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Say what now?  You had two grandfathers?
Sometimes I wish there were two of my dH, instead of one hour's work, he could do two!

Had to rush from the appointment to take dH to work. The two different pairs of glasses I need for reading and driving will have to wait. Otherwise, two tiny cataracts are forming, should be okay for 1-2 years, depending on how fast they grow.
The doctor was great, and I feel very relieved. They scanned my eye instead of dilating them, because hubs needed me. $39 extra. However, even the eye drops to numb the eye burned. My eyes might have tested better without that. Was given eye drops for dry eyes. I am ok now! Yay, that's done.

However, I am not getting my teeth cleaned unless I can pinch the dentist!

Result: I am awfully fine for the shape I'm in....

Saw this online:

I went into another room today, and actually remembered why I went in there!

It was the bathroom.  So, well.....

It is more deductible to give than to receive.

Send once when the dentist was examining my neck the assistant said 'Don't worry he's just examining your neck not feeling you up" I replied, "well if he was I hope he'd make a better job of it"

Lol Veronica.  That tells you where her mind was at, maybe.

Still stuck in buying those glasses limbo.
The doctor's office did not give me an Rx to buy my glasses elsewhere, like Costco.
So I have to get my hands on the written Rx. Even though the rose-colored lens were nice, I must shop within my budget.

Shopping i s no longer fun for me. In my 30's-50's it was a stress reliever. Now, it causes me stress.

Send I have been able to buy my glasses online the last two times I needed them and they can be very cheap. I have always been given my prescription automatically.
By chance does your eye Drs office also sell glasses?
Agree abut the shopping stress. Since I have taken to the electric carts in places like Walmart I actually find it fun again (including playing bumper cars with other shoppers)

Hi Brats!

My MRI declared a “Normal Brain”. My family does not agree!

The dizziness, lack of balance, and not being able to think my way out of a paper bag was off and on for at least 2 weeks plus a few days.

Took it easy for a few additional few days. Now I am back to 100%. Bahahaha!

I am behaving badly! I voiced my displeasure, forcefully, this morning with frustrating contractor doing home repairs. He has been relieved of duty!

I’m so done. Stick a fork in me.

The few things left on our home will be done ourselves.

I will find someone else or we will handle the few things that need to be dealt with at the farmhouse my son and DIL live in.

Grrrrrr! My frustrated, impatient, brain is clicking on all cylinders and I am behaving badly! Whoop Whoop

Yes, a high-end sort of environment, they also sell glasses. But there was no pressure, I had to leave in a hurry. When the person helping me pick glasses found I was not buying the Givenchy @ $230 for the frames alone, she dropped me like a hot potato and went on to the next commision. The manager brought me the rose-colored frames.
We dress up and do not "appear" as budget minded as we must be. My black slacks could be from the year 2000 and nobody would know, lol.

I had an MRI in the year 2000, and was grateful it showed a brain in there, somewhere.

Get a copy of the test results, read it.

Use it later to document to your family whenever they make jokes about your brain functioning.

I hope you have recovered completely, or soon.  It is not a reflection on your brain if you had to fire a contractor.

Come back often, and the brats here will give you a free, mini-mental exam. lol.

Start by counting backwards from 100, subtracting 7 each time.  It might be a good idea if we ALL started practicing the answers now, writing it down, memorizing it.

When my eyes were being tested, I had to admit to the O.D. doctor that I was no longer sure if I was memorizing the letters before me, or seeing them ok.

Answer this: "Who is the president of (wherever you live)". Don't say the name, it is enough that you know. lol. factoid: I just don't want to hear it said out loud. Mwah ha ha ha.

Today is Friday.

Thanks Send,

Hubby did make a comment that my pea brain might have fallen out when I bopped my head. Not true I have proof!

I feel like I have completely recovered. I have to admit I was worried there for a couple weeks. I could speak a sentence but I found myself searching for the last word. And just a general feeling of being “spaced out”.

