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Women and aging......
Some women lie about their age and always have.
This year will be a milestone, so I think that I will start early. Lying, I mean.

Conflicted because someone may notice my son would be only ten years younger?
People in public used to ask if I was his wife, poor son, was he conflicted!

OR, I could add a decade, people might say: "My, you look so young for your age."
OR, they might even say: "Act your age".

Vanity, all this is vanity. Never bothered me before, but I could start taking better care of myself.

Send, People used to ask how old I was. I always said same age as Bill Clinton. After answering that way for three or four years I discovered he was a couple of years older.

I used to tell people I was 50ish, it made it feel much less traumatic when I actually had my 50th birthday. Now I'm closer to 60 but I'm not ready to concede to 60ish yet.

Yes, and we forget that in polite company we learned not to ask a person's age!

As we age, some of us get ornery. Should I try something like this: ????

"I am the age of consent".

"I am the age of my dog.
In dog years.
Just before she died"

(That was bad, wasn't it?)


"My mil and I are the same age, Lol!" (not true).


"Same age as you if you weren't' t lying about your age" Lol.

That's all I've got.

Becky,  I am sure Clinton aged, and you did not.  How old is he now, Lol.

Send and CW, I’m not ready to admit I’m 70ish. Yikes, It’s slipping up on me.

I would bring to mind the lethal stare I got from a checkout lady in France when I accidentally called her "tu" (I'd just acquired a boyfriend, it was the rapid switching between singular and plural that did for me) and use that. Give a person that look and they'd soon stop asking.

We all know those poster's ages whose screen name is:
Ha ha.
But, Golden23. ???????

Will be changing my screen name to:

Send me2hell

Oops, my break is over.

(Veronica, we know you are younger).

Bill Clinton is 71. I am 68. 04473 is the zip code for UMaine

The summers are great in this house, at least 10* cooler in the house than out in the heat.
When we lived in Puerto Vallarta, it was the other way around. The winters were lovely but the summers were sweltering with humidity. Sweating your face off isn't much fun in the cinderblock houses either.
However, since I've "gotten old", I can't seem to tolerate the cold anymore. It aggravates the arthritis in my neck and back and I can't get warm no matter how hard I try.

We're still looking around (Mexico) in search of the perfect climate for retirement. All I'm asking is a warmer climate without humidity. We found the area National Geographic said was the 2nd best climate on earth but it didn't thrill us.
The hilly inland areas are cold in winter and at night. The coastal areas are balmy in the winter but ferociously humid and hot in the summer.

I've got 1, 407 days to go. The search continues.

I accidently got my birthday wrong for an entire year.. making myself older! My husband thought it was hysterical. I guess I;m not too vain!

Lol Pammzi.

Isn' t that cute! After what I said about "in polite company", no one is going to ask anyone's age! You are all so very good, for being brats, I mean.

How are the brats doing tonight?

This one is doing great; husband will be at work for 3 days/nights, so he's out in the kitchen making me several stir frys and carrot raisin salad and stuff for while he's gone. He used to cook in restaurants, it's always a treat when he cooks!

Sue, I don't know if there is such a thing as the perfect climate all year round, the solution for many is to have two homes and migrate with the birds.

You may be right. But with 4 cats and 3 dogs I don't really want to move every 6 months, although I have a few friends here in Mexico who do.

Among the top 10 wonderful weather spots according to the Internet; I won't live in Columbia (too dangerous), nor France (neither hubs nor I speak French), can't afford Hawai'i and we are already in the major San Diego area (too many people and too expensive).
I would consider the Canary Islands or another area of Spain but I'd have to leave all our furniture and cars behind. I have no idea what the cost of living would be.

We heard that an area near Guadalajara near Lake Chapala was perfect. But the area was way too "gringo" for me (like little USA). Way too expensive also plus you have to go into Guad. for everything. Too darn many people for me (5 million!)

We're going to go to Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende and Colima this year for vacation. Maybe one of these will be the winner.

