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luckylu, yes Niles and Frasier Crane use coasters.


Pass the worstershire sauce

We have Chex mix for cereal and party mix


You are either a musical savant or a cheater cheater pumpkin eater

I use coasters, and I can be a coaster nazi... ask my daughter!

Ms. Madge, I think Luckylu is a musical savant.

Tom Jones or Engelbert Humperdinck ?

Wow, it's not every day a simple search yields such comedy gold. I searched "Shreddies," figured the top spot would be the cereal. Oh no, it's something else wayyyy more entertaining. The top spot is a website called MyShreddies, and I'm not even going to say what it is, but I think it's well worth looking up.... or I could just have the humor of a 12 yr old. I had no idea such a thing existed!!! Uhhhh.... I can see these particular Shreddies possibly saving some relationships. I'm cracking up!! 😝

Englebert Humperdinck MsMadge....

Mother always said"A bird never flies so far that his tail doesn't follow"
You got me Ms Madge,but it sure was fun while it lasted!....Good Game!

I'm not much of a pumpkineater....

Not that's a funny website - a purely British solution too
I once sat next to a young guy in a flight from Chicago to LA who would have been the perfect audience for this site - makes my eyes water now just thinking about it - he must have been to Gino's East before the flight - LOL

That's quite some owl, Send
I don't think Ben would like it 🐭🐀

Can everyone still smell peanut butter ?

The cardinals outside smell the peanutbutter everyday and fly in with their families to chow down.Alot of times the woodpeckers come too......

Ms. Madge,
Do you mean smell the odor of peanut butter on the forum, in our mind's eye, just thinking about it;
Or using it as a metaphor as in "I smell a rat-somethings amiss" "I smell peanut butter;
Or smell peanut butter when we eat it;
Or have we or a loved one lost our sense of smell and can no longer smell it;
Or, do you mean do I smell like peanut butter?????

Or do you mean "I smell peanut butter" because 1/3 rd of the candy bought for halloween was reeses peanut butter cups and I just ate some? Yes.

Do you like my cardinal, just flew in-Ms.Madge thinks it's an owl. Lol!

Or, were you talking about the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team? I just dunno anymore.

Pammzi, and everyone,
We had our first rain of the fall season-washing everything clean! In the middle of the night, dH gets up to put his bike away, like 3:00 a.m.! Loving the new weather! For those who have resorts, cabins to visit, do you have family gatherings up in the snow? Does your loved one get to go too?

Later this week, I am going to have to go get my pumpkin on. There is a thread started last year, Pumpkin Avatars for Caregivers.
Going to go look that up. It's a cyber party nearing Halloween.
I will also need to confirm the title of the thread.
Join in?

"Pumpkin Carving Avatars for Caregiver fun project"
Carve it, post it via your Avatar.

Luckylu, can you quickly learn how to change your avatar?

1) Click on 'Edit your account' over on the right in the "my account" section.

Then, come back for step 2.

Kansas City is known for their good barbeque.Springfield,Mo. is known for their cashew chicken.I wonder what Utah is known for......

Green jello Salad, with shredded carrots?

Utah? green Jell-O. I have no idea why.

Send...if I had a way to put a picture in my computer,I'd have a picture of Precious on my avatar so I could show everyone her rootbeer colored eyes.And your owl was very nice.Today,we had a rapture and I was worried it would carry Precious away.It sure scared away all my birds from the birdtree:(:)

Ok, there has to be guidelines, or I will be accused of mixing apples and oranges.

Is there a State favorite, known for, or are we doing city favorites?

I LOVE green jello!Utah has good taste!

Omg, Lu. I read rapture and thought for a minute you were taken and I was left behind, Lol. But you were talking about a bird, right? Was it big enough to cook up for Halloween? Oops, that would be for Thanksgiving, right?
So glad that Precious and you are still with us, though.

Wondering if they make green pumpkins.
Yours looks great, Panstegma, not scary at all, nice and bright, and clean.

Reminder: Need to post a message on the pumpkin thread so your avatar appears over there too, please, and thank you!

"Pumpkin Carving Avatars for Caregiver fun" thread. Search bar.

Not scary??? That pumpkin would bite your nose off soon as look at you! Just look at that evil grin, you can practically hear it cackling...

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