Since I typed that last post I opened a piece of mail. It was a refund check from the glass company. I paid them twice during the whole head injury fiasco.😬

Anyway, I usually do get copies of more important test results. I have a file. I have it on my list to do next week.

I do have a normally scheduled checkup with PCP on 4/30. I think he will be surprised I can now pass the field sobriety test that I failed so miserably in his office during this fiasco.

Given my family history, I think mini-mental exams on a regular basis are in order.

According to my family, I am the only one needing these tests.
I actually asked my brother the other day, what day is it, and he did not know the answer, said it did not matter, that he did not care since he retired recently.

His results: depression after retirement. I will check back with him in a month.
If I remember.

Omg. Missed the post with the exam. LOL. Ain’t it the truth!

This experience has taught me one thing for sure. SLOW DOWN! Not necessarily what I try to accomplish in a day but at the speed I try to accomplish said tasks! No more moving my feet at 100mph.

I do not have the grace of a gazelle, never have. If I don’t slow the heck down I am just asking for trouble.

When they were going through the NH dining room with the juice cart I asked for a rye and coke, was that bad? I mean I know they only serve juice there, I should have asked for vodka and OJ.

I always know what day it is. Unless I have the need to be in front of a calendar, which is rare, I do loose track of the date. Is this a warning sign?!? LOL. I better start practicing keeping up with that! It would be an answer that would be good to have for my future exams.


Rye and coke! I’m guessing that wasn’t Rye Bread! Too funny!

You also need to know the name of the current president. Also practice counting backwards by 3 - some docs and hospitals use that.  Or you could be defiant like PJ's little girl Liv. Drug baby with some problems. When the questions they ask her get too hard her answer is "what's wrong with You? Don't you remember I have problems?"

In Canada, the NH probably did have rye crackers and coke on that tea cart?
I just cannot accept that CWillie would be so bad as to be joking around that much, lol.

Is it true CWillie? Are you a real brat now? Welcome.

Ok, because you also had trauma to the head, would you mind being put on the brat list for the mini-mental exam? If so, check in whenever you want, it will save so much on doctor's fees. For you, and for Lizzy.

Counting backwards from 3 would be a whole lot easier than 7.
Because for those subtracting with their fingers, it is easier to use just one hand.

When I can't sleep I sometimes count backwards from 999, should I start counting by 3's or 7's instead? I'm afraid I would never get to sleep that way.

What if I asked the person giving the test to go first, do you think they could do it?

Re: Counting....
Don't they have sheep in Canada?

Re: Testing...
I have observed the tester, after the first correct answer, to NOT be following the answers given. Apparently, if you are 1) able to follow directions, and 2) get one question correct, YOU PASS.

Asking the tester to first take the test, well....that would be being a brat.  Most could not do it.
We all know why people become doctors, now, don't we?

Re: sheep
Of course there are sheep.
999 of them.

Oh, shoot me, did I just lose half my audience because I am a brat?

If t h e sheep are disappearing, CWillie, where are they going?

I would be so concerned of their disappearances, that I could not sleep. This is because my Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. (Sheep).

My chiropractor wants to see me today.

Where has little Bo Peep gone?

Bo Peep's at the chiropractor waiting on Send...

I would love to have my post injury evaluations on here. I'm sure the wait would not be as long as the neurologists office.

My first official mental health license was as a QMHE - Qualified Mental Health Examiner. Mostly worked in the Emergency room on Friday and Saturday night. Police would bring in people for evaluation. If they came in naked saying they were hiding from the CIA or Russians - pretty good bet was they were having a schizophrenic episode. Passed out naked on the sidewalk - usually a drunk. Really a high tech positions. Actually working the ER was a good gig. In a rural health hospital in WV or rural Maine not very complicated back in the late 90's and early 2000's. Now it's opioid, fentanyl and heroin after another. So sad I could cry.

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