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Oooo, you just gave me a good idea for my bedtime snack. Are two glasses enough?

Two 8oz glasses seem to do it

Get Drunk and Carry On!

Goodnight, you all are very special brats. imo.

I wish I liked to drink. I never get that pleasant buzz everyone goes on about. I usually just get tired and grumpy when I drink alcohol. I need a vice........a good, non-sinful vice. Any ideas.............?

Carry On and Talk British?

Definition required for "Carry On".

Isn't carryon dead animals? Also a spiderman villian.

Maybe carry on is just baggage.?

If carryon is baggage then I have a lot of carryon. Not to mention the bags under my eyes from not sleeping.

As long as it is Louis Vouitton luggage, no one will notice the bags under your eyes. It comes in a backpack now.

I guess............or some cheap luggage from Walmart perhaps. I just got through feeding my cat cantaloupe. He likes it but seems mystified by it. ^-^

Your cat is a lynx?

No my cat is a ragamuffin. My other is a orange tabby. The cat in the picture is just a cute sleep kitten photo I downloaded.

I am nit much of a drinker but I have a bottle of Ruby red vodka in the fridge a little club soda and a fresh lime - ought chase down the rocky road I just ate

Good thing I showered yesterday because I didn't get one today - after 6 hours with mom to go to the dentist lunch and back to memory care only to find they still haven't received their order of diapers again - day 6 - despite the $450 a month they charge they won't send anyone to the drug store so off I go to buy my second bag this week - grrrrr

By the time I unload the groceries I'm too pooped to change my sheets so why put in a clean body in a dirty bed

Need - did hubby really aim at the pot and not the floor ? If so that's remarkable - men at mom's memory care just stand and pee on the floor - best to think this isn't so bad - it could always be worse - how I don't know but I'm sure it could

Good night friends - try to get some rest tomorrow - it is Sunday

Good Night Ms Madge, Good Night Sendme!

Nite! See you all at the 3:00 a.m. shift, if there is one.

2:00 am PST - the neighbors kids just got home and are hee hawing in the front yard

There is a nice man who plays the piano once a month at mom's memory care - he is a good sport as she loves music and seems to think he should know her nephew who played professionally - he always says he does - never mind he's been deceased 20 years

mom is happy while he's playing except for the dogs running around and people standing in her way and me not paying attention to every key he hits - while he plays well singing is another matter but mom sings along and I think she's making up lyrics since I don't know what the hell either of them are saying

So our sponsors have offered up another prize for the title of the song with this refrain ~ roll a bowl a ball a penny a pitch ~ which earlier today sounded like much differently

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..."

Was that the name of a song, or did you really get some coconuts?

But, not dismissal of any dutiescarryon means same as, as you were. almost. continue whatever you were doing prior to interuption.

first one more british. second more american. use military not requiring attention to superior presence.

Carry on my wayward friends.they'll be peace when you come home....

Winner winner chicken dinner
R u stateside ? Best chicken dinner is at knotts berry farm - I'll buy

For anyone needing a laugh - go to YouTube and watch merve griffin in 1950 do I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts

Ms. Madge, One more hour left in the last 24 hours-you still have time to get in that shower?
I did find the song/video by Merv Griffin-they were really serious about being silly.
Thanks for that game..

Beg to differ-best chicken is broasted, many restaurants in So. Calif. have it. Cwillie may live in another country, where all the smart people live.

My daddy is 75, he has degenerative disc disease, & spinal stenosis.
He's aware that his mind is "turning on him", but he's convinced himself that he can control it. He believes dementia is " hogwash". He's forgetting people he's known for years.
He's also losing the ability to reason, & figure things out, & understand simple things.
We have a farm, & his world has become taking care of all of the animals here.i will not put him in a senior living facility, unless it's absaluptely necessary ! How do i protect him from himself, & others who live here, & keep happy, & content ? He' s becoming paranoid about everything, & everyone

what about that ruby red .I dont drink alcohol. but might be interesting virgin.
took him out to church today.
He had clean clothes on .hurray said he did it. Hard to belive w shoulder prost. Wasnt one of xtra big tshirts..Had ride .So we go up street in car.
He enjoyed. then off to mrns group I held my breath and went to womens .
Our ride sponsor ost her husband to A.
well everything good.Hes hungry. so she agrees to stop Checker burger and his Dr Pepper and icecream cup.
Now he not allowed to snmoke . Asked to buy cig and lighter.
That did it.Over the topoutburst.

