessed or shared. If it doesn't seem to extreme, change your locks. If you can deal with the hassle, change your home phone number to an unlisted number and only give it to friends and family that you trust. All these things can make you feel like you are starting a new chapter. It's only necessary if it's helpful. You are the judge of that, but I fear you mom may want to call and harass you.

Right off the bat, Invite Jen over for a take out dinner, just the four of you in your home. Don't worry about cooking, that's not the point, it's just time for you to share a meal together in your home. You are the survivors.

I'm probably over reacting here, so take it with a grain of salt or apply what feels good.

LOVE and so many heartfelt HUGS to you, Doug, Beth and Jan. You are an amazing family.


No Rebecca. Although there were literally beatings as a chil, ( she used the old orange hot wheel race tracks on us) her only weapon now is her mouth. Always she has humiliated me in front of others with her insults, but she no longer has an audience because I just don't have people to my home. My nephew understands I'm at the end of my rope with her. Maybe there's hope for him yet. He's been clean for 8 months. He just started back to work at dougs company. I believe in second chances. This is his one and only. Do I trust him in my home? Absolutely not. No one can change overnight. But I know he's really worked hard getting her out of here. She told me she dares me to show my face tomorrow at her meeting. So it's in his hands. Doug called my nephew into his office when he got back to the shop. Doug told me to trust him, it's handled. And I do, so I'll wait for his phone call tomorrow.

You must be a special person! So many people love you, including me. My concern surrounds your safety. I there a chance your mother might try to hurt you or Beth?
I wish all of us lived close enough to take turns staying with you when Doug is not there until your mother leaves. Just know I am praying. Rebecca

Superman Doug, He's got 5 stars in my book, good for him. A few more hours.
Why don't you, hubby and dtr out out to dinner and let mom deal with her own dinner. Stay strong!!!

Doug is Superman. No kidding. You've got a great family, pulling together. Let's hope she doesn't try burning the house down now since she can't verbally torment you with SuperDoug laying the law down. Not much longer now, Lisa. The clock is ticking.

Sorry, I think I posted the above to the incorrect site Excuse please!

Hey Jennie!

Here is what I would do. I'd sign her up for Medicaid! Then I would put her in the car and deliver her to a facility that takes Medicaid patients. You don't want to have someone smoking around Oxygen - especially in your home! Despite anything else that maybe going on - this could cost you your life and the lives of your loved ones! Not to mention - have you checked with your insurance company to see if they would cover any loss in case of an explosion? I'd do that right away! Mom would just have to change into her big girl panties and deal with the consequences! Sorry to sound judgemental but we all get so wound up in "what would mom think" or "what would mom do" we just loose the entire picture of "what needs to happen". And remember, you just can't please people who can't be pleased.

Oh my. that is absolutely awesome!!!! I haven't posted here before but have been following. You have a beautiful family - husband and daughter -looking our for you. Amazing! (((((((((((Lisa))))))))))

My nephew is taking her. I just spoke with him on the phone. I am meeting them there at 10:30. He asked if this weekend would be soon enough. I told him absolutely not. He has t ball practice for his son tomorrow night so it will have to be Wednesday night. I already have her towels, dishes and towels. Everything to hold her until the weekend. She of course was listening on the phone. We hung up and she was ranting on and she just stopped. Didn't understand why and then I turn around and Doug was there. He came in the front door. Beth had called him. I've never seen anger in his face like that. He said very quietly, woman until the time you walk yur crazy ass out of here don't you even look at my wife, don't open your mouth to my wife or I'll make the phone call to have the police cart you outta here. Wow. Kissed me bye, I love you and looked at Beth and said good job baby girl. Wow!!!!! Hahahahaha breathe hahahahaha. Went in her bedroom and slammed the door.

Lisa: She is crazy mean. I'm sorry for every minute you have to be subjected to her hateful ways. Who is taking her to her appointment tomorrow? I know you will call Christian Care to be sure you have the straight scoop on the outcome of the meeting and her move-in date. Do all you can to expedite the move.

We are all praying that she will be gone very soon and the abuse will end.

Love and Hugs, Cattails.

Hmmm.... can you call the social worker? Or the police? Sounds like she needs to be hauled out of there, fast. Incredible. She's insulting you in your own home, as if you're not doing her a favor by having her there. Honestly, it sounds like you need some back up.

