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Oh I am positive that there are many brats in heaven.

See ya there!

Scaredtaker, You are not invisible, you are so funny and intelligent! I see you there, crying like a good little brat, saying what: "'Just shut up" ?
Have you been behaving badly as a caregiver? Whadja do?

The reasons a woman knees hurt when they are older is to prevent her from kneeling to anyone any more....not that I ever did so why do my darned knees hurt? Ah! that would be making the coal fires up every day for years - we now have central heating

And that is why we spell Cinderella a new way today. Too bad the story ends right after she was fitted with the glass slipper.

Than.ks for that rap.
My jeans are new, fit perfectly, except they are from walmart and are at least 3 sizes bigger.

Well them Dirk Gently had it right, because whe we were ordering newbedroom furniture, we wanted the matching hutch type piece that encloses the TV, to have doors that slid into the sides, not the swing open type. We explained that our bedroom (mainfloor) had a deep angle, and gave the the measurements with a diagram, NO PROBLEM they told us, but were quickly proven wrong at delivery time. Thankfully they did have one a couple of inches smaller that did work, in the same pattern, but with the doors that open wide, and just as I suspected all these years later, I still hate it, as the doors often get left open. Now we've decided to get a wall mounr flat screened TV, so will discard this top piece altogether, making our bedroom look bigger anyways. I don't know what we were thinking filling up our bedroom with too many pieces in the first place. I wish we could start over altogether with new stuff like newlyweds when we sell our house and move into a Condo. We may have to as All of our furniture is geared for this much bigger home, and I doubt that we will have this sort of space in the new place! Cool, I may get my way yet! Someday!

Oh, all those beautiful TV units from the 80's, what to do with them now that everyone has flat screens? The 2nd hand store I was in recently had a whole collection of then priced at a discount...$25.

There is a broken up piece just like that sitting by the trash dumpsters right now.
Take the doors off, with an eye to remodeling those units-the new decorating rave, doorless cabinets, doorless kitchen cabinets-just please, please keep the bathroom doors, and keep them closed!

Send, I would do that, but now we are all about the downsizing and decluttering. But if you would like to have a go at it, I'll happily set it our by the street for easy pickup! It actually is a very pretty piece, well made and sturdy, and I'll bet it could be easily made into a bar or small sideboard. I just Love those HDTV shows, where they repurpose things! If I had my way, my whole house would be repurposed stuff because I like unique things, but my life partner likes new, and I no longer have the energy to argue about it! We argue enough already! I try not to sweat the small stuff! Great idea though! 😉

Pheonix, I can think of another reason why womens knees hurt when they are older! 😈😉😆

Pheonix, you posted on another thread, that you can widen the message box by pulling out the corner "indicator", duh! Thank you, as it does make editing So Much Easier, when you can see more than 3 lines of what you've written! ☺ Whoot Whoot!








So last night at mom's memory care center im trying to just to sit quietly with her in the tv room and watch the olympics but a man came out of his room half naked and of course staff just ignores him - mom gets upset and wants him to leave - she's convinced he's a drunk and has VD and is going to rape her - but like a moth to a flame he sits right next to us so mom says if you come near me I'm going to tie your wienie in a knot - it's going to be awhile before I can erase that image from my mind 😂

So happy to have evolved and been elevated to brat level 10 today!!
Two of my posts (at least two) were deleted!
Where is my reward?

Ooooo, now you've got me curious about what I missed!

Nothing much, Cwillie, just a big box:











Representative of what is on my mind today-a big blank.

This thread: Caregivers Behaving Badly is just that, the idea is to be,a brat on purpose.

So, friend, Luckylu....don't let me confuse you. It is the goal to be a brat. It is okay to have an innocent post deleted. Brat success!

Where have all the brats gone? Come on!!!!

Did you hear the one about the man who found a genie in a bottle. He was granted three wishes. He only had one. "Dear genie please make my penis touch the ground" The genie said "Your wish is granted" Immediately the man's legs fell off.

I'm back!! Spent 3 days at the river with hubs and mom getting some things repaired and relaxing., I'm sure I;ll have more brat stuff soon!

That last genie I talked to gave me one wish, so I wished for more wishes, he said no, I don't get more, just one. So, next I wished for more genies.
Aren't we supposed to get 3 wishes? He's locked up in that bottle until I can consult the book of 'Genies for Dummies".

Pammzi, Wasn't that bratty enough that you went and did not invite us?
You are a brat, a river brat! Welcome back.

Yes Pam must of missed my invitation in the mail. Ahem.............

Whoop whoop I am leaving the brats! Not by choice but because the doc said my brattish behaviour is OK!
We had a long discussion about Mum because she is quite poorly at the moment. Doesn't want to get out of bed, doesn't want to eat, doesn't want to live would I kill her etc etc....Does want me to do it all for her while she just lays there and doesn't help.

So I told the doc I had stopped offering food and was plying the drinks - she said fine
I told her I bed bathed her - don't do that she said you're not trained - I am loving this doc
Fecal impaction - I wills end out a nurse - your daughter is not to do this we will give you enemas - Bet mum drinks enough now!!!!
Getting me up to get mum onto commode at night....nope she has a diaper on and she must use it

Wow now if everyone took that view life would be a dream.

Cautiously optimistic here but lets see what tomorrow brings

River? Laughlin ? Gambling ?

I could use a trip to Vegas with a spa massage and a prime rib dinner - who's in?

Leaving the brats?!!!! Phoenix what do you mean? We need more brats.....not less!

How about a month in Belize at an ocean front spa!! Beauty and spa treatments day and night. No one to talk to but the birds and butterflies!! The only questions asked would be, "Would u like another drink & How about an extra half hour for ur massage today" Heaven!!!

Lora Lee are you young enough for that?

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