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Thank you Meallen.
I have read some that there really is no cure.
I am ready to fight for my space.

Don't let the hoarder stuff begin! I know several hoarders, and it ain't pretty.... One of them filled up their house, until they bought a store (junk store, of course) and moved into it, filled it up, and went to an apartment. He also has several rented storage units. Finally the wife bought a small house, and told him if he came with her he could bring NOTHING with him except his clothes - I think it stopped there. The other couple stories are similar; I'm sure it's a mental disorder of some kind, though many of the people that hoard here went thru the depression. I'm constantly getting rid of my stuff and encouraging hubby, also (not easy; stuff breeds in closets, did you know?). Send, clamp the lid on sooner, rather than too late.

I delivered the package 📦 unopened today

Teenager was in the driveway and said her mom orders a lot of stuff

Now I regret not opening it

The saga ends....without a thank you?
You are such a kind person, MsMadge.

Returning all the paper products to costco tonight $42.31  Yes sir ree bob!  That is forty two dollars and thirty one cents.

The News had been there earlier because someone returned a live christmas tree.
They do not sell them at this location.
The tree was dead.
The customer was refunded their money.


MsMadge, nothing for it - you'll have to go back to that address and tell the lady that around three thousand people want to know what was in the dam' box!

I could have sworn I made a rather snarky comment to a new question before I went out to help my mom with her supper, but when I got home it had disappeared without a trace. Should I still feel bad about behaving badly?

What comment? I didn't see any comment....

Naah cwillie....You Go Girl!

Yes, that's what we are here for, to be snarky.
You may still find the comment....
Think I saw some recently on what's for dinner, or general topics.
Don't feel bad, feel bratty!

If snarky comments were deleted all the time I might be banned from this site. Snarky is's mean and judgemental that isn't nice. Bring on the snark I say!

All of a sudden, Gershun, I cannot find anything to be snarky or funny about.
Waiting for the mood to strike me, as I am doing battle with hoarding issues.
Both hubs, and starting with my own papers from 20 years ago...I am on it!

When you're done shredding you
Can come shred all mine

Ps credit unions and others usually have shred events this time of year

Progress is slow.

University has massive shredders in every building - supposed to be for "professional" use. My plan is to casually drop a little bit in the hopper every time I go by. I took a load to the credit union last month, but the line was long. PJ has years of paper that needs to go. Today is trash day - we had a mountain of stuff at the curb. I don't think PJ made a big effort - just walked through his garage and tossed out some obvious things - couple of broken bicycles, some old, worn out hunting jackets. I asked his sons to come and go thru things they have stored here. I got the deer in the headlights look. I've got to help Pam get her taxes filed. She says everything is in order and she has all of her year end paperwork and all of her husband's things. PJ's son said he would put it all together. He's a CPA.

I wasn't behaving badly, but the end results might make someone think I was. To explain...
I bought some bright red nail polish for mom, the fast drying kind. I watched a lovely tutorial on the internet that advised all you needed to do have a neat manicure was to use a q-tip and put petroleum jelly around the edges and mistakes would wipe right off, so I was a little - OK a lot - cavalier in my application. Hm, maybe I didn't put the vasaline on thick enough? I'll have to go back later with the remover, but in the mean time it looks like a 4 year old got into her mommy's nail polish. One positive, at least mom can't see it😝

CW,  My DIL's father was in Hospice for several weeks before he passed. My 9-yr-old granddaughter went visit Papa. She was left in the room for a view minutes while they were speaking to his nurse in the hall. E had purple glitter nail polish in her purse. She gave him a quick manicure. When he woke up he looked at his hands and said "Em's been hasn't she"? She also gave her baby boy cousin a mani-pedi while he was napping. 

Ah, shredding old papers. Sometimes it is better to just have one person do the shredding especially if the other person just has to read everything that is being shred.

Like come on, I realize my parents 1940's income tax return could be interesting, but I doubt all of the other years' worth need to consume one's time :P

My Dad saved warranties for things I never found in the house. And all the printed pages he printed off of the computer for information he wanted, but he would print on the back of pages just to save paper. What a mess trying to match what pages went with what items.

Hubby hoards papers . He prints off reams of paper about hings that interest him but never looks at them again.
I dispose of anything I think i can get away with such as stuff from charities. He wants to open all his own mail. that's bad because it is often paperwork I need to keep for taxes which I hate but he is helpless when presented with forms. he's one of those that will turn up at a tax preparers office with his pockets filled with bits of paper.
I do have my failings too because i keep everything that I think may come in handy especially in the form of crafts.

Maybe we're all hoarders in one way or another.

My mom just know 36 rolls of TP are not going to be enough...LOL

Bwahaha Pam! Love that someone else has a Mom with t.p. "issues" !

Hope the nurses don't mistake the red on mom's nails for blood

A co-worker at the juice bar i work at part-time, made me a drink with beets and carrots. I took it home on the bus and it looked like a cup of blood

LV, you must get some joke Dracula teeth to go with it! You'd have the bus all to yourself :)

You didn't fall in the shredder, did you?

No, but was outside washing the paper-dust out of the shredder, it has been working overtime. My hubs had a vicious accident. He accidentally said, (when I came outside with the shredder basket and the garden hose) "HERE, HERE, WHAT IN THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?"
I am still laughing. Where do they come up with this stuff? LOL.
"Here, here, what in the heck?"

Really though, in all fairness, he is not really like that. Like I said, I think he had an accident. It must be stressful for a hoarder to become undone. I am sympathetic.

When he left his cell phone home Friday, he tried all sorts of manipulation and control trying to get me to take him home. It was as if he lost an appendage. We had to buy tires and wait. Maybe he has not recovered yet, this was a first. I am getting worried about him. Today, he napped all day, then said he had to go outside because of Sundowners, also a first for him.

Should I stop working on clearing the hoarding? I have not touched his stuff yet.
Well, I take that back, he wanted to save the used paper plates....

Good Morning Gershun!
Kinda early if one has not slept, yes?
Up all night here.

Good news from the ENT doctor - not a malignant lump on the Viking's neck

Bad news - a lot of elderly get blocked salivary glands from dehydration

Another resident's spouse mentioned that not one person had been given anything to drink at dinnertime yesterday

Ms Madge, Glad to hear the news from ENT. How do they treat that? Hope the Viking recovers quickly.

Oh. I wouldn't have thought about dehydration and blocked saliva glands but I can see that happening. Elderly don't think to drink enough fluids, in general. Even if given a cup with straw, I wonder if they'd drink it. Who knows, but it'd at least give them a chance to drink more.

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