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Well Mom had been having very loose stools for awhile now, Dr thinks it her meds ( I think it s the fact she eats little and drinks wine at night..LOL) So this morning I came down, saw a spot on the floor.. what is this? She didn't make it in time, so I cleaned it up,, no problem, she was mortified but we got past that. Went out to breakfast, some shopping, home,, again she didn't quite make it but got herself cleaned up, I did laundry ( Yes she wears depends). So a few hours later our puppers is looking at us , miserably,, so sad. Hubs had just taken her out for her walk. We are talking to her, and I got up to get her.. she pooped right by my foot! Mom laughed and said maybe the dog has her problem, or maybe I need to take mom out for a walk every few hours! Gotta love them!


That is too funny!

There is going to be a high stakes card game on this new thread:

Asked 3 hours ago:
"My stepfather has gone off the rails since my mother passed with gambling. He has lost $11,000 in one month. What can I do?"

Gargle with salt or baking soda?

Wishing all brats a Happy Thanksgiving Day, U.S.A. on Thursday 11/28.

If you are dining with friends or family, be grateful for the good parts of the day and meal.

Happy gobble gobble day, Send

stay warm and dry

should I venture out to Marie Callendars for a last minute pie?

Of course, pie! What kind? Go now!
Blueberry pie has antioxidants.

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is a parade and a dog show.
Your Mom will like that on T.V.?

Maybe there should be pie every time it rains in SoCal.

If there was pie every time it rained here in Vancouver we'd all be giving Jenny Craig a lot of business.🥧🥧🙄

You all have made me hungry for pie.
If I could have any pie,I'd have Coffee Toffee pie.It's my favorite~

The doctor is in.
I recommend that some people who need to should have pie.
A reasonable amount.

I have read that being too thin is a risk factor for osteopenia and osteoarthritis.

Some people. Not diabetics.

I am giving up my piece of pie today, so others can have some. It would have been pumpkin, my favorite.

What kind of pie are you having?


I hope that I don’t develop those conditions. I suppose I should eat pie then. I can’t gain weight. I’ve always been too thin.

I hate when people ask me if I am feeling well or if I am sick because I am thin. I never comment on them being overweight. Maybe they mean well but it usually annoys me.

I love pumpkin pie at this time of year. I don’t know how to make it. I make cobblers once in awhile. My favorite is peach but any fruit cobbler is delicious!

There is an ice cream shop by me that serves pumpkin ice cream. It tastes like frozen pumpkin pie! It is so good.

Still no pie in sight for me so I had a donut instead.... I even got a bonus donut for free because it was broken (I'm freezing it for later though).

Does my posting about giving up my piece of pie count as virtue signalling?


If it was a donut, I would not be giving it up!

I was a bad girl yesterday. I had an A & W teen burger and a Tim Horton's old fashioned glazed donut. Oh yes, and a small bowl of Hawkins cheezies. I've been really trying lately so I gave in. Now, back to being a good girl!

My husband has a sweet tooth that goes down to his toes! Good thing he doesn’t have diabetes. He walks everywhere for lunch. It’s easier than driving and finding a parking spot.

Been losing weight after all that fudge I ate, trying to find the perfect fudge.
Eight pounds. Eating fish too. Was not sure it was going to happen as the scales were dancing all over the place these past three months.

There is nothing like a serious illness with friends and family to scare one into healthy eating.

My brother said to eat what my hubs eats. So I have, even giving up the cheese on my hamburgers. The bad part? My hubs lost weight too, down to 138 lbs. He was healthy at 145. Maybe all those potatoes helped?

Gershun I love the Teen burger, IMO it's the only fast food burger worth eating.

Send, I'm still trying to decide whether it is better to watch my diet or to eat, drink and be merry. Maybe I'll do both on alternate days.

Santa is talking to a little girl on a radio show.
If I had a little girl, I would think he is kinda creepy.
Thinking way back. sitting on Santa's lap to get our pictures taken was not all that fun as a child.
The bright red face, the smell of alcohol on his breath........

I agree Willie. Teen burgers rock! I could eat one again right now. But I won't. Note to self: do not think about teen burgers, do not think about teen burgers...............:P

Send, I was one of those little kids that cowered and hung on to my mom's coat hem when it was time to get pics with Santa. Most of the pics my face was as red as Santa's from bawling.

Cwillie, a new diet plan!
Day one: Eat
Day two: Drink
Day three: Be Merry!

Repeat for every holiday....

They took my picture crying and screaming!

Be back soon, must google Teen Burger....

We used to have A&W Drive thru! Those burgers look so good!
Bacon too? Add advocado on mine! Nice!

Home from work.. here we go.. she got some Christmas cards.. shes drinking her wine.. so Hubs likes to give her the mail when she is more..sober shall we say.. so we don't have to read everything to her.. In the morning.. LOL she tells me she has mail but hubs won't give it to her.. so I do.. She is telling me she already got cards from these people.. ( I give up on telling her she did not.. ) then she tells me she has been freezing all day ( she has a nice heater in the rec room and the heat is on 72. )So she went upstairs and "fiddled with the heat,, she is freezing" So she told hubs she "messed with the heat and he went up and fixed it" Yep.. she turned it down to 62.. go figure! She is convinced he is freezing her out. I'll deal tomorrow, got her to bed. Next thing to address before bed is that Aunt has nowhere to go for Chirstmas.. heck Aunt has 6 kids alive and about 30 grandchildren, and I know she has at least one place to go. I tell her so,, nope. Then she tells my all the kids are coming to Aunts on the 24th for a meal!! That's is what we are doing as I work on the 25th. I remind her Aunt knows she is always welcome here, and I know she has a place to go.. NOPE.. Mom gets pissy. So off to bed we go, mad at hubs and me.. and this all happened in 20 dang minutes! I am drinking as we speak! Tomorrow I will try again, while baking and trying to things together!

For those faithful caregivers who are also celebrating birthdays in December,
or other anniversary events, check in here with your brat buddies.

My dH has a birthday Dec. 28th, and I forgot it one year because of Christmas.
I was trying so hard, mentioned it daily, except on THE DAY OF! He did not care much, as he already received his Amazon card and was shopping online.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you poor December babies, sharing your birth date with the baby Jesus. (Or other December Holidays).

My nephew's birthday is on Dec. 26. I know he always gets forgotten. We used to when he was young have a get together for him on Boxing day but as we all got older and more tired that kind of fell by the wayside.

So yes, Happy Birthday all you Dec. people!

Send- checking in, thank you and happy birthday to your DH
Gershun- I feel for your nephew, he shares my birthday, boxing day.
Birthdays surrounding holidays are always kinda after thoughts, but the older you get, you get use to it, I think, :)

Just as an after thought, HAPPY BOXING DAY!

Mwah ha ha ha.

Oh, I is your birthday too!

Luckylu, have not forgotten you!

LOL!! Happy Boxing Day, Send! :)

Luckylu is never forgotten.

She is priceless.

My birthday is the day after Halloween. Not as big a holiday but yeah............I kind of get it. When I was young everyone was tired after the big sugar rush from the day before. But...........I'm a big girl and never liked having a fuss made about my birthday anyhow. :)

Thinking there is a temporary glitch in the website just now. Posting duplicates. Not receiving a post from an hour ago. This may have been happening yesterday too.

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