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Did you edit your post?

I replied from the new site but it does not appear anywhere.

I am home safe and sound.

Vikings do kick, especially when they're in the shower chair

I do not remember, maybe I did have something to say about IV placement, but thought better of it since I flunked that part of nursing.
Hesitating to speak up at all now since I am no expert!
Glad you got home safely!

God Bless the Viking too!

This could be behaving badly, not sure.
1. Dh wakes up late, which he would have been late for work starting at 9 a.m.
2. Except, he forgot to tell me of the change in schedule starts today at 8 a.m.
3. Instructions: No shower, take Uber, here, eat this...
4. Cat eats at 7, gets in front of my feet to let me know this.
5. I tell myself, over and over, since waking at 6:50 a.m. "boundaries up, this is not your chaos", "reminders, no rides if you are going to be late", boundaries, boundaries.
6. Out the door he goes, taking Uber 1/2 price today! Wow, it would have cost me more to drive him. "Bye!" He will be on time.

Feeling still stressed. Overall, it was a successful morning.....for him.
It is so uncomfortable to stand by your man, and keep your own boundaries too.

Good Morning everyone!

Play with the new kitty Send and watch your stress disappear :)

K I T T Y. I S. S L E E P I N G .  : )
Closed the kitty in the bedroom so dH could leave. She is under the bed now for her 6 hour nap.
No worries here! After forgetting to eat breakfast, I just now made a blueberry/strawberry smoothie. Yum.

Thanks for the suggestion CWillie! I will certainly pet her when she is available. Maybe she will be awake before I go pick up dH, that time is an unknown.

Rita Coolidge, in concert at The Rose, tonight in Pasadena. She is 73 y.o.
That name sounds famous.

Since I went to the BEACH yesterday, dipped my toes in the OCEAN, I think that is all the fun I get for the year!  And, it was FUN!

Lots happening in Pasadena today - Colorado Blvd closed for a parade, and the annual party on the historic arroyo bridge

I know this because I spent two miserable hours at the Apple Store- my iPhone isn't working and I'm aghast by the prices of new ones

France wins The World Cup!

My hubs says that the heat shortens the battery life of the iPhone. Changing the battery must be done by the service techs.
Why did he tell me this?
Because when we were on the road, in the heat, he kept putting the iPhone up to the air conditioner vent. He would have to return the phone to my sister if that ever happened.
The cost must be prohibitive.

Madge, there are lots of options for refurbished used ones online for deeply discounted prices. I went this route a few years ago, bought from a big eBay seller, it was a good experience and I saved some cheese. :-)

The phone problem began in last week's heatwave when my car gauge was reading 117 -122 as the outside temp
Seems the battery swelled and bulged the screen from the case so a new battery won't work
Guess I shouldn't complain as its nearly 6 years old

Anybody have any opinions on refurbished I Phones? (Like which models (numbers) are better than others or inborn problems with certain phones?)

I've got an IPhone 4 and am looking to upgrade to a newer (and bigger) version but not having to spend $1000.

I'm looking at the iPhone 6s, vs the 8, which is buy one get one now
Even the plus size 6 is far cheaper than the 7 or 8

Sue, I had an IPhone 6 I loved. Husband got me an 8 plus. I don’t like it nearly as well. This is  my 7th IPhone and I like it the least of any I’ve had.

My iPhone 6 is the first iPhone I have owned. In the past I always used an Android base phone.

My iPhone is the 6 plus. It’s BIG. It is at least 2 years old, maybe 3. I have had no problems at all with this phone.  I love it!

I dropped and shattered my screen a couple weeks ago. I decided to take it in and have the screen replaced rather than get a new phone.

Still haven't decided on which iPhone- maybe just replace the 5 for $80, even though it will only be good for a few months

Sadly, whichever version I get, it won't work with the new A/C site 😥

Passing on advice from Leo LaPorte, The Tech Guy, KFI radio 640 a.m.

He usually advises to hold out until the next I-Phone or Smart Phone comes out, researching in the meantime.

For a less expensive alternative, I suggest a Kindle Fire, New. Name your price.
You can e-mail, use it online and for Aging Care website.

Then, for work, ask your boss to borrow a company cell phone to stay in touch.
Or, buy a phone which you add minutes to. Trac Phone, ??? Target, Wal-Mart? Then wait until the heat won't fry your New phone, when you buy it on contract the Newest, Latest, worthy of your investment.

Never decide under pressure, but delay your decision to a later time.

If you did not solve the air conditioning issues, you won't be able to wake up on time for work in this heat. My guess, it will historically be very hot hot through September. Invest your funds there, imo.

MsMadge, I personally like the iPhone 5c. It offers everything you would probably need. I had one for about 5 years and just recently traded up to the 8 only because it is a little bigger and easier to hold on to.

Where Are All the bratsters? I can't be bratty because I have to go to work now.

What is that floating in the pool in your Avatar? And is there a fire in the background?

Your avatar is too tiny on my phone. I may have to go crank up my laptop...

What, there's something floating in the pool?
(quick check of view image)

What IS that??

Is it real?

flip flops ?
party decorations?

Just popping back by to see if BootShopGirl answered.

Still haven’t cranked up laptop but on my phone the floating objects look like bottles? Drink bottles?!?

I just wanna know where this party was that I missed?!?

Oh and there looks like a huge fire in the background 😱

Was this a 4th of July party?

Just asking...there have been 2 parties here in the last 20 years that kinda resulted in the scene on that avatar as seen on my phone.

Fun was had by all!

Full moon on Friday.
Did you know that Mars is in opposition Friday, July 27th?
Whatever does that mean?

I read that Boots is at work, and do believe she has an explanation for the purported party in the pool.

In the interim, Brats, have your party here.

That means that Mars will be lined up with the earth and the sun. So it's a good time to see Mars.

"On Friday, July 27, the full moon will pass through the shadow of the Earth. For 103 minutes, the usually silvery moon will turn blood red and ochre (medium clay color). It will be the longest “blood moon” lunar eclipse of the century, lasting 26 minutes longer than the last total lunar eclipse, in January."

Unfortunately, we in North America won't get to see it because it will fizzle out by the time it gets to us. Viewing available on YouTube.

So doubly watch out for blood red full moon day Friday! Oooouuuu.

It is a crazy picture I have titled "We all drank the Kool-Aid." The pool is full bottles. Raging fire in the background. Pool sitting surrounded by sand in B.F.E. (Bum flocked Egypt). Does It mean they did a Jim Jones cult thing or just had a senior party and got drunk and started a fire? Who knows? It's just weird and I like it lol!

Enjoying a Cola, in a cup, with ice. The famous kind.

You know, the one with ice from an ice machine where overnight rats or cockroaches were running over it.

You know, the carbonated drink, that leaches the calcium from your bones.

You know, the one with caffeine and sugar that floods your unsuspecting body with foreign chemicals, giving one a very temporary high.

You know, the drink to avoid if one wants to avoid it roiling back up in your esophagus as urp later tonight if one has g.e.r.d.

You know, the one from a fountain dispenser that is never cleaned adequately by the kids who think they are actually working, allowing the dark muck to build up inside the hoses.

Yum. Yes, that one!

Thanks for describing the picture! I thought that’s what I was seeing but it was so tiny.


Icy colas are sooo good. I have one once or twice a year...yum

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