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Viking's caregiver said she was making the same noise with her yesterday and she thought maybe she didn't like the food but that doesn't seem to be it so the mystery continues

That makes me think of how little ones will sometimes sort of hum when they chew (or suck if they're even tinier) - do you think it is something like that?

I thought the "lipstick" print was supposed to be the "fire". I guess I was "smoking" them backwards! ;)
Great minty, chalky taste that seemed to create a lot of saliva as you were eating them. Aaahhh, those were the days. Unfortunately, I developed the real habit when I was 17 and it took 10 years to quit. So much for encouraging bad habits.

Anyone remember pink champagne ice cream? A scoop on a plain cone was 10 cents. It was so yummy and I was "all grown up" because I was licking champagne. Fortunately I did not grow up to have that habit.

We have had cats that make sounds when eating. One of them was a stray we named Gargles due to the gargling sound she made when eating.

i always thought the red tip was the lit end too but if not what did the boys pretend to smoke ?


is a baby gurgling kinda a happy content sound?

the Viking says she's fine but the sound doesn't match that emotion- one of her other caregivers thinks it might be a reflex since we're always telling her to cough in order to clear her throat

usually she just parrots us and says cough without coughing

she he has no trouble saying no or closing her mouth when she doesn't want something like her meds in pudding

Oh my
just finished a piece of chocolate cake with coffee icing- yum

Sue1957, OMG I think you are right! I believe that it was my older sister's that told me the red tip was lipstick, our parents did not smoke and we were very naive! Lol!

I used to Love the Pink Champagne Sherbert too, Gosh I hadn't heard of that in Years! My sister's and I were just speaking of the little corner store down the street from our cousins house growing up, which sold or loads of Penny Candy, Yum! Those Red Wax Lips, Wafer Spaceships with the sour powder inside, taffys and chews, Colored Dots on Wax Paper Strips, BitOHoney, Pixy Stix!

My parents were from Wales, UK and their Candy is So Much Better than ours, IMO! Our Nana used to send us Big Parcels at Christmas, loaded with Candy and Chocolates and there used to be this one particular candy thingy, a Sherbert Fountain which was a rolled up paper (like a penny tube) filled with sherbert powder, and a black licorice stick sticking out the top, which you used to suck up the powder, it never worked, but they were fun and tasty, Lol!

Oh the fun things we remember from childhood! Wish we could go back and do it all over again! My Cousins Always had cans of Hi-C fruit drink in their fridge, and that was a treat, but there were 6 kids in our family, so we couldn't afford that, so it was KoolAid for us, but then We finally got a 7/11 store put in down the street from us when I was about 8yo, so we had Slurpies!

Funny, whoda thunk those candy cigs should come with directions! I thought the red tip was the lit end too. Maybe it is just a matter of preference. Boys wouldn't like the lipstick idea, now would they?

Maybe the boys shoulda come with directions too?

My mom sits at a table of four for her meals, since she needs to be fed there is someone there to supervise the other three for most meals but when I am there to feed mom usually nobody helps the others. Tonight the crazy level was higher than usual - E didn't want to eat and was using her fingers to divide the food on her plate into two halves, L as usual talked non stop nonsense and tried to get the lids off of her drinks (covered because she tends to mix them together and pour them on her plate) and the new fellow W had no idea what he was supposed to do with the things in front of him. I decided to act like an employee and pretend to be deaf, dumb and blind to it all, but it was hard.

the only thing left out of your dinner table was someone's runny nose dripping into their soup

mom had company for dinner tonight so she got to pass the puree and have polish sausage - as you can imagine the evening staff loves polish sausage night - many residents get diarrhea 💩

I think it would be really educational for the executive staff to eat in the dining room once a month or so, not at their own special table but scattered amongst the residents. And I'd especially like the head of dietary services to enjoy a pureed meal😂

the only time hoca staff eats in the dining room is if there's a special party otherwise they bring food back in
not even the kitchen staff will eat the food

Who (in their right mind) would eat that pig swill? Gag 😜!
Puréed slop with no salt, no sugar, no fat, low carbs, high fiber, high antioxidants and cold from the kitchen. I'd rather starve. Bet that's why a lot of the poor old ones spit their meals out.
If I'm needing that slop to maintain my "health", then give me a filet mignon covered in butter sautéed mushrooms, a loaded baked potato, asparagus with mayo, a glass of Cabernet and a piece of pecan pie then DON'T "code" me as I die with a smile on my face!
👼🏼 😋 👼🏼

Boys (who turn into men) need more than directions, they need an instruction manual! 🤔

Well, I have to say mother's food looks good. It is pureed but they manage to make it look like regular food and are quite proud of it. I should taste a little but mother who has always loved her food takes it in well usually. Her NH is built on the :community: concept where there are small communities so each dining room, has about 5-6 tables, each of which has cloth napkins and tablecloths. It all looks very nice. I wish their attention to mood and meds was as good.

sue -what if your swallowing was compromised??? Your filet wouldn't get to first base. Wish it was that simple.

