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Did I miss the Birthday party?

Happy Belated Birthday
to the dear Viking!

The Viking enjoyed her party as much as she could - sang happy birthday, blew out the candles on her cake one at a time (good thing I only put 3 on and not 96), and rolled the dice in a game of craps

not a word from Frick or Frack

Glad that was a success! They must love you there, being the one who brings in all the fun.

When I am old, and refuse to take the necessary medications....
Can you hide them inside a See's candy?

One at a time, please. Because what if I eat the whole box at once?

Since I'm no longer a caregiver the only person I have left to be bad to is myself - I had a doughnut during the social time after church today, was that bad or so, so good?

I brought donuts to hoca and am now at Starbucks which conveniently is next to See’s so I’ll be stopping by for a free sample 😂

They give free samples and they are next door to Starbucks - somehow I can't see how that would have been considered a good business decision....

Oh, and since I did not go to church, can I have my communion bread hidden inside the Sees candy?
And the wine, hide it in the Starbucks.


Talking about good business decisions......
Don't you have to buy something to get the free samples at Sees?
Somehow, I always feel an obligation......

HaHaHa, you say you buy out of obligation but we all know you really just want more than one candy!

Speaking of communion wine - ours is pretty good, sometimes I think they should skip the sermon and just pass the bottle😉

Yeah, more Sees candy.
It gets expensive, and Easter was so long ago!

I think that I could eat 5 lbs. of Sees in 5 days.

You really can't put too much wine in those little communion cups.

Run don’t walk to See’s

they have limited edition Black Forest truffles

I'd be running a l o n g way MsMadge because our mall behaved badly and took our See's away but if I could get to one,I'd have the Bridge Mix-it's my favorite!

One Easter sunrise service the pastor served hot cross buns as communion, saying take a big one if your sins are big. My son was visiting, and he took lots.

Nevermind the teaching(s) 1) not to take communion in an unworthy manner;
2) need to be saved to take communion, etc.

But, being conservative and believing what the bible teaches about communion-a serious thing for christians....I am still ashamed of my own irreverence here, and the pastor back then. I think that if I ever make it to my grave, I will be turning that one over and my grave.

I apologise.

I wish I had a See's lollipop right now. I wouldn't fit into much of what I have if there was one nearby.

Nearby is 1.2 miles.
Got my two pieces of limited edition black forest truffles.
Very good, very rich.

And, the sample was dark chocolate chip truffle, the best.

I did not buy more because you all would be watching.

Free 2 day shipping with Prime on lollipops. I did not have time to look, but something was happening with New lollipop flavors?

Everything is going to be okay.
I reported myself about the communion comment-it was too controversial because everyone does it differently, according to their own practices and beliefs.

Home made.
Choc, chip cookie dough.
Still have some.

Ahh...Where are my bratty friends? I am now starting to close the family western store by myself and I am feeling like I want to tear my hair out!!! I seem to need Send & Co.'s See's Candy but I don't think they have that here in the Land of Oz lol! Okay Boots is going to work now. Love you all!

Sorry to have left you all alone over here.
And for today, you do get a GOLD STAR!

I start to worry when one of us caregivers refers to themselves in the third person.
I think like that too sometimes. Maybe it is just another way to be funny?

Thank you for keeping the BRAT thread going. All the rats, I mean Brats, seem to have jumped on over to the "What's for dinner?" thread, including me.

The days are getting shorter? Or dark earlier?

Seasons change. As we get older, are we still going to be brats?

Haha on the 3rd person. I Blame it on the bongo drums! Goodnight Send and I love you!

Goodnight Boots, but Isn't it still early for a Friday night?
I love you too, sleep right.
Put your jammies on.

It's not Friday yet Send.

I ll always be a brat. They'll have to beat the brat out of me.

I promise to always be a brat,I owe it to my family.

Why, oh why, do I listen to my dH?
It has to do with his work schedule.
I knew it was Thursday earlier today.

I am going to put Send to bed early tonight, at least the third one of me.

Thanks Gershun, for the reality check.

Luckylu, Your family needs you to be the BRAT!
We know that some angels have to try harder to be brats.

I am so happy to be married to my hubs, and have someone to blame for my own confusion. Being a BRAT, I just know it is him, and not me! LOL.

Unlike me.......I find it too easy.

There's an angel in there somewhere. (Just looking inside my mouth for an angel)

Nope, not in there. Guess I'll keep looking.

I have always followed your example.....

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