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Thanks for sharing Gershun!
Now that I am on the list, at the top, I would like to share the top spot with everyone who has ever posted on this "brat thread", and that includes you, MsMadge, and Luckylu...................
I mean. E v e r y o n e .

Desperate for a little help here.....
dH has been collecting used paper plates, to my chagrin and frustration.

Today, I behaved very badly, and so he could see, I spit on both plates saying:. "Here honey, would you please put these in the trash?"

He was grossed out, actually said I was uncouth, obnoxious, and rude.

I reminded him of his favorite movie . "The Titanic " where Jack (played by Leonardo DiCapprio) taught the heroine, Rose, to spit off the side of the ship.

In later scenes, Jack, being the hero that he was, sank into the freezing water......

Just cannot see very well on this tiny phone, do we still have an EDIT feature?

That said, what I really need help with is a new neighbor, visible from my front porch sliding glass window.

Obese, outside in his shorts or hanging off the balcony. That is gross and no one wants to see this shirtless wonder, not even his wife!

So far, I have restrained myself from shouting out:. "Put on some clothes!".
Help me brats!
What can I do?

Don't look, Send. lol

But what is this "hanging off the balcony?" Was that a typo? He's not literally hanging from his balcony, is he? Is there a hammock or a tire swing???? lol

Edit: Using the Edit button to show that it's still there for 30 minutes after posting comments. ;-)

Happy Silly Sunday, Send.

Front porch, stairs, railing/bannister/balcony.
Bend over, lean over the railing. Only his naked upper torso shows.
Impossible not to see this in direct line of sight.

O dear, looked away and fell down two stairs......

Think I will take a picture, send it to you Ali. Lol.

Happy silly Sunday back Ali, on the caregiver's behaving badly thread.

How does one un-see something?

Guess it bothers me more because tomorrow is the full moon.

Maybe I will just show him how it looks, and have my dH
remove his shirt.

Just read about the balcony man. Growing up our neighbor across the street with a large picture window, walked around in just his white righties. Occasionally ventured onto the front porch in same attire. Drove my mother nuts.

I wrongly assumed his big boy boxers were hung out to dry on the balcony

Send...You could have your dH take off his shirt and go out and have him give the guy a sexy whistle....

Send, use a line my late brother used to use. Once when we were at my sister's place a couple they knew came over. This women was wearing a black, skintight mini skirt that was more suited to someone half her age. My brother turned to me and muttered under his breath, "It's a privilege, not a right" Maybe yell that out to Mr. Noshirt.

There I was thinking this is utter torment and I can't stand another moment of it, then I come to the CBB thread and realise I should be grateful for small mercies.

At least the hairy-knuckled herbert who has been driving me insane all morning - and will do for the rest of the day, no doubt - has not taken his top off. The landlord is having the house exteriors redecorated. They are currently doing all the windows. Herbert wants the windows open so that he can get to the frames. It is freezing out there - went down to the low thirties last night. I work in this room. I cannot leave the house to escape in case he and his idiot brother finish what they're doing and take themselves off. I can't stay in. I can't go out. He talks without stopping. I cannot understand what he says, but even if I could I doubt I would care to reply. The wisteria was in his way so he has painted that, too. I am in despair.

But he is decently clad. Thank God.

CM, I laughed. Since the wisteria is in the way, he paints it too. I've never heard that before. Herbert has a lackadaisical work ethics. I definitely wouldn't leave him alone! It's better to see it happening, than to come home... and be shocked.. on what he left behind.

It's awful, Book. The painters (we've also had scaffolders and roofers and builders infesting the place for over a month) are two old boys, in their sixties I'd guess but pretty weather-beaten with it, and my heart first sank this morning when I heard one say to the other "goodness that won't do! - do it properly."

Or at least that is my internal translator's version. What he actually said was more like "gurrsh un's n gud, do un' prarply" followed by energetic scraping off of thick wedges of old paint and rust (dropped on the ground, obviously, what else would you do with it). Whether that made any difference to many decades' worth of bodged paintwork I couldn't tell you, but it was certainly good and noisy.

From which I suppose we are intended to infer that they are doing their best, and in difficult circumstances because neither the project manager nor the landlord's agent thought to ring round the tenants and warn us that today was the evil day, so I'm the only one home and able to open or close windows. The other tenants will merely find that they now can't open their windows without the aid of a crowbar. Normally I am kind and friendly to tradesmen and will take them mugs of tea and ask them why they aren't wearing their face masks/ear defenders/hard hats, but with this lot I just keep wanting to run round and push them off their ladders - anything to make it stop.

My sympathies are with you, CM!

Painted the wisteria???? Oh dear. At least they didn't slash it. About 10 years ago I had many renos done on the house. I also had a virginia creeper which covered the east side of my (2 story) house and crept over the roof of the front deck hanging picturesquely over the side trellis and part of the front of the house, I loved it, The reno guys did some exterior trim and, in the interests of "keeping things tidy", they trimmed the creeper. No problem. The problem came when large areas of the creeper started to wilt and fall off the house. Ooops -they had slashed the main stem. By this time they were finished their job and were gone, and I was left to pull off the many, many, many branches of the dead creeper, cut them into lengths and dispose of them, I was not impressed! We planted another creeper a few years ago and it is finally gaining strength, length and breadth though I can't see any hanging branches yet when looking outwards through my bay window. I miss them.

