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We've changed pharmacies twice in the year mom has been in this NH and once in the months mom was in the other one - that makes 5 different ones altogether. I don't like the one we have now, they seem very inefficient.

MsMadge, the knitting website I use most sent me this email this morning and I thought of you...

DISCOVER Viking of Norway!

Knitted helmets, maybe? I'll certainly be looking it up.

The lunchtime news included an interview with a worried public health specialist talking about the resurgence of measles in Europe - there have been, I think he said, 57 deaths this year. I'm not normally one to flap about such stories, I leave it to my ex, but it crossed my mind to wonder if my adult kids' immunisations were up to scratch and seizing the moment I emailed all three telling them to check.

Daughter 1 replied almost immediately:

"And run the risk of contracting regressive autism? No way, Jose. I’ll just put a sock full of oats in my bath - I’ve been told by my Naturopath that this will protect me against your so-called “measles”, if that’s even a real disease, and not just some money-making scam dreamt up by Big Pharma.


J xx

(p.s. Had my antibody titres checked at the start of my FY1 and I’m all good. Thanks for checking, Mummy. x)"

Such sarcasm in one so young...

Oi, that's your daughter, for sure, CM!

well, she was trained by the best, eh?

I saw the same news bit on the European measles in the elevator yesterday so it must be reliable and not fake news

I was offered a flu shot at the drug store recently and politely declined - clerk said you want to get one early before they run out - no thanks, I don't get them - she was undeterred - but, the flu was really bad this year - yes, and the flu shot did very little to stop it

btw, love the knitted helmet

Measles is resurging in Europe - presumably due to drop in immunization. Read about it a few years ago.

I am now having visions of mother in a knitted viking helmet. You know, sans beard, it works! 😊

Well then, I am never getting on the elevator again!

There is a friendly blue parakeet, banded, on my back wall. I fed it, watered it, cooled it off with a mist. I won't come to me.

Will the crows get it?

I don’t think a lil parakeet will last out in the elements

surprising it can fly if it’s wings were clipped

my nephew dons his Viking helmet- a Halloween costume- all the time

his significant other knits so she’s already looking for the pattern

I decided to order birthday greetings for mom from our Senator and the White House - can’t say I care about the latter but oh well

Our long standing senator sent out the letter in a legal size envelope so it wouldn’t be folded and suitable for framing

Today I get an email from the White House saying letter is ready and asking if I wanted it mailed or if I will be picking it up ? 🤯

Yes! MsMadge, call the white house up right away, ask to have the letter wrapped in red tape and mailed!

Cute idea though, I like it-the letters I mean.

MS Madge- how does one go about getting a birthday greetings from the white house. My Moms birthday is coming up and she would think that was so neat.

It's quite simple, but if I can somehow paste a link for you I will

actually, now that I think about it, I went through our congresswoman to get it but you can go direct to the White House greetings office website and search for greetings request

I got a kick out of the sentence, "do you want it (the letter) mailed or will you be picking it up?" I'm sure most Americans don't live near the White House and it would be darned hard to get in there even if you did. (Security clearance and such). How odd.

Got an order from the neuro for some PT/OT for the Viking this week - therapist phoned yesterday to say he did an assessment although she was asleep

I thanked him and said let's try to get her to move her arms some more - it's important to keep her pinching strength up

How do you do an assessment on someone who is asleep??

When mom first went into the NH I asked about PT to maintain her range of motion - "oh, of course we always do that!" they said. Turns out that means they stretch mom's limbs and move all of mom's joints while she sits there passively or sleeps, not quite what I had in mind.

Yes; that’s what it means and naturally she is more compliant when she’s asleep 💤

it's when she wakes up that the fun begins - the other day she squeezed my hand as hard as she could and bared her teeth

of course, I pay no attention and asked her if she wanted to arm wrestle ? Sadly she could probably still take me down 😆😆😆

Mom started crying when she saw me tonight and said she loved me - later when we said our prayers, I said God bless the Viking, Frick and Frack, and your favorite baby - she said who's that ?

