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Barb, That is some menu.

We're not near a Costco. We only have Sam's. Upside we have a great indoor farmer's market. Great bulk prices. Plus I have a big garden and can. We bought a whole steer, butchered and froze. Also 2 lambs. But feeding big boys is a job and expensive. Right now we have 4 extras who are home from college, plus the rest of the grands who are around for various breaks. But it's fun.

Fantastic menu, Barb

Happy anniversary

Yeah, that sounds good!

Grubhub is on it's way to deliver my lunch! Ordered it online myself, feeling better soon!
I must be brilliant! I could not order online before I got sick. lol.

Happy Anniversary, Barb. I was actually curious about what the heck Italian-Japanese fusion would be... and I'm no stranger to fusion restaurants but that is an interesting one!

Send, Grubhub delivered my sicky meal the other night. I indulged on way too much comfort food -- spicy sushi in this case. I wanted that wasabi to clear my sinuses! It worked, temporarily. Ahhhh.

Becky, that's cool that you are resourceful with your bulk-food options. I'm just a single person so I don't do any of that butchering/canning stuff, but I do know how much teen and college age boys can eat! They're phenomenal that way! I'm sure you go through a massive amount of food and cooking.

How's it going, Madge? What's the holiday plans? You at least get a break from work, right?? Thinking of you. 🎄🎅🏼🎁🌟

GrubHub - not here in small town north central Maine. PJ says he's a small scale alternative to GrubHub. We have one pizza place, 2 Chinese - no delivery, not very good and they close when the sidewalks roll up at 8:00 pm. That's my whine on a Friday night when I want a snack. So I'm settling for peanut butter and crackers delivered by in-house GrubHub PJ.  Plus it's pouring snow, wind blowing and 5 degrees.

Back to naming those worn out hugs.
I will call this one, "The Caregiver Brat."

Or how's this? "What, are we all children?"

I like that one One of my favorite goofy baby looks.

Hug #12. Brat

Merry Christmas to everyone on the brat thread! Hope you are feeling better Send. Luckylu, your cats will have ribbons and boxes to explore, play time!

Merry Christmas Brats!

Hope you are felling better!

Fixing to dress and take my bratty rear end to take short ride to dysfunction junction. My having Gall Bladder Surgery at 8 this morning. Apparently her hubby worked nights last night and is sick and really needs to go home to rest. Told her I would be there by 9 to let him go home and stay until she comes out of recovery. Three hour surgery.

Hmm, wonder what kind of mischief I can get myself into in a surgery waiting area on Christmas Eve?🎄

I only read posts from the last few pages of it. You guys make me laugh. I'm a brat! I'm owning it!

I lost it yesterday and have been feeling guilty and yucky and lonely. But, you all get it and forgive. You don't know me, but you do, right?

Thanks for the silly banter, the sarcasm, the menu, the "selfish" moments you are basking in and the camaraderie.

Merry Christmas.

You can buy out all the good chocolate candy from the vending machine.

Welcome Daughter1975!

Merry Christmas Brats!

What would Gershun say?

Still here...sister is whacked out of her head from anesthesia.

Surgery only an hour.

When they went in by LAP thru bellybutton she had a Hernia there so surgeon repaired that. Gallbladder removed.

Surgeon says she can go home today but final decision up to Hospitalist.

I was here only to get report from Surgeon. Sister has been in hospital for 1 week. It’s been a fiasco, comedy of errors, and apparently no one reads charts anymore. Sister called me couple days ago and put surgeons nurse on phone with me. She finally admitted she better go read sisters info (chart).

Anyway, hanging around to see if they are gonna release her today.

I did my job. Translated Surgeons finding to BIL and accidentally caused my sister to laugh hystericallly.

Oops bratty me!

Lizzy, I remember a time when the doctors would read the charts. The literal physical charts. Only recently, when my dad was in the ER, when I realized not one single ER doctor, after every shift, read dad’s chart. And these charts are No Longer Handwritten. It’s typed into the computer as we tell them! Some doctors carried their small computer typing into it. One doctor had an actual pen and writing the info on a torn off page from a regular notebook. Not a chart sheet. A regular loose leaf paper! I realized that when the hospital became computerized (no longer writing down medical histories), No One Cared to Read It!!.. and because only oldest sis and I knew dad’s history to answer questions, and the doctors weren’t reading the chart, I was forced to take so many of my vacation leave... I was getting irritated having to repeat over and over again to every shift. Dad stayed about a week in the ER Trauma....

I’m glad they found your sister’s problem and dealt with it immediately. And that you were able to make her laugh. I hope you enjoy your holiday despite all this!

From the land of the demented, a merry Christmas to all !

Try to remember that you are a visitor in the land of demented.
Keep your wits about you. The pumpkin pie should help.

Merry Christmas to a dear, sweet lady!

Before I even wake up on Christmas morning, ten people will have "liked" one of my answers! While I love to be appreciated, my answer was: "Listen to Barb and Windy".


Maybe if we can all mop the kitchen floor, or something, on Christmas morning.........

I'm the only one so far who liked your last answer Send............Bah ha ha!

Am I the only one around these parts that "Likes" nearly every single comment I read?? I do it because I Like everything, and even if I don't actively Like it, it's a Thank You For Being Here, a Participation "Like." 😆

Madge, sometimes the demented are better option for company than those who have NO EXCUSE for the things they say!! lol

Everyone's fairly well behaved at my family Christmas this year, me included. Long may it last. Merry Christmas, AC fam. ❤️

Ali, I like most posts too. If I don't like them unless it's directed at me I don't comment. Sometimes I think about commenting and then I don't because maybe I don't understand the person or their situation. Or sometimes because I know it would be wrong to say what I remember the old saying if you don't have something nice to say, etc. etc.

Hoping my Christmas Day improves.

Merry Christmas to all my darling brats! Everyone just keep hitting the like button and saying whatever you want to! That's how I keep learning! You are all Angels to me!

Many many likes to you all on Christmas Day!

But alas, there is no one, no not one, who would help me mop my kitchen floor!

It is okay, it doesn't need it. Hubs and I just finished dinner, a vegetable stir fry. We did it all together.....otherwise, we would not have eaten. It was presentable, now I am in bed. Thankful for today.

Someone sent me a text which indicated that drinking 3 glasses of champagne a day helps ward off dementia

Cheers 🍾

Did it work yet MsMadge?

I kept eating my mother's chocolates when she wasn't looking...

meallen good brat! Well done!

I'm interested in hearing about the preventative powers of champagne- we got several bottles as gifts. I've never drank anything but maybe I could start.

Did I miss Christmas?
My Sees Chocolates have not arrived yet.
Guess I was really bad this year.

Send, I didn't get any See's either. A friend used to call See's "better than sex candy".

Sorry I ripped into your gift box of assorted see's chocolates and am on my 5 th piece but I'm gonna need a bigger box

The Viking has spiked a fever and is coughing - waiting for private ambulance to transport to ER

I'm thinking of packing my wee little bottles of champagne into my ER kit with my blankie and other stuff

It's gonna be a long night - ERs are a mess this close to the New Years with all the visitors to SoCal

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