You Lisa are a very strong person and alot would have crumbled by now, hold on
a few more days and it will be over. Prayers are with you.

Well Doug and I knew this was the calm before the storm. The storm has arrived. The last 24 hours have been hell. She has done her best to start arguments since she got up yesterday. Knocking on our bedroom door at 11:30 screaming get out here, I want to talk to you. We just laid in bed with our door locked until she quit. Came home from my morning shift and it just continued. I washed her coffee cup and she came to kitchen and asked where is my f@@@@@@@@ coffee cup. I said I thought you were done with it. Her reply was I'm impressed there's even a god@@@ thought in that head. she dosent know how she could have gave birth to a dumb fat bitch like me. She just stands there looking at me waiting for me to say something. I just smile at her. I've been praying to god so hard. Keep me strong. I don't even tell Doug these insults anymore. It just makes him hurt for me. And Jennifer? Her outrage would have her in her face and I don't want that.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.... you'll have a move-in date for Mother-dearest! Can't wait to hear. Just letting you know you're on my mind, Lisa. Today, I get to take my parents to the dentist. Oh, this should be fun. The Mom and Dad show at the dentist's office. Never a dull moment. I'll look for your update tomorrow. xx, Judy

Hi Lisa: Hope you don't mind, but I'm not surprised they knew more than you thought they knew. I think Jen just needed to share what was going on in her life. You are a big part of her life and your mom treats you all badly and makes the people Jen loves so bloody miserable.

Well, cool. The cat's out of the bag, you had a great day, everyone loves and admires you, and we all hope that mom will be in her own place asap....hopefully, Tuesday afternoon.

Take those bikes out tomorrow. Go to the movies. Just have some fun with your hubby.

Be sure to let us know what happens on Tuesday.

Love and Hugs, Cattails

What a day. Just walked in the door. Apparently my youngest has been Confiding in her cousins, who has in turn been informing their parents on what's been happening in our home. By cousins, that includes my husbands cousins children too. They are all very close. The short of it? What in Sam hell was I worried about. everyone wanted to know what they could do to help. Then told me what a wonderful person I am and what a good heart I have. They asked no personal questions and just wanted me to know they are ready to help in any way. So once all of the greetings and hugs were outta the way we just had the best time and nobody mentioned it again. Then leaving they made me promise to call if I need anything or if I just want to talk. At first I was aggravated that Jen would discuss this with them, but then I thought why shouldn't she. After myself, she is the second most hated by my mother. I've never understood why. It's so unnatural. My sister in law is coming in from Alabama Thursday, so we will be at mom and dads most of the weekend. Then we'll tell the immediate family everything. I'm so glad I went today. And how miserable it was to walk in the front door of my own home. Time just seems to be at a crawl to end this. But I know it's coming soon.

Getting ready to trudge over to my parents but wanted to check in to see how you are doing and to tell you that you're on my mind. You've got me captivated by your story and inspired by how you grabbed the bull by the horns and tackled this thing head on. xx, Judy

Lisa: We will all be with you tomorrow. Don't forget that. Be brave, be short, just be yourself. You are brave, honest and loving. Think of us when you are getting the jackpots ready. Sounds like so much fun to have a family to celebrate with. Just share your heart. I will be thinking of you. Love, Cattails.

Oh lord cattails, you are so right. I'm doing it again. Running from instead of to the ones who love me. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. We are going early to help get jackpots ready and I'll do it then. And I'll enjoy the day. Thank you so much my friend. So much love to you, and of course, HUGS! HUGS! HUGS!

Lisa: Here's what I think and please know that you are free to discard my comments because only you realize the depth of your pain and how fragile you feel at this moment.

It's not a bad thing to have people who love you and it's ok to let them know you are in pain. When is there ever a perfect time to share your story. You will never be able to do it without showing the stress and emotion you have experienced.

I take it that you are getting together with your husband's family, probably at his parent's house. My point is that I'm thinking it will be family only. If you have a chance to have them all together, or you and Doug can arrange that with the adults, maybe you could take a moment to tell them how much you have looked forward to being in their presence, that you know they love you and Doug and the love is returned; that you understand they are concerned about you both, but things are going to be resolved shortly. Tell them that you want to enjoy this day and being bathed in the love they all have for you, that you will explain in more detail later, but for today, you just want to be with them because they are the family that you love.