I wonder where my earthquake preparedness kit is?

Speaking of preparedness Ms. Madge, we were ever so glad that we brought our surge protectors to Tijuana when we moved from Puerto Vallarta and plugged all our electrical equipment in. (Puerto Vallarta has electrical storms but Tijuana doesn't.)

Two days ago a neighbor hired two unknown guys to cut her palm trees. They obviously didn't know what they were doing and let the tree fall into the power lines. I thought there was a shooting outside-bright lights and pow-pow-pow! The cats were running for their lives (in the house). This electrical crisis "killed" 4 of our protectors (they fried inside) but all electrical appliances are still working. Thank God they did their job. Other neighbors weren't so lucky and a couple came outside cussing. I'm sure glad we didn't have to buy a new computer, TV, refrigerator, washer/dryer, lamps, clocks etc.

Now I need to find our earthquake stuff.

I was supposed to go into the office today and finish something that I didn't get to yesterday but I never made it
and the odds aren't looking too good for tomorrow either

I went to the party shop today and bought mom's birthday piñata-
i was a bit disappointed that they didn't have a Viking themed one

Do you fill the piñata with candies or just for display? My sister-in-law used to make them. She would do "specialty" orders. Don't think she ever made a Viking-themed one however.

Will you give the Viking the "hit stick" (to break the piñata)? You know those violent Scandinavians. And it would be more effective than pinching!

Feliz Cumpleaños to your Mom.

Thanks, Sue

I got an assortment of chocolate candies - good thing stores are stocked for Halloween already 😂

I really wanted to get the peppa pig piñata as it had chocolate on its mouth but decided to go more conservative and got a birthday cake design

I'll pull out the foam noodles so everyone can take a whack at it

i ordered the famous strawberry whipped cream cake today and will be getting bar b q and fixins brought in for lunch

All three of her caregivers will be there and my good friend who visits her every week so hopefully mom won't notice that Frick and Frack and my nieces and nephew are not there

Our US congresswoman provided a beautiful certificate for her 95th birthday which I'll frame and give to her

only hope she's awake and in a good mood - she wasn't today

The Viking did her very best today -

she arrived to her birthday party fashionably late

she cussed at everyone at the party so no one felt left out

she didn't smile in a single picture but

she leaned forward as best she could to blow out her candles

she tried to open each card and looked at them and said pretty

she listened closely as she received her congressional birthday greeting

she whacked the piñata and

she let me floss her teeth before bedtime without biting me

Madge, happy birthday to the Viking!

My grands love Peppa Pig!

Peppa Pig Shmig - don't start me on Peppa Bloody Pig. Illiterate brainless rubbish with some deeply offensive messages - e.g. isn't Daddy useless but what do you expect he's a boy - and a vocabulary apparently aimed at producing little morons.

Small children learn from what they're given, so don't give them that, I beg you. Next time I'm allowed to read Senior Granddaughter's bedtime story she's getting Peter Rabbit and liking it.

"You may go into the woods or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden. Your father had an accident there. He was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor."

For modern tastes I recommend John Klassen. I particularly enjoy watching adults get to the end of 'This Is Not My Hat' and go "ohhh - !" A subtle but stern morality tale for our perplexing times.

Since it's shooting season on bad childrens programs, books and nursery rhymes, what about this? I've always scratched my head on this one.
Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all.

What a flippin' lovely sentiment! Some jack a** person put a baby bed (with the baby in it) up in a tree and the wind blew it down (supposedly killing the baby and smashing the cradle to kindling.) Lovely!
It was published in 1765 by John Newberry. The author and anyone who sings that should have their head examined. So there! 😤

A lot of old nursery rhymes have a touch of cruelty thrown in - humpty dumpty, london bridges, jack and jill, the old lady who lived in a shoe et al - I suppose it was meant to impart the reality of life from an early age.

I've yet to meet a baby who didn't adore 'pop goes the weasel' - a lovely traditional song about drinking to excess and mother's ruin, presumably rooted in the gin riots of the 18th century.

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