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Tonight-is this accurate?
Cubs and Dodgers at Wrigley field?

Missed the t.v. series:  "The Good Doctor" on Monday.   Something that I will be watching because Dr. Shawn Murphy has autism.  My tech dH will find it somehow.

Send I do the same. I set the tv to record it cuz I forget it’s on. A benefit of direct tv. I am liking the Good Doctor.

You know, I don't mind the Cubs losing to the Dodgers. I think Dodgers are a better team this year and I'm already stressed out with other stuff in my life and the losing Cubs fit right in with my general mood right now lol. I'd hate to see em get swept, but... if they do, then I hope Dodgers win World Series, at least.

Well, without the Cubs help, the Dodgers would have never won! I am sure of it, the statistics show that result. So, thank you Cubbies!

And, thank you Ali, for being so gracious to root for the Dodgers!

Today, I am a brat. Hubs has a theraband for exercise he never uses. A long, yellow rubbery thing. I failed to ask him, but I cut off a thin strip of it.
The small pot-bound pine tree needed some support from the high Santa Ana winds.
He did nothing.
So I tied it to the tree and the porch, creating a very flexible tie that will allow movement without cutting the tree bark.
This was so much better than cutting elastic out of his old underwear. It looks better, too!
Gee, I hope it was not too expensive......
Calling this stunt the 'theraband hack'.

That's not being a brat, Send, that's being resourceful. ;)

Oh, thanks Ali!
I thought it was so very bad, I was going to ask that we start rating brattiness on a scale of 1-10. Ten being the brattiest.
You know, ten being something really bad like Gershun or Luckylu would come up with.
Underwear on hubs pillow, moldy popcorn, things like that.
What number are you, Ali! Lol.....

It will be interesting to see if he ever notices, Send. And meanwhile, your little pine tree will have fabulous abs, yay!

Oh no the images are back!

I haven't been able to cope with men's underwear ever since Edwina Currie published revelations about her sustained romantic affair with John Major - bearing in mind that at the time all this was going on he was Prime Minister and she was in the government too, and both of them married to other people and, let's face it, neither of them in the first flush of youth - ohmygod it was all so sordid. But the worst of it was her nostalgia about seeing him in his blue Y-fronts. Nooooooooooo - !

CM that reminds me of something I once heard. "When someone is being nasty to you imagine them in their underwear."

But what if you really really don't want to, not ever ??!!

CM, Maybe I had better put that long yellow theraband back where he had it, because you are right-he may not notice! (Except for that strip tied to the tree, Lol, ha ha ha.)
Well, actually, we will have something to talk about when he returns home.

SharynMarie, Glad that you are watching The Good Doctor. With focused interest, I have been observing hubs reactions after watching the show. He actually started folding his hands nervously in front of him, mimicking Dr. Shawn Murphy right after the first eoisode! I said: "Cut that out!" "You have never done that before, and you know you are higher functioning than the good doctor!" He stopped.
This last episode made even me nervous, thinking dH maybe should not watch anymore.
Yes, he gets obsessive about working like under the sink, (like in the most recent episode); but goes to bed at some point. Maybe because I make him stop. But the good doctor is headed for a big meltdown without sleep! (talking about the show now).
DH required extreme job coaching this morning. Message to come into work, but he did not return the call to confirm he was going. After "one if those crazy round-a-bout conversations", I went into the bathroom for a primal scream, then I called my sister, who explained the world to need whatsoever to call back to confirm, the world is different now, those rules no longer apply, he should just go in, etc. etc.

I went to my bed to lie down. He came in. When I said some things about the world, how I did not give a rat's zzz about the new rules, that he would be calling in to confirm....he phoned in with great difficulty. So lunch was In-N-Out.
Is the world really like that now? Sharyn, didn't you call work back to confirm when they called you in on your day off? What am I missing?

If there are new rules, I can no longer be hubs job coach. Even if I am wrong.

Replace those thoughts right now.
How does that stained glass window look?
(Replacement therapy).

Stiff upper lip now, it takes a lot of hard work to be a real brat!  We need you to be strong.

You are not wrong.

Your sister may also not be wrong. I have observed in others, too, that the notion of confirming an appointment or checking a detail seems not to cross their little minds. Perhaps it is indeed becoming more prevalent. But it is still STUPID and leads to utterly needless waste of time and effort and organisation.

And, I have to add, for people who seem to have their smartphones welded to their eyelids, the newest generation of adults is unbelievably crap at meaningful communication.

Gulp! Guilt! I haven't been to look. I knew they were making it and thought oh that sounds jolly nice, but it's always the same with tourist attractions - if they're on your doorstep you never go.

You are right. I can accept other's faults as long as they don't try to make me be like them or live in their world.

That visual worked great during the divorce-a casual photo leaning over the sink, brushing his teeth, with his hand in his backside, just underwear on.  (recommended by an author on how to get over a break-up).
One look at that photo later, and I never missed the bloke. Actually, could never remember anything good about him, could not get past the visual.

Why am I telling you this?  I must be dying, and my past life is up for review, flashing in an instant before my eyes, Lol, I think.

All the medical facilities round here are very good about calling and giving a reminder a couple of days before an appointment. No need to call back but it does remind you to check your calendar..
When I was working I would ignore calls from work during the day because they were always requests to go and visit a difficult patient because they did not like their regular nurse.

Send I very much doubt you are dying just too much time on your hands

Yes, I had better get to work, time is a wasting! The dying part, with the Lol, was just joking. But, you are spot on about too much time on my hands, Veronica.
It is comforting to be known in a way, even if you know me as a brat.

HUbs and I are "home alone" for the next 10 days.. we joke about sitting around in our undies and doing nothing... and I am no 20 YO supermodel!! And since Mom likes to do the laundry.. I kinda forget what he looks like in his undies... I may like it!!

Get yourself to Victorias Secret as fast as you can. Never mind not being a 20 something supermodel. No offence to hubby but he probably doesn't have 6 pack abs anymore either.
Turn out the lights and light a few candles. You have ten days to get in the mood!!!!!!!!

Yes we do VEronica!! And no one in the house to hear! And I hate to brag,, but he looks pretty good for 60! He is very outdoorsy,,, I am still coming off the broken ankle of last year with no rehab. We are going to start walking more.. for me. I am taking a few bottles of wine with us... wink wink

It's Saturday night

Caregivers behaving badly Saturday night Live!

It's Saturday night here too and I'm wonder'n if I'm supposed to set my clock back...

November 5 Luckylu

Thanks Sharyn...

Pumpkin pie at hoca and watching Grease for the umpteenth time

a couple of residents got out of their wheelchairs to shake a tail feather

MsMadge you have so much fun at hoco

I love French. That girl is such a poppet.

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