I've no doubt that you will blubber through this little speech, but there is no shame in that and these people love you. They will feel honored that you shared that much with them and they will do all they can to make your day with them just what you want it to be.

Let them see you. They are your family, a true family. They are going to feel the same way all of us feel about you. We love you and treasure your voice. Your voice is a gift, so don't keep it so close to the vest. You have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to feel guilty about. Your husband and children will be proud of you for just being who you are, as all of us are.

You are Lisa, a very amazing person who has traveled a long road. Someone who has been a loving wife and mother. Someone who has experienced what many have not. Someone who always tried to do the Christian thing. Someone who is breaking free of the horror of you mom and siblings. You are a shining star of grace and love.

At most, it's a 5 minute talk that you can offer to your family. It will mean a lot to them and they will feel that you have taken them to a place of confidence. From what you have told us about them, they will respect it and be grateful that you reached out to them.

So that's my thought. You and Doug can mull it over and discard it if it's too traumatic. Whatever you decide, you have my 100 percent support.

Much love to you, my brave friend. Cattails.

Well it's Kentucky Derby tomorrow. So Doug and I will be with the family tomorrow most of the day. I'm so looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I don't know if I can deal with any questions about our situation here. I know my husbands family loves me dearly and I know they have all been concerned for all of us. I just feel like I'll start blubbering like a fool. So Doug and I have been trying to come up with a way to avoid any heart to hearts without hurting their feelings. I just don't know. It feels like I just want to scream until I just can't anymore. Does that make sense? I want to get all of my feel good hugs and put all of this out of my mind for one day and just enjoy the ones who love me most and love me best. I know I've been absent from most family functions. And I know now mom manipulated this when she knew we would have plans she would start with her coughing, or she would feel chest pains. And out of obligation I would stay here with her. So friends, if you have any suggestions? I know the time will come that my wonderful family needs to be told, but I just want to postpone a little longer till I feel emotionally stronger. Love to everyone from Doug myself, and the girls.

Hey Tucson, I went through the hospital scene too. Not thirty minutes after my sister died mom, myself and my aunt were sitting in a room off intensive care. I looked at mom and said, well mom, it's just you and me now. She looked up with such venom in her eyes and said, " yeah, ain't that a whoopin" I just laughed but it made my poor aunt rae cry. So I return to work and 2 of my closest friends bought me a shirt that said " ain't that a whoopin" I truly believe there are people on this earth that was born with pure hate deep inside them. People may call this mental illness? There are medications to help mental illnesses. There's no pill in this world that can control hate.

I have marked Tuesday on my calendar! We are all waiting with you. Your mean hateful mother somehow has given us all the gift of you being on the planet, and the opportunity of watching as you stepped into yourself in a brand new way. This will be a weekend of "final" this and thats, we all hope.

I love the comment "Apparently you don't mess with their momma." This is the way it should be. God Bless.

OMG, I can relate to your situation. I finally placed my mean and hateful mother in a nursing home. She had become violent and I no longer felt I had the strength. I was stressed and felt I couldn't do this anymore, day in day out. She is wheelchair bound, incontinent, diabetic, has survived heart attacks, cancer. She needed 24/7 care and I felt she was killing me slowly. I was forced to step up to the plate and cared for her after my father died four years ago. I'll never forget, my sister, daughter and mom were at the hospice when he took his last breathe, my mother hollered out "I killed him" She drove him to the ground, she'd always tell him he was gonna pay. I also didn't allow my children to get to close to her because of her ways, never had any positive remarks, just mean and hateful. I see her weekly and it's still hard cause she's just as mean. I guess I just feel I need to do this so she doesn't feel alone and (she's still my mother) and I have a clear conscionce I've done all I can do for her. She's doing great there! Even though she wasn't really there for my sister nor I. Keep the faith, all will turn out good for you. God Bless you!

The tension is just unbelievable. We are just going thru the motions. Dougs stress is evident by his diabetes. He was on insulin for 7years and finally was able to go to pills a few years ago. These last couple of months his sugars have been up and down. Jennifer stays out a lot at her fiancées and they are looking for a home now. Beth just leaves the room when mom ventures out of her bedroom. We all have come together as a family. Doug and I are so proud of our girls. Apparently you don't mess with their momma. We are so blessed.

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