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Well, apparently, Billy has.

He has a bible in his casket.


Carrying a card to explain the rudeness of your loved one with dementia:
"Sorry my Mom has forgotten how to be polite
I hope you were not offended.
You really don't look like the back end of a horse []
Your make up does not make you look like a clown. []
You are not a fat pig, just pleasantly plump []
She's right those shorts do show more than they should []
Those breast implants must make your neck hurt []
Your baby does not look like a monkey []
Your husband does not look young enough to be your son {]
Did you really make your dress from a tablecloth? []
Were you really trying to run her over []

Now I am just being silly and should move to the caregivers behaving badly thread."


My card could read:

"One of us has dementia, one of us is just bad. Thanks for understanding, let me get out of the way before you punch his lights out."

Do they give the card back to you? I am gonna need more cards.

Send, haha! One of the young guys I work with is such a snot if he doesn’t like you. The micro controller they transferred to another store, he didn’t like her and when she would try to talk to him, he gave her a business card that said STOP TALKING!

Assorted cards for me, please. Lol.

Honestly, Sharyn!

She should have written on the back of it - "FOLD HERE. INSERT YOU KNOW WHERE."


Lol. CM!

i loved my cape Navy blue with a red lining Good to take a nap on or as a blanket for lying in the sun.
Our dresses were always colored with a starched white apron. Black stockings and lace up shoes (at least four lace holes)
A white cap that came from the laundry flat and in the begining it took ages to figure out how to put it together.
Hear had to be short enough not to touch the collar or braided.
Don't know what a syringe chopper is our syringes and needles were rinsed out and boiled up ready for the next day.
latex gloves if only we had those. We did everything with our bare hands, think applying gentian violet or damp dusting with a smelly disinfectant.
meals were served from a food trolley that came from the kitchen with huge pans of food that sister doled out. No choice if you want to eat you'd better like it.
yes we had the glass IV sets and mercury filled glass thermometers
Our bedpans were stainless steel and ice cold. The men got glass urinals. The junior nurse did bedpan rounds with a trolley loaded with the bedpans covered with a cloth with a red cross stitched to it.
Visitors were limited to one hour in the evening and an extra hour on Sat and Sun afternoons.
Flowers were removed every night..
All food and drinks had to be carried on a tray and cups must have saucers.
No make up or jewelry on duty and nail polish was removed on sight.
Our wards were in a cruciform shape with a colume in the center. There were open coal fires on three sides and the drug cupboard on the fourth.
Well I won't go on as things are very different now nursing has become a college course just like the US and the equipment has greatly improved too.

Today, I saw two people from my front window.
That is enough social interaction for today.

April Fool's Day is on April 1st in the U.S.
That day is also known as National Atheist' s Day.
This year, Easter Sunday also falls on April 1st.

Veronica I remember my mom starching her caps and sticking them to the side of the dryer.. once they were stiff as a board she folded them into shape. Times sure have changed,, I joke I go to work in my pajamas! Scrubs sure are easier!

Veronica, my aunt was a registered nurse for years. I can remember her hanging all of her white dresses that she starched (with dip starch)  on the clothes line, then bringing them in and ironing them perfectly. She always left to catch the bus to go to work carrying her hat in a plastic bag to keep it neat and until she got to work. She worked at a Catholic Hospital and sister who in charge always inspected all of the nurses at the beginning of the shift. My aunt always kept extra dress, white hose and an extra pair of shoes in her locker in case something got dirty.

Nothing like nurses now.

My dear dH brought in the groceries and as I was putting them away,I found a container of "Super Puffs",a snack that had beets,spinach,mango and sweet potato.I opened them and gave my dH a handful and as he threw them back in his mouth,I asked him why he had bought babyfood.

Well, I guess if one is awake at 3:00 a.m., might as well be laughing!

Still laughing.

Did the snacks taste good?

Tonight, guessing I will be tired after staying up last night.
Just staying up again will be bratty enough for me.

It is all up to you brats, carry on, in your landmines if you have to!
Really? I WROTE: "carry on in your jammies if you have to."

There is a computer gremlin on here, I am sure! The words to replace what I really typed are unbelievable! Should I have my head checked, or my kindle? Hubs just fixed this last night!

Not my head, he fixed my kindle.

Did you see anyone out your window today, Send?

It is sunny, but too crispy cold for anyone to be out there.
It is very cold right now, woke me up at 4:00 a.m., but I will
go look out the window now and get back to you.

Crispy cold? Aren't you in southern California, do they even HAVE crispy cold there?

Yes, there is crispy cold here CWillie.
And, we also have Krispy Creme donuts.
If you miss viewing the swans (that would be so fun),
There will be people at the donut shop, and you won't be alone.

Did you see any snow out your window ?

It was in the 30s last night - crispy by SoCal standards

I need to do laundry, clean the bathroom, pay bills and grocery shop today but I don't want to - think I'll go to the farmers market and get the Viking a baked yam for lunch

Go 4 it!

My neighbor has bark instead of a lawn. The bark was white, frozen looking.
No snow, but it has snowed a tiny bit once or twice over my lifetime.

There were no people, no swans either.

The Yam is perfectly nutritious and sweet for the Viking MsMadge.

I'm right down the freeway (in Tijuana) from MsMadge and Send and I'll tell you, it's darned cold right now. (In the house 59*)

Since Mexican houses don't have heaters, I'm sitting here in my down coat typing this!
The houses here are made from cinderblock so they 'hold the cold'. We have a large open space (35'x13') for kitchen, dining room and living room, so impossible for a space heater. Plus the cost of electricity is very high here (comparatively).

I have an electric blanket but no one else does. I don't know why they haven't "caught on". It's my only saving grace during the night.

Still counting the days (1,408) until retirement and moving to a warmer climate. Brrrr.

We've got about a foot of the stuff . Can I mail you some Send ?

Hope the Viking enjoys her baked yam Msmadge. I'd rather have one of Send's Krispy Cremes

Please send the snow via drone, just plop it in the driveway thanks so much!

Will be sending you the Krispy Cremes, do you want sprinkles with that?

The summers must be cool inside?

Snow on it's way Send. Hope you have a snow shovel, there's a lot of it. I had to hire a whole fleet of drones.
Looking forward to the Krispy Cremes, never had those, hold the sprinkles who knows what they make them from (probably ground glass.)

Lots of donuts coming your way Veronica, betcha can't eat just one. Will you be making Krispy Creme shakes? Will you share with your dH?

Thank you so much for the snow!


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