I'm sorry you lost your Virginia Creeper Golden.It hurts to loose a bush or tree that's been with you so many years...I know,because we have a Magnolia tree were loosing that my Dad planted when I was a little kid,but we can't have it falling on the house so it has to go and I will really miss it too.
We Almost had it cut down last week,but the "Tree Trimmers" were scammers and luckily,thanks to the computer,we found 55 bad replies on them before we were taken too and when they came to cut it down the next day,my dH ran outside with no shirt on and yelled at them that we didn't want their work....(Creeps~)!

My former neighbour told us - quite proudly, in fact, how like a man - of the day his wife asked him to cut down a tree which had seeded itself in their garden and eventually got too big for its boots. He went to work with a will and a chainsaw and was through the trunk in no time. But as he called "timber..!" he realised that the wrong tree was beginning to topple.

His wife immediately reached for her phone and called their daughter. "You'll never guess what your father's just done - "

I still have my father's chainsaw and I have used it in the past to cut up downed tree branches but I find the idea of cutting down a tree terrifying - what is it about men that makes them never doubt their ability to pick up a power tool and use it without any training whatsoever?

Thx lu - Yes it hurts to lose a loved tree. My youngest son brought home a lodgepole pine seedling in grade 2. We planted it and it is now higher than the lamp post. A few years ago the city decided to put up heated bus stop stop shelters. The neighbor objected to having one on their lawn, so it was placed in a more suitable spot on the next block. However, the change did not filter down to the workmen putting in the electrical lines and they proceeded to dig up parts of our front lawn. And they dug a large hole with some auger type machine at the base of the pine tree, damaging the the roots considerably in the process. Ants flocked in as the roots were oozing sap. I got mad and called and emailed the city and eventually the lawn was repaired. Fortunately the tree survived though showed some signs of stress. What workman digs a hole at the base of a tree damaging the roots? Some surveyor had marked the spot with red paint so he went ahead and did his job without question. Dolts!

I am sorry about your magnolia. I know you will miss it. We had a huge poplar outside the house I grew up in. My dad hung a swing from one of the lower branches. Once during a family reunion my agile and somewhat naughty cousin climbed the tree and greatly surprised my uncle when he jumped out of the leaves into his shoulders.. Eventually it had to be taken down and the whole area looked bare,

Dolts and Creeps....dumb workmen~
Sorry your tree was damaged Golden...
I Love all the trees in our yard so much.My parents planted them all.My favorite one is the Tulip tree,but we also have Magnolias,Mimosa's, Oak,Walnut ,Pine, and a huge Bald Cypress tree.We had a Weeping Willow too.but it died.The Bald Cypress was never supposed to grow in Missouri but Dad brought it home in a coffee can on a trip they took and it's covering half the backyard and half the driveway now.It's just huge.
My Mother had a "thing" about her trees here and when City Utiliities came to "trim" them by the power lines,Mom would go out and Patrol.She didn't want any of them cut.Ever, We had one tree in the front yard that was dead quite awhile and Mother had the tree people make a Bouquet at the top and that lasted a few years and then the whole thing toppled over and now there's just a stump.
Anyway,yeah,the trees are wonderful and it's just awful to loose one.

I love trees. Shrubs also. Plants too. I don’t love the grass that has taken over my flowerbeds lately. Too much rain.

Yesterday I was doing yard work. Time got away from me. I ran inside put on my Astros jersey. No other reason than it was right there and I was in a very big hurry. Realizing my hair was sweaty I grabbed my Astros baseball cap and slapped it on my head.

When I got to my almost 5yr old grandsons school to pick him up he squealed with delight “Nana are we going to a baseball game ?!?” 😬

I will be back in a couple of days to change my avatar to my team logo like last year.

I hear the Dodgers and Cubs May be in the playoffs.

Lizzy, in my daughter's words I bet your grandson thinks "Granny rocks!" Way cool :)

An old friend's mother is apparently having knee surgery soon and I've heard through the grapevine that my name had been mentioned as a possible caregiver. Hm 🤔
I sent a message back through the grapevine that there are agencies that do that...🤣

Glad you got that misunderstanding cleared up!

Also, I read you use a chainsaw? You have all of my respect. I would not trust myself with a chainsaw on my best day.


Yes, grandboy thinks Nana rocks most of the time. It took me all of an hour to convince him we were not driving from Texas to Toronto to the ballgame.

There may have been some classmates that thought senile Nana was dressed in her Halloween Costume early.

It's just a small chainsaw and I doubt I'll need it since I've moved to town, that's just as well because the older I get the more I fear disaster😨.
(as they say - with age comes wisdom)


I wanted to get home in time to watch the Murphy Brown reboot tonight

still at work

Ms Madge, You didn’t miss anything with Murphy Brown. It wasn’t very good. I watched 10 minutes and gave up.

The Viking misspoke when saying prayers tonight and cracked herself up

our father
who fart 💨
in heaven

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