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I can't change the sheets on the stupid 10" thick king mattress by myself; wait till hubby gets home and promise him something he wants (remember this) if he'll help me - which he always does. Also have weird sleep, no matter which mattress, though I've figured out that if we change sides in the middle of the night, I can sleep another 4-5 hours, instead of lying there playing mind spin from 5am or so....

I am envious of my husband's sleep. He lays down, falls asleep immediately. He never moves, no tossing, no turning, doesn't make a sound. Sleeps from 10 or 11 until 6:30 or 7. Wakes up ready to go. I can't get to sleep, toss, turn, wake myself up snoring and talking in my sleep. Wake up tired, groggy. Sometimes wake up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours. I don't think this fair.

Pam is trying to lead me down brat road (I usually don’t have to be led). She called me earlier this evening. Her apt bldg has a hot tub. She says that after 8:00 all of the seniors are tucked into their apartments for the night. She wants to go one night. She has a bottle of wine her husband bought at a wine auction for their 50th anniversary next year. She wants to sit in the hot tub and drink her wine. I think there are several things wrong with this plan. I don’t think hot tubs and wine mix do they? I don’t drink, so I don’t know. Should she have wine with her meds? I have neuropathy in my left leg and have trouble with steps. She is out of breath and weak. I envision both of us falling in head first and unable to get out. I’m not sure about her plan. Should we go for it?

If I could be a brat and pick a way to die, that would be it.

You both should be ok if you stay less than 15-20 minutes, the heat is not over 98 degrees, and you get someone to check on you every ten minutes, drink only one cup of wine in a paper or plastic cup, wear a rocking bathing suit, have your cell phones nearby, set the automatic timer for 10 minutes, don't add too many bubbles, don't turn the transistor radio up too high to wake the others, don't touch the radio while wet, keep a twenty nearby in case security swings by, be sure to remove any diapers before getting in, potty too just before entering, take your meds after getting out, ..................................................................................................................................................................................hardly worth going in, isn't it? ..............................................................................................................................................................................but yes, by all means, go for it!

i feel like leaving my plate on the table and let someone else clean it up :)

I recall hearing somewhere that wine and hot tubs don't mix well. Probably cause wine makes you drowsy and maybe you'll fall asleep and sink under? Maybe?

Since Send started picking ways to die, I think I'd like to eat so much chocolate that I go into some kind of diabetic coma and never wake up.
Please don't give me flak, this is the brat thread..............I'm just joking.....kind of. ;)

OH Becky,
Absolutely, Pam has to have some of that wine and if she wants it in a hot tub by all means
Of course, it may not be medically safe and sane, but does it matter?
Can your brother chaperone in case you need a boost?

I would like a nice glass of champagne and some pretty scenery when I make my final exit

I'm glad that DC is encouraging more Vikings to come to America - someone must not be aware of their penchant for pinching

Or, apparently, what sort of country huddled masses tend to come from. It's the subversion of long-established national principles that surprises me more than the, um, refreshing turns of phrase.

I am quite tired of the pantomime "oohs" of outrage on the BBC. Another day, another tweet, another collective gasp of horror. How can anyone still be shocked?

Also, the language isn't new, just the saying it in public - have we already forgotten all the Wikileaks? My personal favourite featured two presidents on the phone. Let's call them President S and President O. They were discussing the sheer bloody awfulness of Prime Minister N, and President O said "it's all right for you, I have to talk to him all the time!"

Good grief.


A YouGov poll found that 70 per cent of people in the UK who had watched the sport said it was "boring", including 52 per cent who described it as "very boring."

Somebody got paid to figure this out.


Mind you. This reminds me of when Barry Manilow [spoiler alert for any innocent souls who would rather not know] came out. The PM programme included his press release in its top-of-the-hour headlines. Following on, they cut to an outside broadcast from Rome, where a wondering spokesman said in charmingly accented English that yes, His Holiness was a very committed Catholic. Next up: to Yellowstone Park, where a ranger, suppressing chortles, was able to confirm that to the best of their knowledge bears went to the bathroom in the woods.

It's not just that people get paid to study the obvious it's that this kind of drivel makes the news, and not buried somewhere on the back pages but top of (web) page headlines. I've bookmarked several supposedly reputable news sites but I am in despair about my inability to find much real news, seems it's 80% celebrity gossip. And I've closed my eyes to the daily - hourly? - tweets from south of the border, anything newsworthy there is mixed in with too much dross and may change 180 degrees with the next barrage anyway.

Yeah, Is that much chocolate expensive I wonder?

