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All okay here, Send, haven't noticed any problems. ???


Don’t you think after a certain age we should get to go back a year instead of ahead? Hahaha

I get scared! I have great aunts that lived to be 98! My uncle lived to be 96. My mom is 94. My cousin will turn 98 next month! She says she will make it to at least a hundred! I don’t want to live that long!

I think it would be great to live to be about 50, then the clock goes in reverse and we get to count down to becoming a baby again and it starts over! Hahaha Sounds like a sci-fi movie, huh?

Grandpa didn’t live that long because he was a heavy smoker. He was in his 70’s when he died. Daddy and grandma were 85.

Remember when we were kids we thought 40 was old?

Maybe I should start smoking! Hahaha

We should have started lying about our age at 40.



Chag Urim Sameach!

Kwanzaa blessings to you and yours! Light, happiness, peace, and prosperity
as you celebrate love, community, and family.

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy Winter Solstice!
It was the longest night of the year!

The Viking wasn’t happy when I was cleaning her fingernails this afternoon -
I ignored her pleas to stop so she bit me

I said oh swell now I have to get a rabies shot 💉

she said I’m not a dog 🐕

Merry Christmas MsMadge, to you and your Mom!

Merry Christmas to you Send, and everyone on the A/C forum

Another holiday at hoca in the books -
had takeout delivered and ordered enough for staff -
with the continued cost cutting, the kitchen never seems to have food for them - this was not the case in the past much less on a holiday - morale is so low

the Viking was still chatting in bed after prayers - kept her up late too

and to all a blessed good night

Were you a brat on your birthday, Luckylu?

I'm feeling more catty than bratty Send,sitting here in my new cat robe with cat ears,surrounded by my cats~

Thanks for all the nice Birthday wishes everyone~

I'm kind of liking the Fitbit's hourly reminders to get up off my azz and move. Unfortunately I'm going to have to work on making sure that movement doesn't include a stroll to the kitchen for a snack.....

No no, CW, that definitely counts! Only be careful to jog TO the kitchen, but only walk back especially if you have made yourself a good hot cup of coffee.

FitBits ShmitBits. One step nearer to implanted electrodes, if you ask me (what conspiracy theory?!).

I'm still getting over my surprise at an elderly lady I called on the other day. She needed very little support - all washed and dressed, and she'd made and eaten her breakfast before I got there - but she asked me to turn on her tv because she couldn't easily reach the switch. She then snuggled back in her armchair keeping a tight grip on the tv remote control and said contentedly "I never got near this while my husband was alive. Now I can watch what I like."

Always best to look on the bright side? I didn't like to ask how long it had been since she lost him. Sadly missed, I'm sure, all the same.

My DD got me a fire stick for Chirstmas,, our smart TVs don't like our Hughesnet. Hubs set it up for me today in my TV room,, I am so happy I can now binge watch things like normal people! IF,,, mom lets me out of sight without pouting for long enough.. I did get to watch a movie this week, and an episode of a show today! Yeah me!!

Well tomorrow I go to the dentist for a 5 tooth bridge ( or 8 tooth if another baby tooth comes out during the procedure). Hubs is dropping me off and picking me up, then hes coming back to deal with Mom, I am taking my kindle and my new amazon prime to watch movies between parts. Am I nervous ,, yep I am, but I am tired of dealing with a loose tooth and my lisp! So wish me luck! I am a baby when it comes to the dentist!

Good luck, Pam. Will say a prayer for you.

hang in there, Pam

if you can, pop a couple of Advil ahead of time to relax you

Well it went pretty well, not a lot of pain,just a lot of noise from drilling. And the dang tooth did NOT come out during the impressions, but it came out with no fuss for the dentist! I even got out an hour early. The bad news is that the baby tooth eroded the gum, so instead of the permanent bridge in 3 weeks,, I get another look in 3 weeks, then move on to the permanent one 3 weeks after that. I paid the dentist my big chunk,, then come home to a letter from Delta that says they don't want to pay most of it because its a "birth defect"! LOL.. I had all my baby teeth on schedule, then this one didn't come out,, so I could see that if I never GOT the baby tooth.. but hey,, I sure did! Whatever,, the dentist has been down this road before, and they have never charged me the difference, they just took what they got,, so I am optimistic. It is what it is.. But boy oh boy are my gums sore! And the temp feels weird.. but at least I have teeth!

I have to laugh at myself. I had my popcorn ready , sitting in my recliner prepared to laugh and be shocked at stories of Caretakers behaving badly. ie stories you’ve caught your caretaker doing.
Ha Ha. Didn’t think you were the ones behaving badly!!!!
ROFL. I needed a laugh!
Happy New Year

Playing chicken in the Costco parking lot....pulling in for gas, the other driver heading out in a big hurry, would have hit my car (hubs was on passenger side). So, I stopped. He motioned to go, but I hesitated too long....what, maybe a nanosecond, but too long for this hurried truck. We inched forward, and stopped. He started and I started too. Stop, start, stop, start. At an impasse, this man (who WAS in a big hurry) now is looking at us, understanding that I am not going to let him drive that way, so I am intent upon staying in his way.
We smiled, and did not proceed until he also smiled, gave us a thumbs up, so I went ahead....e v e r s o s l o w l y! Laughing.

Fortunately, he was one who had a good sense of humor, darn, I coulda been shot. I know better, but just could not help myself. Feeling like I saved his life today. Or someone else's. Waved bye, and Happy New Year!

What kind of popcorn?

Fight the insurance company's ludicrous denial!
You will win, and your dentist will appreciate it.

Most insurance companies will automatically deny at least 75% of claims.
(The percentage is usually much higher, but I am toning it down.)

Appeal it. Just asking for a common sense explanation may get it approved.

My absolutely f a v o r i t e saying is "What can be done with paper can be undone with more paper."

I don't remember if I made it up, or found it somewhere. But it speaks to me!

MIL has been a handful, increasingly since the holidays. This past week, we've had several tantrums, and had to call the police because she snuck out of the house while we were dealing with one of her messes. Once she was brought back, and settled back in her room (settled=throwing another tantrum), we installed door chimes on all the exterior doors. The "bad" part? We made her pay for it.
This morning, it looks like her gloom clouds may have parted a bit. And as bad as it sounds, it made me chuckle a bit to see her jump and squeak when she opened the door and it chimed at her. I asked her where she was going, and she said she didn't realize we'd put chimes on the doors. She went back to her room. She didn't have her shoes on, or a jacket. In 58 degree weather? I don't think so. These door chimes are annoying as fudge, especially when you have three children home from school who go in and out a million times a day. But, I think they are worth it if I can make sure she can't get lost in the neighborhood again, shoeless and coatless.

Hubs and I are relaxing at home, mom is at Aunts for a bit. Just heard a huge "BOOM" noise.. you know what our first thought was! But no,(old habits die hard) , and it seemed to come from outside. He has gone and out found nothing wrong,, no accident on the road, no trees we can see down.. the (few) neighbors houses are still standing. I went through the house,, nothing seems to have fallen. It's too dark for hunting ( so unless the neighbors shot each other in the backyard all is good there) Hubs is rechecking the house.. even our puppers was freaked out! Sonic boom??


Pam, wonder what it was? Especially for it to upset your pooch too. Hmmmm.

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