Since comsas no social skills.
like 2to5 y.o. soaks up and replicates whatever behavior around enviorment.
2nd coma on ventilator he declared brain dead and pulled plug. He sat up. Knew nothing but my voice.Left w frontal and parital lobes encelopathy malasia. Remembered NOTHING except my voice. hes still not dead after few more.
He was baker acted after being put on psych drugs.Though redoing everytime had seizure was tiresome. He came back with bafd habits and behavior.
Instead of I have a headache. He would swear one second praise next curses and deflamation.
I know it the inability to socially acceptable behavior he will work on it for a minute. Worse when hes stressed cannt say muwith out effort or losing voice,but the few words can understand well now.
The moments where is a hole to hide.
I tell him to apologize afyer bit of silence and saying apoligize again. and silence he does and becomes gracious about apologizing to our ride sponsor.
Susposedly where he is is nonsmoking. Issue.I had a nutsing favcility SMOKING considered an activity!
Only place can go outside as he loves. is imner patio enclosed where taken residents to smoke. So that when he get to.go.out.
If wasnt for me he would not getoutside.
And it like 80deg inside sometimrs little lower. single unit hotel type ac units says 60 always but never cooled room always stuffy .
Took him back to (susposed) memory unit facility.
Only little of peptide formula left . trying to at least let him habe one a day . His stomach bothering him or liver. Think the FTT catching back up Thiamine def. if so have to let it go. Cannt do anything. Benefit of doubt Thiamine diffency Worneki and Koskoff.If.I could only go off on him. embaress him. But he wouldnt understand.
Makes me feel guilty. Know its not him.
The confabulation was one thing. Anything he thought whomever was questioning him wanted to hear. How he rec.4 misdiagnosises.
zAt least hes trying to clean up.
His hair smells horrendious.stil thick yellow crust ontop of his head.
Haven't seen the one girl who gavehim couple shampoo
shower quickie.

Trying to get caught up on some my own medical.
Now review time for his. CR@!7!7.appt tuesday. hav to take him.
Never know what he is going to say.
Confronted him re the confabulation because if someone not know he is beliveable.
The good thing is most cannt understand him.execpt I slither under my chair.
Newest. facility co neighbor told him to ask for oxycontin for his headache. He did .I thought he would forget.
His doctor asked me puzzled.I explained to him the person coaching him to do it and to smoke marlborough and get a drink while out for this person.
This stuff is why I kept him home .
Exlposure to others bad habits ie the cursing one out whos trying to help response to being upset. or told no.
Just needed some sleep. Harder on me him being there but do get sleep now.
Need find 5acre yard he can wander in fenced.Had 2 1/2 ac one then he ended back in hospital (no Thiamine, FTT liver uti liver failure chf). praise the hospitalist who took him on after6 readmits 3 in 36hrs. And the parametics Firehouse 2 blockaway and sheriffs.who know all know him name and sight.


Really... what in the world...? No one needs 5 acres of fenced in land to roam freely in, unless they're a buffalo or a horse.

I have a dry dry dry sense of humor, so I'm chuckling right now... :-P

Good night, those of you behaving badly.

Carry on our wayward Son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

If you like broasted chicken then you may remember
Don't cook tonight call chicken delight 🐓

Good thing I did shower today - caregiver agency texted this afternoon as sitter cancelled and they had no replacement - this after an hour's notice last night that the overnight sitter twisted her ankle and cancelled - tonight I get a text at 9:00 pm that she still can't walk and they have no substitute for overnight 🙀

Mom started risperdal one week ago and is having some headaches and dizziness - was tempted to spend the night with her in her full size bed but left her memory care facility after midnight and am praying she doesn't get up her usual 3 or 4 times to pee during the night 🚽

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