From the items I've tasted it isn't usually the flavour that is a problem with the purees, it is more the presentation and the stubborn philosophy that everyone should enjoy the same menu choices. That's OK when they are serving a straightforward meat and potatoes meal or some kind of stew, but IMO there are some meals that just shouldn't be attempted - chicken caesar salad anyone? how about a salami sandwich served as a blob of pureed meat beside a blob of the ubiquitous commercially produced and somewhat sweet bread pudding, with a generous side of pureed pickles? And depending on who is cooking that day there are often problems with texture and consistency - things are too pasty, lumpy, runny or they just plain didn't make any.

Puréed pickles - oh my 🤢

well, hoca doesn’t purée the regular meal

it’s always a ribbon of white, a ribbon of lime green and a ribbon of poop brown
always cold with a little pitcher of whatever soup they had

for breakfast, it’s yellow, white and red and drenched in pancake syrup

Yellow egg and white pancakes but you've got me wondering what the red part is MsM. The syrup sounds good though - mmmm, syrup 😋

pureed pickles??? relish???? I am wondering what the red is too - bacon?

Hoca never has bacon or pancakes

the red might be watermelon as they serve bites of melon with breakfast

Just got home from tucking in the Viking as caregiver texted that she was coughing quite a bit at dinner

she was wide awake at 11 pm so I gave her a juice box and said our prayers

I had the left the door open for a little light and another resident walked in and grabbed mom's comforter - good thing the Viking saw her as my head was turned and I didn't hear her - we practically had a tug of war in the hallway- no wonder mom's pillows and pillow cases keep disappearing

Please put me on THE BRAT LIST.

You are #2 brat, Send, behind Gershun

My Mom used to get pickled beets all the time. Ugh!!

MsMadge, I'll share No. 1 Brat spot with Send!

Pickled beets are yucky,but cooked beets with sugar and butter are really good,kind of like candied carrots.
I love 'em,but my dH won't touch them and even if he did,he'd probably smother them with ketchup.

I used to turn up my nose at pickled beets but now I love them - yum! But the idea of ketchup on beets🤢

Being the only child at 46 and watching your mother go through dementia at 67 and as I drop her back home after she stays with me and our family for a few days. I cry as I watch her sit on the front porch with my father who is so mean to her and it bring backs memories of him beating her for over 15 years but she doesn't recall any of the beatings but I remember everyday of them as I see him. my father has nothing to do with me and it hurts me to leave her but after a week I need a break. I live three hours away and it breaks my heart but the courts decided to appoint a guardian and conservetor over her and they are about to do a home check. I hope they decide to let her live near me in a assisted living but they have been married 47 years. I hope someone has insight because I have read everything out there.

Hi tdk4auburn, you've posted your comment/question in an open discussion thread, and while there's no issue with that and maybe you will get some good feedback on this thread "Caregivers Behaving Badly," you would likely reach a wider audience here on AgingCare if you were to use the Ask A Question feature.

In the top left corner of the screen there are three horizontal lines next to the logo AgingCare. Click on those three lines, first item in that drop down menu is Ask A Question. Use that to post the exact comment you just made here, or reword or whatever, and ask the forum for input that way if you'd like to reach more people. :-)

That sounds like there's a heck of a back story to your situation, tdk. I second Ali's suggestion that you start a new thread; but meanwhile hugs and welcome.

In your situation only, I would like to advise:
1). Waiting on authorities to do the right thing by your Mom will not always have the desired result. You can help her by finding the AL near you.
2 . Keep in mind that a woman who has stayed with her abusive husband all these years may not be able to leave him, and if competent, may decide to stay.
3). Follow your Mom's lead, take her where she wants to go as much as possible. Show her the AL, as if she is choosing from many options.

Now that you have posted here on "Caregivers Behaving Badly" thread, you can come back anytime and we will try to lend you support for your difficult situation through the use of humor, acting out, and any other crazy ideas we can come up with.

On the second day of Autum, I suggest you buy a pumpkin pie, or eat chocolate!

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