There's a story on the NY Post website about a hidden camera in a Michigan NH


Makes you wonder if body-cams for staff might be a wise precaution. The Metropolitan police are using them as standard, now, I think. Maybe just knowing you're being monitored might make you think harder about what you're doing?

I mean... what have those two women got to say for themselves? I bet they don't think of themselves as people who think it's okay to be cruel to helpless elderly men.

I couldn't find the article but I can imagine what is in it, the story is all too common. I think all of us have moments where we've lost it and done or said something shameful but the kind of stories that make the headlines usually show systemic abuse, and that is especially troubling. I'll never forget turning up at Walmart before opening time and watching staff being put through a rah, rah cheer and chant ritual 🙄, but maybe people need reminding every day that their job is more than a paycheck. And when people are stressed more than usual for whatever reason wouldn't it be nice if they could go to the boss and coworkers about it and be given lighter duties for the day?

Just Google "hidden camera michigan nursing home".

OK, that was rough handling, but IMO it is near the line... I kind of imagine she was actually trying to restrain her impulse to do worse.
Of course it's never OK, but we only have the family's side of this story, he may be someone who provokes them. And that sounds awfully like blaming the victim :(
I guess I don't really trust videos because they don't tell the full story and I shudder to think if all the damning things I've done in my life were caught on camera.

Me too, CW. Any documentary maker worth his salt could make footage of me that would not be pretty and I would not want shared online.

But we do not claim to be professional caregivers operating to professional standards. And we can't leave, and we don't have coworkers to help or to restrain us (or egg us on, in this instance). If someone who actually works in the industry is still going to get personally provoked by mentally frail elders then sorry, she's in the wrong job.

Mind you. If service providers aren't selecting and training and supporting their people well enough, they deserve a lot more of the blame.

What is CEO christian?
Someone who goes to church Christmas and Easter only.

Daylight Savings time is Sunday, so set your clocks one hour ahead tonight. No worries, if you mess up, you can wait one hour for church to start, you won't be late!

Pastor Greg Laurie of the Harvest Crusade passed on the CEO christian joke on t.v.
Yes, it borders on coarse jesting. But when I told it to a former pastor dropping off my husband in the driveway one day years ago, he said to me:  Well actually, you are a CEO christian. I responded honestly. No, I am not, because I no longer attend your church at all, not even Christmas and Easter.

Behaving Badly after church abuses.   Sorry. Not sorry.

Your stories remind me of a temper tantrum I had at a job I had in my late twenties. I used to have to go down to the post office and grab a big sack full of mail, drag it through a mall, up an escalator etc. etc. One day, in particular, it wasn't supposed to be my day to do it and I was so pissed off that when I got to the mailbox I started kicking it violently. I looked around the corner and there was this man very cautiously walking towards his mailbox looking sideways at me. I can imagine how this would have looked if it had been recorded on camera. LOL

Somebody help me! It just took me 1 Hour to walk from one room to the nexf!

Quick check, are your panties around your ankles?

I'm not going to laugh at CW's question until Send has said if she's okay? Holding my breath.

CM, do you not do daylight savings there? We have some communities that each year say they are going to stop this twice a year time change. I wish they would just stop it and it sure throws the pets off.

It's okay, my panties are on.
Just now, when I turned over in bed, the clock said 4:54, and the kindle said 5:54.
I keep losing an hour everytime I turn around!

Whenever these changes happened when I had pets, I always kept their schedules in tact. Because they are more in tune with real time.

Changing the clocks is a PITA but I'm not willing to live with having half my daylight over before I get out of bed in the morning if it was done away with.

On the other hand, it would make it easier to keep the kids up for fireworks on the 1st of July, they could start an hour earlier at 9:00. Nah, not worth it.

Part of the cats schedule is based on mine. Up to shower, feed cat, out to work, her schedule has to work with mine. I will not get up an hour earlier or later to feed her and start her routine.

Then memories of time changes while caring for mom. It took weeks/months for her to adjust! It was such a sad part as there became so little that she did not understand. And it wasn't the least bit humorous.

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