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Rockin around the christmas tree....

Saw some lights in the area tonight. From the casino lighted yard, to the holy manger in lights, to the lights covering the grass.....all amazing.

Aren't you supposed to . . . . . . what....stay up late Lu, and Santa is gonna know.

Luckylu, I hope you heal fast. I'd strongly recommend avoiding anything that will make you cough or sneeze. After weeks of pain from a pulled upper chest muscle, I finally was able to sneeze wimpily and not with gusto. Laughing is also a no-no, unless you can't help it. One more advice, which I regretted not doing right away until a month later dealing with the pain, Google about cracked ribs, how to help heal it faster (protein? Omega3?), what to do and not to do, etc....

FYI, when I had my stomach surgery about 10 years ago, I learned real quick how to get off the bed and how to lie down. Seems doing this for a stomach surgery also helped a lot for upper chest muscle pain. But, I don't know if it would apply for cracked ribs. Best to google...

I hope you heal Fast!

Bookluvr, Thanks so much for all you've said.I really appreciate it!
I will google ways to heal it faster and what to do and what not to do,etc.That's a great idea.You have helped me.Thank you for caring.
You really do "get" it since you had stomach surgery.That must've been awful and I'm sorry you had to go through that.
I hope you and all the other wonderful caregiver's out there have a good Sunday~Take care!..............And No Falls!!!

Goodnight Luckylu!
Healing fast.......
Resting more...
Are you behaving, or behaving badly?

I wish I felt like behaving badly today,but I stayed pretty quiet and worked on my Christmas cards,so I guess I just behaved.

I made it thru my husband's Christmas dinner and dance in Kansas City. The hotel was very nice and all of the meals were good. PJ enjoyed seeing old friends. Everyone told about their most recent orthopedic surgeries. PJ hasn't had anything new so he didn't have much to say. But it was a nice weekend.

Back to cleaning up at the caregivers center in the morning. I've got painters coming and I'm going to work on cleaning up bathrooms and kitchens. A couple of ladies are coming from church to help. Hopefully we'll get most everything cleaned up by the end of the week. I have to have the second round of Eylea shots on Tuesday.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

What happened?
Driving dH home, we were lightly rear-ended (light tap, really)! Pulled over anyway, assuring the young driver there was no damage, we were fine. Telling him just wanted to make sure he was not driving impaired. We did not exchange ins. info, as I told him to drink water or coffee, (strict grandma) and he was lucky it was us he hit, as I smiled.
A few minutes (a very few in traffic) down the road, there were flashing lights, ambulance, paramedics, fire dept. pulling cars apart-a four car pile-up in what would have been the lane next to us. It also would have been the lane he turned across, at that place, at that time, if he had not been delayed. Traveling mercies, I suspect. No damage to our car.  A little holiday miracle, but not for the accident victims.

The cars today, really get crunched up when they crash.

Send, sometimes when I am in driving and in a hurry to get something done or get somewhere and I keep getting delayed I do wonder if someone is sending me a message to slow down.

Send, best gift ever - you and DH are ok.

Thank you Guest!

And I believe that too, Cwillie. I really should not have gone out in traffic to pick up dH.
He could have taken Uber home. We were, however, going very slow in bumper to bumper traffic. It was stressful just with the many lights, the ambiance knowing people were frustrated and themselves in a hurry to get home. Fortunately, I was in a good mood.
Don't underestimate the stress of traffic....we are both sick with head colds today, resting up as he has the day off.

Let it snow!
I would give almost anything to be able to ice my piriformis muscle by sitting in a pile of snow. If I don't ice, I can barely walk at times. Thinking of having crushed ice delivered in a huge plastic tub. When shopping at a market, there was an empty barrel of crushed ice-I just wanted to jump up there and sit in it. Alas, I could not.

Things are getting worse, having hot chocolate later, when I can get up.

Hubby thinks he may go down to the Fire House and volunteer as an EMTor even a paid employee. They are always asking for volunteers but i don't think they are that desperate.. Right now he can hardly walk on his bad knee. Gets exhausted with the slightest exertion. Spends days in bed when he feels bad. Maybe they could find another volunteer to push him to the accident in a wheelchair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost as bad as when he wanted me to use my days off to go down to NYC to help after 911 or many years ago when he wanted me to go and assist with earthquake rescues.
Problem is I am the one with the license so he thinks he can tag along
I tell him there are plenty of foreign countries where his very elderly British Medical license would not be a problem. No that is not a good idea although he did want to move us to Chile at one point because the cost of living is much lower. No not going I'll help you pack.

Encourage a purposeful retirement.
Are the two of you able to travel?

Okay, I just NEED to vent. I am so angry! California homeless problem is getting worse and I have had ENOUGH! I will never help anyone again. EVER!! Either I'm too kindhearted, too stupid, or too gullible!!

Out of the kindness of my heart, and because it was so cold out yesterday, I took a man into my home. Felt so sorry for him. Poor thing was frozen stiff and just sitting on the corner. He was so cold, I had to literally drag him. This morning he just vanished. Not a word, not even "goodbye" or "thank you" for sheltering him!! The last straw? I realized he had peed all over the living room couch I let him sleep on!

Like SERIOUSLY 😡😡😡 That's the "thank you" I get for being good to people?
So, watch out for this man! He is heavy set, and he's wearing nothing but a scarf. He has a nose that looks like a carrot, 2 black eyes and his arms are so skinny they look like sticks!! Don't bring him into your house! What a huge mess he made in my living room. But he did leave me his scarf! He goes by the name of Frosty.

Too gullible here too MsMadge!


Sorry about your couch.:(

Ms Madge, I'm so sorry about the couch. I have friend in Sacramento who has a homeless young man with a small child who stays at her house at night. He hasn't been able to find an affordable apt. I worry about Jamie being taken advantage of living alone.

Mwah ha ha ha MsMadge, visited by Frosty the Snowman!
You have done it again!

Maybe he came here cuz we got snow last night. APB. Look out for a homeless man who looks like Frosty the Snowman. Ha ha!

MsMadge, so he gave you a cold shoulder :P

I ate an entire bar of chocolate and washed it down with half and half.

Life is full of missed opportunities.
Instead of standing in line for Santa,
I could have iced my piriformis muscle
on the couch, before the ice melted.

The only thing that matters is,
What kind of chocolate was it?

Dark, with fruit and nuts

Like my family, now taht I think about it.

Ms Madge, I'm totally gullible!!!

It just crossed my mind that in the unlikely event Mr T invites me to the White House for Christmas Dinner I will enter by the back door. I hear there is a bunch of Mistletoe in the front hall. Better not to take any chances.

Hopefully not offending anyone but the thought of smooching "Mr. T" makes me nauseous. :o

What was it Mr. T used to say? "I pity the fool" LOL

He was on Dancing with the Stars if you can believe it............and he actually is a very sweet man. But, having said that, no I wouldn't want to smooch with him.

I have a "Mr. T."Doll....In his overalls,wearing his 3 gold chain necklaces with a stern look on his face.

Going now to the E.R.

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