When I was sick with the flu, I did not clear my bed for two days.
The paper plate had an avocado peel on it. Never slept with an avocado peel before.

LoL! The avocado peel!
So glad to hear you have recovered!

We have had a bad flu outbreak here. Daughter showed up a couple days before Christmas sick. She was swabbed for flu the minute she started feeling bad. Swabbed negative. But apparently it was too soon. She went back, swabbed positive, but at that point no pharmacy had Tamiflu.

Anyway, as I think Countrymouse described we had Christmas, exchanged gifts and viruses.

Four year old grandson was next, then me, then daughter in law, then hubby. Son was the only one that did not get the Flu. He would enter rooms with various clothing covering his face and spent a lot of time outdoors!

On to the behaving badly part. The day I went to Urgent Care for my swab I think I described how I felt in very unladylike terms to the Dr that asked how I was feeling when he walked into exam room.

I think the next day the Home Repair Contractors coordinator gal called to go over some things. The conversation turned to how everything had been going wrong. I didn’t use any swear words but I do remember using the phrase “skewed” up a few times. I was probably a little too brutally honest. But, things have been moving very fast since our conversation.

Anyway, I was pretty out of it a couple of days and should not have been left unsupervised!

Very funny Lizzy. But recovering, I too feel like swearing. That was a brutal illness.
Often I am wondering while supervising hubs, who is going to supervise me?
Maybe we both should be supervised from now on.....

Funny you should say that. My Hubs can’t be counted on to supervise me!

First, because he is away most of the time for his job.

Second, he actually encourages my bad behavior! He was in the room when I was on the phone with contractor gal cheering on my bad behavior.........

One of his coworkers asked me recently how I put up with him. I replied “retirement will be hard”.

I like to think I don’t need supervision.  I don’t know what will happen should the day come that I DO need supervising!

Send, I hear avocado peels are really good in bed. Or was it men in heels.....actually, wait a sec. I think it was men who are heels. Something like that. Anyway.................

As for the flu. My Hubs had it over Christmas and when they talk about "man flu" I think they had him in mind. He spent most of Christmas day regaling everyone in my family with tales of his phlegm and his runny nose, oh and let's not forget how hot his forehead was. He even kept his coat on the whole evening cause he was cold. LOL I give him sympathy but after seven days of hearing about it even I need a break. :O

Now when I'm sick I get "oh, you're not sick!" I'd have to have my arm hanging by a thread before he'd believe I was sick and he is away a lot too so no supervision for me. My kitties take good care of me though.

I hope you got a good facial with that avocado 🥑 Send

Yes everyone, it was something like that, Lol.
There was no evidence of green anywhere, now I am thinking hubs ate it. But we will never know, I was too sick to supervise him.
He cannot supervise me, because he is a heel. Lol.

Sheesh, the page has turned.  Reference previous page.

FedEx left a package on the porch that belongs to someone else - not next door but another block away
What if I was unable to lift it put it in my car and take it to the intended recipient ?

Lately, I've been getting messages on the answering machine which seem to be some type of robocall but in a foreign language -
i wonder what she wants ? She's very persistent

FedEx can track their packages, if left on the porch, they could come and get it, eventually.
It is not your job to be delivering packages. If you wanted to be extra kind, calling them would help.
However, my intention is to give the recommend and supposedly healthy answer for those who care too much and need to detach, save their energies and choose who to help. Many are left with resentment when caring so much collapses our boundaries.

Ms. Madge, I would have delivered the package myself.

.You are too kind, never change. imo.


Maybe it is FedEx calling from another country. Where was that package from anyway?

O dear, what is it that you might have delivered? Maybe, they want to thank you. Maybe it was the F.B.I.   Was it ticking?

Things are not so simple anymore, are they?

OK, next time, call the hazmat team, they will explode the package for you.  Lol.

I think you should open it first, maybe try it out too, just to make sure it is in good condition of course.

Yeah, Cwillie,
Possession is  9/10  ths of the law, still?

What if there were Sees Candies in there?

I got to see emergency protocols in action when I pointed out mom's room mate hadn't shown up for lunch (Alzheimer's). Turned out her daughter had taken her over to the AL side of the building and lost track of the time so all was well, but I got the stink eye when I joked to a PSW it was good practice.

It's from New Jersey 😳

It's always comforting to hear the voices on the walkie talkies saying,
Anyone have eyes on "so and so?"

If you live in California, New Jersey is a foreign country!

No offense to NJ residents, some of the best posters come from there.

Did you open it MsMadge? Do you still have the package? Be sure to write, opened by mistake.

I tried to look up the sender on the internet but nothing came back even remotely close - it's a rather big box

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