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Can't get under my bed; the twin mattresses are there since we replaced them with the stupid king mattress.... which is way too big and and takes forever to itchel across and into the middle, so I can be next to hubby.

Oh no Mally,
Nowhere to hide from the Full Moon?

Sometimes, when I am feeling a little bit crazy...I read on here.
Lol., lol, lol.
All of you!

I didn't know we were supposed to hide!  
Observe and report, I say.

Just went out for one last howl at the moon. It’s so clear and bright and white. Beautiful. Not scary at all.

12:45am I have broken my own curfew.

Goodnight Brats!

Could hide in the dog crate, but would have to fight the dog for it....

My whole household behaved badly last night. But we had a blast.

Very good football game involved. Way, Way too much food involved. Lots of loud yays, ahhs, nooooos involved.

I can’t remember so much yelling at the tv ever have happened in my home during Super Bowl.

A good time was had by all. Now back to a healthier diet for all.

We are passed the Full Moon right? I better check. I need to call the contractor this morning...

I woke up at 130 am to lots of wind, and the sound of some car spinning on our road. Got up.. no lights.. just lots of noise. Is someone in the ditch? ( we had snow and freezing rain all day yesterday) Then I was up all night with tummy issues.. and I had to get up at 4 am for work... Yes indeed .. perfect Pam called out! Knowing I had no carpool, bad roads, a difficult patient who loves me ( unless she got booted upstairs), and the coworker from hell in my unit.. just could not do it! First call out in a year,, and I really don't feel bad at all. Spent the day nursing my back and my sleep deprevation, and hoping tomorrow will be better. Never did find the car,, hubs and I hoping our neighbor in her tiny sports car just had an issue going up her drive!

If anyone deserves a day off, it is you!

A brat is in the hospital! Wha happened?

Becky has been posting on the "What's for dinner" thread.

Get better soon Becky.

Commenting on being a BRAT
yes guilty... got tired of hearing moms tv so loud when I'm over on the other side of house I swear she blasts it up to almost 60 aaaaaahhhh
So I have the extra remote over here on my side of house and when it becomes unbearable I point the remote through the doorway and simply turn that darn tv back down lol

Way to go Wilma,
I don't think i have done anything bratish today.
I probably will tomorrow because we are supposed to get another foot of snow overnight.
Hubby actually apologized for being so unpleasant and bad tempered. he explained it was not directed at me but he just felt so ill and frustrated. I said i tried not to take it personally but it was hurtful. I definitely will not be his caregiver when he needs one.

We decided to get another urinalysis done for the Viking
Dr thought last one was contaminated since we were trying to avoid using the catheter 

This morning I spoke to the nurse and was texting mom's caregiver to see how using the catheter went

Hours passed and no update

Finally close to 5 pm caregiver texts and said they did it around 4:30 pm

Think the morning nurse was afraid of the Viking and waited for the evening shift to begin ?

Collection went as smoothly as possible but now lab won't pick up til tomorrow and we likely won't get culture results til the weekend

Caregiver wanted to delay getting pinched?

I'm beginning to feel badly
A few months ago, I requested a roommate change for mom - the new resident wasn't a good fit and finally the change was made before the holidays

The former roommate thinks the Viking is her mother and while she's less focused on her now during the day she is more clingy at night
Suppose this is natural sundowners

Since I've upped my visits at night the past week to keep an eye on mom pending the urinalysis results
Roomie is driving me crazy
We have to outrun her to the room and lock the door which leaves me trapped
Even if staff takes her to her room she gets up and comes to mom's room trying to get in

Last night I went to heat up a hot pack for mom and when I got back she was rummaging through my things

One night she chased me to the door as I was leaving saying I lied to her

Now I'm not even saying hello which makes me feel guilty since as soon as she sees me she's waving at me
I have empathy for her situation- she's relatively young and her family doesn't visit

Ms. Madge don't feel bad. I remember when I used to go visit my Mom at the nursing home. At first I smiled and said hi to everybody...........but soon realized if I ever wanted to get out of there I'd better stop that real quick.
There was a tiny little woman who basically came up to my kneecap. She would tug on my shirt and she talked so softly I basically had to kneel to hear her. She'd say things like "someone was nice to me today" :( So sad, but between her and the man who would say "Bill Bailey here" to me everytime I walked by. One day I was waiting for the elevator and it was slow and he was right there. By this time I avoided all eye contact with anyone. He'd say "please say hi to me" I'd say hi but it would never end there. He'd start talking about something. So even though I must have seemed like a real bitch I had to learn to just look straight ahead and get out of there as fast as I could.

