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She is going out to slaughter the cows? At Christmas?
What the h, what do the cows have to do with Christmas?

Uh, my bad......the cattle were lowing....goes the song.

Edit:  here is the song:

Away in a Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.

The stars in the sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.

I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.

Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.

Some people really hate the inflatables, but I think they are usually pretty cute. I really don't get the whole yard flashing like a las vegas casino accompanied by music, it just doesn't fit my idea of "silent night".

We could become cattle rustlers?  Cwillie, it is silent around here-ALL the blow-up decorations lay flat after the third day.  Never to be blown up again.  Messy, looks trashy.  So much for the dollar store and big lots.

Veronica has some really good ideas-always makes me laugh.

Then there are those light shows, never directed 100% towards their homes, blinding us as we drive around the corner.  LED!

Speaking of Silent Night.....
Silent Night, Deadly Night is a 1984 American slasher film directed by Charles E. Sellier, Jr., and starring Robert Brian Wilson, Lilyan Chauvin, Gilmer McCormick, Toni Nero, Linnea Quigley, Britt Leach and Leo Geter. Set during Christmas, the ...  

What would Gershun do? lol.

Maybe we can help Luckylu name the hug's available......we have already named the straight-jacket bear hug #1 (Well, Gershun did).  What else ya got?

The cows are really atrocious, even with their Christmas bows. A friend who is the dairy herd manager at the University offered to bring the manure spreader to cover their yard with some ambiance. PJ says the people leave for Florida around the 20th after their family Christmas party and take decorations down before they go. I caught the twins and the 12-year-old out on the driveway singing along with Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer at the top of their lungs. The 12-year old sings high soprano in a boys choir. Not his best effort.

Hugs are numbered 1-21, left to right.
#1. Straight jacket Bear
#6. Hippy Girl
#17 Cool Cat

Thank you for your contributions, already!

Ha ha ha! Manure, really?
I love the idea of it, carrying on the theme of cattle.

However, kinda like cutting your nose off to spite your face?

This weekend I'm going to the strangest social event. PJ is retired from the NFL. This weekend is the Midwest Regional Retired Players Assoc. Christmas dinner dance in Kansas City. It's the strangest assortment of old guys. Crutches, wheelchairs, trophy wives, never ending discussions of orthopedic surgery and discussions about CT scans looking for traumatic brain injuries (some guys bring their CT films). It kind of looks like the dining room/activity room at a nursing home, only with a band playing in the background, instead of a TV blaring. However, the dinner is always good and they have great gift bags. 

We could name the babyface hug " I think I sh*t my pants Mom" The big sunflower one "do you remember Woodstock?" Yes, these aren't one word names.........ah well.

What would Gershun do? Well, ya know, when I was growing up I shared a bedroom with two sisters. My one sister slept in the middle bed. She used to like to bring her radio to bed with her and have it on all night. Drove me up the wall. So one day I took the back off of it and snipped the wires. I think I finally admitted it to her one day a few years ago. LOL

As far as Christmas lights of my old neighbors used to try to compete with the display across the street. Then we had a really bad wind storm one year and he lost most of his display. So he put up all these signs all over his yard saying things like "Don't worry, I'll be back next year, bigger and better" I wish this story had a happy ending but we came back from our vacation that year and this guy's house had burnt to the ground. Apparently, he was off his rocker and............well, you can figure out the rest.

There..............a cheerful Christmas story for you all! Ho, ho, ho!

I hears cows at night mooing in the distance. I wonder if they are cold, lol! Freezing fog, I wonder if their utters drip milk, does it freeze? Poor cows, lol!

Hug #3. Woodstock

Thanks Gershun!

"Lowing" Sharyn, "Lowing"........the cattle are "lowing". Ha ha ha ha.
Poor cows, yes.  But what about the others without udders?

Lowing cows with frozen udders!

Origins of ice milk.

What do you get when you mate a rooster with a cow?

Eggnog 😜

You get a cock-a-doodle-doo and a moo. That's all you will ever get.

I thought it was chick-fil-a

Did you know that smell is not the girl cows fault?
That is why they call it "Steer Manure".

My dH told me we weren't getting a Christmas tree this year,being mean one day,but today,when I came home from the doctor's office after trying to get help for a bad fall I had,There was a Christmas tree in the den.Maybe he felt a twinge of guilt........I hope so.

Hoping that the doctor has helped you. Falls after 50 can still be devastating, and often happen when we are in a hurry, distracted, too tired, too hungry, too sick, and all sorts of things!
Of course, you already had your fall this year, so this is to help others, ya know?

I know you don't ask, but instead are always giving to others, at your own expense!
So I am going to ask the community here to pray for your health to get a whole lot better very soon. In Jesus name, I pray.

What would our friend, Gershun say?

Feel better, Lu
Hope hubs doesn't expect you to decorate it though 🎄

Healing prayers for Luckylu. Let the kitties climb the tree with garland. They will decorate the tree some strategically placed catnip and the job is done.

Lu, Hope you recuperate quickly from your fall. Falls are the worst.

Lu, you fell? I just heard sorry, if I'd known I would have been hounding you with get well messages. How did you fall? What happened? Are you okay? Send is right. Falls after fifty are not good. Please accept my apologies for not checking in sooner.

Soon, Hubs will be going away to work for the winter and I will be able to keep up with the AG news. I've been so busy lately.

Love ya Lu!

Thank you all so much for your kindness and prayers.It means so much to me.
Like Ali said the other day,"No good deed goes unpunished" and this is one time,I wish I hadn't gone over to help my neighbor.
I was outside,feeding my birds and I saw the elder neighbor lady carrying logs,firewood, into her house,so I went over to help her because I know she has bad knees and I picked up a couple of logs and was walking toward her house when I fell on her driveway edge.
I hit my chin and stomach and my right arm and leg.This morning ,after an Awful,awful night,I had to go get help at the E. R .
The chest xray they took showed 2 cracked ribs and the doctor said I most likely have inflamed chest cartilage,and some strained muscles and ligaments and to use ice and heat and a pillow under my arm because there's really nothing you can do for a broken rib,it's just going to take some time to heal. Falls truly are the worst.
Again,Thank you all so much for your kind support.

Will you have to cancel Chrustmas?

No apologies necessary Gershun! You have helped me so much with loosing my Mother.I could never thank you enough.Youv'e always been there for me~
And SharynMarie, I loved your idea about how I should let the cat's decorate the tree.I wish they could do some of this Christmas stuff even if they'd just sing Christmas Carols~

No Send...Christmas must go on!

Lu, how awful for you. Hubs better take good care of you. If he says don't hold your breath, tell him you can't cause of your ribs.

I canceled Christmas and I don't even have an excuse. I do have a tree up though and the kitties like to sit under it. :)

Yeah, but,
You could at least stay out of the attic!
Your friends will have to come by on a sleigh to help you decorate!
We might be there by next year, maybe?
Can we make it?

I'd like for everyone to come! Everyone could meet my animals...and dH if you care to and we could eat a bunch of chocolate and dance around the Christmas tree.

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