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Dear Eyerish,
My deep condolences on the loss of your Dad. He sounds like a wonderful man and God bless him for his service to our country and for the love he bestowed on His family. My Dad was a Korean Vet as well!
My Dad passed on December 19 and I know the is there to help you get through the days of dealing with the details. I remember thinking, how am I physically making it through each day, why am I not hysterical as I pick up his remains, why can't I stop shaking?
Take comfort in this time....he is at peace and with your Mom. Take time to take care of yourself. You are not alone there are many of us out here who can listen.
May The Lord bless you and keep you; may He make His face shine upon you...and my He be gracious unto you.

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of your Dad. Sounds like he was a blessing to so many. What a legacy for you and your family to remember. We just lost our dad and for some reason I'm doing enough crying for the whole family while my sister remains stoic. We all have to grieve our own way and hold on on focus on the love we ha with our father. Blessings to you and you family.

I'm so sorry for you loss. You will deal with this in your own time and in your own way. May God bless you and your family.

Dear Eyerishlass: I'm sorry to her of your Dad's passing... You have been blessed with many wonderful loving memories...Please continue to follow this site and keep inspiring us with your wisdom... Hugs...


I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your dad. I read several of your posts on other threads, and it is obvious that you shared a very special bond with him.

I remember that numb feeling just after my dad died. Odd as it may seem, I think the numbness is there to help us get through the initial stage of the loss of a loved one. You are blessed to have had such a wonderful dad. The feelings that you are keeping at bay will come, when you are ready to feel them. Hugs to you, Eyerishlass! You are in my thoughts.

May your father's spirit soar very high!
Much Love & Light! Margeaux

You have my sincere sympathy Eyerishlass. I was truly touched by what you wrote about him.

As Margeaux said, the numbness can help up get through the beginning of the grieving process.

You were blessed with an amazing father. And he was blessed with an amazing daughter.

I pray that you'll be comforted as you deal with your grief and as you continue to honor his memory.

Beautiful tribute for your Dad... Sending ((Huggs))

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