So, don't feel bad Ms Madge.

Bill Bailey makes me want to cry

Mom used to get mad if I even spoke to anyone else saying I thought you were here to see me - ha ha ha

For the most part, I'll try and help since they all have dementia especially if I'm there at the same time as one of mom's caregivers but this woman thinks she's part of mom's inner circle and she's particularly fond of one of her main caregivers - calls them her family - of course the Viking just tells her to go away 

Oh, Ms Madge, I felt so guilty. It was sooo sad but I was carrying around so much guilt already having to have my Mom in a nursing home to begin with that I really had to just learn to shut my brain off and harden my heart. Bill Bailey was sad, and so was the little woman telling me that someone was nice to her. Every time I walked out of that place I had this heavy feeling in my chest like I would explode. But, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind I guess.

In our NH we have a BSO (behavioural supports ontario) person whose job is basically to try to find ways to engage the problem residents, no personal care or organized entertainment but one-on-one or small groups, kind of like a "friend". You can really feel the difference in the mood of the place on the days she is scheduled to work, unfortunately the funding for the position is limited.

When my aunt was in the nursing home 3 years ago, her roommate had no visitor's ever. Pam and I visited everyday and Pam's husband came regularly. We spoke to the lady and if we stopped at MCDonald's for my aunt a latte we always got her one too. One evening she told my aunt she wished she could borrow one of her daughter's. No one even came to see her at Christmas. I found out she had a son, DIL, and 4 grandchildren living within walking distance of the nursing home. It was so sad. She was a tiny, lonely old lady. She had congestive heart failure and had had part of a lung removed.

Becky, that's so sad. There were a few like that at my Mom's nursing home. I feel like bawling just thinking about it.

When my Mom was at P T before the nursing home there was this one lady named Martha. Man, she was a feisty little thing. She really tried to draw my Mom out of her shell cause my Mom was really depressed and wouldn't talk to anyone. I remember sitting at dinner with them one night and Martha would do a running commentary on all the people there. She could have given Don Rickles a run for his money. She complained about the food all the time. I told her one day I'd order pizzas for the place and she said "oh, I'd probably get trampled from the herd running to get theirs" She was a funny old bird. One day when my Mom was no longer there I was returning something to the place and there was Martha still sitting in the cafeteria all by her self. :(

It is sad. At the time my aunt was in the NH, my mom would not go visit her. They had known each other since childhood. And she pitched a fit every time I went to see my aunt. I went anyway.

The Viking is all but refusing to eat puree so last night I told caregiver I'd bring them breakfast
I've overslept so texted I'd bring lunch instead
now I'm not in the mood to do that

MsMadge, can't you talk to the dietitian about allowing some flexibility in your mom's diet? It seems to me that if you have personal caregivers there to help oversee her meals they can't really insist on puree, especially if she won't eat it and you end up supplying her with outside food.
I really wonder what this facility is doing for her (and you) besides providing a very expensive and rather unpleasant room?

They were having potato chips with lunch at mom's NH a few weeks ago, of course mom got the usual plate of mush. When I asked for one or two chips I was told "she's on a puree diet and shouldn't have them". Yeah, I know. And if she chokes eating a potato chip at least she will have one moment of pleasure before she dies.

CW, what about potato chip soup? Yes, there is such a thing, my grandma had a recipe. I never made it or tried it. Just something about potato chip mush that is not the least bit appetizing. But, grandma loved the stuff.

All I could find are the ingredients. There are no cooking instructions on the website; The Daily meal.
Sounds good.

2 tablespoon butter
1 cup minced scallions
1/2 cup minced fresh parsley
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried sage
2 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoon crushed (salted) potato chips, prefereably kettle-style
2 cup milk
2 cup unsalted or low-salt chicken broth
2 ounce extra-sharp cheddar cheese, finely grated

Just 2 Tablespoons of crushed chips? That's no fun.

Hmm, if I want soggy chips I think I would prefer dill pickle juice. Mmm?😲

Potato chips must be just a garnish?

Yes I agree but hoca has no dietician

So who made the determination that she needed puree? If she can eat what you bring in she obviously doesn't need... maybe ask to alter her care plan?

The house dr when she was in hospital with sepsis

While I can cut the food finely and sit with her for an hour, she probably wouldn't be able to handle hoca regular food since she can no longer feed herself and if I don't have a caregiver then maybe staff might put a couple of spoons of puree in her

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